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Warlock's Charm

Page 4

by Marly Mathews

  She shivered. The sexual longing for him stirred inside of her. She could feel herself getting wet as she imagined him in that particular position, pleasuring her with his mouth as he had done many times before.

  The thought of his cock driving her to untold peaks made her want to throw in the towel and give herself completely to him. She didn’t know if she could forgive him yet for what he’d done to her but she didn’t know how much longer she could deprive herself of the pleasures his body could give her.

  Still, she had to get it through his thick skull that she would only allow him certain liberties. He couldn’t be allowed to drug her ever again. It was beyond the pale, and she was going to draw the line in the sand so they knew where they stood.

  “You drugged me,” she pointed out, her voice clipped and almost hoarse. Emotion stormed through her, she had to fight the inclination to react out of spite toward him. She had to maintain a level head.

  “I had to do it in order to speak to you like an adult. You gave me no other options. We see how the witch hunters sent to retrieve you fared after bearing the brunt of your childish temper tantrums.”

  He couldn’t tell her that he admired her greatly for how she handled the witch hunters. He’d given them strict instructions not to hurt her, he only wanted them to bring her back so he could talk some sense into her.

  Many wondered why he didn’t pursue her himself and sometimes he wondered as well, but he didn’t want to take any further chances. He still hadn’t known if she was intent upon making herself a widow.

  Now that he could see the look of love in her eyes, he knew she had no intentions of harming him.

  “If you keep telling me I’m immature, you will never get me into that bed,” she said, her eyes darting quickly to the four-poster bed that looked so bloody inviting.

  “You’re not immature, Anya. You only act like it sometimes. You are my wicked wanton witch.”

  She shivered. His voice caressed her skin, making her tingle all over. She had to fight it, she had to keep her willpower strong or he would break past her defenses and they’d be fucking like horny rabbits.

  Oh hell, would it really be that bad if she gave in to him? They had missed out on their wedding night after all, and she did want him terribly.

  He had done a great many things to her leading up to this point but he’d never been an uncaring or selfish brute when it came to lovemaking. Sex was his personal forte and he was a lover of the highest caliber.

  Unfortunately, Damien was her one weakness. He made her want to jump onto the bed and spread her legs for him without giving any thought to the possible consequences of doing so.

  Damien always had that unfortunate effect on her, he could cause her to lose her wits and drop her guard like no other man before him. He made her feel like a giddy teenager, he made her feel like she could do anything so long as he was by her side, and now that that was no longer an option for her she was literally heartsick.

  “And you are my charming warlock. You enchanted me from our first meeting—now I wonder if our love is true or if you hit me with some sort of a love potion!”

  Genuine pain glimmered in his brilliant blue eyes. He actually looked as if she’d slapped him or hit him with an energy ball. It had really given him quite the turn.

  ”How can you make light of what we feel for each other, Anya? I would use a great many potions on you but never would I use a love potion to twist your affections for me.

  “Besides, you know as well as I do that no love potion can simulate true love and what I feel for you is the truest purest form of love in existence! And I might be a great many things but I am an honorable warlock. You know as well as I do that dealing in love potions is an unethical practice for most witches and warlocks out there. Any love you feel for me is purely natural. We are fated for each other, darling!”

  “Was it just fate that led us to each other or did you orchestrate our first meeting? We met in the rain in San Francisco on Earth near the Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered Convention, at which I was a keynote speaker. You knew I was going to be there for the entire event, you had to have known. The event was advertised for over a year in Dragon’s Digest, Fairy Dust Housekeeping and right here on Vanguard in Vanguard Verry and in the local free press, The Sylvan Star. They publicized it early and widely before it actually took place so they could get the word out to the Colonies.”

  Recently, she’d been named Witch of the Year in Hourglass Magazine and by Pixilated Weekly.

  Tight knots twisted in the pit of her stomach, again her breathing went shallow, and heat flushed her cheeks. He’d been following her for a long time—that was the only way to explain the strange coincidences that surrounded their courtship.

  Nothing had been predestined. Damien carefully and deliberately plotted every single stage of their romance. Almost as if he’d stalked her.

  She’d married her own stalker and not even been privy to it until now—worse than that, she had been fooled. He had manipulated her—and they called her the greatest witch of her generation. She didn’t deserve to hold that title, she felt so ashamed and so very stupid!

  It was clear to her that she should have run straight back to Earth. Her romance with Damien had started there and it should have ended there. She knew that Dallas would have been able to make her feel better.

  She needed someone who would understand how she felt right now, and that someone obviously wasn’t Damien. All he could think of was the fact that he needed her.

  He couldn’t think about how rotten she felt knowing she’d fallen in love with a man who hailed from the family who had caused her mother and her grandmother so much damn grief.

  Turnabout was clearly fair play when it came to dealing with someone like Damien. He wanted to seduce her. So there was only one thing for her to do. She’d have to make sweet love to him and show him just how much he was going to miss out on once she’d abandoned him forever.

  She was going to give him the shagging of a lifetime! She was going to fuck him until his eyeballs rolled back into his head. She would make sure he had that look of euphoria on his face every single time he came.

  When she finally left him for good, he would be haunted by their last sexual encounters.

  “You wound me to the core, Anya. I understand why you’re angry with me but you can’t hold the sins of my grandfathers against me. Tell me how to get past the resentment you hold for me, please!”

  How could he get past it?

  She didn’t even know how to get past it herself. She only had one life to live and she thought she’d live it with her true love—her Damien.

  Fate mocked her. There was only one conceivable way to deal with Damien—he had to be defused and he was on the romantic war path. The only way to steer him off that war path was to give him what he needed. After which, she would disappear from his life for the rest of their lives.

  She’d hide better than she had before and she wouldn’t fall prey to her feelings of curiosity and guilt that had brought her back to Vanguard straight to his waiting arms.

  She’d give him what he wanted and what she’d been secretly craving for the last few months but she wasn’t going to make it easy for him and she planned on having some fun along the way.

  He liked to be playful when it came to their lovemaking sessions so she was about to give him the time of his life. Smiling deviously, she conjured an energy ball and held it in the palm of her hand.

  Damien’s eyes widened. He obviously thought she meant to do him bodily harm, but he’d soon find out the energy ball she’d conjured wouldn’t harm him—it was going to arouse him. Still, it did pack quite the punch.

  She threw it at him and it connected solidly with his chest, sending him flying up into the air. He grunted as he was thrown backward and slammed into the large silver wood oak wardrobe behind him.

  The silver wood trees native to Vanguard made beautiful furniture, and they were resiliently strong. Even his substantial weig
ht didn’t hurt it.

  * * * * *

  Damien grunted, rubbing at the back of his head.

  “You could have knocked me for a loop there, Anya.” He looked up and locked gazes with her. Burning lust blazed in her dark eyes. His heart skipped in his chest. He’d been waiting far too long to see that look of want from Anya, and his blood warmed. Standing up, he regained control of his senses and smiled wickedly at her. “Two can play the game you just started, darling Anya.”

  She laughed and the rich melodious sound made his stomach dip. She’d always been able to weave a spell around him and her accusations held some truth to them.

  He had pursued her as soon as he’d realized that Ebony Ross’ legacy was alive and well but his heart had always been true when it came to Anya. He hadn’t expected to fall so madly and deeply in love with her upon their first meeting but he had and he wouldn’t wish for anything different.

  If she thought he’d harbored some ulterior motives as in putting a collar on her and using it to redirect her powers so he could use them for his own gain, she was dead wrong.

  In fact, he’d given her Ebony’s amulet so she could harness the magic stored within its black tourmaline depths and therefore amplify her already strong gift of magic.

  He was wrenched out of his brooding when her eyes devoured him hungrily. They gobbled him up like he was a tasty dessert.

  She wanted him desperately and despite that clear look of longing she had reservations. He had a huge job ahead of him; he had to change her outlook toward him. He had to call to her heart and hope it would finally overwhelm her sensibilities.

  “I obviously knocked you silly and slow,” she remarked, lunging herself at him. She knocked him down again and landed on top of him.

  She straddled him and he inhaled deeply. If she sat there much longer they’d have to finish what she started. “It’s good to see your little warlock still responds so quickly to my touch.”

  He settled his left hand on her hip and used his other hand to activate his magic. With it he slowly opened each button on her shirt, revealing her heaving breasts. He wanted to see her naked body in all of its glorious wonder.

  Damien needed them to be skin against skin. The friction she was causing as she rubbed herself up against him was about to be his undoing. Moving his hands from her hips, he dragged her blouse off her and threw it across the room. Her lacy bra was now his only barrier against releasing her beautiful breasts.

  Anya was not a delicately built woman, though her size did seem diminutive in comparison to his large frame. Her skirt was bunched up around her waist and she wouldn’t need much coaxing to remove that garment from her body.

  He wanted to get her naked so he could kiss every inch and crevice. He wanted to make slow, sweet love to her. Unfortunately, their first reunion coupling wasn’t going to be slow—they both needed each other with such urgency that it would be a rougher and faster coupling than what he would have wanted for their first time back together.

  Beggars, however, couldn’t be choosers.

  Sighing heavily, she leaned down and smashed her lips against his. The kiss was hot and sweet and made him wonder if she’d opened her heart to him again or if she was just giving him one last taste of bliss before she vanished from his life forever.

  He knew that her decision to yield to him so quickly had to come with a price—she thought she’d get him out of her system and make him think she’d really come back to him to be his wife.

  He knew her better than he knew himself. If only she’d come to understand that and accept it. She railed against the inevitable. He would never let her go no matter what he had to do in order to keep her.

  He deepened the kiss and their tongues dueled as if they were doing an ancient sword dance.

  Anya fought for domination with him, and he’d always given her what she wanted so she would feel like the one calling the shots in the relationship. Perhaps he had to show her just how much she needed his touch—and make her see how much she was addicted to him, just as he was addicted to her.

  “I want you naked beneath me, Anya. I want to thrust my cock deeply inside of you. I want to fuck you hard and fast and leave us both shaking in the aftermath of our coupling.”

  Her eyes lit with raw carnal hunger. His blunt language aroused her, just as it always had. She reached for the fly to his trousers.

  “I want that too, Damien. I think we should do this now before my head regains control. I’m running purely on the emotions you arouse within me. I want your thick glorious cock inside of me now. I don’t want to wait for it. I don’t want to continue arguing about who is right and who is wrong when I know that I am right and you are wrong. Let’s not haggle about it any longer, let’s just give in to sweet temptation.”

  He didn’t want to argue with her and if she wanted to cling to the belief that she was right, who was he to challenge that?

  His ancestors had acted like foul bastards but he didn’t care about his family honor at all. At least not when it came to the Asher Family line. They were true bastards, and she could think ill of them all she liked.

  If thinking of them as evil monsters made her sleep easily at night than that was what she had to do.

  He ran his hand up the inside of her thigh and touched her mound. She was so wet her panties were drenched. He could only imagine the countless nights she’d spent away from Vanguard wanting him the way he’d wanted her.

  He somehow managed to tug her underwear down her legs and she helped him to kick them off. Her skirt was still bunched up around her legs and he pushed it up even farther so he could gain entrance to her beautiful cunt.

  She freed his cock from its material prison and her eyes lit up as she stared at the engorged length.

  “I’m always amazed by the sight,” she murmured. “You never cease to astound me.”

  Her praise stroked his ego just the way he liked it. Groaning hungrily, he kissed her deeply as he entered her and drove home.

  He stilled inside of her and savored the moment. He had waited so long for this moment. He’d fantasized about her every single night and day since she’d left him. How many times had he been forced to suffer through cold showers while he attempted to pleasure himself with his hand?

  He couldn’t do the job the way that being with his sweet Anya did it Nothing could take her place.

  She locked her legs around him, the strength in her legs reminding him of how fierce she was. He had never met a woman with such a strong will before and it carried over into her physique. Even though she was average height, she was bloody well stronger than she looked, and many a witch hunter had found that out firsthand!

  His admiration for her swelled inside of him and increased his thrusting power. He pushed in and out of her channel, and pulled out of her completely at one point.

  She looked bereft. Her eyes locked on his as he kissed the nape of her neck. Her breathing labored, she struggled to find the words he wanted to hear.

  “Fuck me, Damien. I’ve waited fucking forever for this. If you think I’m going to let you get off without me going along for the ride you are sadly mistaken, sir!”

  He chuckled huskily, kissed her roughly and slammed back into her again, making her body jolt with the force. At first he wondered if he had hurt her but the blissful expression on her face told him that everything was fine. Now was the time to drive them both toward the edge of ecstasy!

  Anya wanted to cry. It was all so perfect. She had her Damien back with her and driving her to the height of pleasure she’d so missed during her time away from him. Feeling him inside of her made her feel so complete.

  He continued to screw her the way she liked. The sound of their bodies clashing together was erotic for her. She grasped him closer to her. Pulling his shirt out of his trousers, she slipped her hands up beneath the material and rubbed her hands across his bare flesh. His body shook as he shivered beneath her caress.

  He was leading her toward her release. He balanc
ed himself on one arm and reached down to play with her clit. She sucked in another lungful of air and let out a sweetly tortured moan.

  He was about to have her screaming out her pleasure. She only hoped that the walls in the mansion weren’t thin. She would hate to have the rest of the house hear her scream with such wild abandon.

  “I’m going to lose it in a minute, Damien,” she gasped out, making a smile spread across his face.

  “I am about to shatter as well and fill you with my seed,” he muttered.

  Fear coiled in her belly. She didn’t want to stop him, she wanted him to continue and fill her with his essence, and yet she wasn’t on any form of birth control.

  If they continued on their current course he could leave her with a child and she wasn’t entirely certain she wanted that given the fact that they were probably not going to last as a couple. She wanted them to have a big final hurrah with this honeymoon of sorts, and then she could petition for a divorce from him rather than an annulment. In some cases, divorce was easier to obtain on Vanguard.

  Still, she felt certain she could raise a child on her own surrounded by her family back on Earth. And she had desired to start a family as soon as possible, so she wouldn’t ask him to draw out prematurely. No, she would allow him to impregnate her if fate dealt her that hand.

  He kissed her roughly again, filling her mouth with his hot tongue. She moaned against his lips and felt the flutters of her climax rushing over her. She lost herself in the euphoria as the walls of her sex contracted against his cock and caused him to lose it all in that moment.

  With a wild cry, his hot cum spurted inside of her. As she continued to orgasm, her powers released and the breakables in the room exploded.

  He continued to shudder inside of her as she clung to him in the aftermath of her own release.

  She had done exactly what she’d been set against doing. She’d let her husband seduce her, and now, now she might not be able to kick her addiction to him—Damien was her world, how could she leave him now?


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