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The Cowbear's Christmas Shotgun Wedding (Curvy Bear Ranch 3)

Page 5

by Liv Brywood

“If you change your mind, dinner’s at six thirty.”

  She gave a noncommittal grunt.

  As he closed the door, his bear growled. Anger at his own stupidity pulsed through his veins. But it wasn’t until he stood out on the front porch that a furious roar blasted out from his soul.

  He dropped to all fours as fur sprouted and grew on his arms and legs. As his hands and feet formed enormous paws, his snout elongated. As soon as he finished shifting, he sniffed the air. The scent of pine filled his nostrils. Icy wind blew in from the north. A storm crested the mountains in the distance, but he had at least another hour before the first snowflakes would fall.

  After bounding down the rickety steps on her porch, he crossed the driveway and lumbered toward the tree line. Before he disappeared into the forest, he took one last look at the house. The curtain at the bedroom window was pulled back. Kate stood with her face pressed against the glass. He couldn’t read her expression through the frosted window, but his bear sensed sadness.

  His chest ached at the thought of causing her pain. She didn’t deserve it. He needed to work harder to make her life easier, at least until she left. She’d said she was staying a week, just long enough to make some repairs and sell the place. If nothing else, he planned on working his ass off to help her. It was the only way he knew how to do penance for making fun of her in high school. It was the least he could do.

  The curtain fell across the window. He turned and jogged into the forest. Based on the position of the sun in the sky, he had at least a couple of hours before sunset. Running had always helped him work off nervous energy in the past, so he picked up his pace.

  As he crashed through the bushes, he delighted in the caress of wind through his fur. Sometimes, he wanted to stay in his bear form forever. Life was a lot less complicated when it only involved eating, sleeping, and mating with women he’d never see again. But it could also be lonely. He envied what Mack and Brady shared with their mates. There was something to be said about having a partner. A part of him longed for enduring love, but he wasn’t sure if he’d ever find his fated mate.

  Chapter 5

  Kate paced back and forth in the foyer of her dad’s house. The clock in the living room read six thirty. She’d woken up from the nap to an empty bed. Part of her wished that Logan would have climbed back into it with her. She was ready to forgive him for the past. After all, she’d grown into a strong woman, capable of dealing with everything herself. Well, almost everything.

  She eyed the boarded-up windows. At least she hadn’t had to smash them all out. Some were still in good repair. Tomorrow, her damn arm would hurt less and she’d be able to tackle the replacement phase. After that, she’d see about getting up on the roof to replace any missing or broken shingles. The faster she worked, the faster she could get out of West Yellowstone and away from the feelings that were bubbling up inside her.

  Across the plain, Christmas lights twinkled around the windows at the B&B. In the stillness of the night, faint laughter drifted toward her house as if tempting her to take Logan up on his offer.

  She turned away and padded into the kitchen. After surveying the lack of food in the fridge, her stomach grumbled. She was hungry enough to actually consider his invitation. Maybe she could just eat and run. Logan wouldn’t expect her to hang around long, would he? It was probably just his way of making a peace offering.

  Chilly air blew in through a crack near the window. The house creaked as snow slid from the roof to join the growing pile outside. Loneliness invaded her heart. She could continue to mope around here, alone, or she could suck it up and join Logan at his family’s B&B.

  She returned to the front door and began the process of bundling up. The storm had stopped an hour ago, but had left the temperature below freezing.

  After zipping up a charcoal-gray winter coat, she donned a pair of red gloves and snow boots. As she opened the door, a gust of wind blew a swirling cloud of snow into the room. She carefully stepped onto the porch and closed the door behind her.

  The trip to the B&B took less than ten minutes, but it was enough time to shake her confidence. What was she doing? What happened to her plan of coming home, selling the house, and getting back to her life as quickly as possible?

  It was just dinner. Right?

  Her desire to see Logan had nothing to do with the way he’d kissed her. Or with the way he’d completely claimed her body with his tongue. God, if he was that amazing with his tongue, what could he do with the rest of his body?

  As she approached the B&B, the laughter grew louder. A huge Christmas wreath hung over the front door. Boughs of holly decorated a wooden swing on the porch.

  Warmth and love radiated from the house. It drew her in and made any last bit of hesitation disappear. She climbed the sturdy porch and was about to knock when the door swung open.

  “You came,” Logan said as he stepped out to greet her.

  “I didn’t have anything to eat at the house,” she said sheepishly.

  “I’m glad you’re here. We have more than enough.”

  She bit the edge of her lip. His hair was damp, probably from a shower. A naked, hot, sexy—

  “Let’s go inside, it’s warmer.” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

  She stopped just before the closed door. “Before we go inside… about earlier.”

  “I was a jerk. I shouldn’t have taken advantage of you.”

  “You didn’t,” she said, lowering her voice.

  “You were hurting and vulnerable. And all I could think about…” His eyes searched her face. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Really?” He tilted his head slightly and a hope-filled smile passed across his lips.

  She flushed and looked away. He gently grasped her chin and turned her face toward his. Drawn to him with undeniable yearning, she stepped closer. As he moved to take her into his arms, the front door opened and a small boy toddled out.

  “Uncle Logan, Mommy says come inside before the snow monster gets you.”

  “Jimmy! Come back here.” A curvy woman with long, curly tendrils of chestnut hair burst through the door. She grabbed the boy’s hand. “I’m sorry about that.”

  “Kate, this is Rachel and her son, Jimmy. She’s engaged to my brother, Brady,” Logan said.

  “Nice to meet you,” Kate replied.

  Even though she’d stepped away from Logan, putting a respectable distance between them, heat crept up her neck and into her face. Rachel had to know she’d been a second away from kissing Logan.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you.” Rachel stepped forward to hug her.

  “Oh, uh. Thanks,” Kate stammered.

  “We were about to go inside,” Logan said. He grabbed Kate’s hand. “Come on, we don’t want Madison’s dinner to get cold. She’ll have my head on a platter.”

  As they entered the dining room, another stunning, curvy woman carried a huge platter of roast beef into the room. She set it on the table before turning to face Kate. “Hi, I’m Madison. I’m glad you could make it. I just set everything out, so you’re right on time.”

  “Thank you,” Kate said.

  The long dining room table held at least twenty seats on each side. A variety of people sat chattering amongst themselves. They were probably guests at the B&B.

  Logan guided her to a seat near the end of the table. Rachel sat Jimmy down between her and a man she guessed was Brady. Madison sat in the seat directly to the left of the man sitting at the head of the table. She slipped her hand into his and flashed an adoring smile. That was a woman in love if she ever saw one.

  Kate glanced at Logan out of the corner of her eye. What would it be like to be in love with one of the Grant brothers? They were all so strong and seemed capable of anything.

  The man at the head of the table stood. “I’d like to propose a toast. To new friends and great family.”

  “Hear, hear,” accompanied the clinking of glasses together.

t’s my brother, Mack,” Logan whispered in her ear.

  A shiver of awareness raced up her spine. She leaned closer to Logan as if driven by a magnetic attraction. Her bear pushed her to lean even closer. The only way she knew how to distract her bear was with food, so she heaped thick slices of beef, roasted red potatoes, and green beans onto her plate. As she shoveled the first heaping forkful into her mouth, she told her bear to calm down.

  As the meal progressed, the conversations around the table jumped from tales about the guest’s various snowmobile trips to their Christmas plans. For the first time in years, she wondered where she’d be on Christmas. Would she be in her tiny apartment with only Mittens to keep her company, or would she finally have someone to spend it with?

  Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Logan scarf down enough food to feed the hungriest bear. The man sure could eat. As he reached for a glass of spiced cider, she smiled and wondered if he’d passed up the wine because she was with him. She didn’t expect him not to drink. Most men could handle their liquor without a problem. Her dad just hadn’t been one of those men.

  As soon as the last person put their fork down, Madison jumped up. “I have a special surprise for you guys tonight.”

  She hurried into the kitchen, and then returned with a huge strawberry cheesecake. Although Kate was stuffed fuller than a Thanksgiving turkey, she could probably manage a small piece.

  “Did you get enough?” Logan asked.

  “Yes. The food was amazing. If it’s like this every night, I might have to invite myself to dinner for the rest of the week,” she said.

  “You’re more than welcome to come over anytime,” Madison said.

  “We’re sorry about your father. If there’s anything we can do to help over at the ranch, let us know,” Mack said.

  The other brothers nodded their heads in agreement.

  “I’m fine, but thank you for offering,” Kate said.

  “I’m heading over there tomorrow to help replace the windows,” Logan said.

  “You are?” Kate asked, surprised.

  “Yep,” he said. “Bright and early. We have work to do.”

  “Okay.” How could she refuse his help when he was looking at her like he wanted to eat her for dessert?

  As she scooped chunks of mouthwatering cheesecake into her mouth, she couldn’t help but notice that Logan was still watching her. Was she eating too much? She set her fork down.

  “Are you going to eat the rest of that?” Logan asked.

  At first, she thought he was judging her for over-indulging, but then she realized he was fixated on the cheesecake, not her. She suppressed a smile. Was it possible to be jealous of a piece of cake?

  She pressed her lips together and fought the rush of laughter that threatened to spill from her lips.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing. You can have it,” she managed to blurt before grabbing a glass of water to cover her chuckle.

  He shrugged and set her plate on top of his. Two bites later, he sat back. “Damn, that has to be the best cheesecake I’ve ever had.”

  “Don’t let my mother hear you say that,” Rachel joked.

  “What happened to that bake-off you and Madison were planning?” Logan asked.

  “We’re working on it,” Rachael said while flashing a conspiratorial smile at Madison.

  “Don’t forget, I get to be a judge,” Logan said.

  Kate had no idea what they were talking about, but if it involved food, she had no doubt that Logan would be happy to participate.

  While guests and several of the brothers drifted off into the living room, Kate sat talking with Rachel, Brady, Madison, and Mack. The couples gazed at each other with love in their eyes. Tender touches and gentle caresses passed between them. It almost felt voyeuristic to watch them express their affection.

  She faked a yawn and pushed back from the table. “I should be going.”

  “I’ll walk you home.” Logan jumped up.

  “Thank you for dinner,” she said to Madison.


  On the trip back to the house, she couldn’t stop thinking about Logan’s lips and what they’d done to her earlier in the day. When they reached the house, she wasn’t ready to let him go.

  “Would you like to come in for some tea?” she asked.


  After stripping off her coat, gloves and boots, she walked into the kitchen. Logan followed closely behind. When she reached for the tea kettle, he placed his hands on the counter on either side of her.

  He pressed up against her back and whispered, “I settled for cheesecake, but what I really wanted was you.”

  Her breath hitched as she turned to face him. With his lips just inches away, she couldn’t resist kissing them. The first tentative brush of her lips against his curled her toes. She moaned as he tangled his fingers in her hair and drew her closer.

  Just a single swipe of his tongue across her lips was enough to make her forget everything but the feel of his hands on her body. Kneading, caressing, cradling, he seduced her with his hands. She forgot all about her plan to leave at the end of the week. She forgot the terrible memories associated with this house. She forgot about Logan’s betrayal on prom night. Nothing mattered but the graze of his stubbly cheek against hers.

  “Take me to bed,” she whispered.

  “I can’t take advantage of you like that again.”

  “I want you to be the one.”

  “You’re upset. You just lost your dad. You’re hurting and just looking for comfort.”

  “Consider it payment for helping me with the house,” she said.

  “I can’t.” After one last, searing kiss, he pulled away.

  “Please…” She wasn’t above begging. She needed him, wanted him, and would say anything right now to get him.

  “I’ll help you no matter what because I want to. But I can’t take what you’re offering. You’ve waited this long. Why throw it away on a single night of passion that we both know isn’t going anywhere? You’re leaving at the end of the week. After that, I might never see you again. I don’t want you to regret our time together.”

  “Logan, don’t do this to me right now.”

  He backed toward the front door. “I’ll give you all week to think about it. If you still want me at the end of the week, then I’m yours for one night.”


  Logan tossed and turned all night. He couldn’t stop picturing the look on her face when he’d refused her offer. He couldn’t take something so precious from her knowing that it wouldn’t mean anything. She deserved to give her virginity to someone who loved her, not just someone who lusted after her. She wasn’t the kind of woman he usually pursued.

  Women like Kate were the marrying kind, not the kind you have hot, sweaty, rough sex with before sneaking away in the middle of the night. None of this would be happening if he’d kept his damn hands to himself in the first place.

  Now he knew how delicate and feminine she felt in his arms. He knew the taste of her skin and could still hear the sounds she’d made when she came beneath his lips.

  Although he’d offered to help rebuild the ranch today, he knew it would be hell on earth. To know that she wanted him as much as he wanted her made him rock-hard. His bear was restless, but he’d given her his word and he damn well wasn’t going to renege on it now.

  After shoveling breakfast into his face, he pulled on his jacket and placed his Stetson on his head. He tried not to run to her house, but he wanted to see her more than anything in the world. Maybe he was being too noble by trying to keep his hands to himself for once, but he respected her and wanted to treat her right.

  He found her by the barn, struggling to haul a huge sheet of glass across the road. He jogged over and took the sheet from her. “Good morning.”

  “Thanks. It was heavier than it looked.”

  “I’ll do all the lifting, you just tell me where to go,” he said.

  “I w
anted to start on the windows since it’s drafty as heck in there right now. I boarded them up, but it still gets really cold at night.”

  Since she wasn’t bringing up their conversation from the night before, he followed her lead and kept the banter light. They measured, cut and replaced three windows in the span of a couple of hours. He smiled at her as she handed him another nail.

  “You’re good with a hammer,” she said.

  “Thanks.” He bit back all the dirty innuendoes he could make. His bear wanted to hammer her into the bed with his cock, but that wasn’t going to happen. Too bad his bear didn’t agree.

  “When should we break for lunch?” she asked.

  “Whenever you want.”

  “I actually ran up to the store before you got here,” she said. “I’ve got chicken, potato salad, coleslaw, and cheesecake for dessert.”

  “You’re amazing.”

  He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her mouth. He didn’t think first—he’d just reacted—and he was glad he did. Her supple lips parted as he slid his tongue against hers. Sharing the same breath, he pulled her closer, loving the way she melted against him.

  As the kiss heated up, he reconsidered his attempt at chivalry. Maybe he should just carry her off to bed and deal with the consequences later.

  He dropped his hands to her butt and lifted her into his arms. He’d taken two steps toward the front door when a black SUV rumbled onto the property. After setting her down, he turned to glare as Mr. Milton approached. He was the only asshole who’d be driving around in a car like that in the middle of winter. The bastard had terrible timing.

  “I’ll handle this,” Logan snapped. He strode over to the truck and waited for Milton to get out. “What do you want?”

  “I’m here to talk to the owner of the property,” Milton said.

  “She’s not available, so you’ll just have to talk to me.”

  “It’s okay, I can handle this.” Kate looped her arm through Logan’s before addressing Milton. “As I said the other day, I’ll contact you when I’m ready to discuss the possibility of selling the ranch.”

  Possibility? Huh? She’d been going on and on about how badly she’d wanted to sell the ranch from the moment she’d set foot on it. Was she saying this just to get Milton off her back, or was she actually considering keeping the place?


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