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The Billionaire Bachelor - Box Set: The Billionaire's Hunt - A Complete Ten Book Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 20

by Sarah J. Brooks

  She looked at him like he was a crazy person. What kind of man actually hands his phone to a woman he hardly knows to answer it. He hadn’t even looked to see who it was. What if it was some girl trying to get a hold of him? What if it was his mother? She had never met a man who would so easily hand his phone over to another woman to answer. There was a lot of risk in doing something like that. It endeared Drake to her even more than before.

  Emily sat still and looked at the phone and then back at Drake. Did he really expect her to answer it?

  “Answer it. It’s Samantha, I can tell by the ring.”

  “Um, hello…” Emily said with trepidation.

  “Hello, is this Emily?”


  “Hi, it’s Samantha. Is Drake available?”

  “He’s driving, how about I put you on speaker?”

  “Sure,” Samantha said as she tried to hide her level of agitation. “Hello….Drake?”

  “Hey, what’s up?” Drake said.

  “You were supposed to lead the event tonight. I’m here at your house with the ladies and we were wondering when you would be back.”

  Drake made a face like he had just gotten in trouble and Emily couldn’t help but laugh. Samantha certainly sounded like she was in charge of a lot in Drake’s life. Emily had to wonder if anything more had ever happened between the two of them. Samantha was a beautiful woman; tall, brunette, slim figure. It was hard to imagine that Drake hadn’t gotten her into his bed at least once over the years.

  “What was the event tonight?”

  “Poker, remember. You decided on poker,” Samantha said in utter exhaustion from Drake.

  “Oh, yes. We will be home shortly.”

  Drake hung up the phone and instantly reached for Emily’s hand. He pulled it over to his lap and held onto it for the rest of the drive to his house. The drive was quiet as Drake thought about how they could get out of the group activity for the night.

  “Sorry, Samantha insists that we do one thing as a group each night. I promise we can make it quick though. Because I want to ride the Emily Train.”

  “Oh, we better make it really quick then. The Emily Train doesn’t stay in town forever.”

  Drake squeezed her hand and pulled it up to his lips and kissed it gently. He was perfectly fine with making a very short appearance with the other women. He felt like he and Emily hadn’t really had that much time together at all. The whole idea of having only 24 hours with each woman was starting to feel like a really bad idea.

  Perhaps he needed to talk with Samantha about changing the rules?

  Or perhaps it was a good sign that he liked Emily enough to want to change the rules. Maybe she was the one he was going to choose in the end. Drake did feel like she was a real contender. Her combination of sweetness and sexiness was exactly what he wanted in a wife someday.

  Chapter 6

  “Hello, ladies,” Drake said to the crowd of women that greeted him as he and Emily walked into the living room.

  The women quickly gobbled Drake up and pulled him in to sit down with them while Emily was left standing by the front door. Luckily, Samantha came over to her quickly and kept her company.

  “Did you two have a good day?” Samantha asked.

  “Yes, I took him to a charity auction at my work.”

  “Your work?” Samantha raised an eyebrow, she remembered very well where Emily worked and the playboy Mansion didn’t really seem like the type of place that had charity auctions.

  “Yes, Heff was doing a fundraiser for Epilepsy. He does it each year.”

  “That sounds rather nice. Did you both enjoy the date?”

  “I think so,” Emily said as she watched Drake with the other women.

  “Hey Emily,” Victoria said as she came up the steps toward the entryway.


  “Welcome to the day after club. Well almost at least,” Victoria joked. “These girls will push you to the ground and stomp on your head to get to Drake.”

  Both Emily and Samantha laughed as the three women stood and watched over the chaos that was going on in the living room. There were two women sitting right in front of Drake on the coffee table and another woman on either side of him. The only woman who wasn’t standing by the doorway or swarming Drake was Scarlett.

  “She seems pretty level headed,” Samantha said, sort of under her breath.

  “Yes, she’s a smart woman and doesn’t seem too caught up in everything that’s going on. I like her a lot,” Victoria added.

  “Me too. She’s been nice to me since day one,” Emily said.

  “Good to hear, because her date isn’t until last. I think she’ll be able to handle the wait, unlike some girls,” Samantha said as they all watched Sophia.

  Sophia, the redheaded bombshell, had just leaned in and tried to kiss Drake right in front of everyone else. Drake pulled back and twisted his head so she landed her lips right on his cheek. The women by the front door laughed, but Sophia certainly didn’t look like she thought it was very funny.

  “That one is a wild one,” Victoria told the other two women. “When’s her date with Drake?”

  “Tomorrow,” Samantha answered.

  “Be ready tonight at midnight Emily, I can guarantee Sophia will be watching the clock,” Victoria chimed in.

  “I will, thanks Victoria.”

  “I guess I should get things moving so we don’t have to spend the night watching Sophia and Drake kissing,” Samantha said as she made her way down to the middle of the room. “Alright, let’s all grab a seat so we can get started.”

  “Sorry to interrupt, but how long will this be?” Said Robert as he peeked his head in from the kitchen.

  “We can eat buffet style; just put the food out on the table, thanks Robert.”

  “We are going to play a little game of strip poker, how does that sound to everyone?” Samantha asked.

  Most of the women cheered as they looked over at Drake, but a few didn’t like the idea at all. Scarlett, the well rounded and put together one of the group, did not seem amused by the game idea. Although, she didn’t specifically protest. Scarlett just sat back in her chair and observed all the other women and the situation.

  Emily was also not that thrilled about the idea of taking her clothes off in front of all the other women. And none of the women should have liked the idea of Drake getting to see everyone naked, or so Emily thought. She was a very free thinking sexually, but she felt the jealous of the moment as the idea of strip poker sunk into her mind.

  “Robert, do not leave me,” Samantha said to her co-worker as he hurried and stocked the table with all the food.

  “My job was food. Yours is entertainment, my wife would kill me if I stuck around for strip poker!”

  “Drake is seriously killing me this week. It’s like he wants all these women, yet he wants me to manage them. Remind me never to agree to something like this ever again.”

  “Alright Samantha, I’ll remind you. But you and I both know you’ll do it again in a second if Drake asks you.”

  Samantha had to admit defeat with Roberts answer. It was true, she was a dedicated assistant to Drake and if he wanted to spend his time with a house full of women, she would help make it happen. There was a connection between Samantha and Drake that went beyond co-workers and much deeper than friendship. Yet the two of them had managed to keep their relationship professional throughout Samantha’s term in his employment. Surely only due to her own morals about the situation though; if it was up to Drake he would have had his way with Samantha the first week she worked for him.

  “Ok, everyone find a spot at one of the poker tables and let’s get started,” Samantha bellowed from the middle of the room.

  Robert flashed a quick smile and then finished loading the food onto the main table and made his exit from the back of the house. The only thing that kept his marriage going was how much his wife trusted him. She knew about what a playboy Drake was and she knew that Robert was pa
rt of keeping him in line. Robert knew for a fact if his wife found out he stuck around for strip poker; it would be the end of him for sure.

  “Sam, where would you like me to sit?” Drake asked.

  Drake made his way to stand next to Samantha and let his hand press on the small of her back. She hated when he did that! Not because she hated his touch, exactly the opposite. Samantha felt electricity in her body every time Drake touched her and it was more than enough to distract her from what was going on.

  Samantha reached back and gently pulled his hand from her back and set it back at his side. Drake was use to Samantha removing his hand, but he still loved the touch of her body and subconsciously always touched her when he was near. Sometimes she would let his hand linger, he felt her longing to have more from him; it was undeniable. Yet, somehow, Samantha always denied him.

  “You can sit right here,” Samantha said as she pointed to the table next to her. “I also need Scarlett, Cynthia and Emily at this table please.”

  The disappointment in the other women’s faces was obvious, but Samantha didn’t care. The three women she sat at Drakes table were the top of her list for him and that was all that mattered. Yes, the other women were great women, but Samantha had a plan for Drake and it had to involve the women that she thought would be best for him.

  Samantha wanted a long term match for Drake, not just a quick fix to his relationship problems. If Drake was ever going to settle down it would only be with a woman who had everything he desired. Samantha thought she might know those desires even better than Drake himself. Often he was distracted by the physical appearance of women and his lust for them; that made him miss women that he could have a real relationship with.

  Of course, all of the women were beautiful; there was no denying that. So Samantha had to look beyond the physical beauty and find the women who would build Drake up. A partner for him that could be his equal in every way.

  The rest of the women found their seats and Samantha continued with the rules of the game.

  “If you lose a hand you take a piece of clothing off, simple as that. Drake, would you like to add any other rules?”

  “Yes, if they don’t want to take a piece of clothing off, they can complete a dare,” he said with a mischievous smile as he looked at his table of women.

  “I like that rule. Ok, so either a piece of clothing or complete a dare. For you women who aren’t at Drake’s table; let’s try and get along. These women have a lot in common with you. You might try to get to know them a little.”

  Victoria, Sophia, Allison and Lauren looked extremely annoyed that they were stuck at a table together. Only Victoria had received her date day with Drake already and the other three women hadn’t had much time alone with him at all.

  “It sucks to be stuck with you ladies,” Lauren said as she pouted with her arms crossed.

  “We can behave like spoiled brats or we can show Drake and those other women how to have a good time,” Allison said as she looked at Sophia.

  Sophia had already labeled herself as the wild one of the group. Everyone in the house dreaded the day that she got her date with Drake. Sophia was constantly walking around the house naked and talking about how she is going to keep Drake in bed for the entire 24 hours.

  “Yes, we can’t be bitches about this,” Sophia added.

  Victoria just sat quietly, she didn’t really see what could be gained by her participating in the night of events. But she also didn’t want to be seen as a prude who wouldn’t play along.

  “Let’s just play some poker and have fun. Who cares what they are doing, girls just want to have fun,” Lauren added as she giggled.

  The four women started their poker game, but continued to keep one eye on what was going on over at Drake’s table at all times. Drake seemed enamored by his women and it was difficult to watch; for all the women not at his table.

  “Alright ladies, let’s get this party started,” Drake said as he looked at the women who Samantha had seated with him at his table.

  He was extremely happy with the group of women he had to choose from, but he was particular to the three women who were at his table. Emily had been his long shot, but the day with her had proven they got alone very well. She was much more mature than he had expected and he really felt a strong connection with her.

  Cynthia had caught his eye since the very beginning, she wasn’t the typical L.A. woman and he likes that. She had curves for days and she was smart too. He remembered reading her profile and seeing that she owned her own investment firm, that meant she was also really good with money. Drake couldn’t wait to spend the day with her, Robert had told him she was a little big of a dominatrix as well; that sounded like a hell of a lot of fun.

  Then there was Scarlett, her quiet elegance enticed Drake more and more every day. She didn’t seem to fit in at all with the other women; yet she seemed perfectly content to be there. She also owned her own company and had some kick ass breasts that Drake wanted to get his hands on. He thought Scarlett might be a little too subdued for him in the end, but he knew they would have a fun date at least.

  “You deal us a good hand now, no cheating,” said Cynthia.

  “Now, now, do I look like the type of guy who cheats?”

  “You look like the type of guy who likes to get women naked,” Emily teased.

  Drake didn’t respond and just smiled as he continued to deal the cards to the women. Scarlett grabbed her cards and looked like a pro as she sat there eyeing her cards and Drake, he actually couldn’t help but be a little intimidated by her.

  “So do we bet or how does this work?” Scarlett asked Drake.

  “I think if you want to play the hand we should have to put a piece of clothing into the pile. If you win, you get the clothing. Or we could play it safe and do a dare.”

  “I can handle a little skin if you all can,” Scarlett said as she looked at the other women at her table.

  “Then let’s play,” Drake said as he watched all the women start to take a piece of their clothing off.

  Drake took his shirt off, Emily did as well, Cynthia took here shorts off and Scarlett had a dress on which she took off. It was clear that Scarlett was going to end up naked the quickest out of all of them. She only had her bra and panties left to take off.

  “I’ll take two cards,” Scarlett said.

  “Just one,” added Cynthia.

  “Thee here,” said Emily.

  Drake took his cards too and then smiled. He looked at the women and then back at his hand, there was no way any of the women could beat him. Even Scarlett had stopped making eye contact with him, probably in an effort to hide her horrible hand.

  “Does anyone feel like increasing the pot,” Drake joked.

  “What do you mean?” Emily asked as she looked dreadfully at her cards.

  “Maybe throw another item in and sweeten the pot?” Drake said with a smile and he stood up and took off his pants and his sock and threw them into the middle.

  “I fold,” Emily laughed.

  “Me too,” added Cynthia.

  They all looked over at Scarlett who stood up slowly and slid her panties off, then she unclasped her bra and threw them both in.

  “If I’m going all in you need to as well,” Scarlett said to Drake, who still had his boxers on.

  “Deal,” Drake laughed.

  Everyone in the room paused to observe the little show that was about to happen. Scarlett sat down and watched with the other women as Drake slowly did a little strip tease and took off his boxers. He glanced over at Samantha who he noticed was also enjoying the show with the rest of the women.

  “Very nice,” Scarlett whispered. “But I think you’re going to be naked for the rest of the night.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that. Full house,” Drake said as he slammed his cards down on the table and started to grab the pile of clothes.

  “Not so fast there buddy,” Scarlett grabbed his hand. “I don’t know much about poker but I�
��m pretty sure my hand with all these cards of the same suit in order is called something like a Royal Flush.”

  Scarlett gently set her cards onto the table as everyone in the room started to laugh and talk. It was delightful to see Drake lose, both at the game and his clothes. The women couldn’t stop their laughing.

  “Well played, but I have a feeling I’ve been hustled,” Drake said to Scarlett.

  “Oh, you know. I’ve had some experience at a card table now and then.”

  Scarlett stood up without an ounce of shyness and slipped her panties back on and then her bra. Drake couldn’t take his eyes off of her, but neither cold the other women in the room. Scarlett was a beautiful woman, plus she had so much confidence it was hard not to envy her. She slipped her dress over her head and then turned to make Drake zip her up. Then she handed Cynthia and Emily their clothes, but grabbed Drakes clothes.

  “I suppose I’ll just keep these for now,” she said as she smiled and walked away with his clothes.

  “Samantha, is that allowed in the rules?” Drake joked.

  “Oh, yes. I think that is allowed,” Samantha said as she smiled at Scarlett. “Okay everyone, time to eat.”

  Drake just sat still and watched as the women rushed up to the table and started to load their plates. He was really going to have to go up there naked and he couldn’t believe it. He looked at Samantha for help, but it was clear she relished the moment and wasn’t about to help ease his uncomfortable feelings.

  The women stopped dead in their tracks as Drake stood up and walked slowly over to the table. He couldn’t help but smile at the ridiculous nature of their night, then he saw Sophia as she put a piece of food in her mouth and purposely licked her lips.

  “That’s not cool,” Drake said teasingly.

  “Oh, you don’t want us to get you aroused,” Sophia said loudly.

  Then all the women started doing the same thing. The slowly took a bite of their food and then sexually licked their lips as they looked at Drake. There was no resisting it and soon Drake felt his body hardening with their teasing.

  “Now that’s more like it,” Sophia said as she walked by and kissed Drake on the cheek. She made sure to take an extra glance down at his hard cock as it stood erect with excitement.


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