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The Billionaire Bachelor - Box Set: The Billionaire's Hunt - A Complete Ten Book Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 37

by Sarah J. Brooks

  Drake was shortly behind her and instantly wrapped his arm around her waist to steady her as he kissed the inside of her neck. It was a sweet and endearing moment between the two of them, which happened to have been caught by all the cameras that were taking pictures of the red carpet arrivals.

  “You look much more relaxed,” Drake whispered in her ear.

  It elicited a broad smile from Cynthia, and she couldn’t help leaning in and kissing Drake right there in the street. They hadn’t even ventured into the theater yet and Cynthia already felt like she was going to have the time of her life on the date with Drake.

  “Everyone is taking our pictures,” Cynthia whispered. “Do they all know who you are?”

  “Probably not, they usually just take a ton of pictures and then figure things out later. We will just walk slowly, take a few steps and then smile for some pictures. Then we will walk some more and do it all again. Usually, no one asks me questions at these things, but they might today. You can just stay beside me if you don’t want to talk. Okay? Are you ready?”

  “As ready as I’m going to be,” Cynthia said as she moved tightly to the side of Drake and held on for her life as they made their way into the fast abyss of the red carpet area.

  “Mr. Leblanc, Mr. Leblanc, do you have any comment on the rumor that you are gay?” one news reporter blurted out as they walked into the first area for pictures.

  Drake first stood still with Cynthia on his arm and smiled and hugged her as everyone took pictures. Then he casually walked over to the reporter with Cynthia in hand. He wasn’t about to make a scene; although celebrity events weren’t his cup of tea, he did know how best to deal with reporters.

  As he stood in front of the reporter, he looked like he was about to make a comment, but instead, he pulled Cynthia over to him and dipped her over his knee as he kissed her passionately. The cameraman panned down, zoomed in on the kiss and the followed the couple as Drake led Cynthia down the walkway to the next set of cameras without even a word to the reporter.

  “Wow, now that was a kiss,” Cynthia said as she tried to catch her balance.

  “I’ll do it again if someone asks me the same question,” Drake said with a huge grin. “I have a feeling you’re going to get kissed a lot today.”

  Chapter 4

  After continually being kissed for the entire length of the red carpet, Cynthia wore a permanent smile by the time they made their way inside the theater. It wasn’t every day that she let a man be in control like she had done with Drake. It certainly wasn’t something she was used to, but Cynthia had to admit, she felt happier than she could remember feeling in a very long time.

  “Wow, I think I need some chap stick,” she joked as they made their way to their seats for the show.

  “Me too, but that was one hell of a fun red carpet.”

  Drake held onto Cynthia’s hand the whole time they were in the theater. They walked side by side through the crowd and stopped for brief chit chat sessions with people Drake knew. When they finally made it to their seats, it was just about time for the show to start.

  Drake felt like their red carpet walk had been the best it could possibly have been. He really didn’t care that everyone wanted to ask him the same questions, and he sure as hell didn’t care that it annoyed them when he ignored their question and just kissed Cynthia. Drake had learned a long time before that the news cycle didn’t last very long, and people would quickly get tired of a story if you didn’t feed them additional information.

  “What is this movie about again?” Cynthia asked as she leaned in close to Drake in their seats.

  Cynthia just wanted another excuse to be close to Drake. She really didn’t care at all what the movie was about. They had just walked the most epic red carpet ever, and she was flying high on cloud nine from all the kissing she and Drake had done.

  “It’s a psychological thriller and has lots of sex in it,” Drake said with a wry smile at Cynthia.

  “Oh, there’s lots of sex? That’s my kind of movie.”

  Throughout the movie, Drake found his hand wandering up and down Cynthia’s leg. He gently massaged her thigh as they watched the film, but when the scenes became more sexual, so did Drake. He would let his fingers slide ever so slightly higher up her thigh before Cynthia pressed his fingers back down to a more appropriate location.

  When a dark sex scene came on screen that had the female tying up her man and blindfolding him, Cynthia let her hand linger on Drake’s thigh to tease him. She paid attention to the screen and didn’t look over at Drake, but she continued to slide her hand higher and higher until she felt the throb of his body under her fingertips.

  Instead of stopping Cynthia, Drake slid his suit jacket off and placed it on his lap to give some semblance of privacy to the moment. Cynthia still didn’t look over at him, but she did quickly unhook his pants button and slide his zipper down. She heard Drake let out a long deep breath as she pulled him out and let her fingers slide up and down his smooth, hard member.

  It was hard to repress her smile as she thrust her palm up and down against him and felt his body move under her. He really hadn’t thought the whole thing through, Cynthia considered. She was going to keep playing with him until he exploded right there in the theater, and that was going to be hard to hide from the people sitting next to him.

  Faster and faster she moved as she felt the drip of pre-cum slide down her hand. She waited for Drake to put his hand on hers and ask her to stop; Cynthia expected him to shy away from any sort of completion, but Drake didn’t. He moved his eyes to the movie screen and leaned back to enjoy the moment.

  It was hard for Drake not to thrust his hips in motion with Cynthia’s hand, probably harder than he had imagined it would be when she first started stroking him. But he had always had a fantasy about having sex in a movie theater, and the fun they were having was about as close as he suspected he would ever get; so he let her continue.

  When his body was ready to release, Drake bit his lip and closed his eyes, and the warm fluid slid down Cynthia’s hand. He had successfully not moved enough to draw attention to himself, but he really needed her to stop stroking his sensitive member or he was going to scream out at any moment.

  Finally, she drew her hand away from him and then her dark eyes glanced at Drake to see the power of what she had done. Unable to resist, he quickly grabbed her and pulled her to him so he could kiss her deep and hard. Drake didn’t care at all if his kiss was going to cause a scene with the other people near them.

  Kissing Cynthia was filled with tenderness and passion, which Drake loved. She didn’t pull away from him after a few seconds, and instead, she continued to kiss him just as long as he wanted to kiss her. There was a chemistry and comfort level between the two of them that Drake wasn’t sure he had with any of the other women. Perhaps it had developed from their hour of kissing each other on the red carpet or perhaps the two of them just had a different kind of connection than he had with the other women; Drake wasn’t sure which was the truth. All he knew was that he really was enjoying his time with Cynthia quite a lot.

  “You know I’m going to pay you back for that,” Drake whispered into Cynthia's ear before settling back into his seat.

  Cynthia smiled and slightly bit her lip at the anticipation of letting Drake have his way with her. She had never been so turned on by the idea of a man being in control of her before. She really couldn’t get over just how much she loved letting Drake be in control when they were together. Something about Drake seemed so right to her, and she didn’t feel uneasy at all in letting him take control later that evening. Of course, she still wanted to have him tied up to her bed for at least a little bit.

  Seeing Drake spread out on her bed totally naked and waiting for her was quickly becoming a fantasy she couldn’t get out of her mind. She couldn’t wait for the movie to be over and for them to get back home to his house.

  “I still get to play with you first,” she whispered back into Drake’s

  Her words elicited a massive smile on Drake’s face as he zipped himself back up and tried to make it seem like nothing had just happened between them. The movie couldn’t finish fast enough for Drake; he was excited to get Cynthia back up to her room and to see what all her toys were used for.

  When the movie finally finished, Drake was one of the first people standing, and he helped Cynthia up and pulled her close to him. Cynthia felt her heart flutter at how passionately he was looking at her. It was like he could see right through her and all the way into her soul.

  The traffic was horrible leaving the theater, and Drake was considering having another go at it with Cynthia in the limo as they waited. But instead, he decided he wanted to talk and get to know her a little better. So far he really only knew what was in her portfolio, and that was pretty minimal compared to some of the other women in the house.

  It was clear that Cynthia kept to herself and was very private in her life. Although she ran a hugely successfully investment firm, she didn’t have a lot of public information available about her at all on the web. Robert had even included a personal note in Cynthia’s folder commending her for her ability to keep her information private. It was a testament to Cynthia’s intelligence that she knew how to protect herself from the prying eyes of the public.

  Anyone who ran a company or had a semi-public life had to keep their information very close to them. Even well-meaning friends and family could let critical information slip to the public that could change your whole business model. Drake had a friend who was developing a new way of recording business expenses. This friend had developed a new app for smartphone users but was then posting a preview of his app to all his followers on social media. Within two weeks, a competitor had dumped a ton of money into developing the same program and actually ended up coming to market before Drake’s friend. It was a huge eye opener about the dangers of social media.

  Luckily for Drake, he had a whole team of people that helped him keep his mouth shut when he was supposed to. And even luckier was that his team were people he actually considered to be friends in his life.

  “I’m exhausted,” Cynthia said as she leaned in close to Drake and yawned.

  “What is your company doing without you there this week?”

  “Probably going bankrupt.” Cynthia laughed.

  “I hope not. Do you have someone you trust to take care of things?”

  “Oh, yes, I’ve got a good team. I just wanted them to avoid buying or selling during this week, and I’ve already heard they have done both.”

  “Well, maybe they made a good deal?”


  “How long have you had your company?” Drake queried, tucking his arm around Cynthia and pulling her close.

  “Over ten years. Finance was always my passion. I really loved learning about the stock market when I was younger. Now all I do is spend every day learning more and more.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, how did you get into the whole dominatrix thing?”

  Cynthia paused as she tried to decide how she wanted to answer Drake’s questions. It wasn’t like she was a total fetish girl and being a dominatrix was the only way she got turned on. But she did really enjoy taking a powerful man and being in control of him. There was something so sensual to her about a man who was willing to relinquish his control to her, even if it was only in the bedroom.

  “I dated an executive once that was really into it. I had never really experience anything like it before. I had fun, and so did he. We relieved our stress from the day, and I felt more connected to him afterward.”

  Drake seemed to take in the words that Cynthia had spoken and was thinking about them as they continued to drive back to his house. He wasn’t really sure he fully understood what turned Cynthia on so much about being in control like that, but Drake was excited to play with her and test those limits.

  Sex had always been something that Drake knew as fun. He didn’t want to limit himself to a certain style or position just because something was taboo. In Drake’s mind, all sex was good sex, and he was perfectly happy to try out new fetishes, positions, and experiences.

  “Are you going to let me tie you up to that bed tonight?” Drake asked as he cuddled with Cynthia.

  She paused and thought about it for a long moment. It was a simple question, but Cynthia had never felt so comfortable with a man so quickly. She really wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to allow Drake to take control of her or not, but she was willing to give it a try.

  “I’ll try to let you. But I’m not so comfortable with letting others be in control.”

  “I promise to be gentle,” Drake said, kissing the inside of her neck and then moving up to her lips.

  The taste of Cynthia’s lips on his had become very familiar to Drake, and he was more than happy to keep tasting them as long as she would allow him. Having Cynthia near him made Drake hard all the time. He loved it. There was just something about the two of them together that sent his body into overdrive.

  Perhaps it was the idea of her dominating him? Or maybe how she let him take control when he knew how much she liked to be in control? Drake didn’t know exactly what the reasoning was, but he was loving every minute of being with Cynthia.

  Cynthia leaned back near Drake and let her head rest on his shoulder as they continued their drive back to his place. It was a nice moment between the two of them, and something Cynthia wanted to remember.

  It was a feeling that she wanted to remember most. The feeling of letting a man be in control and not feeling fearful that he was going to break her heart. It was somewhat comical to Cynthia that the one man she let have some control in a relationship was the man who had six other women living in his house. But there were rules and honesty in the situation with Drake. Cynthia didn’t have to try to figure out what the underlying game was, it was spelled out very clearly in her paperwork she received before entering the house.

  Cynthia had been with other good men before. It wasn’t like she only dated men that she didn’t trust to tie her up. But there was always a game at play, and it was normally not spelled out quite so clearly as the game was with Drake.

  In a normal dating situation, Cynthia had to find men who were into S&M and wanted to be dominated. They were the only men that she found she could play with in the bedroom. Other men would say that they were interested in playing around with the idea of a dominatrix, but they never really liked it at all.

  Cynthia liked dominating her men. She had grown accustomed to enjoying a bit of role play before she would take her man and fully devour him. It just wasn’t the same when a guy couldn’t get into the game and have fun. It wasn’t as much fun when they were just waiting for it to be over.

  When a man truly liked being dominated, he got excited from the whip when Cynthia lashed him. His body would physically swell with the urge to explode more and more as she took control. The look in her submissive eyes when she told him what to do and he willingly did it purely to please her; that was what Cynthia loved so much about being the dominate in a relationship.

  Because she liked being the dominate so much, it was a bit rattling to her that she enjoyed letting Drake be in control while they had been at the movie theater for the premiere. She hadn’t expected that she would ever really enjoy a man being dominant around her, but with Drake, she did.

  Of course, Drake wasn’t being a true dominant. Drake hadn’t told Cynthia to follow him or abide him. He hadn’t prepared her for their trip by telling her what she could and couldn’t say to the press. But it had still been a unique opportunity for Cynthia.

  “Do you think the other girls will want to talk to you some more when we get home?” Cynthia asked without lifting her head from Drake’s shoulder.

  “I’m not sure. But I’ll keep it short. I’d like to give you all my time tonight.”

  Drake squeezed Cynthia’s hand and pulled it up to his lips. He had already taken away the whole morning from C
ynthia and had canceled the day she planned and replaced it with a day that Samantha and Robert had planned. He wasn’t about to let the other girls take much more of his time from him that evening.

  If he had to, Drake would say a quick hello to the women and then head upstairs with Cynthia. If he kept moving and didn’t stop for any long conversations, he expected they could be up in her bedroom by a little after 7 o’clock.

  “That would be perfect,” Cynthia said.

  “Actually, I was going to spend the night with you as well. If that is alright with you?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  It was the first time Drake had offered to spend the night with one of the women. Sure it had happened that his dates had run long and he ended up falling asleep with a woman earlier in the week. But this time, with Cynthia, he genuinely wanted to spend the evening with her. Drake wanted to be with her all night long.

  He wanted to try out all her fun accessories and leather straps. It had been a long-time fantasy of his to get to be with a woman who actually knew what she was doing with a flogger and other items. Drake wasn’t quite sure why it turned him on so much, but it did, and he couldn’t wait to experience a fun night ahead with Cynthia.

  “Okay, here’s the plan … you head up to your room. I’ll say a quick goodnight to the ladies and then be up there to meet you in five minutes,” Drake said as they got out of the limousine and stood in front of the front door.

  “I’ll be timing you, and you’ll get punished if you’re late,” Cynthia said with a sinister smile.

  Chapter 5

  Cynthia didn’t say a single word to the other women as they walked in the door. She just waved hello and went straight upstairs. There wasn’t a single thing she wanted to say to the other women. It was her night with Drake, and they had just finished an amazing date at the movie premiere. She wasn’t about to let any of the women get into her head before she got her alone time with Drake.


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