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ROMULUS (The Innerworld Affairs Series, Book 1)

Page 25

by Marilyn Campbell

I will bring Falcon here for you. Stay until the game ends. He will find you on your way out. You will not hear from me again unless I cannot reach him. Understand?

  One tap. Aster sat stiffly for a few seconds then slumped back in her seat when she was certain he was gone. She stared at the cooling hot dog in her hand. Her stomach rebelled at the thought of the greasy food and she quickly shoved it under her seat and out of sight.

  * * *

  "Yes?" Gordon Underwood drummed his fingers on his desk. He had been anticipating this report being called in by his personal physician, Doctor Quinn.

  "You didn't tell me what I'm supposed to be looking for but I've run a full battery of tests on this man, everything short of an autopsy." The doctor glanced at the pale man strapped to the bed with a hose in his nose and tubes running fluids in and out of his body. "He's in perfect health."

  "Perfect, huh? Would you say he's... human?"

  "What?" asked Dr. Quinn in surprise. "Of course he's human. What else would he be?"

  "What else indeed? Describe the physical makeup of this man, particularly anything unusual about him."

  "He looks like a young Tom Selleck. Six foot three, two hundred twenty pounds, excellent muscle tone. I would estimate him to be between thirty and thirty-five years old. He has all his own teeth, no fillings. From the lack of scar tissue anywhere on his body, I'd also say he's never had an operation. Although that was odd. Among other things, he has no appendix, must have been born without it."

  Underwood interrupted. "What other things?"

  "It's almost as if he was from some future time on our evolutionary scale. He has no tonsils, no coccyx and no nails on his little toes, all the things we assume will eventually disappear from our bodies.

  "Also, he has practically no antibodies in his blood and no sperm count. His vasa deferentia are severed, as if he had a vasectomy, although there is no evidence of surgery or scar tissue.

  "Your boys overdosed him on the flight here. They insisted they injected him only once with the standard amount. It was touch and go for a while there. I spent most of the morning trying to keep him alive. They might be telling the truth though. He definitely has a very low tolerance to the drugs I've given him. In spite of his unconscious state, he has a higher level of brain activity than most alert adults. To be perfectly blunt, I can't explain any of these peculiarities."

  "Watch the anesthetic levels carefully and continue to monitor his life signs. I want him kept unconscious until I get there but it's imperative you keep him alive. I'm leaving for the airport as soon as I hang up. Be prepared to give him something to encourage his cooperation in answering my questions as soon as I arrive. Did he have any weapons or tools on him?"

  "Mr. Underwood, the man was delivered to me stark naked in a bag." Quinn did not attempt to veil his sarcasm. "The only thing on him was a rather gaudy opal ring."

  "Lock up the ring. I'll be there shortly."

  Gordon Underwood had heard enough to convince him the man was truly from another planet. With the help of Doctor Quinn and his mind-altering concoctions, he would soon learn what was in the alien's head.

  Quinn had been one of the easier people he had ever bought. When Underwood decided to build himself a research hospital, he needed a very special man to head it. Quinn was rewarded for his loyalty and obedience with the freedom and funds to perform his experiments with drugs and surgery which had been banned in the United States. In return, he was on call to Underwood twenty-four hours a day and questions about his assignments were not permitted. Having more to lose by exposure than Underwood, Quinn's discretion could be depended upon.

  But Quinn was only a small part of Underwood's master plan. Already having acquired more wealth than he would ever need, he had switched his efforts to accumulating power. To achieve that goal, he had needed a secure and secluded headquarters.

  Underwood had come up with the original idea for a subterranean community during the nuclear-war scare of the fifties but construction did not begin until many years later.

  He had selected an uninhabited stretch of desert in central Nevada as his refuge and had built the entire compound underground, with the exception of a small run-down shack and the airstrip adjacent to it. The shack was the entranceway to his haven from the world. A small city in itself, the compound was totally self-sufficient, the hospital taking up only one section.

  All of the Underwood Institute was now headquartered there and the number of people who lived and worked under the desert topped five hundred. Carefully selected, each employee had a reason to be loyal to Gordon Underwood whose grandest wish was to discover the secret to immortality. But he would settle for ruling his own country.

  Chapter 21

  The football game was over. It had been a struggle from start to finish but San Diego squeaked ahead by one point at the end. Focusing on the game had helped Aster stay somewhat calm. Just as she stood up, she heard a throaty, male voice in her head. There could not possibly be two men with that same purring quality to their voice.

  Do not turn around. It is Falcon, as you requested. I am very close to you but you are being observed. We will have to correct that before we can leave. Go into the ladies room and trade or buy yourself a disguise. When you come out, we will walk off together.

  Aster did as he suggested, ordering herself not to turn around to see where Falcon was. Fortunately, it only took Aster about five minutes to find a woman willing to part with an old trench coat, cowboy hat, sunglasses and a fifteen-minute head start, in exchange for her sweater and two hundred dollars.

  As she stepped out of the lavatory, Falcon appeared at her arm. He was dressed all in black and his unique eyes were shielded by black, wrap-around sunglasses. "Do not rush. The man is still watching for you to exit." Falcon gave Aster a look of approval that took in how her hair was completely hidden under the wide-brimmed hat and turned-up collar of the baggy, unattractive coat. The big glasses covered half her face.

  As briefly as possible Aster updated Falcon. "You were the only one I could think of to help." Her desperation came through loud and clear.

  "We will find him."

  "I have a car outside. Have you picked up Rom's signal yet?" Aster asked hopefully.

  "He is not within range of the homing device. You must take me back to the last place you were with him. From there, I can pick up images of what occurred and, if necessary, I will follow his brain waves, like I did to find you."

  "Oh, Falcon, I've been nothing but trouble to you."

  "On the contrary, Aster. I rarely get to use my gifts. You and Romulus are sharpening my skills."

  As they left the stadium, Falcon scanned the people they passed on the lookout for a threat. "Aster, are we getting close to your car?"

  "Yes, it's down this street."

  "There is a man up ahead carrying a transmission unit. His aura is dark. Follow me but remain silent."

  "Excuse me, sir," Falcon said as they approached. The man with the cell phone next to his ear made it obvious he did not want to be disturbed. Falcon reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. "Could you tell me where this address is?"

  As soon as the man's eyes shifted to the paper, Falcon's fingertips contacted the stranger's temple. A second later the man crumpled to the ground, curled up in a peaceful sleep. He would not remember seeing Falcon or Aster when he awoke.

  "That man was a drone. He knew nothing of Romulus. Only that he was to follow you. Let us return to where it began."

  Aster drove back to the resort and led Falcon to the room. "I turned in the key this morning. Is this good enough?"

  Falcon nodded, placing his hand on the door and concentrating on the images playing out before his eyes. A few minutes later he turned to Aster. "Are you feeling better now?"

  "Yes. Oh, you could see that, couldn't you?" Her complexion colored as she realized what he might have seen.

  Instead of answering her question, he said, "Come with me."

  Aster would h
ave willingly followed him off a skyscraper, if he told her that was how she would find Romulus.

  In the parking lot Falcon stopped her. "Two men piped a gas into that room, carried Romulus out in a bag on a big cart and drove off in a boxlike vehicle in that direction."

  "I'm so frightened, Falcon. It's been so long, maybe eighteen hours. What if we find him and he's already—I mean, could someone in Innerworld bring him back, like they did with the captain of the ship I was on?"

  "I am sure he will be fine, once we get him back." Again Falcon was relieved he was not bound by a code of honesty. The time limit to reverse the death process was only twelve hours. "I will need you to drive."

  When they got in the car, Falcon placed the back of his hand on Aster's cheek. "Romulus is alive, Aster. If he were not, you would not be feeling what you are. It is not only this morning's illness that is bothering you, is it? I know of Romulus's fever. I was unaware that a Terran would suffer from it also."

  "Believe me it's a surprise to me too—an extremely unwelcome surprise at the moment," Aster said sarcastically as she wiped away the beads of perspiration on her upper lip. "Let's just find Romulus quickly."

  "There is something we have to do first. I am an empath, Aster. Your emotional and physical distress are interfering with my reading. You must let me help you."

  Aster's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "How do you mean?"

  "Let me touch your mind. I will draw away your pain and give you the relief you need."

  "I'm not sure you—"

  "There is no other way. Romulus would understand," Falcon cut in.

  That's what you think, she thought, remembering Rom's jealous reaction to her merely describing Falcon. On the other hand, she would never find Rom if Falcon's abilities were being hampered. "All right. I give you my permission."

  Aster closed her eyes when Falcon's fingertips gently touched her temple. For a moment there was nothing.

  Romulus appeared before her, his eyes seducing her as he moved closer. He was naked and fully aroused. In invitation, she opened her legs and felt his hard body bear down on her fevered flesh. Smoothly, he slid inside her and she cried out in relief. It was wonderful. She needed him so badly and he was there, big, hard and deep inside her. The ache built as he pumped faster and faster, harder and harder, until finally, with one extraordinarily deep thrust, she shuddered her release.

  Warm lips pressed against hers. A rough tongue licked at the inside of her mouth. Aster's eyelids fluttered open to discover gold topaz cat's eyes watching her.

  "You were so very beautiful in your passion, I could not resist a kiss." Falcon stroked her cheek again before leaning back.

  Aster's fever had subsided, but her face was burning in shame. "You... we... but I really felt..." She hid her face in her hands. They were still in the car, fully clothed. She had just experienced one of the most powerful climaxes she had ever known... and a virtual stranger had brought it about.

  "Aster." Falcon said her name in his low voice which vibrated like a cat's purr. "You were with Romulus, not me. I only assisted. I did not know it would embarrass you so. You are better now though. Even the illness has left your body. We can leave whenever you are ready."

  Aster uncovered her face and sat up straight. She supposed she was being foolish, as far as Falcon was concerned. Apparently, he had not been affected by what had happened to her. Taking a cue from his behavior, she determined to act as if it had been a perfectly normal occurrence. She buckled her seat-belt and started the car.

  Falcon kept his expression impassive but he was very shaken by the episode. He often felt the emotions of others, but not his own. He had never tried to do that for anyone before and had not been certain it would work. He had felt no desire for Romulus's female. He was only trying to help. Once he had planted the image in her mind, it was she who had supplied the details and had carried the fantasy to its satisfying conclusion, satisfying for her, that is. To help her hold the image, he had shared her emotions but not her physical orgasm. He never would be able to experience that part of being human. But he had been unable to resist a small taste of what it would be like. That was really why he had kissed her.

  An hour later they arrived at a small airfield outside San Diego. "The two men brought Romulus here," Falcon explained. "A small plane and pilot were waiting. I cannot tell you where they went and I am still not picking up his signal."

  "What about the log? They should have logged in at the office over there before they could take off." Aster flushed with the excitement of being able to help. In the office they were bluntly informed the log was confidential. When Aster began to protest, Falcon pulled her outside.

  "I already have the destination, Aster. The man's eyes moved to the log as he spoke."

  "You mean you can see through things also?" Aster's voice was a mix of awe and fear. She stopped herself from asking if he was originally from the planet Krypton.

  "It depends on the depth and material. That book was simple. Now that I know the coordinates I can take us directly there. I have no way of knowing what we might encounter. You should stay here."

  "Not on your life, Falcon. I'll stay out of your way and I'll do whatever I can about my... emotions, but don't make me stay behind. I'll die of worry. Please."

  "Romulus refused to stay behind when you were in trouble also. The two of you had better join as soon as you get together again. I saw your reason for objecting, Aster. You are wrong. Romulus would never resent a part of himself and that is what you are. You cannot deny both your souls' desire to mate. The fever will only get worse. If for no other reason, you should join just to keep track of each other. I may not be available next time." For the first time since Aster had met him, he smiled at her, then his usual serious expression returned. "Go to Norona. Your answer is there."

  Aster laughed at his joke and accepted his advice. "You're right. I know that now." Romulus had warned her the day might come when she would attack a delivery man to get relief. What had happened with Falcon was proof of that.

  "Let us return the car to that crowded restaurant down the road. It will be much less conspicuous there."

  Once the car was safely parked, Aster watched in fascination as Falcon worked the pattern of nodes on his opal ring and turned the stone. Then she shouted, "Wait!" She opened the car trunk and grabbed the shopping bag. "I'm ready now." Falcon finished programming the ring and gripped her shoulders in his strong hands.

  The migration took much less time and was less frightening than the first trip. Aster looked around. They were standing on another airstrip, only now they were in the desert. The only objects visible for miles were a small jet and a dilapidated house.

  "Is Rom in there?" Aster asked excitedly.

  "No, but he is here, very close. Wait."

  Aster held her breath.

  "He does not answer. Either the device has been removed or he is unconscious somewhere below us. I cannot see it, but I can feel life forms under the ground. His brain waves are among them but they are very weak. He was carried into that structure, so I think it is safe to say that is the usual way in and well-guarded. We are going to have to migrate in as close to Romulus as I can get and pray we do not wind up part of a wall or piece of furniture." Aster's horror-stricken expression made Falcon laugh aloud. "That was a joke, Aster."

  Aster stood perfectly still, feeling useless as Falcon walked back and forth over the ground, searching for Romulus's brain waves. It was a painfully slow process. He moved to one side a few feet, turned and took two more steps. If anyone else saw him, they would assume he was drunk or doing an Indian dance of some kind. Finally he stopped and waved her toward him.

  "His brain waves are strongest here. Ready?"

  Aster shook her head vigorously until she saw him pull a black box out from his jacket. She had seen the weapon at orientation.

  "It will only put someone to sleep."

  Aster held herself stiffly in his tight embrace as they passed through the ea
rth to whatever lay below. Instantly, they rematerialized in what appeared to be a hospital room.

  Z-z-z-t! Z-z-z-t! Falcon's lightning bolt struck a man in a white lab coat. His body went rigid and thumped to the floor. Keeping one eye on the door, Falcon balanced the man back on his chair. He touched his mind, replacing the reality of what he had seen with a less astounding memory.

  Aster hovered over Rom's still form. "Oh, my Lord! Rom, can you hear me?" Aster whispered through the tears choking her throat. She touched his ashen face and clasped his cool hand tightly. "Falcon, please, is he all right?"

  The tracker touched Rom's temple, nodded to Aster, then placed his finger to his lips and pointed to the door. Someone was out there.

  Aster, a very black presence is moving this way. We must hurry! Falcon reprogrammed his ring for their destination then quickly ripped all the tubes, hoses and wires from Romulus's body. Suddenly one of the machines started making a continuous beeping sound. By the fourth beep, he pulled Romulus into a sitting position between him and Aster. A millisecond later, they were back on the surface.

  * * *

  "What is the meaning of this?" Gordon Underwood bellowed as he stood in the doorway, absorbing the scene before him. Dr. Quinn sat in a chair, slack-mouthed, with his eyes fixed on the empty bed. Hoses swung freely from the bottles they were attached to, tubes and wires dangled over the edge of the bed and machines beeped out an insane cacophony. "I repeat, what the hell is going on here?"

  Frowning, Doctor Quinn stood up but looked back at the bed one more time before speaking. "It was the damnedest thing, Mr. Underwood. I was sitting here monitoring the man's life signs and then, I don't know, I seem to have passed out. And when I opened my eyes, he was gone."

  Underwood turned to Wink and Cooper who had followed him into the room. "You two, did anyone, other than Quinn, enter or leave this room today?"

  "No, sir. We took our breaks separately so one of us was outside of the door at all times since we brought him in," Cooper answered somewhat defensively.


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