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The Billionaire Bachelor - Box Set: The Billionaire's Hunt - A Complete Ten Book Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

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by Sarah J. Brooks

  “I think it’s a good idea. We should run it past Sam. Obviously we would not have the killing in our little plan. But we could make this work.”

  “Oh, no. There is no running this past Sam. We don’t need to, we are doing this Robert. I’ve decided. I need a regular woman and this is the most efficient way of making things happen.”

  Drake was a very decisive man. He really didn’t like to sit around and plan things and much preferred to just make his decision and then move forward with things. He also knew that Samantha wouldn’t approve. She already hated how he had one night stands all the time; she surely wouldn’t appreciate his plan to have a bunch of women live with him for a week so he could fuck them and get to know them.

  “Well, you’ll need her help in picking the women. We can’t leave it up to you. You’re horrible at it.” Robert shoved Drake back as they stood in the lobby of their floor.

  Robert really did think this plan was a good one. Drake needed a woman in his life. All the one night stands weren’t going to get him anywhere in life. All the big executives had women in their lives. Having a woman around softened up the persona of a leader and she was also the perfect partner to attend business meetings and charity events. Drake would love it, Robert just knew it.

  But as much as Drake wanted to just plan it all himself, Robert knew he didn’t have time for that and Samantha was going to have to do a lot of the work. They were going to have to figure out a way to convince her it was a good idea. She needed to be on board with the plan before they could get started with it.

  Oh, Sam would do anything that Drake asked her to. She was an excellent assistant. It was her job to make Drake’s life easier. Plus, if Drake really wanted something he knew that Sam would back him; she always did. But getting her on board with the plan would ensure the ultimate success.

  “I think she’ll like my plan. Let’s go ask her”, Drake moved quickly down the hall toward Samantha’s desk.

  Samantha had returned from her errands early and sat at her desk and watched the two men as they walked toward her. She had to laugh when she saw the childish grin on Drakes' face. He only got that look when he was up to no good. She knew that look very well. It was often the look she saw just before he did something stupid.

  Chapter 5

  “What are you up to, Drake? I’ve seen that smile before”, Sam said as she met his gaze.

  “I have a job for you. It’s going to be a fun one.”

  Samantha hated when he said stuff like that. Drake was notorious for the way he went about business and life. Full throttle, non-stop without worry for anyone at all. It made Samantha very nervous. She lived life within the boundaries of rules. Yes, she had fun. She actually had a lot more fun than Drake probably thought she did. But she always lived life by the rules…her own rules. Samantha used logic to make her decisions and hated that Drake always seemed to not stop and use his own logic.

  Drake was clearly a very bright man. He ran his business with insight and creativity that Sam envied a lot, but Drake had an extremely difficult time living by the rules. Anyone’s rules.

  “Alright Drake, I’ll bite. What would you like me to work on?”

  By this time, Robert had also joined them and he was smiling just as broad as Drake was. Samantha was nervous. Robert was normally the level-headed one of the group. He typically could talk Drake out of things. So if Robert also thought this was a fun job, Samantha was certainly interested in hearing more about it.

  “I’m going to host a group of women at my house and have a fight to the death for me!” Drake said excitedly.

  Sam couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the preposterous idea.

  “Oh yeah, a fight to the death?”

  “Remember, we decided no death,” Robert added as he and Drake made their way into Drakes office and Samantha followed them.

  The three of them sat around the conference table and Drake tried to explain what he wanted Samantha to do.

  “Alright. We will have to work out the details, but basically this is what I need. I want you two to find me like five to ten of the most amazing women. I don’t just mean beautiful. I mean sexy, smart, basically the whole package.”

  “Oh, because that will be easy to find,” Samantha said as she took notes.

  Samantha had learned from working with Drake that she always had to take notes when he got one of his wild ideas. Often he would forget what he said and ask her about it, so she always took notes, it just made it easier on her later when he decided he wanted to do whatever his crazy idea was.

  “I believe in you, Sam. Alright so let’s just say you are able to find these women. The two of you will know who I’ll like. Then we will set up some rules and they will come to my house for a week.”

  “What will they do while they are at your house for a week?” Sam asked as she kept taking notes.

  Sam looked skeptically from Robert to Drake and then back again. The two of them were so excited that it made Sam smile as she waited for Drake to tell her all the details about his plan.

  “Fuck me.”

  “Oh come on Drake.” Samantha threw her pen across the room. “You’re going to go to all this trouble to find these fantastic women and all you want to do is fuck them?”

  “Alright, what do you suggest?”

  “If you want the caliber of woman you say you do. They are going to need more from you. You’re going to have to talk to them, have a date with them, and get to know them.”

  “Then fuck them?”

  “Yes, then fuck them.” Sam smiled as she wrote it all down with the pen she took from Robert.

  “He really does need to fuck them, Sam. It’s an important part of knowing if they're a good match.” Robert added.

  “I know you guys think I never have sex at all. But believe it or not, I understand the importance of having a fulfilling sex life. I just think Drake has to have some sort of emotional connection with these women. If we are going to do this, we should go all the way. Isn’t that what you always say, Drake?”

  Samantha was so right. Drake never did anything halfway. His whole life was spent pushing the envelope, taking things as far as they could go and then going even further. He wouldn’t settle for an employee that was mediocre and he certainly wasn’t going to settle for a full-time girlfriend that was mediocre. Drake needed a woman that had it all.

  As much as Drake didn’t want to admit it, he started to get excited about this little adventure that they were planning. Of course, it would be exciting to get to know some gorgeous women, but he was also excited at the idea of finding a woman that might actually be his match. He wasn’t sure she was out there, but the thought of her was exhilarating.

  “So when would you like to do your little matchmaking game?”

  “Let’s say in one week?” Drake said as he scratched everything off his calendar.

  “Drake, seriously? One week? You want me to find you a group of perfect women who can give up their entire schedule for a whole week and you want me to do it in less than seven days?”

  “Robert will help you.”

  “What? Me? No, no, no I can’t help with this matchmaking game. Someone needs to run the business.”

  “Oh you know you want to interview some sexy women, Robert.”

  Robert didn’t argue. It was a good excuse to get to hang out with some gorgeous women. He was a 100% faithful husband, but looking certainly wasn’t cheating. And boy did Robert like to look at the women that Drake dated. Drake always had the women that were so beautiful you didn’t even need to ask why Drake fucked them; Robert knew exactly why.

  “Are we looking for level ten women with big boobs? Or what are we looking for?” Samantha continued to take notes like the dedicated assistant she was.

  “Sam, I want women that will be my equal. I’ll let you pick some nines if necessary. I’ll let you pick any woman you think will give me a run for my money.”

  “Any woman?”

  “Fuck it. Yes. I l
ove women. I love smart ones, blonde ones, big ones, short ones. You find me a woman who has a sex drive as high as mine and a brain for business I’ll be in heaven.”

  “I think we should find some really kinky women. Drake isn’t going to be happy with plain woman.” Robert added as he sat back in his chair and thought about the women they should find.

  “I don’t know, Robert. A nice sweet girl with an MBA might work pretty well if she was open to experimentation.”

  “I like how you guys think. Go get to it. I’d like to have them at my house by Saturday.”

  “You want me to get started now?”

  “Yes Sam, now. You only have less than a week to bring me a group of women that would be perfect for me.”

  “Are you still going out with Rose tonight?”

  “Sure, what the hell. I’ll go out with her.”

  “Why don’t you try actually getting to know her? Practice for your week long matchmaking game.”

  Drake liked that idea. It would be fun to pretend like Rose was one of the contestants and Drake could practice going on a real date and trying to get to know her. He really didn’t do that very often in a real sense, probably because he didn’t actually go on dates. Most of the women he met were simply interested in nailing him and then bragging to their friends. After the sex, then they started to contemplate what it would be like to official date Drake.

  Sure he pretended to get to know women so he could get enough information to get them back to his place. But he didn’t often actually get to know them. It would be a good night to practice that.

  “I’m game for this date tonight. I’m going to totally knock her socks off. You just wait and see.”

  “I really hope you two hit it off, Drake. She’s a really nice girl.”

  Chapter 6

  Drake arrived at Giorgio’s Italian Restaurant totally prepared to work on his real dating skills. He was more determined than ever to show this girl that he could have a conversation and not just sleep with her.

  Secretly Drake hoped that Rose was ugly so he could concentrate on his questioning skills and his listening skills and not have to worry about lusting after her. Maybe not totally ugly, but just enough that he would be able to resist himself. But who was he kidding, Drake knew he had a hard time resisting any woman.

  Drake looked around the restaurant for a homely woman just sitting and waiting for someone. Typically when he was set up by his friends, the women would be so excited to meet him that they were always at the restaurant early waiting for him. Unfortunately, he couldn’t find anyone at all, in fact, there were no single women sitting around anywhere in the restaurant.

  “Table for Leblanc,” Drake said to the man at the front of the restaurant.

  “Oh yes sir, this way.”

  Drake sat down and ordered his favorite wine while he waited for Rose to arrive. He looked at his watch and started to get a little annoyed as the time flew by. When it hit 8:15 pm Drake was about to leave, or at least order some food and eat.

  Then he saw her.

  She was beautiful. Nothing like the women his brother typically set him up with. Rose had long dark brown hair and the perfect hourglass body. She had on a navy blue dress and stunning red shoes with matching red lips.

  Although she certainly wasn’t a size two, Rose was perfectly proportioned and very slim. He thought she reminded him of one of the Victoria Secrets models. Curvy in all the right places. She was a delectable sight to see and Drake knew right away he was going to struggle on their date. He knew his mind would spend most of the night thinking about having her in his bed.

  “Well aren’t you cute as a button” Rose said to Drake as she came up to his table.

  She had a southern accent that just drove Drake wild. He loved a girl with any kind of accent that was different than the typical girl. It was something special that just really turned him on.

  “Thank you, young lady. You are as delicious looking as apple pie.”

  Drake pulled the chair out for Rose and the two sat there and chatted a little to get to know one another. At first Drake went right into his normal conversation where he flirted and didn’t really listen to what she had to say. But then he started to think about his upcoming competition and he really wanted to practice getting to know a woman.

  “So how do you know my brother Devon?”

  “He’s a regular at my bookstore. We love to talk about old classics.”

  “My brother reads?” Drake joked.

  Rose got the joke instantly and laughed. She knew Devon didn’t look like the reading type. He looked more like the Playboy type like Drake did. Devon and Drake had been quiet the pair as they were growing up.

  “Your brother speaks very highly of you. I bet you two were very close growing up. Did you two get along?”

  “For the most part. As much as two brothers so close in age can get along. He’s two years older than I am, so he picked on me a lot.”

  “I have an older brother. He was an ass to me.” Rose laughed as she looked Drake in the eyes.

  He liked what was happening. There was an actual connection between the two of them. Certainly there was a sexual chemistry also, but the connection was making it a great date. For the first time in a very long time, Drake wasn’t hurrying to get a woman up to his bed.

  As they ate dinner and drank a bottle of wine the conversation continued to flow perfectly between the two of them. They really hit it off. Drake, of course, thought it was because he had finally put some effort into getting to know her.

  Most of his previous dates lasted about thirty minutes before things moved to one of their bedrooms. The date with Rose had already lasted almost two hours as Drake paid the bill and walked Rose out of the restaurant. But before he could offer to take her home, she had her arm up and hailed a cab.

  “I had a fun night. We should do this again sometime,” Rose said as a cab pulled up.

  “Do you mind if we share a cab?”

  Drake wasn’t about to let her get away so quickly. He didn’t care if he had to ride around in a cab for an hour. He wanted to at least get to feel her plump lips up against his. It was something Drake had never experienced, a woman who wasn’t waiting to come home with him was just not something Drake knew what to do with. He needed to at least get a good night kiss from her.

  “Sure thing, darling. Where do you live?” Rose asked as they got into the cab.

  “No worries. Let’s just get you dropped off first.”

  Rose gave the cab driver her address and then leaned back in the seat of the cab. Her eyes looked a little glossed over from the wine, but then again; so did Drakes. She looked over at him several times throughout the drive and Drake felt his body throb with desire for her.

  He couldn’t tell if he wanted Rose so badly because she appeared not to want him... or did they actually have a connection? It was all so new to Drake.

  “I really did have a good time tonight, Drake. Your brother did good.”

  “Yeah, I’m glad he thought we would work out together.”

  Drake just wanted a kiss. He wasn’t going to sleep with her. He was going to be a perfect gentleman, but he needed to at least give her a kiss goodnight. It was all he could think about as the cab made its way towards Rose’s apartment.

  “Well this is me,” Rose said as they pulled up in front of her apartment complex.

  “I’ll walk you up if that’s alright?”

  Drake was working overtime to be polite. Normally he wouldn’t ask a woman if it was alright. He didn’t have to, they wanted him and he knew it. This idea that he needed to get to know someone first wasn’t perfect when it came to saying goodnight. Drake really wanted to bring Rose back to his place and have some fun with her. His body throbbed to be inside her.

  He had just spent the night getting to know Rose and he actually liked her. It was more than he had ever done in the past, but now he had to try and keep it together and just walk her to her door and give her a kiss. One good
night kiss, that’s all he needed to do.

  He fought his urge to screw her and instead walked with her politely up to her door.

  “Thanks for dinner. You were a perfect gentleman.”

  “Thank you, ma’am. I enjoyed our evening.”

  “Now come in and fuck me” Rose said as she grabbed a hold of Drake and pulled him into her apartment.

  Her lips smashed down on his and Drake stumbled as she pulled him into her living room. His mind raced as he tried to figure out what was going on. Rose had turned form a sweet southern woman into a total seductress. Drake liked it, in fact he loved it!

  “Well now, I should probably get going.” Drake said quietly as he tried to pretend like he would be able to refuse her.

  He really did try the best he could, but Rose had something else in mind. She wanted him and she wasn’t going to stop until she had her way. Maybe he could have tried harder, but really he said he had to leave. That was more than he had ever done with a woman before.

  As Rose took off her dress, Drake couldn’t hold back another moment. Every manly cell of his body screamed for him to fuck Rose. He just couldn’t stop himself. His hands moved and didn’t wait for his brain to tell them to stop. Drake decided he had tried enough of the new way, now he needed to have Rose’s naked body next to his.

  “Ok, now that looks like an invitation for fun”, Drake said as he moved toward Rose.

  Drake pulled Rose’s naked body next to his and loved how her soft skin felt underneath his hands. She was curvy in all the right places and he was desperate to have her. Not desperate in the traditional sense, just desperate to let his body release the built up anticipation for her.

  “Let’s go to my room” Rose said as she guided Drake down the hallway of her condo.

  The lavishly appointed two bedroom was filled with fine art and expensive furniture. Drake realized he hadn’t really asked her much about her book store. He had spent the whole evening trying to get to know her; yet he didn’t know much at all. He made a mental note to do better on the next date with Rose.


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