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Scars: Book One

Page 15

by West, Sinden

  The woman left us with one last squeeze to my breast while Nora laughed softly at my discomfort. “Shh, you know I take care of you.” And she kissed me gently to soothe me.

  “Nora,” A man’s sharp voice interrupted. “He’s waiting for you.” Nora pulled away from the kiss in annoyance. Thomas had whispered to me earlier that this place belonged to some mob boss or something. I was expecting sleazy, Soprano looking men, but had been disappointed thus far that all these men just looked like ordinary businessmen.

  Nora huffed. “Fine.” She eased me off her lap. Thomas and Miranda had disappeared. “You’ll be fine.” She gave me one last kiss before signaling to a waiter to bring me more champagne. The man smirked at me as they both walked away.

  I curled up on the sofa with my champagne and watched the perversity around me. I finished my champagne and a waiter brought me another immediately and the welcoming relaxation washed over me.

  I felt someone sit beside me but didn’t bother looking in their direction, hoping they’d manage to keep their hands to themselves.

  “I didn’t think this was your scene.”

  My head jerked in shock to look at Aaron sitting beside me. My mouth opened, but it took a moment before any words could come out. “What are you doing here?”

  He shrugged and spread out his arms over the back of the sofa. “This is my…associate’s house. I probably have more right to be here than you.” Then he smiled. “Tell me, did you decide you were a dyke before or after I had you?”

  “I’m not,” I said to him tightly.

  “Really? It looked like that old bitch just had her hands all over you.”

  I felt myself flush and looked away from him. He didn’t say anything further, but I knew that he still sat there. I only felt him move away when Thomas flopped down beside me with something that looked suspiciously like cum in his hair.

  He let out a low whistle. “Who was that fine specimen beside you? Is he into boys?”

  “Probably,” I muttered and lifted my glass to my lips. Nora returned then.

  “We’re going,” she snapped. She reached out and yanked my arm, pulling me to my feet. The champagne sloshed out of the glass and onto my dress, soaking my front and plastering it to my breasts. Thomas took the glass from my hand before she pulled me out of there.

  As we waited for the car to be brought around, she pulled out her phone and started venting to whoever was on the other end. “He’s being completely unreasonable about this. There’s no leeway with him whatsoever.”

  She kept ranting for the whole car ride home. Whoever that man was she had come to see was demanding repayment of some kind loan. I tuned her out mostly, thinking about Aaron. It was appropriate that someone as twisted as him would associate with these people.

  Nora paced and swore as we entered the house. It was only after she had used the crop ruthlessly on my bare behind did she calm down. By that stage I was crying, she hadn’t been that cruel before. But she seemed to come back to herself afterward and pulled me onto her lap and started to comfort me, forcing gentle kisses onto my mouth. I stopped crying, but my mind was whirling around as I lay in her arms. I should get out of there, run into the night and try and hitch home. I wasn’t cut out for this like Thomas was. But then she started to stroke me between my legs and I felt instant wetness and once again was her toy as she brought me to climax. She placed her fingers in my mouth and made me suck my juices off her. I was both disgusted and turned on at the same time. This further served to confuse me and made me hesitate about leaving.

  Afterward, she told me she had a surprise for me. My eyes widened as she pulled a white leather collar from a drawer and approached me where I sat on the bed. I quickly scrambled to my knees. “I’m not wearing that!”

  She stopped, and her lips thinned. “What did you just say?” she asked quietly.

  “I won’t wear it. I won’t wear a dog collar.”

  The look that crossed her face inspired a jolt of fear in me, but it passed quickly over her and she smoothed her features into a smile.

  “You should go to sleep; it’s late.”

  The next morning I tried to make excuses to leave, but she wasn’t having any of that and deep down, part of me wanted to stay with her. She had work to do, so I sat at her feet naked while she worked and every so often she played with me when it amused her. I reasoned with myself that it was preferable to staying at home with creepy Michael for company.

  There was another party that night, at the same place as the night prior. When I expressed my surprise at going there again after her seeming so angry the night before, she dug her nails into my cheeks and told me it was none of my business. This was in the car on the way there and too late for me to leave so I sat there silently with my cheeks smarting. Even if I could escape the car, I wasn’t dressed appropriately. All I was wearing was a white lacy bra and matching G-string. White heels, stockings and garter belt completed the outfit. Thomas eyed me up and down.

  “You getting married or something?” he asked. He was right; I looked like a bride on her wedding night.

  I just shrugged, gratefully taking something to drink. My cheeks still hurt, as did my ass, and I just wanted to go home. I was happy when Nora left me with Thomas and disappeared. We sat back and drank, watching the debauchery going on around us. I spied Aaron across the room looking casual but still dressed up in black pants and jacket. A stark contrast to the jeans and t-shirt he wore at the farmhouse. He didn’t look in my direction at all; I was sure he didn’t care.

  When Nora returned she came with the woman she’d been with last night; the one who had groped me. “Thomas, leave,” she ordered. He looked at her curiously before vacating his spot next to me and gave me a quick glance before disappearing into the crowd. The look on Nora’s face automatically had me on alert, and I sat forward in readiness.

  “You remember my friend Bella, from yesterday?” Bella set herself down beside me and smirk on her face. Nora stood in front of me so I had to look up at her. Between the two of them, I felt very small. “I was just telling Bella how disobedient you were last night. She agrees with me that you’re a very ungrateful little slut.”

  I stayed quiet, and my heart began to beat faster. Nora was smiling now.

  “I explained that you’d never been down on a woman before, and I thought it was only right that my dear friend Bella got to experience your virgin mouth first.”

  I shook my head. “No. I told you I didn’t–“

  But Nora’s hand was in my hair, dragging off the sofa and onto my knees painfully. She crouched down beside me as I fought with her hand in my hair. “This is what happens when you disobey me, you little slut.”

  “No. I won’t, please don’t make me,” I managed to say as tears began to prick at my eyes. Her grip hardened, and she forced my head to look at the audience that had gathered around us. They were looking on in amusement, and I just wanted to hide.

  “None of these people are going to help you,” she whispered in my ear. “I strongly suggest that you do what I say, or I will hurt you Paige. I will hurt you bad. I will give you to anyone who wants you as a plaything until your pussy is stretched beyond repair. Is that what you want?”

  “No,” I sobbed.

  Her grip loosened. “That’s my good little slut.” Gentler now, she guided my head to where Bella sat with her legs spread wide and pussy glistening already, turned on by my submission. Nora kept a grip on the back of my head as I reluctantly did what she wanted. I knew I was doing it right when Bella pushed herself up toward me and when she was about to cum she grabbed my head and pushed me right into her and kept me there until every spasm and shiver had finished. Only then was I released. I sat down with a thump on the floor, head lowered as I wiped at her juice left on my face along with the tears rolling down my cheeks. I heard laughter and couldn’t raise my head. Then Thomas was there, gently taking my arm and helping me to my feet. I still kept my head down as he guided me past the laughing audienc

  He took me into a bathroom, and sat me down on a chair. I sobbed loudly and freely then, burying my face in my hands, humiliated. He gently pushed aside my hands and used a damp cloth to wipe my face but I couldn’t stop crying. He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair gently.

  “Oh, Paige. I’m sorry. Please stop crying.”

  But I couldn’t stop. “Can we please go home?”

  He nodded. “Let me just go ask Nora, okay?”

  I shook my head. “No, I don’t want to go with her. Can’t you take me home?”

  “I don’t have my car, and besides Miranda…” Miranda wouldn’t let him anyway.

  “I’ll take a taxi then.”

  He frowned. “Dressed like that? Let me speak to Nora, okay. She might have got it out of her system by now.” He stood and passed me a tissue. “Stay here.”

  I was only slightly aware of him leaving the room, and I kept crying. A while later I heard the door open again, and I stiffened hoping it wasn’t Nora. But when I lifted my head I saw someone worse, or at least on par with her.

  Aaron looked down at me, emotionless.

  I wiped at my face. “What?” I snapped.

  “You always end up being the whore, don’t you?”

  The door swung open then, and Nora stood there. Her eyes fixed on Aaron.

  “What are you doing in here?” Her jaw was hard, and the muscles in her neck stood out.

  “I’m here to make sure that you understand we want your answer by tonight.”

  She raised her chin. “Don’t worry. You made that loud and clear.” Then her eyes switched to me. “Get up, you slut. We’re going.”

  I slowly rose to my feet, reluctant, yet wanting to be away from Aaron at the same time. She grasped my hand in hers and pulled me along with her.

  She didn’t say anything to me in the car; instead she talked on her phone. “I’ll need the money by tonight or he’s taking over. Just get me as much as possible, hopefully that will placate him for a while.”

  My plan was to head into the house, get dressed and then leave. Even if I had to walk all the way home. I walked ahead of her into the bedroom, looking around for my clothes, only noticing that she was in the room when I heard the soft click of the door.

  “You need to calm down.” She pressed a glass of cold wine into my hand.

  “I have to go.”

  She shook her head, looking tired. “You’re not going anywhere without calming down first. Sit down, I’ll run you a bath.” She surprised me when she gave me a small kiss on my mouth. She pulled back and looked at me with concern in her eyes. “You’re trembling. I’m not letting you go anywhere like that.”

  She helped me into the bath, alternating between offering the wine glass to me for sips, and soaping up every inch of my body. I hated that she could soothe me so well after doing something so horrible. As her hand started to stroke between my legs, I was drunk and relaxed. That panic and shame of before had gone somewhere else, and I leaned my head back and enjoyed what she was doing to me. But before she would let me come, I had to tell her that I forgave her. It’s amazing what pours out of your mouth when drunk and teetering on the edge of pleasure and shame.

  Afterward, she dried me and rubbed oil into my skin. I wasn’t allowed anything to wear though, and she placed leather cuffs around my wrists with which she used to bind my arms behind my back. “Don’t forget, you’re still being punished,” she whispered, before seductively sucking at my neck. She led me down the hallway like that so I could sit at her feet while she spoke on the phone, trying to raise money. It was in the back of my mind that I needed to leave, but I was so fuzzy and so drowsy that I soon fell asleep.

  I awoke to the sound of men’s voices. I was leaning against the side of the desk where I had fallen asleep. I thought I heard Aaron’s voice, and I raised my head and saw that he was really here, along with another man. Nora stood in front of them, hands on hips. “I’ve got eighty percent and I just need a week to raise the remainder, including all the interest.”

  The other man spoke. “He’s not going to be happy about that.”

  “He should be happy. I’ve made him a lot of money. Just give me the week, and we’ll be square.”

  The man made a phone call and whoever was on the other end agreed to her terms.

  “You got lucky,” he said after the call ended, but he didn’t look happy. Nora looked smug.

  “I’m sure you can see yourselves out. As you can see, I’ve got plans.” Her hand briefly brushed my hair.

  “Actually,” Aaron said. “Until you’ve got all the money for us, maybe we should take some collateral.” He was looking directly at me, and I stared straight back.

  Nora understood what he meant straight away. “Don’t be ridiculous. She’s a person, you can’t just take her.” But she didn’t sound that sure.

  “Really? You don’t treat her like a person. Besides, I make my own rules. The girl comes with us until we get all the money as agreed.”

  Nora stared hard at him before flicking her eyes to me. “It’ll be okay, Paige. I promise.”

  Aaron laughed then. “You can’t promise shit, lady. Anyway, Paige and I are old friends. Why is she so dopey, did you drug her?”

  I didn’t know what Nora’s answer was because I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Aaron stood looking out the bedroom window. The familiar white scars on his back were vivid against his tan skin and for a moment I thought I was back in the farmhouse, but beyond that window was the ocean, and this room was fresh in pale greens and whites, instead of decaying and dying. I blinked against the light that flowed in through floor to ceiling panels of glass that were unhindered my any blinds or curtains.

  I clutched my head and moaned without meaning to. Aaron turned to face me, unreadable as ever. As he took steps toward me, I felt like I should be running. Of course, I didn’t. I knew enough by now to know that my fate didn’t belong to me, if it ever had. I watched as he threw on a pair of black sweatpants over his nudity.

  “Come downstairs. I’ll make coffee.” With that he disappeared through the door and out of sight. It took a moment before I gingerly made my way out of the bed and onto the soft white carpet. My hands were free, and the cuffs gone but I was still nude. I searched through a chest of drawers until I found a t-shirt. It was a plain maroon and hung down to above my knees.

  I took a deep breath before heading downstairs. I still felt shaky and sleepy as cold tiles hit my feet at the bottom of the stairs. I followed them into the kitchen that was so blindingly white that I lifted my hand up to shield my eyes. Aaron stood before a sleek coffee machine that spat streams of dark liquid into cups, the seductive scent of coffee hit me, and I nearly groaned with want. He didn’t acknowledge me, so I sat on one of the barstools at the stone island and waited until my drink was placed in front of me. He sat at the island as well as we both drank our coffee in silence. He didn’t look at me, and I didn’t look at him. Finally, I had to say something.

  “This is weird,” I muttered as I kept my gaze firmly on my hands that held the cup. It was white of course, everything in this kitchen was white.

  “You should have thanked me by now.”

  I turned to look at him to see if he was laughing or mocking, but he looked deadly serious.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I said quietly, every word tight and controlled. “For what? Paying me for sex? Kidnapping me? Degrading me? Raping–“

  “I didn’t rape you.”

  I sneered at him. “Keep telling yourself that.”

  He placed his cup on the stone counter. It annoyed me how relaxed he was. “Should I have left you with her, then?”

  “You and her are…equals. You both like to torment but at least she could be kind–”

  He yanked me with a firm grip off the barstool, so I was lying across his lap. He pushed up the t-shirt, and my ass was exposed to the air. I flinched as his fingers deliberately too
k their time sweeping over the marks that Nora had made with her crop.

  “Kind?” he mocked. “Did you like eating out another woman while everyone around you watched and laughed? You were crying like there was no tomorrow, which, for the record, is what they like.” His finger traced between my cheeks over my anus and down into my cunt. “I don’t think you did like it. You’re not even wet at the thought of it. Or did she do other things to get you off?” His hand moved to my clit and started to rub as I struggled against it but he held me there fast.

  “Stop it!”

  His rubbing didn’t cease, and I bit my lip hard as the familiar sensations started.

  “Is this what she did to you? Is this how she kept you compliant? A little pleasure to make up for all the bad?” he asked quietly. “Poor, fucking, deluded Rachel.”

  I tried to shake my head at his words, but as he played with my clit I felt myself dangerously close to cumming and didn’t dare move. The sound of a doorbell played through the house, and he stopped his motions. I was part relieved, part frustrated. He lowered me off his lap and casually wiped his fingers on the bottom of the t-shirt before he moved to a small screen on the countertop. He pressed the screen, and the image of a man came into view. Then he pressed another key and a buzzing sound was heard. “It’s open,” he said through the intercom.

  Two men entered. One of them was the man from the party who I had been disappointed that he hadn’t looked like a Soprano’s mobster. The other was a man in his late thirties, dressed smartly in a suit. Despite his age, he was a very attractive man and the slight greying at his temples gave him a distinguished look.

  The first man smirked at me like I amused him; the other’s eyes raked over me before looking at Aaron questioningly.

  “You surprise me, Aaron. I didn’t think you were into that scene that much,” the distinguished looking man said as he took a seat on a barstool.

  Aaron shrugged as he moved back to the coffee machine and busied himself with making more coffee. “She was mine before she was Nora’s.”


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