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Living among the Stars (Sky Riders #2)

Page 8

by Rebecca Lorino Pond

  “Commander Zol’tsa, I have received that approval that you have requested. You may send down your people as soon as you need to. Supplies can be bought and picked up at several locations. I will send you the coordinates of them in a moment. As for the people you have requested, my government will graciously accept your offer of taking some of the people who reside in the penal institutions. You are also free to recruit others if you would like. Those who freely chose to go with you must have the understanding of what your intentions are.”

  Zol’tsa smiled back at the stupid Earthling. “Of course, Captain. It is my pleasure to help out your world. I will begin to send down shuttles within the hour,” he said to the image on the screen. At least this time he was lying. He undoubtedly would be sending out his shuttles and it was most definitely his pleasure to gain bodies to help in his soon to be war against the Qeterans.

  “If you have the time Commander, myself and a few of my men would like to meet with in person.”

  “Of course. Just send me the location and I will arrive shortly on one of the shuttles. Until then Captain.” He nodded at the screen and waited for it to go black. When it did, he started to give out the orders to prepare for launch. “Docking bay, Go ahead and start launching the shuttles to the locations that have been sent to your computers. Leave one shuttle behind. I am going down to Earth to meet with these foolish males and to scout out any personnel.”

  Excitement coursed through him as he left the bridge and headed to the docking bay. Things with Earth had surprisingly gone very easy. He just hoped that the remainder of his plans went just as simple.

  The shuttle was waiting for him as he boarded. The pilot took off within moments of him securing himself in the co-pilot’s seat. This pilot was one of the best that he had left among those who had survived the battle against Qetera. The soldier was loyal to the end and was willing to do anything to please his new commander.

  “Commander, we will arrive in approximately twenty minutes. The meeting place is in a place called the United States in a city called New…New Orleans. That is where most of the transports from this country come from. They have a big complex at a convention center where the people flock everyday seeking a way off the planet.”

  Zol’tsa smiled. “I see you have done some homework. I am most pleased.”

  “It is my duty to inform you of anything I feel is important to the safety and well-being of my commander. I didn’t want you to go in there blind.”

  The rest of the way down was spent in silence as he took in the sights of the world he had never been to. He had to admit it was a decent sized planet, but the air quality was poor. He had discovered through Ruehar’s files that the air quality was the main reason why residents of Earth were choosing to leave.

  The shuttle neared the area where the large transports were docked. The said convention center was located along a wide river that appeared to be very muddy. It automatically disgusted him to see the source of water in the state it was in. Water was a precious resource and needed to be taken off at all costs. Without water, he and all of his people would be dead. A voice came over the control panel directing them to a landing area for smaller ships. Out the front window of the shuttle, he saw a group of males waiting for them to exit. He stepped out of the shuttle into the hot, humid air of this planet.

  “Commander Zol’tsa?” an older man that looked like Captain O’Hara stepped forward.

  “Yes,” he said.

  “I am Captain O’Hara. It is a pleasure to welcome you to Earth.” O’Hara stretched out a hand to shake the alien’s.

  Zol’tsa wasn’t sure what the move meant. His people did not touch one another in greetings unless they were mated, but here on Earth he didn’t want to ruin his chance so he offered his hand in return. The Captain’s hand clasped around his in a warm, hard grip. The odd gesture told Zol’tsa that this elderly male standing before had once been a very active soldier.

  “Thank you for allowing us to visit your world.” It disgusted him to have to be so nice. It went against all he was ever taught.

  “If you will come this way the other are eager to meet you. As you can tell, it gets hot here.”

  “Yes, I noticed as soon as I stepped off the shuttle.” He followed alongside the captain as the group moved towards a pair of double glass doors set into the side of a multi-storied, leaden colored building.

  “Ahhh, it’s just a typical Louisiana summer. But it has gotten hotter here over the last century because of the pollution that had filled the air. Our atmosphere is slowly recovering from the damage done it for almost two hundred years.”

  “Pity your government would allow that to happen,” he replied as his eyes took in everything around him. Once inside the building, he was lead to a set of stairs that moved upwards. He followed the captain’s lead and stepped on to the grill looking step. “What is this place,” he asked.

  “This building is our convention center. At one time it was used for large meeting, conferences, and other such large meetings. When the first aliens came to Earth, we weren’t sure what to expect. For years our people feared an invasion of sorts from outer space, we even made movies about it. Now that we can look back and see our mistake, most of the movies seem so childish. Anyhow, since New Orleans is one of the largest ports for the United Sates and we had the facilities already in place, it was decided to allow the transports to dock here. It is such a sight to see when there are four or five transports all docked at one time. There was one so large one time that it stretched out over the river. All traffic on the river had to be halted until the transport departed.”

  He listened carefully as O’Hara talked. It just might be possible to return to Earth at a later date for more recruits if the need arose. The group stepped off the moving stairs to walk across a balcony that stretched the length of a very large room. Down below he, saw Earth people moving slowly through lines. The noise level in the building was at a decent level which surprised him.

  “Are those the ones choosing to leave?” He stopped walking to gaze out over the crowd gathered below him.

  “Yes, this is the main processing room. From here each individual goes into an interview room where they give us their information and we find out what they looking for. As of now, we have six different planets that our people are welcome on. Every now and then some return with news of their new homes.”

  “Why would they return if they chose to leave?”

  “Some have returned in order to gather their families and bring them back. Others are willingly sent to check out the planets and report back in person. We haven’t had many problems. We’ve only had one major problem with a transport, but that was beyond our control.”

  Zol’tsa tensed. He knew exactly what that problem had been and why. He was curious though to find out what the people of Earth thought happened.

  “May I ask what happened?” He looked to the captain.

  “The transport entered an unexpected asteroid field and was lost.”

  “Where was the it headed?” He held his breath.

  “It was going to Vega 9,” O’Hara volunteered.

  “Ah, yes. Vega 9 is a well known planet. Very nice indeed. I am sorry for your loss though. I can guarantee that will not happen with my transport. We use a worm hole that is hidden behind the planet Jupiter. It takes us to within a decent distance from my planet.” He had to volunteer some information or he might alert the male to his plans.

  “A worm hole?”

  “Yes. Don’t the others use the worm hole?”

  O’Hara had a perplexed look on his face. “I don’t think so.” He paused. “You know, I will have to find out. The transports we have sent out so far have taken the long way, I guess you would say. The people are put in sleeping tubes for the journey since our bodies are not able to handle the speed at which the ships travel.”

  He turned to face the captain. “After I have those on board would want to relocate, it would take about three days to reach my
world. Not too long I would say.”

  Captain O’Hara laughed and slapped him on the back. “No, not long at all! Come this way and I will introduce you to the others.”

  He turned away from the sight below and followed the captain once again. He was led into a small office that contained a round table in which several male were sitting around, but rose when he entered the room.

  “Commander Zol’tsa it is a pleasure to meet you. Come in and have a seat. I am General Morgan.”

  He did as asked and looked around at the males surrounding him. Two had on green uniforms that were decorated with numerous metals. Two had on the type of uniform except white with metals. One was dressed in what looked like casual clothing, and the other was dressed in what he assumed was a flight suit.

  General Morgan continued after the introductions. “Commander, we just wanted to meet with you and find out what you have to offer our people. I also understand that you are willing to take some of the others who have been sentenced to jail. May I ask why?”

  “I have a mining operation that is dire need of workers. This is a new discovery on my planet and one that will make us quite rich.” He had to contain his laughter when he saw the reaction he got from the males. “We have discovered a large deposit of gold but do not have the manpower to extract it. Those who come will be well paid.”

  Whispers went around the table. He smiled smugly to himself and waited. General Morgan addressed him again. “You are free to scout out those who want to go on your own but we would like for you to take some of those in jails. The prisons are so overcrowded that many are having to share a bed.”

  “That would be acceptable, general.”

  “The ones we would send are the ones that are in prison for the rest of their lives. Their crimes range from grand theft to drug possession. It wouldn’t be fair to send those with extremely violent attitudes or are in for violent crimes. Is that suitable?”

  He smiles outwardly. “That is perfect.”

  “Now, commander, tell us about your world.”

  For the next hour, he filled in the story he needed to tell. While he did tell some of the truth, it was all truthful. He neglected to inform the group of the recent move his people had just made and what he really needed the people for. He answered any questions asked and provided any information the males wanted. At the closure of the meeting, he was satisfied it had gone exceeding well. The general informed him that the first of the prisoners would start to arrive at the convention center in two days. At first, the prisoners would be asked for volunteers then, if necessary, they would send unwilling ones.

  After he had left the convention center, he and his pilot walked through the city. It was so primitive compared to some of the places he had visited throughout the universe and even his on home planet of Lephus. As they walked they drew a lot of attention especially with the females. Many were very beautiful and he longed to have one in his bed. Possibly he might be able to get a female to tag along in order to start procreating again.

  They walked down a particularly noisy street. Bright lights filled the evening air as well as a stench he wasn’t familiar with. One male in particular was emptying his stomach contents in the middle of the walkway, unaware of those around him.

  This place reminds me of Vorus,” the pilot said.

  He grunted his response as he veered around the Earth male. “I would have to agree.”

  They walked for a bit longer until they reached an establishment that had a woman skimpily clad sitting outside the entrance. Two gold dots covered the nipples of her breasts and a small matching triangle of gold cloth covered her sex as she swung around a metal pole. As soon as she spied them she used a finger to urge them to come closer. His cock jumped as he approached the female.

  “Hi, guys! Y’all want to see a good show?” She let go of her pole to pull him closer.

  Her breasts were larger up close and he noticed that the gold cloth did not cover up her ass. Only a thin piece of sting graced her globes and disappeared between them.

  He licked his lips as he stared at her. Her hair was a strange color he had never seen before. While most of her hair was light colored, she had blue streaks running through at odd intervals.

  “Yes, we would like to see the show. Are you participating in it?” He couldn’t help but lick his suddenly dry lips again.

  “Come this way boys.” She wiggled her finger at them again as she pushed through a set of red curtains.

  Inside, the air was thick and dark. The smell of smoke filled his nostrils as he followed the female to a table near a platform that was lit up with different color lights. There were numerous other males sitting around other tables obviously waiting for something.

  “Enjoy the show boys,” she said then left them.

  “What is this place, commander?”

  He was about to answer when the room was plunged into darkness for a brief time. A loud male voice came over the speaker to announce someone by the name of Cherry. Immediately after, music began to play and the curtains that were on the platform opened to reveal a female sitting on a chair. She had his undivided attention when she stood up and walked to the edge of the platform. She was standing right above him to the point he could reach out and touch her if he chose to. As the music picked up its beat, she whipped open the long coat she was wearing.

  “By the gods!” his pilot said stunned.

  Neither male could take his eyes off the female who was standing completely naked in front of them. She tossed the coat to the side and reached for the pole that stood in the middle of the platform.

  Zol’tsa watched in fascination as the naked Earthling twirled around the pole. He almost came on himself when the she slid down the pole to lay on the platform, exposing her sex for all to see. He wanted this specimen. He was going to take her back to his ship and have her the way he wanted to fuck a female.

  The show ended all too quickly and the dancer disappeared behind the curtain. He stood up confidently and walked to where the female disappeared. Her naked body slipped through the door that closed immediately in his face. Without any hesitation, he opened the door and saw her sitting in front of a mirror.

  “Sorry, honey. The show is over.” She was brushing her long red hair in quick even strokes. Her blue eyes watched at him suspiciously.

  He didn’t answer her. Three steps took him to stand between those silky thighs where her sex was now hidden from his sight. He held out his upturned hand to her and waited.

  “You’re one of those aliens I heard about, aren’t you?” she placed her smaller hand into his and stood up to face him.

  “I want you to come with me.” His hand closed around hers and pulled her to him.

  “Go with you, where?”

  “Come to my world with me and I will make you a queen.” He lowered his head and briefly touched his lips to hers. As he did so, he pulled a thin cylinder tube out of his pocket and pressed it to her neck. She gasped in shock and looked up at him. Her eyes rolled back in her head then she went limp. He supported her body with his arms then scooped her up. He stepped out into the hall to find his pilot guarding the door.

  “Send for the shuttle and be sure it cloaked,” he said then headed for a different exit. A second late he turned back to face his loyal pilot. “Is there a female you wish to take?”

  A smile spread across the pilot’s face. “Yes Sir!”

  “When the shuttle arrives you may go back inside and retrieve the female.”

  The trio left the building through a dilapidated door that hung on rusty hinges. It made a loud creaking sound as it was pushed outward into a smell alley. The area they were in was wide enough for the shuttle to slip down into without anyone noticing.

  A sudden whirl of the air alerted them to the presence of the shuttle overhead. When it was within feet of them, the cloaking deactivated. It landed on a solid, dirty ground without a sound. The side door opened with a hiss and fell silently to the ground.

walked inside and he placed his female in one of the seats then strapped her in. Wasn’t about to take any chance with anyone seeing him take the female, so he wanted to get her up to his ship immediately.

  “Go get your female,” he said over his shoulder to the pilot.

  Running footsteps banged on the lowered door as the pilot took off back inside the building. Satisfied his female was securely locked into her seat, he sat down next to her. She was still naked so he was able to ogle at her body, the body that was now his.

  Her breasts were just the right size to fit perfectly in his hands. Her nipples were a dark pink and were hard. He grazed his hand lightly over the sensitive buds and watched in fascination as it tightened even more. If he had the time right now, he would wrap his lips around the bud to gain a quick taste of her. His eyes lingered on her breasts a moment longer then moved down her flat belly. She had beautiful, wide hips that would be prefect for giving birth to his children. The same color hair covered her sex making his mouth water.


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