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The Billionaire Bachelor - Box Set: The Billionaire's Hunt - A Complete Ten Book Alpha Billionaire Romance Box Set

Page 57

by Sarah J. Brooks

  “For God’s sake just tell us to go home already,” Allison blurted out.

  The anger in her voice seemed so out of the normal from what Drake had known of her, it shocked him at first. She looked at Victoria and Lauren before looking back to Drake with an angry expression.

  “I thought we could enjoy a nice dinner before I made any more decisions.”

  “Considering Scarlett is out with Samantha, I assume that means you chose her. Why even keep us here and drag it out like this? Obviously, it’s Scarlett.”

  “No. I had no control over Scarlett and Samantha going for their walk. That has nothing to do with what’s going on here. But now that you bring it up, you could go grab your things, and I’ll walk you out.”

  Drake was not happy at all with how Allison had just blown up. That wasn’t the kind of woman he wanted in his life, he was sure of that. He understood that tempers were high and a little agitation was normal, but Allison had just switched from a nice sweet girl to a total diva. Drake didn’t need any diva in his life.

  Allison stormed off upstairs, and Drake looked at both Victoria and Lauren—there was no use dragging things out for them either.

  “Victoria, I’ll walk with you to grab your things as well,” Drake said without making eye contact with her.

  “Sure thing,” Victoria said sweetly.

  Victoria wasn’t throwing a tantrum about things, Drake could be happy about that at the very least.

  Allison could be heard loudly talking to herself as Drake and Victoria made their way upstairs. Both of them looked at each other with wide eyes as they heard the things Allison was saying.

  “He’s an asshole, there’s no reason I should have come here. I seriously can’t even believe I wasted a week of my life.”

  “She seems a little angry,” Drake joked with Victoria.

  “She’ll get over it. I’m happy for you. Do you know if you’re picking Lauren or Scarlett?”

  “I really am not sure. Please know that there’s nothing wrong with you or anything like that. I just felt a little stronger connection with the other two women.”

  The awkwardness between Victoria and Drake was thick enough to cut with a knife. Drake couldn’t wait to get both Victoria and Allison out of the house. It was going to be a difficult few minutes, but he was excited about the choices he had made so far.

  “I’ll be alright. I didn’t want to have to think about leaving my job at Harvard anyways. Who knows, it might not have worked out at all. I did really enjoy this week with you, though. It helped me a lot to understand what I was looking for and not to settle for anything less than perfection.”

  Victoria hugged Drake and then grabbed her things. She had packed very light compared to the other women, so when Drake took her bag for her, she only had one other small bag to carry. Allison was still talking loudly in her room, and they both looked in there as they walked past.

  “Do you think I should go in there?” Drake wondered.

  “No, just give her a minute. Let’s wait together. I can knock.” Victoria handed her second bag to Drake and knocked on Allison’s door. “Do you need any help with your things?” Victoria asked Allison.

  “I need a whole crew of people,” Allison hollered toward the door.

  Drake felt the tension of the moment building, and he wanted to say something but decided it wasn’t a good idea. One thing he knew about women was that they didn’t like to be spoken to when they were angry. And Allison was definitely angry. Drake waited patiently in the hallway as Victoria went into Allison’s room.

  “No need to help us or anything,” Allison said angrily as she saw Drake standing outside her door.

  He stood there with both of Victoria’s bags and then decided to make his way downstairs to drop them off so he could come back up and help with Allison’s.

  “How are things going?” Robert asked.

  “Don’t ask. Let’s just get these two on their way. Can you get two cars outside and ready please.”


  Drake already had one car on standby to grab each of the women when they left, and it wouldn’t take more than a phone call to get a second black sedan there for Allison to leave. Drake felt the tension building as he climbed the stairs again and waited for Victoria to hand him a couple of the bags. He certainly wasn’t lazy and had no problem carrying everything if that made the women happy.

  Drake hated the feeling he was having as he walked each of the women out of his house. It felt like he was forgetting all about them, moving on with someone else and not appreciating that they had come and spent the week with him. He didn’t want them to feel like that, but he couldn’t figure out a way to spin things so they weren’t so damn tense. Each of the women wanted to be there. They had each left their life to come and be at his house and give him a chance, he really did appreciate that they had put in that effort.

  “So he’s kicking you out too?” Allison said to Victoria as the group made their way down the stairs and out to the front drive.

  “Allison, you had a good week. Don’t ruin it now. He’s a powerful man, and you don’t want to burn that bridge.”

  “Ugh, I’m just not politically correct. I can’t be. I knew this whole thing was going to end in disaster. I just knew it.”

  “Well, take a few deep breaths and try to end things nicely. You don’t need another person in the world not liking you.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Allison said defensively.

  “Just go say goodbye to Drake,” Victoria said calmly.

  Reluctantly, Allison walked over to Drake with her eyes fixed on the ground. Allison seemed like a child as she stood in front of Drake and refused to look up at him. He couldn’t help feeling sad for her. Whatever the results of the week were, Drake had really enjoyed his time with Allison.

  He grabbed her chin gently and lifted it up to force her to look at him.

  “I enjoyed meeting you. Someday, you’ll find your prince; it’s just not me.”

  “Thank you; I’m sorry for the tantrum. I just really thought you were going to pick me.”

  Drake felt the guilt of the moment build up again. Of course, she thought he was going to pick her, they all thought that. He was crushing their dreams to find his own dreams. It wasn’t a great feeling, and Drake hated that these women were going to leave and feel like their week had been wasted on him. It hadn’t been wasted, Drake knew it and wished they could see it as well.

  “Allison and Victoria ...” Drake looked at Victoria to have her come over and talk with them. “You two women are amazing. I hope we can remain friends, and I’d love to hear updates about your lives when you feel like it.”

  “Thank you, Drake, it was great getting to know you. We wish you all the best,” Victoria said as she grabbed Allison and walked her to the car containing her things.

  As Allison’s car pulled away, Victoria gave Drake one last hug and then went to her car. Drake finally breathed a sigh of relief as both cars drove away, and he was left with just Lauren in the house and Scarlett, who was still out for a walk with Samantha.

  “I’m going to head out for the night,” Robert said from behind Drake. “I think you and Sam can handle the final touches. Right?”

  “Yes, thanks for everything, Robert. I’ll see you Monday.”

  “I’ll get started on planning my all expenses paid vacation,” Robert said as he shook hands with Drake.

  Chapter 7

  “So it’s almost over,” Lauren said with a bright smile as Drake made his way back into the house.

  It was nice to be alone with her for a few minutes at least before Samantha and Scarlett came back from their walk. Lauren was fun and light-hearted to be with. It felt natural when they were together, and Drake wanted to see if there were any clues that would give him an idea if he should pick Lauren or Scarlett.

  The truth was that Drake hadn’t even slept with Scarlett yet, but he felt chemistry with her that was stronger than with Lauren.
But Drake had slept with Lauren, and the sexual chemistry had been pretty damn good between them. He drew in a deep breath as the decision weighed heavy on him.

  “Yes, it’s been a long day for sure. I’m glad you and I get a moment to talk before the ladies get back.”

  “You know, this whole exercise was pretty amazing. Like something out of a television show. I’m glad I got to be a part of it. Even if you don’t pick me, this was a great week and a really fun opportunity.”

  It was as if Lauren was giving Drake the out he needed if he wasn’t going to choose her, but the thing about it was … Drake might choose Lauren. He could see what his life would be like with Lauren, and Drake really liked it.

  Lauren was relaxed and spent a lot of her time outdoors. She was certainly one of the happiest women he had ever met. She was successful in her industry and got to have fun surfing as part of her job. Drake admired Lauren’s life, and he really thought that he could make his life and hers blend well together.

  “I know some of the ladies don’t get it, but I really did need to meet you all. I needed to grow these intimate relationships as I searched for a little more meaning in my life. I’m so glad you came here and glad the other women came as well.”

  Drake plopped himself onto the couch and closed his eyes out of utter exhaustion. He wanted to just sleep for hours and hours as soon as the final decision was made. But he knew that wasn’t going to happen either. After the final girl was left there with him, Drake was going to want her in his bed for fun all night long.

  His thoughts drifted to Scarlett. He hadn’t actually made love to her on their date, but Drake had tasted her, he had touched her, he wanted to feel Scarlett’s naked body under him as he thrust inside of her. Even as Lauren sat down next to him on the couch, Drake felt himself being drawn to thinking about Scarlett.

  He wasn’t sure if it was enough of a draw to choose Scarlett over Lauren, though. As soon as Scarlett got back from her walk, Drake was going to pull her aside and talk to her. He needed to talk to her before he made his decision. Maybe during their conversation, he would feel something that told him which woman he should pick.

  “I’m exhausted too,” Lauren said as she cuddled up next to Drake. “I guess we need to wait for Scarlett to get back for you to make your final decision.”

  “Yeah, let’s just close our eyes and rest,” Drake joked, although he was totally serious.

  “I’m game if you are.”

  Lauren and Drake both closed their eyes as they waited for Scarlett and Samantha to get back. The level of exhaustion that Drake felt from his week was beyond overwhelming. He couldn’t imagine even being able to stay awake past ten o’clock, but he imagined there would be a surge of energy after he made his final decision.

  What had started as a quick closing of their eyes, turned into Lauren and Drake being totally asleep when Scarlett and Samantha arrived back at the house about twenty minutes later. The two women came in loudly, unaware that it was apparently naptime.

  “I’m starving, we should make some smoothies,” Samantha said when she flung the door open.

  Drake and Lauren quickly woke up and tried to pretend like they hadn’t been sleeping, but it was no use. They had sleepy eyes and messy hair from their short nap.

  “Well, at least you got a nap in.” Scarlett laughed as she followed Samantha into the kitchen.

  “How was your walk?” Drake asked.

  “It was good. It’s a beautiful day out.”

  “Could I steal you away for a little bit?” Drake asked Scarlett.

  The look on her face surprised him, and he felt like she didn’t really want to talk with him at all. His gut spun with sickness as he looked from Scarlett to Samantha. He didn’t want to be that jealous jerk who always thought something was going on, but there definitely seemed to be something going on between Samantha and Scarlett.

  “Of course,” Scarlett said as her sweet facial expression reappeared.

  The two of them went out to the pool and grabbed a couple of lounge chairs near the water. Drake felt nervous as he sat there with Scarlett. She was beautiful and sexy and made him want to be the best man he could be. Hell, being around Scarlett made him want to be a better man than he was.

  “So I had a great time with you yesterday,” Drake said as he let his hand slide up and down her bare legs.

  “Yes, I did too. I’m so glad we got a chance to have time just the two of us. I’m also glad I got that building.”

  Drake saw Scarlett light up as she talked about her new office in Los Angeles. It was absolutely perfect to think that she would be opening up a firm right there in his town. She didn’t travel as much as Lauren, and Scarlett was a business professional like he was.

  “When do you think you’ll start the new firm out here?”

  “I’m not sure, probably a few months. I’m not in a big hurry; now that I own the building, I’ll take my time with the scheduling. Can I ask you something?” Scarlett said somberly.

  “Of course, anything.”

  “Did you and Samantha kiss?”

  Drake felt his worse fear getting close to coming true. Scarlett and Samantha had talked about him, he just knew it. But there was no use in arguing. He didn’t want to start anything off as a lie.

  “Yes, we have been working together for a long time. It wasn’t meant to be, though. We are better as co-workers. Nothing more.”

  Scarlett looked at Drake with her big brown eyes, and he melted into her. She was beautiful and sexy in her white sundress. He wanted to kiss her and moved close as he got ready to, but Scarlett moved away from him just as he leaned in.

  “Let’s just talk for a little bit, is that alright with you?”

  “Sure,” Drake said in a disappointment tone. “What would you like to talk about?”

  “How did your week go? Was it everything you had hoped for?”

  Drake had to think about her question for a moment. The week had been very good, he had enjoyed almost every aspect of it. But as he sat there with Scarlett, he could think of at least one thing that hadn’t gone very well. He hadn’t gotten to have his way with her. He certainly couldn’t tell Scarlett what he really thought, though.

  “It was a good week. I think everything went better than I had thought it was going to. I certainly thought everyone was going to be fighting all week long. So it was nice that you girls were able to get along at least a little bit. It was also sad that Sofia had her appendix rupture, of course, I couldn’t have expected that.”

  Scarlett just nodded her head in agreement as Drake talked. There seemed to be something on her mind, something that she was trying to say but didn’t get out at all.

  “I really enjoyed meeting all the women; it was a good week. And I enjoyed our date yesterday too.”

  “Do you think you’ll end up living out here while you set up your new office?”

  “Yeah, I really like it out here, and I think Sam and I will be friends, so it will be nice to have her around.”

  “I’m sorry for everything that went down earlier. I really do want you guys to be friends. Samantha had just put some weird ideas in my head, and I ran with them.”

  “It’s okay; I know how men are,” Scarlett said slyly as she glanced at Drake out of the corner of her eyes.

  Scarlett moved a little closer to Drake, and he felt that familiar chemistry light up between them. Her leg gently touched his, and he wanted to slide her on top of him and fuck her right there. His desire to be with her was so strong that he didn’t even care that Lauren and Samantha were right inside the house.

  “There was one thing you and I didn’t quite get to.” Drake winked.

  “Oh, yeah, what’s that?”

  “You know; don’t play totally innocent with me.”

  Scarlett just laughed off Drake’s comment and moved a little closer to him. She looked at him with wide eyes and seemed to be waiting for him to say or do something. He wasn’t exactly sure what she was waiting for, but
he decided to lean in and kiss her.

  His lips pressed gently to Scarlett’s, and he moved on and off her skin in the smallest of movements. Drake wanted to feel that amazing spark like he had felt on his date, but something seemed to be missing. Or maybe Scarlett was mad at him because of the kiss with Samantha? He wasn’t sure, but something wasn’t quite right.

  Drake wasn’t ready to give up on Scarlett, though. He continued kissing her and placed his hand gently on her cheek as he stroked it in motion with their kisses. Scarlett was kissing him; she certainly wasn’t pulling away, and Drake started to think that everything was really in his head, and she was absolutely fine.

  Their tender kisses continued for several minutes. Sometimes they let their tongues slide into each other and other times they sweetly pecked at each other’s lips. Drake wanted to talk more to Scarlett, but he wasn’t about to give up the kissing that was going on.

  Finally, when both of their lips were chapped, Scarlett pulled away from him and sweetly suggested they go back inside. It was getting cold out, and Drake was fine with the idea, but he knew it meant that he would have to make his decision soon.

  Scarlett was the whole package, though; he didn’t care if things seemed a little awkward between them at that moment. He knew they had passion for each other. He knew that Scarlett would make him happy. As they walked through the doors and saw Samantha and Lauren sitting on the couch together, Drake was resolute to his plan. He was going to announce that Scarlett was the woman he picked.

  Drake just had to figure out his wording so Lauren wouldn’t feel horrible. But then as he looked at Lauren, Drake started to second guess his decision. Lauren didn’t have any awkwardness at all. The two of them got along great and had sexual chemistry.

  Chapter 8

  “Okay ladies, I have an announcement,” Drake said boldly as he stood up in front of Scarlett, Samantha, and Lauren.

  The three women all looked up at him and waited to see what he had to say. Drake felt the pressure of the moment as their eyes stared at him. But he had made his mind up; Scarlett was the one he was picking, and that was the end of it. He just had to get through the part where he announced it without hurting Lauren too much.


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