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Page 5

by Measha Stone

  “No.” She jerked her head to the side, looking away from him, but he saw the moisture on her lips. She’d licked them, and he’d missed it.

  “Then this will be a first for you. Bend over the bed, stretch your arms over your head, and spread your feet shoulder width apart.”

  Her eyes darkened and widened with her hitched breath. She tried to shake her head, but he stopped her easily enough by wrapping her hair around his fist and holding her steady.

  “You were a naughty girl going through my things, not coming to dinner, and trying to lock me out of my own room. For all those things, you’re being punished.”

  Her lips parted. An excuse? A plea? He didn’t wait to find out. Shoving her hard, he pushed her face into the thick quilt of his bed and kicked her foot out until she was spread for him.

  She tried to get up, but he splayed his hand across her shoulder blades and kept her pinned.

  “Arms. Now.” He pressed harder against her back, letting his nails dig into her flawless skin.

  She cried out and still scrambled to get out of his grip, but he only dug deeper into her. He would not relent, and if it took drawing her blood, she would learn it.

  “Now, Ellie.” He leaned over her, bringing his mouth to her ear. Her hair covered her face, but it wouldn’t be much of a barrier. “Do as your told, or you won’t get to learn lesson two. And trust me, you’ll like lesson two.”

  When she didn’t respond, but didn’t move her arms, he nudged her hair from her face with his nose and captured her earlobe between his teeth.

  She yielded when he bit down, and slowly, with more effort than it should take anyone to move their limbs, she positioned her arms over hear head.

  “One hand on top of the other,” he instructed, still holding her earlobe hostage. With another huff, she slapped her right palm over her left hand.

  The fight wasn’t completely gone from her, and he would do everything in his power to make sure her bright light never died. But obedience was required, and when one of his girls was naughty, they were punished.

  Simple. Just that simple.

  He kept her pinned with his hand and shifted until he sat beside her on the bed.

  “If you move it doesn’t count, if you try to get up it doesn’t count, and if you swear it doesn’t count. Do you understand, Ellie?” She wouldn’t face him, and he decided to let her hide, just this once.

  “No. I don’t understand any of this.” Her protest came hard, but her ass clenched when he pressed the leather to her cheeks.

  “I think you understand well enough. You were a bad girl, so you’re getting a spanking. You can thank me later for being lenient and only giving you a little paddling.”

  Before she could start fighting him again, he brought the paddle back and swatted the upcurve of her ass. She yelped, but he was too fascinated with the bounce of her cheeks to care. Another swat, the other cheek, and then he returned to the original. He continued this way, one then the other, moving his swats all around her ass before repeating the strokes.

  What started out as a little groan grew to soft pleas for him to stop. Her creamy complexion quickly morphed into hot crimson.

  He listened to her breathing patterns, guarded her muscle reactions to each swat to show him when she was reaching her limit.

  Ellie, he found with great pleasure, had a higher threshold than he would have given her credit for.

  She wiggled harder, and he had to move from restraining with just his hand to using his forearm across her back while continuing to rain down the punishing strokes.

  “Please! Oh! I’m sorry!” She pushed up onto her toes, which only gave him a better view. Her pussy, so plump and ready for him, was also coated in her juices.

  Innocent his ass.

  “If you have questions, you ask me. If you want to see something, you ask permission. If you ever think of hiding away and locking me out, remember this.” He brought the paddle down in a hard stroke, and she lifted one leg in the air with her cry.

  “Okay! Okay!” she cried. Her fingers dug into the quilt, and her ass continued to bounce as her skin reddened beneath the punishing implement.

  With one last swat to her thigh, he ended the spanking and rested the paddle on her back. Her shoulders shook with her soft sobs, but he could see it for what it was. Embarrassment. He’d spanked her hard, but not enough to elicit such tremors.

  He reminded himself it was punishment, and he would not rub away the fire surely burning in her ass. Instead, he dragged his nails lightly over the tender flesh, smiling to himself over the hissing sound she made at the new sensation.

  “Such a beautiful ass, Ellie.” He slapped her once more and sat back, releasing her from his fetter. “But if I have to punish you again for locking me out, or you snoop, you’ll have marks from my belt on it for days. Do you hear me? Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She nodded, not moving her hands or her feet from their positions.

  “Good.” He patted her backside lightly and stood. “Then, on to lesson number two. Stand up, hands behind your head and legs spread wide.”

  He snagged the paddle and returned to his drawer of toys to gather up the second instrument of the night.



  Lesson two?

  She barely had her breath under control from the first lesson, and her ass throbbed. Thinking he’d only give her a few swats, a little spanking as a symbol of his power over her, a chest-thumping ceremony, she hadn’t fought enough to get out of the spanking.

  She’d been wrong. When it came to Ash, it appeared everything she thought she knew was wrong.

  The paddling had been relentless, and her swollen backside proved it. She just knew when she finally got in front of a mirror she’d find purple splotches, but she wasn’t being freed just yet. He wanted to teach her another lesson.

  But he had said she would like this one. Too many emotions and sensations ran through her to understand what he babbled on about as he walked around the room.

  Even with the heat in her ass, the real fire, the one needing the most taming, raged between her legs. What the hell was happening to her? How could this man with his long hair, his fierce exterior, and his arrogant dominance draw so many emotions from her?

  She didn’t want to be spanked like a child, yet the wetness between her thighs suggested otherwise. And she could do without his arrogant grin, yet her nipples hardened when the little crease on his right cheek deepened when he did.

  A loud growl worked its way through her chest, but she managed to swallow it. He was the animal here, not her. She wouldn’t give into her animalistic instincts. She would keep her wits and her head on straight. And once he finished with whatever humiliating thing he wanted to do to her next, she would demand he lay out how he planned for her to work off her father’s debts.

  The drawer shut, and she realized she hadn’t moved yet. Quickly, she scrambled off the bed and stood up. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she linked her fingers behind her neck, trying to ignore how high the position brought her breasts, or how hard her nipples became.

  Ash sat on the bed where she had been draped, with a vibrator in his hands. He spread his knees and toyed with it while peering up at her.

  Sinking into the floor would be too easy. He’d probably drag her out and put her right where he wanted her anyway.

  “Do you know what this is, Ellie?” He held up the bulbous-shaped vibrator.

  “It’s a vibrator,” she said without looking at him. If he wanted a reaction, it would take more than making her name sex toys.

  “You’ve used one?” he asked, and she rolled her eyes.

  He could wait all night; she wasn’t answering him. What woman her age hadn’t used a vibrator? And she wasn’t going to enlighten him that she’d worn through so many battery-operated ones she’d she opted to purchase the higher-end plug-in vibes.

  Now she just sounded sex crazed
. She needed to get her mind clear, but how the hell could she do that with his silvery blue eyes staring up at her, his brow creased, and his hair loose around his shoulders.

  “Ellie, I asked a question, and don’t forget the little problem I have with liars.”

  Seemed odd, given what she knew of his profession, that he would expect anything but lies from the people around him.

  “Yes, I’ve used one,” she answered, but chose to focus on his ear instead of his lips, because when she glanced at his mouth, the grin he showcased made her stomach flip. And the last thing she needed at the moment was to allow herself to have any level of attraction to him.

  He was her captor, the man who would have killed her father if she hadn’t stepped in. No. He wasn’t attractive.

  Except when his strong hands, covered in tattoos, twisted the knob on the bottom of the vibrator and held up the device, she couldn’t stop the melt happening in her core.

  “Look at me, Ellie.” The command came softly but lost no power in the gentleness. “Do as I say and you’ll learn what good girls, who obey receive. Don’t listen, and be naughty, and we’ll have to restart lesson one.”

  Her ass twitched at the mention of the first round of the paddle. She definitely could go without repeating that lesson.

  Ellie brought her gaze to meet his. A satisfied smirk rested on his lips, but she chose to ignore it. Focusing on getting through the next portion of her encounter with him took hold of her.

  “When you’re a good girl. When you do what you’re told and you please me, you’ll be rewarded.” He scooted to the edge of the bed, trapping her between them, his mouth close enough to her body his breath warmed her skin.

  The vibrator disappeared from her sight, but she wasn’t left wondering where it went.

  He pressed it directly onto her sex, making her jump.

  “Shhh. Stand still.” He gripped her hip with one hand while the other began to play. He ran the tip of the vibrator down her slit then up again, circling her needy clit before heading through her folds again.

  He leaned forward, the bed creaking beneath his movements, his mouth wrapped around her nipple. The hot wetness of his tongue was the only foreplay before his teeth bit down.

  “Ah!” She arched her back, trying to move her chest out of his reach while still keeping the vibrations on her pussy.

  “Uh, uh. You don’t move away from me, Ellie.” He pulled her closer to him, and she stumbled in her step.

  He held the tip of the vibrator to her entrance. The need to be filled overtook her, and she pushed her hips toward him.

  His teeth scraped over her nipple again, and instead of the sharpness pushing her away from the pleasure of the vibrations, it pulled her closer to it.

  “Your pussy was wet before I even touched you, ,” he said against her breast. “You can say you didn’t like it, but the spanking made you hungry for this.” He bit hard on her breast, and she cried out but didn’t try to pull away.

  The bite mingled with the easy throb of her pussy. She found herself rocking her hips. She was fucking the vibrator. But he didn’t make fun of her for it. Instead, he flicked his tongue over her nipple and moved to the other side, sucking it hard into his mouth.

  She walked her feet as far apart as she could with his legs still trapping her.

  “Do you want to come, Ellie?” he asked, slipping the tip of the vibrator into her pussy.

  “Yes,” she answered with a clipped response. Her body may react to his ministrations, but she would not become too willing a participant. Doing so would make him a part of what was happening, and he was a monster, he couldn’t possibly be giving her the pleasure she felt.

  “You have to ask. Everything you do comes with my permission or my denial. Ask me nicely if you can come.”

  Of course, there would be a fucking condition. She tried to glare down at him, but at that moment he moved the vibrator back to her clit and slipped two fingers inside her passage. Curling his fingers, she could feel him stretch her and drag her closer to the edge than any other man had ever been able to do with just his fingers.

  Air became harder to collect, and she tensed. She propelled closer to a line she couldn’t see but desperately wanted to jump over, leap over, crawl over, anything to get past it to the utopia she knew awaited her

  “Oh God.” Her knuckles ached, but she wouldn’t let go; she would hold her position. If he decided to punish her by taking his fingers away, she’d die.

  “What do you need, Ellie?” he asked, flicking her nipple with the tip of his tongue.

  “I have to come. Oh fuck. I have to. Please,” she pleaded with him, her mouth dry, her heart hammering inside her chest.

  His eyes, so clear and beautiful, watched her. His full lips curled up in a smile. She wanted to tug on his beard, drag him forward so he would give her the bite she wanted.

  “Go ahead. You took your first spanking well enough. Come for me, Ellie. Do what I say and come for me.” He observed her, not taking his eyes off her while his fingers worked inside her. Pumping in and out, curling and rubbing, while the vibrator titillated her clit, driving Ellie to the brink of insanity.

  No longer able to stand the pain, the pleasure, the enormity of it, her body released. Breaking the dam and releasing the waves of intense pleasure.

  She screamed. So help her, she screamed out with her orgasm. Every nerve ending in her body sprang to life with the pulsations, with his stare, with his fucking smile.

  Her fingers never lost their grip, but she arched her back inward, and her thighs shook so badly he wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her standing. She felt the loss of his fingers immediately, but the vibrator continued, running up and down her slit until every last wave, every last little electric pulsation waned and left her standing, spent and exhausted.

  She hunched over, her head resting on his shoulder, her long hair falling from her shoulders to curtain her face. The vibrator was gone. He pulled her into his lap and held her, tucking her head beneath his chin.

  He’d been in the gardens. She could smell the lavender on him.

  “That was good. You learned what bad girls get and what good girls get.” His voice penetrated the safety net surrounding her mind, and she pushed away.

  Satisfied. He seemed every bit pleased with himself.

  “Is this how I’ll pay the debt? Taking spankings and orgasms?” She hadn’t meant to sound surly. Exhaustion spoke for her.

  His arms tightened around her as he lifted her. He carried her in silence to her room,

  laid her on the bed, turned down the covers, and tucked her beneath the thick quilt.

  “I’ll have my men bring some of your things here tomorrow. But don’t forget. If you come into my room, you do it naked.” He towered over her, his hair falling from behind his ears and brushing over her cheeks. “I own you, Ellie. Every inch of your body and every fiber of your soul.”

  An argument formed in her mind, but she couldn’t say the words. There would be time to fight him in the morning. After a solid night’s sleep.

  “I’ll keep your door unlocked, but if you misbehave, you’ll find I can be much stricter than a little paddling and grounding to your room. I expect you at breakfast.”

  She nodded, moving her gaze to his lips. But he didn’t kiss her. He shoved off the bed, making her bounce with the give of the mattress.

  “Good night.”

  She heard him just before the adjoining door clicked closed.

  As she drifted off to sleep, replaying the immense scene in her mind again, a thought struck her. He’d taken no pleasure. No physical pleasure in what they’d done. She had noticed his cock pressing against his jeans, had felt it when she sat on his lap, but he had made no move to fuck her, or make her give him relief of any kind.

  How could such a monster, a beast, give her the sort of pleasure she had received and not demand the same in return?



  Meeting assholes came with the job. Ash didn’t bother questioning if any decency remained in the world; his own part in it answered him easily enough. If decency existed, it sure didn’t come from him.

  Peter joined him in the hallway leading to the annex.

  “You didn’t have to take this meeting.”

  “I know.” Ash nodded.

  “You don’t have to honor the old oaths.”

  Ash glanced sideways at his cousin. “I’m aware.” He didn’t need a lesson in etiquette. What he needed was backup.

  Komisky went crying to Daddy, and Daddy demanded a meeting. Ash may not be required to honor oaths uttered by old men, but his honor dictated he do so. He would not turn his back on old allegiances simply because the business changed when he stepped into power.

  Peter pushed the door to the annex open and stepped aside to let Ash pass. He could feel her eyes on him, but he didn’t turn around. The door the second wing could be seen from the staircase if she stood in just the right spot, and with the hairs tingling behind his neck, he knew she had.

  Perceptive imp.

  “She’s watching. Make sure you lock the door,” Ash told Peter and pushed her from his mind. He already wasted enough of his morning at the breakfast table with her. Enjoying the light blush of her cheeks, and the hunger she finally had, he’d watched her fill herself with scrambled eggs and fresh fruit. After instructing her to stay out of trouble while he held his meeting, he directed Maria to get more watermelon and strawberries from the market for dinner.

  “Ashland.” Kristoff Komisky nodded and held out his hand when Ash and Peter entered his office.

  Ash took the extended hand, noting the weakened grip. Kristoff had sat the head of his family for the past forty years, and even with his son starting to take over their businesses, he needed to step in often enough he couldn’t quite claim retirement.


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