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Night School Book 2: Vampire Legion

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by Alex Dire

  Night School

  Book 2: Vampire Legion

  Alex Dire

  Copyright © 2017 by Alex Dire

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  Free Book Offer

  Also by Alex Dire

  1. Extra Help

  2. Mondays

  3. Signs

  4. The Best Defense

  5. Sacrifice

  6. Observers

  7. Toys

  8. Grass Roots

  9. Mice & Men

  10. The Hair on My Chin

  11. Filibuster

  12. Allies and Enemies

  13. Catacombs

  14. Truffles

  15. When Pigs Fly

  16. The Price

  17. Waiting for The Worms

  18. Ancient One

  19. Roots

  20. Friends in High Places

  21. They System

  22. Dodge

  23. Recon

  24. Feed the Homeless to the Hungry

  25. Warehouse

  26. The Capital

  27. Politics

  28. Mr. Smith

  29. Once More Into the Breach

  30. The Band

  31. It's Not Easy Being Green

  32. Cavalry

  33. Reunion

  34. An old Friend


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  Also by Alex Dire

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  Also by Alex Dire


  Book 1: Vampire Awakening

  Book 2: Vampire Legion

  Book 3: Vampire Ascendance


  New Blood: Adrift in a Vampire War (prequel)

  Young Blood (the story of the nymphs)


  Demon Marked (Coming Soon)

  Demon Blood (Coming Soon)


  Extra Help

  “I’ve got french roast and O neg.” Norman placed two carafes onto the coffee table in his condo. Students sat and lay about the living area paging through thick texts. “Who needs a break?”

  Felicia’s eyes flicked up off her page to view the options. She quickly went back to her reading. None of Norman’s students had ever put in half this rigor toward their studies when he was their teacher.

  This little tutoring group was not like the rest of the students. They had stared evil in the face together. They were more than just students. As Norman glanced across the six faces, he thought back on the terrors that had forced them together and realized this was the closest he’d ever come to having a family. He had protected them like they were his own children.

  Declan wrinkled his forehead, reading through his text book, which sat open on the coffee table in front of him. Felicia reclined on the couch with her head against his lap, knees propped up, holding her tome.

  Darius and Tyreese sat opposite each other at the kitchen table of the open floor plan apartment. Darius’s mouth moved as he silently read words from a thick text. Tyreese looked off to the side. Thinking about Shakespeare? Lost in memories?

  Cindy sat on the sill of the open window, curled almost to a fetal position with her book at the center. Keon lay on his stomach, elbows on the carpet and chin in palms, engaged in the thick volume in front of him.

  “Coffee’s hot. O pos is ninety-eight point six. Get it before it cools,” said Norman. He couldn't help but feel pride at how far they'd come. They had suggested forming this after-school study group, and Norman's extra help was paying off.

  It reminded him of his time tutoring Richie Taylor. Norman had watched him grow so much. He'd also watched him die. The smile drained from Norman's face as he pictured the flaming form of his mentee hurling to his death in that warehouse - the same warehouse where Norman had trained him. He looked to the students before him. Could he protect them? Would he lose them, too? “You guys are pretty quiet. Any questions?”

  Cindy looked up from her book and out into the night. “Um. Mr. Bernard?”

  “Yes, Cindy? Question?”

  “Uhhh, No.” She quivered.

  She strained to look out the window and down into the alley four stories below. “Mr. Bernard, there’s something out there.”

  Norman took a step toward Cindy, placing a hand on the stake that seemed permanently fixed to his belt these days. “Get away from–”

  Before he could complete the thought, the window next to Cindy smashed to pieces, and an object flew into the condo. A round device landed in the center of the living room and rolled to a stop. Its silvery exterior was dotted with several LED’s all colored red. A high-pitched whining emanated from the device like a flashbulb charging on a camera.

  Cindy leapt into the room from the window.

  Declan shot up over the back of the sofa and stood over it. “What the…?”

  Norman lurched forward reaching for Declan. “Get back!”

  Felicia hopped over the edge of the sofa and grabbed Declan’s arm, trying to pull him away. “Move, Declan!” she shouted.

  Norman gripped the back of Declan's shirt. “Everybody out! Declan, Felicia, move!” Then the red LED’s turned green and the object split open. A searing yellow light radiated from the inside of the orb.

  Declan screamed as his face charred to blackness. Felicia fell back away from him as her exposed skin began to burn.

  Declan’s sizable shadow had shielded Norman from the rays emanating from the device. The boy covered his eyes and stumbled back. His forearms erupted in flames.

  Sunlight. This is sunlight. How? Declan's flames grew. Norman felt Felicia's skin char and peel as if it were his own. It was the same pain he felt as Ritchie had burned to death. I'm losing them.

  The other students retreated through the door. Norman wrapped an arm around Declan. Norman's exposed face smoldered and charred. I can't. The pain. He bit down and fought his reflexes, pushing forward toward the light. His skin ignited. Dragging Declan along, he grasped Felicia's arm. Her blackened flesh slid off in Norman's hand exposing raw tissue to the light. More flames. Bits of a broken tooth ground in Norman's jaw.

  Norman lurched toward the smashed window and bound through, collapsing on the fire escape on the other side. He rolled, shielding Declan and Felicia from the rays of light that stabbed through the window. His exposed back burned. The sun's agony consumed more of his flesh. In a few moments, he’d be too damaged to move. With a massive heave, he pushed himself and his students over the fire escape rail. The night enveloped him as he fell four stories through the air. He let out a deep breath as burnt flesh regenerated. He'd fed moments before. He'd regenerate quickly. He knew Felicia and Declan would heal almost as rapidly as himself. He’d taken care to make sure his progeny had all their new needs attended to.

  He hit the ground with a crack. Pain shot through his right leg as his fibula snapped. The jagged bone stabbed through his calf muscle. He dropped his students and fell to the ground. Norman gripped his leg, wincing. His face bunched into its center, forcing his eyes shut. But the light was gone. That's all that mattered. His students wouldn't end up like Richie. He'd saved them.

  Declan shuffled next to him, his not yet healed skin crackled with his movement. “Um….
Mr. Bernard. We’ve got company.”

  Norman opened his eyes to see five pairs of legs standing in an arc in front of him and his two students. Declan and Felicia stood up first and faced the strangers. Norman’s leg hadn’t healed enough to function properly. No time to wait. Norman stood up, grimacing as his leg continued to stitch itself back together.

  He faced five vampires bearing their fangs. They all wore old surplus military jackets with the emblems and patches torn off. One wore a backpack. Norman recognized it. One of the shoulder straps had a pin on it. The logo depicted a five-pointed star with an eye in its center. Norman thought of Naseem, the strange member of the strange group, Nebulous, who'd helped them fight Skeete.

  One of the vampires hissed out through his fangs, “Hello, teacher. Skeete Daniels sends her regards.”

  Skeete. Norman had hoped he'd seen the last of her when her gang burned to a crisp in that warehouse where Richie had met his end. Somehow, though, he'd known she would come for him.

  The five vampires drew short stakes out of their belts.

  Norman opened his mouth and displayed his fangs. Felicia and Declan clenched their fists as their fangs shot out.

  Footsteps rang from the street. Darius, Tyreese, Cindy, and Keon ran around the corner into the opening of the alley.

  Why didn't they just run away? “Stay back,” commanded Norman. “I’ll take care of this.”

  Felicia didn’t move and confidently hissed back, “We’ve got your back, Mr. Bernard.”

  “We’ve got you, too,” shouted Cindy from the opening of the alley. She and the boys crouched like sprinters waiting for the gun. They displayed a confidence that had been foreign to them in the depths of the city’s bowels. The confidence, however, contained a vein of savagery. They all opened their mouths and hissed in solidarity with their peers and teacher. Then, fangs shot down from the spots in their mouths where mortals possessed only teeth. The four young vampires stood ready to attack at the entrance to the alley.

  Norman couldn’t restrain one corner of his mouth curling into a hint of a smile. Such devotion and bravery.

  “Interesting,” said the lead vampire. “We weren’t expecting this many of you. This will be a special treat. The babies are so fun to toy with.”

  Norman's brief moment of pride faded. He raised his arms to the sides, palms back as if to shield Declan and Felicia.

  The lead vampire raised his stake. Before he could bring it down, Felicia was on him, biting savagely into his throat. Brave girl. Her attack possessed surprise, but little else. She was so young.

  As Felicia clung to the leader, Norman grabbed the stake from his hand and lunged at the tall skin-headed vampire next to him. He launched his attack a fraction too late. The skin-head grabbed Norman’s hand and they both rolled to the ground.

  From the alley entrance, Tyreese, Darius, Keon and Cindy sprinted in. Before they could reach the fray, two of the other thugs began to peel Felicia off the leader. Keon leapt into the air from the end of the alley and landed on one of Felicia’s attackers. He wrapped his hands around his face from behind, digging his fingers into the assailant’s eyes. The foe screamed as blood poured out of his sockets. Keon had embraced his new abilities more completely than the rest of his comrades. He was a natural.

  The other attacker pulled Felicia away and locked her neck in the bend of his arm. She swung and knocked the stake from his other hand.

  The fifth attacker charged down the alley into Tyreese, Darius and Cindy as they dashed in.

  Keon growled in rage as he held on to the vampire’s face. The villain writhed, trying to shake him loose, blood streaming down his cheeks.

  Declan grabbed the throat of the vampire who held Felicia. One of his large hands spanned the circumference of his enemy's neck. His powerful fist squeezed. The vampire released Felicia and grabbed at Declan’s fingers, trying to pry them loose.

  Felicia fell back on top of the vampire on the ground. His throat’s spurting blood had slowed to an ooze as the torn muscle and artery tissue repaired itself.

  Cindy led her three-man flanking assault. She dove straight into the vampire charging back at them but was batted away with ease, tumbling head first into the wall. She crumpled, unconscious. The marauder continued running at Darius and Tyreese.

  Norman struggled in slow motion, trying to move the stake closer to his opponent’s heart. His attacker pushed back hard on Norman’s wrist. The skin-head managed to get a knee under Norman’s stomach. He thrust his leg, launching Norman into the wall of the building. Two of his ribs cracked near his spine as he impacted the wall. His head rang as pain enveloped him, draining his energy. His fingers lost feeling and the stake slid out of them. The skinhead leapt at him. Norman slid down the wall, limp, unable to brace for impact.

  Despite his developing skills, Keon still lacked the experience that a vampire acquires over the centuries. His attack was strong and valiant, but also spastic and random. As he angrily embraced the vampire, clinging to his eyes, the thug’s face became slick with blood. Keon’s hands slipped from his face, and he flipped Keon over his head. The youth slammed down onto the pavement of the alley. Hard. Cracks radiated in the concrete. Keon lay motionless. The blinded vampire stumbled back gripping his torn eye sockets.

  Keon didn't scream. He lived! He'd be dead in a moment, though. He's not ready for this. None of them are. What have I done? A new energy filled Norman – anger. Anger at these murderers. Anger at himself.

  The skin-head flew through the air at Norman. With a new vigor, Norman lunged for the stake lying on the ground. Lightning bolts of pain from his cracked ribs wracked his body. His reach fell short. The skin-head was on him.

  Declan pulled Felicia up with his free hand. Blood and tissue was smeared on her face. He gently placed her onto her feet. He was not so delicate with the vampire whose neck he squeezed with his other hand. Grabbing him by the neck with both hands, Declan flipped him upside down and smashed him to the ground head-first with savage force. The vampire’s head popped, oozing blood from jagged fissures. His spine cracked, bending at acute angles in several places.

  Norman struggled to keep track of each of his students and fight off the skin-head. Declan had taken one opponent out. But Felicia’s bloody-throated assailant inched his fingers toward his comrade’s dropped stake. Did Felicia notice? Did Declan?

  The skin-head bit into Norman’s neck. Pain seared from the penetration. Norman snapped his hand around the vampire’s throat, squeezing and pushing. The writhing and struggling caused the vampire’s fangs to tear the two holes into bloody gashes. Norman gnashed his teeth fighting the pain.

  He reached out with his free hand grasping at the pavement for anything. The tip of his middle finger brushed against something sharp. Norman rolled his eyes and saw the circular lid of a tin can. Its sharp circumference would provide an adequate weapon. Norman inched his fingers over to the disk and began to slide it to get a better grip.

  Tyreese and Darius charged, berserk, their eyes hot with fury. Their assailant raced at them, fast and cool, her eyes steady as ice. The instant before impact, the woman dropped to the ground and slid forward on her back, grabbing a leg of each as she skidded between them. Their quick charge made them hit the ground, face first, with terrible momentum. Bones in their faces cracked, sending sickening tones of mutilated biology echoing through the alley.

  Declan’s scream drowned out the sounds. He fell to the ground with blood spurting from his inner thigh. One of the thugs stood up. Blood and gore covered the front of his military jacket.

  Declan dropped to one knee and gripped the wound which surely contained splinters of wood. His attacker wiped his own blood from his eyes and lunged forward at Declan’s chest.

  “Declan!” Felicia ran to intercept. The enemy vampire spun around and slashed his stake in a wide arc. Felicia stopped suddenly as blood streamed down her neck. She covered the wound with both hands and fell back, sitting in disbelief. The attacker turned to Declan w
ho grunted and gripped his wound.

  Norman had inched the sharp lid near enough to get a grasp on it. He slid his forefinger underneath and squeezed his thumb on top. He firmed his grip and aimed for the throat.

  The skin-head pulled his head away. His fist crashed down on Norman’s hand. The tin lid bent and sliced off Norman’s forefinger. The assailant renewed his savagery on Norman’s neck. Blood streamed down. Norman weakened as he bled out.

  Norman shoved at the vampire, but his efforts were weak and fruitless. He snapped his glance around the alley. His students fought on in their losing battle. All of them. I'm going to lose all of them. Norman's jaw shuddered. He shook wildly, pulling, grabbing, tearing. Anything. Outward strength waning, Norman closed his eyes and steeled himself against the pain, focusing inward. The alley came into sharp focus in his mind. His eyes snapped open again. The alley glowed with the light of shimmering floating orbs, the wills of the vampires.

  Declan lurched to evade the lunging vampire’s stake. He groaned as his wounded leg gave, and he stumbled onto his back, exposing his chest. The attacker dropped onto Declan, straddling his waist, arm raised high for the plunge.

  A wooden point exploded through the chest of the assailant. Blood sprayed from the wound and showered Declan with gore. The skin-headed vampire yanked the stake out of his comrade’s back as the dying vampire’s mouth erupted with an unholy scream.


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