Book Read Free

Tickled Pink

Page 39

by Christina Jones

  They stared at one another. If the looking-and-not-touching had been frustrating before, since the night of the carnival it had been absolute hell.

  There had been a few snatched moments and some lust-stirring kisses and a lot of ‘I want you, now’ eye contact. But there was always, always someone else around. And then, of course, there was still Vanessa.

  ‘Flynn, honey!’ On cue, Vanessa stomped out of the B&B’s front door. ‘Are we ready to go?’

  We? Posy frowned at Vanessa. We?

  ‘Almost ready.’ Flynn peeled himself away from the jeep and didn’t look at Posy. ‘I’ll just go and give Lola and Ellis a yell.’

  As soon as he’d ducked through the front door, Posy glared at Vanessa. ‘Are you coming with us, too?’

  ‘Sure thing. I’ve never been to London. I couldn’t go home and walk into Opal Joe’s and tell everyone I’d been in England and never seen London, could I?’

  Well, no . . . Posy supposed she had a point. But that meant there’d be three of them for dinner and a show. Three of them in the jeep on the way home. Three of them. As always.

  And Vanessa wasn’t even dressed up. In fact Vanessa, in her shorts and cutoff top, was hardly dressed at all.

  ‘Isn’t this exciting?’ Lola bounced out of the front door, all glossy blonde hair and brown limbs, and looking stunning in a short grey linen shift dress and spiky-heeled grey sandals.

  ‘For you, yes,’ Posy nodded. Then she smiled. ‘Sorry to be such a grouch. No, it’s brilliant and you look amazing, and the ankle bracelets still look pretty perky, too.’ ‘Thanks. I can’t believe any of this has happened.

  And I still haven’t got a clue where we’re going. Ellis won’t say anything except we’re catching the train at Victoria and going through into France, which sounds wonderful enough, but what happens after that I have no idea.’

  ‘Just enjoy it. You really deserve this. Both of you.’

  ‘Oh, we intend to make the most of every blissful moment, but you don’t look exactly on top of the world.’ Lola raised her eyebrows. ‘Do I gather all is not well on the Vanessa front?’

  ‘Flynn said we’re staying on in London after we’ve seen you off. Dinner and a show, which will be amazing but she’s coming as well . . .’

  ‘God, she’s worse than a damn limpet. Do you want me to say something to her? Suggest she stays at home?’

  ‘No. Thanks for offering, but what’s the point? Vanessa is determined to hang on to Flynn. He’s going back to Boston with her, I know that. I’m just his English flirtation, as she keeps telling me. Nothing serious, apparently.’

  ‘Oh dear.’ Lola squeezed Posy’s hand. ‘Still, look on the bright side. Miss Pump-Up Bra has never made out, as she puts it, with Adam Ant, has she?’

  Posy snorted with laughter. ‘No, you’re right, she hasn’t, and if I get my way she never bloody will.’

  Flynn and Ellis, grinning and surprisingly smartly dressed too, appeared at that moment, accompanied by Dilys, Norrie, Dom, Mr D and Mr B – and, naturally, Trevor and Kenneth. There was a lot of hugging and ‘see you soon’ and ‘have a good time’ and ‘send us a postcard’.

  Posy kissed and hugged everyone as well even though she’d be back in a few hours. She hugged Trevor and Kenneth twice because they looked so miserable at the sight of the luggage.

  ‘Posy, you sit in the front along with Flynn,’ Vanessa said bossily, ‘and I’ll squeeze up in the back with Lola next to Ellis, which won’t be any hardship at all.’

  Not sure if Vanessa had been magnanimous because she really was a nice girl, or because she knew it would be sheer bloody frustrating torture for Posy to have Flynn’s body so close and so untouchable for the entire journey, she clambered into the jeep’s front seat.

  They sailed out of Steeple Fritton, with all the coven and everyone else waving them goodbye along the lanes. The shops were busy, and there were cars and people everywhere. Since Letting Off Steam, the village had sprung to life, like the monochrome-to-technicolour bit in The Wizard of Oz.

  Malvina and her sisters had promised to keep Ellis’s various ventures ticking over, and Ritchie and Sonia were unbelievably running The Crooked Sixpence during Lola’s absence. There had apparently been a scuffle in the car park late on carnival night, and if Florian Pickavance had a nose bleed and Ritchie had bruised knuckles afterwards, nothing more was ever said.

  Glancing in the driving mirror, Posy could see Lola and Ellis sort of glued together, touching all the time, laughing, kissing, talking, hopelessly in love. She was so happy for them. They deserved this bliss. She looked down at Flynn’s lean thigh brushing against her bare leg and shivered. If only. Oh, if only . . .

  Vanessa, on the other side of Ellis, caught her eye in the mirror and winked. Posy looked quickly away and wished that the journey was already over.

  Having parked the jeep at Victoria and unloaded an unbelievable amount of luggage on to a trolley, they set off into the cavernous station in convoy looking for the right platform.

  ‘This is it,’ Ellis said, checking the tickets and suddenly pushing the trolley with Schumacher speed, ‘down here. Betcha I get there first.’

  He disappeared round a corner, with everyone in hot pursuit.

  ‘Holy shit!’ Posy turned on to the platform and skidded to a halt. ‘Is that what I think it is?’

  Beside her, Lola had gone white.

  They stared speechlessly at the train. At the snake of gleaming 1930s carriages adorned in umber and cream livery. At the cream curtained windows tied back with gold tassels. At the lace-clothed tables just visible, with gorgeous softly glowing brass lamps, and vases of orchids and rosebuds.

  ‘Welcome to the Orient Express –’ Ellis held out his hand to Lola.

  Lola shook her head. ‘I’m dreaming . . .’

  ‘No, you’re not.’ Ellis closed his hand round hers. ‘I’d give you the world if I could. I’ll spend the rest of my life making you happy, and this is just the start.’

  An elegant steward in a white and gold jacket, black tuxedo trousers and white gloves, was walking towards them, ushering them on board. Their luggage had disappeared as if by magic.

  The platform was filled with well-dressed people all behaving impeccably and being welcomed by a rank of stewards. Some of the women were wearing hats and gloves. It was like a scene from Brief Encounter.

  ‘Oh my God,’ Posy looked at Flynn with tears in her eyes, it’s totally awesome, oh, sorry, you are such a bad influence on my grammar.’

  ‘But a good influence in other areas?’

  ‘Suppose so . ..’

  ‘That’s all right then.’ Flynn smiled at her, then motioned his head towards the Orient Express. ‘She truly is a beauty. I mean, I knew what Ellis had planned, of course, but I’ve obviously never seen the train, only pictures. Would you like to have a closer look?’

  ‘Will we be allowed on board?’ Posy whispered. She felt she had to whisper. ‘Won’t they chuck us off?’

  ‘It’s not due to leave just yet. I’m sure no one will mind if we explain that we’re seeing friends off.’

  ‘He must love her so much. Oh, what a present to give someone.’

  ‘He reckons she’s pretty special, yeah. And this was his way of proving it, just in case she had any doubts left,’ Flynn said, taking Posy’s hand and helping her up the step.

  ‘What about Vanessa? Isn’t she going to have a look round, too?’

  ‘Hardly dressed for it, am I, honey?’ Vanessa shrugged, looking as stunned as everyone else, I’ll just have to do my admiring from down here on the platform.’

  Once aboard the train, trying not to stare at the other passengers who all looked like Vogue models, Posy tiptoed into one of the Pullman carriages and caught her breath. The floors were mosaic, the gleaming walls all intricate inlaid wooden marquetry, the deep upholstered chairs in rich jewel colours. There were Art Deco lamps everywhere, and mirrors, and brass fittings, and fresh flowers. It was truly like stepping
back into a different age.

  The Orient Express was absolutely the last word in seductive opulence.

  Oh, lucky, lucky Lola.

  ‘And they’re going to be eating and sleeping on here?’ She still kept her voice low. ‘All through England into France?’

  Flynn nodded. ‘And then into Switzerland, across the Austrian Alps, and on to Venice for four days, and, of course, back again . . .’

  Posy exhaled. She had never been truly envious of anyone in her life before. But right now she envied Lola with every fibre of her being.

  ‘Hey, wow,’ Flynn nodded to her, ‘just take a look at the dining car.’

  Posy looked. Starched white linen tablecloths, rows of dazzling silver cutlery, sparkling crystal glasses, and yet more softly-shaded brass lamps, and even more fresh orchids. And the menu . . . and the wine list . . .

  There was no sign at all of Ellis and Lola.

  ‘Excuse me, sir.’ One of the white-coated stewards was beckoning to Flynn. ‘A word, if I may?’

  Posy froze in horror. They were going to be asked to leave. How embarrassing was that?

  ‘I’ll just go and explain to him. Say we’re looking for someone,’ Flynn touched her face gently. ‘Don’t look so upset. It’ll be fine.’

  There was a brief, gentlemanly, low-key conversation and Flynn came back, smiling.

  ‘He was cool about it. Understood. Shall we go and have a quick look at the cabins?’


  ‘Yeah, I guess . . .’

  ‘Okay. Knowing Ellis, they’re bound to be in their bedroom, aren’t they? If we’re really quick they might still be dressed and we’ll be able to look round, and at least we can say goodbye properly.’

  With Flynn leading the way, they walked along the glorious, deep-carpeted corridors towards the rear of the train, smiling at other people who were doing the same thing, almost as though they belonged there. Posy’s heart was still thudding with the fear of discovery and being asked to leave.

  Flynn stopped walking and listened at one of the doors.

  He laughed. ‘This must be theirs, they’re playing bubblegum music – “Goody Goody Gumdrops” – weird stuff. Still whatever turns you on, I guess. I reckon they don’t want to be disturbed, so let’s have a look along here . . .’ Flynn paused outside the next cabin door, slowly pushed it open and peered inside. ‘Okay, this one’s empty.’

  Posy glanced in through the half-open door. There may have been no people, but there was a pile of luggage on the floor. They’d have to be quick. She stepped inside.

  Oh, God. To sleep in here would be like heaven.

  More glowing inlaid wood on the walls and wardrobes, golden lamps, more flowers, mirrors, a perfectly gorgeous Art Deco bathroom, and the biggest double bed with white linen sheets and a golden eiderdown.

  Flynn looked around, then smiled at her. ‘What can I say? How perfect is this, huh?’

  ‘Just perfect,’ Posy whispered. ‘More than a dream. It’s a fantasy. A real fantasy.’

  ‘Yeah, well, maybe one day it won’t be just Ellis and Lola.’ He sighed. ‘Say, would you do me a favour?’

  ‘Of course. Anything.’

  ‘Go back out into the corridor and give these to Vanessa through the window. She’ll be right outside on the platform.’

  ‘Okay, but –’ Posy looked at the keys to the jeep in his hand. ‘What is she going to do? Go shopping or something? Come back for us later?’

  ‘Yeah, it’s not fair to make her hang around when she wants to do some sightseeing, is it?’

  ‘No, I suppose not.’

  Posy stepped into the corridor, leaned through the nearest open window and motioned to Vanessa who was standing a little way along the platform.

  Vanessa caught the keys and grinned up at her. ‘Pretty cool, is it?’

  ‘You wouldn’t believe. God, Lola is so lucky.’

  ‘And not just Lola, honey.’

  ‘No, well, Ellis as well, of course, but this was his surprise for her . . .’

  ‘And Flynn’s for you.’ Vanessa continued to grin broadly.

  Posy shook her head. ‘No. We’re just looking round. We’re not travelling or anything.’

  ‘Oh, yes you are, hon. To Venice on the Orient Express with the sexiest damn man on the planet.’ She clutched the jeep keys in her clenched fist. ‘I’ll be back to collect you when you return, then I’m off to Boston. Alone. Opal Joe’s needs me. Flynn Malone sure as shit doesn’t. No hard feelings. Have the best ever time. See ya . . .’

  Posy, totally speechless, made a sort of gurgling sound, but Vanessa bounced away down the platform towards the car park, waving as she went.

  In a complete daze, she managed to find her way back to the cabin. Flynn was sitting on the bed, grinning at her.

  She stared at him. ‘I don’t believe it.’

  ‘Start believing. It’s for real.’

  She gave a little scream of delight. ‘Really, really?’

  ‘Really, really.’

  ‘And Vanessa . . . ?’

  ‘Vanessa and I talked things through soon after she arrived. She’d changed, but I’d changed even more. We’d been together for a long time, and I owed it to her not to hurt her. Or you. I think she hoped I’d give up on you and go back to Boston with her, but I knew I couldn’t even contemplate it. Eventually she realized that and wished me well.’

  ‘So, she doesn’t mind?’

  ‘She helped set this up and keep you from finding out, so I guess she approves of my choice.’ Flynn pushed his hair away from his eyes. ‘She’s a tough cookie, and anyway she’s got a huge family in Boston and she was very homesick. She wanted to go home. Whereas, all I want for the rest of my life is right here.’

  Posy let the words sink in. ‘Honestly? Truthfully?’

  ‘Would I lie to you?’

  ‘You lied about the show and dinner.’

  His slanting green eyes narrowed. ‘Oh, yeah. So I did. Well, we can still abandon this and do the theatre and a restaurant if you’d rather.’

  Posy shook her head. ‘Tricky one. How soon do you want my answer?’

  ‘Right now.’ He pulled her on to his lap, stroking her fingers. ‘You know, I still can’t believe that we all actually managed to keep this a secret from you, and Lola.’

  ‘Neither can I.’ She curled her body into his. ‘So, you and Ellis . . . ?’

  ‘Have been planning this for ages. We had to let other people in on it, of course, and I was damn sure someone would let the cat out of the bag. So, this will make up for you missing a night out in London, will it?’

  ‘Oh, yes. Oh, God. Oh, thank you so, so, so much.’ Posy slid her arms round Flynn’s neck and kissed him gently. Then kissed him again. Because she could. And she wanted to. Desperately. For ever and ever.

  He kissed her back, a lot less gently, setting her body on fire.

  Shakily, she looked down at his fingers now seductively stroking her thigh. ‘And you’re not going back to Boston?’

  ‘Oh, one day. For a visit. With you. But otherwise Madam Za-Za got it dead on target.’ Smiling, he tipped her gently from his lap into the downy luxury of the bed. ‘And I guess I really ought to thank her for that.’

  ‘We can’t, not here. This isn’t our cabin. All that luggage . . .’

  ‘Is ours. All packed by me and your ma, and Vanessa who actually likes you very much. I think between them they’ve packed your passport, clothes, make-up and everything else a girl could need for a week of sheer self-indulgence.’

  ‘You’re everything I need,’ Posy wriggled herself beneath him and started to tug his polo shirt away from his chinos. ‘Everything.’

  ‘So, this was worth getting dressed up for, was it?’ Flynn said huskily, sliding the straps of her dress over her shoulders. ‘And, um, even more worth getting undressed for?’

  ‘Oh, yes, yes, yes. And – oh, thank God for Persephone’s owner.’

  ‘Uh?’ Flynn paused. ‘Persephone?
Why do you keep mentioning Persephone?’

  ‘Persephone is a dog. Without Persephone’s owner I wouldn’t be here. We’d never have met. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you later. Right now there are far more important things to do . . .’

  Flynn kissed her, pulling the strappy dress over her head. ‘Oh, yeah, too right, but if our first baby is a girl, Persephone is a pretty neat name.’

  ‘Fine.’ Posy wriggled her nakedness against his spectacular body. ‘As long as if it’s a boy we can call it Adam.’

  ‘Funny you should mention that,’ Flynn murmured, shedding the last of his clothes and slowly moving his fingers teasingly and tantalizingly across her skin. ‘Because I’ve packed the Adam Ant outfit, the music and the make-up – just in case you fancied that private performance you requested. . .




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