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Living among the Stars (Sky Riders #2)

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by Rebecca Lorino Pond

  “It won’t do you any good, so you might as well be quiet,” Kharis said then slapped her on her rear end.

  The sound of the crack on her butt startled her for a moment. “Ow! That hurt, you ass!”

  She felt Kharis’ shoulder move up and down as he laughed at her. How dare he? She would get even with him as soon as he put her down and she caught him off guard. Outside the house, the day was bright as they walked to his ship.

  “I don’t want to go with you, Kharis! Please put me down,” she said nicely hoping it would sway him if she asked calmly.

  “I will put you down as soon as we are on my ship,” he said in return.

  “I’m going to kick your ass when you put me down,” she shouted.

  Kharis ignored her the rest of the way to his ship. He was evidently prepared for her refusal to go with him willing because he didn’t put her down until they were in his ship with the ship’s door closed and locked. Then he unceremoniously dumped her on the nearest seat and went to get in the pilot’s chair.

  “You can’t do this!”

  “I can and I did. Now, shut up and buckle up,” he shouted back at her as he prepared the ship to lift off.

  What should she do? Should she refuse to buckle up and not bend to his demands or stay unbuckled and take a chance on getting seriously hurt when the ship left the landing pad?

  The engines of the ship roared to life and she reluctantly went to sit in the seat next to him and buckled herself in. She heard him chuckle at her, but she ignored him and that’s exactly what she would do from now on, ignore him.


  Gods! The smell of her was killing him! His cock was painfully hard just from the feel of her squirming while she was on his shoulder. He had been so tempted to run his hand over her little rounded ass after he gave her that slap, but he thought she wouldn’t appreciate it too much. It was bad enough she landed one good kick with her heel directly in his right eye. He was positive he would have a black eye by the time the morning came.

  He was glad he was finally getting her right where he wanted her, in his home! He couldn’t wait to find out how she was going to react when he told her she would be sharing his room and his bed with him! She was a feisty one, so the chances were she was going to put up a good fight.

  “I hope you’re buckled in,” he said as he lifted the ship up into the air. The ship hovered a few feet off the ground as he turned it in the direction he wanted to go then started their journey back to Ashme.

  The ride to his city wouldn’t take more than an hour. He wanted to use this time he had her completely isolated and at his mercy to find out more about her. He was positive without a doubt she was his true life mate and he wanted to know what her life had been like on Earth.

  “I hope you’re not too pissed with me,” he dared to say. Out the corner of his eye, he saw her turn her head to look at him.

  “Are you serious?” she asked. “What do you think, Einstein?”

  “My name isn’t Ein…Einstern…Einstore. It’s Kharis.”

  She rolled her eyes. “No shit, Sherlock!”

  He had to look at her now. Why was she calling him by these odd names? “My name is Kharis. I don’t know who this Sherlock is.” He kept his gaze on her as he waited for her response and when she responded it wasn’t what he had been expecting. She burst out laughing and couldn’t stop herself.

  “I don’t know what you find so funny!” He was getting annoyed now. She laughed even harder and had tears coming out of her eyes!

  “You…that’s what is so funny! Can’t you take a joke?”

  “Of course I can! I just don’t know these names you are calling me.” He looked away.

  “I was sarcastic. It’s just words we say on Earth when we are being flip with someone. Calling someone Einstein means you think someone is smart and you call someone Sherlock when they figure something out, you know like discovering something.” She tried to explain.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Shaking her head, she said, “Jut forget about it.” She turned her attention back out the window.

  He chanced another glance at her while she wasn’t looking at him. Gods, how he wished he could her to open up to him. Maybe she just needed some time to come to the realization that she was the one for him.

  “Did you have a mate back on Earth,” he blurted out without thinking. He cringed when she jerked around and gave him a look that would have killed.

  “Why would you ask me that?” she replied.

  “I want to make sure that you are not spoken for.”

  “No, I am not spoken for and I plan on keeping it that way!” She studied him as she watched for his reaction.

  He sighed then let the subject rest. If he kept questioning her, he would only end up pissing her off again and that was something he wanted. The rest of the flight to his home was spent in silence.

  As they neared his home, the activity around Ashme picked up. Several other larger ships were docked on the landing pad area and were being unloaded. He didn’t have the pleasure of having his own landing pad on his property since he chose to live in a different style of home than Etor.

  “This is the city you watch over?” Kelly asked when he shut the ship down.

  “Yes, my father assigned me to Ashme when he became ill and decided to allow all three of his sons rule a city. Etor has the ultimate say though since he is the eldest son.” He spoke as he stood up and waited for her to follow him out the ship. When he stepped out the ship, he looked around in confusion. “I don’t see our ride.”

  She walked up beside him and searched for whatever was going to be their ride. “Someone was supposed to be here to pick us up?”

  “Serelath was supposed to be here when we arrived.”

  “Who is Serelath?” she asked.

  Before he could answer a loud roar came from overhead. Kelly shrieked and ducked when Serelath’s shadow crossed over them. The air around them began to pick up as his dragon came in for a landing directly in front of them.

  Sorry, I am late, Serelath said to him through their mind link. Who is the female?

  This is Kelly, my true life mate, he told the dragon.

  Ah, yes! I thought as much! But, why she is looking so scared? Hasn’t she ever seen a dragon before? Serelath lowered his head until he was close enough to Kelly to sniff her. She smells wonderful! What is she?

  “She is a human female, Serelath,” he chuckled as he watched his dragon inspect his mate. “Kelly, this is Serelath, my dragon.”

  Kelly’s eyes were huge and she had gripped his arm when Serelath landed, so he could feel her trembling hand as her grip tightened. “Serelath…” she mumbled.

  He took hold of the hand gripping his arm and gently but firmly stretched it out to touch the dragon’s snout. “He’s not going to hurt you. Let him sniff your hand.”

  She struggled to pull her hand away, but he refused to let her back away. While Kelly had been at Etor’s home, she had gotten used to Rhaegos and finally realized that the big purple dragon didn’t mean any harm. He wanted her now to realize that Serelath meant no harm either and would gladly give his life to protect her.

  “No, no, please!”

  Her hand was inches away from a mouth that could quickly swallow her whole. The razor sharp teeth gleamed in the sunlight as Serelath let out a puff of white smoke that made her cough.

  “Please, just touch him. I promise he will not hurt you,” he encouraged her.

  She looked up to him then back at the rounded, orange nose. Her fingers grazed the very tip then inched upwards. He let go of her hand when he saw a smile begin to form on her face. She took a step closer and let her hand travel up Serelath’s snout. It glided up over his eyes and back down to rub his cheek.

  I wish she would touch me like that, he said to Serelath.

  The dragon purred and closed his eyes as the hand caressed his face. There was no doubt in his mind that Serelath had accepted Kelly without a second thou

  “I never expected his scales to feel so soft. I was sure they would be hard and pointy,” Kelly said as she stared at the dragon.

  “Their scales are actually their armor. It can sustain a great deal of damage before it will fail. That’s probably happened to the four that died in the battle. It is a great loss when one of the dragons dies much less four.” Sadness filled him with the thought of the dragons that perished while protecting the people of Qetera.

  Kelly let her hand fall to her side. “Can he change his size like Rhaegos can?”

  “Yes. All the dragons are virtually the same except for their coloring which is distinct to a dragon. No dragon ever has the same exact pattern or coloring as another.” Serelath sniffed the air around them then puffed out more smoke. Kharis chuckled as he looked Serelath in the face. “I think he is growing impatient. Come, I will help you up.” He reached for her hand and was surprised when she jerked it back.

  “What…what do you mean? I got to get on him?” The color drained from her face and her voice shook.

  “Of course! He is our ride. It’s much quicker to let Serelath take us up to my home.” He reached for her again and took her shaking hand in his larger one. “I promise to hold on to you.”

  Kelly looked back and forth between the dragon and Kharis. She swallowed nervously then nodded her head. Hesitantly, she stepped forward until he was able to clasp her around her tiny waist and lift her up onto Serelath’s back. He quickly followed suit and pulled himself up behind her. He scooted forward until her buttocks her touching his inner thighs then he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Wha…what do I hang on to?” She tried to turn to look at him.

  “Do you see those two reddish orange scales? Take hold of those tightly.”

  “Won’t that hurt him?” She did as he directed her and took hold of the scales.

  “Not at all. That’s why they are there. Ready?” he whispered in her ear.

  “I guess so.”

  He nudged Serelath in the sides to let him know they were ready. In one fluid movement, they were up in the air and flying. They climbed higher and higher until Serelath was gliding through the lavender clouds that hung low over the city. He felt Kelly’s tense and ridged body slowly let go of some of the tension she was consumed with. Looking over her shoulder, he saw that her knuckles were white from gripping the scales so hard. Cautiously, he slid his hands over hers and rubbed them.

  “Just relax,” he said in her ear. Gods, she smelled wonderful! Her scent filled his senses as her hair blew in his face. He closed his eyes and inhaled the fresh, womanly scent. It didn’t bother him that her face was covering his face as they flew. If it were up to him, he would stay this way forever.

  Serelath’s massive orange wings waved up and down periodically to keep them soaring through the air. It was cooler higher up in the mountains, but he welcomed the chill on his heated body. Kelly squirmed somewhat in front of him and unconsciously rubbed her rear end on his cock, making it instantly hard.

  “Would you please stop squirming so much?” He said after he brushed her hair to the side so he could speak into her ear.

  She slightly turned her head so she could see him out the corner of her eye. “I’m trying not to move, but I’m afraid I am going to slide off.”

  “Little one, I promise you will not slide off. What I can’t promise is not taking you right here on Serelath’s back if you don’t sit still!”

  “What are you talking…Ohhhh,” she said. Almost instantly, her body became ridged again and pulled slightly away from his.

  He had to laugh at her desperate attempt to extract herself from his touch. She sat up straighter so she was no longer leaning against his chest. Thankfully, they were almost to his home because he didn’t know how much longer he would be able to control himself with her in his arms.

  “Do you see that mountain right over there?” He pointed in front of her at the chain of mountains that graced the landscape. When she nodded he said, “That’s where my home is.”

  “Your home is on the mountain?” she asked.

  “Yes, I built it there so that Serelath could have the freedom of living in one of the numerous caves the mountain hides. He is also much closer to the other dragons and his parents.”

  “Wow,” she replied.

  Serelath flew straight for the peak of the mountain. As they drew closer, his home came into view. He’d only been gone since that morning, but he had a feeling of completeness fill him as he returned to his home with his mate. The gods saw fit to give him his true life mate, the one he would do anything for, even die for. All he had to do now was convince her that she was made for him and the gods made them for each other.

  Chapter 3

  Kelly sat in awe as they flew closer to Kharis’ home. It was a beautiful two story home built directly into the side of the mountain. Part of it actually hung over the side of a sheer drop off that didn’t seem to have an end. Lights filled numerous windows as Serelath flew close enough for her to see movement coming from inside. They flew past the grand house only to circle quickly back around for Serelath to land on a balcony that stretched out over the seer drop.

  With stylish grace and ease, the immense dragon touched down on the firm ground of the balcony. Kharis slid of its back then reached up to help her down. She turned quickly to speak to Serelath while he watched the interaction.

  “Serelath?” she called out quietly. “Thank you.”

  Serelath bent his massive head to her as a form of respect. She reached out to touch his snout again and received a loud purr in return. Serelath gave them both one last glance then dove over the edge of the balcony. She rushed forward to lean over the railing and find the dragon twisting and flipping as he soared through the air.

  “Show off!” Kharis shouted into the air.

  Kelly laughed at the pair’s antics. It was amazing to see such a wild creature be so gentle and have a personality all its own. She could stand there forever watching the grace dragon fly through the air then disappear beyond tips of the mountains in the distance.

  “Where is he going?” she asked.

  “Probably to hunt. It takes a lot to fill him up!” He stood next to her as she gazed out over his city. “Do you like your new home?”

  She immediately tensed up but refused to look at him. “This is not my home. I don’t have a home of my home yet.” She heard him emit a low growl before he spoke again.

  “Until the danger has passed, this is your home. I will not allow Zol’tsa or anyone else to harm you. The people in my city do not know of you yet, but I can grantee they will adore you.”

  She shook her head in frustration. How was she ever going to get him to realize she didn’t want a mate? All she wanted to do was live her new life in peace. No, you don’t! You know you are attracted him!

  She ignored her arguing mind and stepped away from the railing. “Can we go inside? I am feeling tired and would like to take a nap,” she lied. She really wanted to get away from Kharis. The more he spoke to her about being his mate or wanting to be with her, the more her body responded. If he only knew how her body had reacted while sitting between his massive thighs, he would no doubt believe she wanted him, especially when she felt his rock hard cock pressing into her back. Judging by what she felt his cock had to be immense.

  “Are you coming?”

  She looked up at Kharis, who had moved a few feet away from her. “What did you say?”

  “I asked you if you were coming. Inside?”

  “Oh! Yes!” One last glance over her shoulder gave her a quick sighting of the dragon again. Following Kharis inside, she was glad to be inside where it was a bit warmer. Shew would definitely have to find a sweater or something she said to herself as she rubbed her chilled arms.

  Kharis lead her through a room that resembled a living room. It was a spacious room with all the colors blending nicely together in rich Earth tones. A dark green sofa sat in front of a fireplace that was curr
ently unlit. The terra cotta colored floor was covered in certain areas with rugs that depicted scenes of dragons flying over the mountains. Two off white chaise loungers sat cattycorner from each other across from the sofa. In the middle stood a beautiful stone coffee table. It had to weigh a ton, but it fit the room perfectly. Above her head hung two ceiling fans that slowly spun.

  Her eyes took in everything in the room, but when her eyes came across the doorway, they stopped. Beyond the door in darkened room she could see a bed, an enormous bed. Her heart skipped a beat as she guessed whose room she was currently in.

  “Is this your room?”


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