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Far from Blind

Page 2

by S. J. Maylee

  The first time she’d met her, Charlie had set her at ease and, in no time at all, she’d told her the most intimate things. She had a way about her that drew a person in. It was hard to believe she’d yet to meet her own match. The woman definitely deserved love of her own.

  A door opened at the other end of the room. A man stepped in and closed the door behind him. He was dressed in black from head to toe. A pair of night vision goggles sat perched on his forehead.

  “Good evening, ladies. Thank you for trusting Club Blind and Mistress Charlie with your sexual fantasies. Tonight is Blind Date Night. After your blind date in the club, you’ll be brought back here to dress and then you’ll be taken up to the club to meet your dates with the lights on. Observation rooms have been reserved for each couple.”

  He adjusted his goggles. “I’ll take you one at a time to all the blind rooms tonight. I verified all test results this week. All are in and clean, but condoms will be worn no matter if you choose to have sex here or upstairs. Monitors will be listening for safe words. Call out ‘yellow’ if you need your scene to slow down or ‘red’ if you want a full stop. For yellows, we’ll monitor your scene and ensure your partner slows. For red, we’ll escort you back to this room. You’ll still need to meet your date afterward, but club Masters will always be watching. Are there any questions?”

  “Are our dates waiting for us now?” Candy said.

  “They are. Do you want to go first?”

  “Sure, why not.” Mistress Charlie thought she’d found her match. It was past time she walked straight into her future and stopped dreaming of the man who was never meant to be hers. There was a man out there for her and it was time to meet him.

  “Good for you.” He reached out and took hold of her hand. “Follow me.”

  Together they moved through the door and into the club. When the door closed behind them, all the light disappeared like it had been snuffed out. She rubbed her palms down her robe and the silk stuck like glue. A shiver shook her body all over and the fabric fell away.

  Her escort stopped and squeezed her hand. “Everything okay?” His voice sounded a bit different than she remembered from the locker room. It was richer now somehow.

  “I’m a bit more nervous than I thought.” She’d never make it to the room if she kept thinking about what was about to happen. She shuffled her feet back and forth, liking the cool smooth flooring and the crisp clean scent of the space. Someone must have just cleaned. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d mopped her floors in her tiny studio apartment. Music drifted to her and saved her from thinking of all the things she needed to clean. Soothing sounds of her favorite Ellie tune filled her soul.

  “If it helps, your date for the evening is a handsome fellow.”

  “Oh, most excellent.”

  “Shall we keep going?”

  “Absolutely. Let’s not keep the dashing man waiting.”

  The forward movement continued for about a dozen more steps. They slowed and turned slightly. Candy sensed something to her left, but she was once again tugged forward a few more steps.

  She squeezed her eyes shut. It didn’t make it any darker, but it was all she could do to center herself. There was no backing out now. She was here. This was it, the experiment. Time to meet her match.

  “He’s right in front of you, now.”

  “Shit,” She spoke under her breath. There was no need for nerves. Not now. She was ready.

  “I’m going to put your hand in his.”


  He placed her hand in her date’s, which was bigger than her escort but quite possibly softer. Her match gave her hand a firm squeeze.

  “The music will get louder in a few minutes but we’ll still be able to hear you if you need to use your safe word. The music will return to this level just before your time is up, then I’ll be back. A warning, you don’t have a ton of time for this phase. Enjoy, you two.”

  “Thank you.” She’d said it before she thought about it. Thank you? What a strange response for where he’d left her. She looked up, not that she could see anything but imagined anyways. “Fancy meeting you here.” Her nervous laughter filled the room. She hung her head and knocked right into his solid chest. An intoxicating, crisp woodsy sent wrapped around her and centered her in the moment.

  Seconds ticked by until his touch came under chin and pressed upward. He caressed her neck and right over the little mole she hated near her collar bone.

  That’s it. She’d make the appointment on Monday to have her doctor check it out and the one under her ear too. No more waiting until she had the co-pay saved.

  His touch dragged up her neck and grazed over the tiny brown bump near her earlobe before his grip wound around to the back of her neck. He held her still.

  “So, this is pretty wild, huh?” She caressed his stomach and found a thin line of hair she wanted to explore. “I’ve been waiting for this night for a long time.”

  “Shh.” His finger covered her lips. “I’ve been waiting for you too.” His lips covered hers soft and gentle, almost reverent. Over and over, little kisses soft like feather pillows grazed her lips. Each pass built on the last, pulling her in like the sun on the first warm day of the year. The tips of her robe-covered breasts brushed over his chest and her nipples tightened, sending a zing to her clit.

  The tip of his tongue stroked over her bottom lip and everything changed. He dug both hands through her hair, tugged her back as he claimed her lips, and gave her no choice but to open her mouth to his searching tongue. She reached up and hung onto his neck, molding her body to his, giving in to his delicious invasion. Firm heat greeted her and an overwhelming desire took over.

  She didn’t have to see him to know she needed him. Each little discovery sank her further into the moment, his concise control, his crisp clean scent. It all drove her wild. He let go of her neck and pushed at her robe. She pulled as well until it fell away. His touch slid around the sides of her breasts and out to her nipples. The flicks and pinches had her arching her back and moaning loud and full. “You keep doing that and I’m going to fall over.” Her damp pussy needed his touch too.

  “Here.” He turned her around and guided her down to the mattress. “Sit here on the edge. I need to explore all of you.” He pressed her knees and she spread them wide.

  He kissed his way from her inner thigh to her achy center. She wound her touch through his short hair and tugged when he licked through her slit.

  “Fuck, you taste better than I imagined.” He licked her again, sucking her clit into his mouth.

  “Don’t stop. Don’t you dare stop.” She ground her pelvis against him. The building pressure took over all of her thoughts. No longer did she worry if she’d made the right decision. This is what she needed. Sight was not necessary to feel like this. She spread her knees as wide as they’d go. Complete abandon had found her. He continued to suck on her clit as he trust two of his fingers inside. Her muscles tensed. “I’m going to come.”

  He pushed three fingers into her. “I need you to come all over my tongue.”

  “Oh gosh, yes.” She got off on dirty talk and this man was hitting all her buttons.

  He grabbed her ass and hauled her in against his face. He sucked along her inner lips before nibbling on her clit. The scrap of his teeth rocked her right over the edge. She was burning up. A rolling ball of tension sparked a hot path of glory.

  She fell back on the bed as little rolls of bliss relighted the path. An echo hit her ears. Her own screams filled her head while he continued to lick her center. He’d worked her body up so much that even the slightest touch lit her from within.

  He lay beside her. His long lean body kept her warm, and she sank into his protective embrace. Comfort after an orgasm that huge had never been this perfect. She wanted the moment to last forever, to live in this space where they could only see pleasure and not everything else that made life so damn complicated.

  He dragged his touch down her side, ove
r her hip, and across the top of her ass.

  The music surrounding them lowered.

  “Oh no.” She hugged him tight. “It can’t be over yet. We haven’t had enough time.”

  “It’s okay.” He rubbed her back. “I’ll see you in just a few minutes.” He whispered in her ear.

  “It’s time to go.” The tap on her shoulder triggered her reflex to squeeze her match harder.

  “Go and get dressed. I’ll be waiting for you.” He kissed her on the cheek.

  She ran her lips along his jaw until she found his lips and kissed him long and hard, then pushed up and away. The escort helped her back to the bright locker room. She had to squint for several minutes until her eyes adjusted.

  Her heart pounded in her ears. Something rather important had just happened. She could feel it deep in her bones.

  The next step of the evening shouldn’t have her so freaked out, but now it seemed more important than ever. She hated having to make a first impression.

  They had only a few minutes to get dressed, not that there was much for her to put back on. The second half of the date would take place upstairs at Club Voyage and their attire policy didn’t leave Candy with many options in her tiny closet. She’d settled on her little leather skirt and lacy light pink halter. Since the club allowed submissives go barefoot, she left her dingy boots in her locker.

  She walked over to the vanity and moaned when she caught site of her hair or feathers as she liked to call them. She attempted to fluff her hair and wiped a little gloss over her full lips. Her lips tingled with memories of his claiming hers. She didn’t know much about him yet, but her heart wanted the fairytale. She wanted to be loved around all her sharp corners.

  Before long, their escort was back to take them upstairs and meet their dates in a completely different setting.

  “We’ll be walking through Club Blind to get to Club Voyage, but not to worry, I’ve turned on the lights.”

  He held the door open and they all walked into the hallway. The walls were simply cinder block painted black. Even with the lights on, the hallway was dark. When she past the doorways, she peeked inside. Each room appeared to be the same as the hallway except each had a bed. The whole floor was plain and simple. She glanced back. The only entrance with an actual door was the locker room. Why couldn’t all aspects of love be this simple?

  “Once we’re all the way upstairs, it’s sure to get crowded as we maneuver through the main room.” He stopped at the bottom of the stairwell. “So, do your best to keep close. We’re heading to the hallway across from the dance floor. Your dates are already inside the observation rooms. One date in each room. Mistress Charlie is meeting us there. She’ll be giving you your room assignments. There are several Masters working tonight and they’ll be ready to step in and help if needed. They’ll have shirts on like mine.”

  It read “Master Marcus” in red embroidery, clear as day over his heart. It was a sign. She’d be just fine. A smile warmed her from head to toe. She’d never met Master Marcus, but had heard enough about him to know he was the best of men. Heat flushed through her as she walked past him and climbed the stairs. He’d been Ivy’s trainer before she met Mr. Marsh. Shit. She pinched her thigh. Upstairs Mr. Marsh needed to be called Master Seth. Ivy warned her a few times. Any show of disrespect could earn her a spanking or worse.

  Dang. What would a spanking feel like? It made no sense that what was known as a punishment would turn her on. A million little things were keeping her thoughts off center. She felt like she was riding a Lazy Susan and the trip was making her dizzy.

  Now that she thought about it, Master Marcus’s shirt was the same one he had on earlier. She hadn’t even noticed. Normally, she regarded herself as quite detail oriented, but not since she decided to attend tonight. Her thoughts had only been scattered, part on her task at hand, part on her infatuation with Brad that she still couldn’t let go of, and part on Mistress Charlie’s match. The more she thought about the match, the more it bothered her. Sure, the Mistress thought they’d be great together, but this man hadn’t picked her, hadn’t had the chance to say she was the one.

  Regardless, tonight was a new beginning. She needed to take back control of her life and move forward. If her first encounter with Charlie’s match showed a glimpse of her future, it would be delicious.

  Damn, she was about to see him. She walked in a haze through the last door and into the club. This was her moment to ruin. Whoever her match was they clearly had a physical connection … in the dark. What if that disappeared once he saw her, when he realized that she wasn’t some kind of unique beauty?

  Master Marcus waited until the last of the group had left the stairwell. “Follow me and keep close.”

  The vibrations in the room were heavy. Loud music filled the room and sent a pulse along her legs through the floor. Distractions were everywhere, from the striking dance moves on her left to the intensity from the stations holding several different scenes to her right. The smell of sex hung thick in the air. The room was alive.

  Candy returned her concentration to Master Marcus, knowing she’d have plenty of time to explore the club in the weeks ahead. Right now, she needed to stay focused and prepare for what was about to happen. It was time to meet her date. The whole night was so backwards.

  Chapter Three

  In no time, they were across the room and into another hallway. Mistress Charlie held her arms open and the three of them ran to her.

  “It’s so good to see you ladies again.” She kissed each of them. “So, tell me. How is it going so far?”

  “It was too quick,” the woman on her right said.

  “It really was.” Candy agreed.

  “That’s good to hear.” She backed up a step. “Come and practice your kneeling position for me. Take the moment to center yourself and open a space for the next step.”

  Candy and the two other girls spaced themselves evenly, like Mistress Charlie had taught them. Then Candy knelt down, keeping her knees spread, she sat back on her heels. A slight pull stretched along her thighs as she took a deep breath and rested the backs of her hands on them. Additional slow deep breaths calmed her raging nerves.

  She was here in this moment.

  “Well done, my dears. I’m quite impressed. Not only with this proper display but also with the first impressions you’ve made on the gentleman waiting for you. They are all eager to continue the night. Take another deep breath.”

  In and out, she let her shoulders fall.

  “Do you have any questions?” Charlie walked behind them, taking a moment with each. She tucked Candy’s hair behind her ear.

  “I’m ready, Mistress,” they each said.

  “Good. Stand up for me then.”

  Candy raised up to her knees and, as smoothly as she could, she raised herself back to standing. All the practicing was starting to pay off. She still needed to work on keeping her back straight though. It wasn’t quite right, yet.

  “Very good, Candy. Your rise continues to improve.” Mistress Charlie took hold of Candy’s hand and tugged her forward. “You’re in this first room.” She stopped before Candy could see her date. “I’ll be here all night if you want to talk and I’ll see you at brunch tomorrow. Go on in when you’re ready.” Mistress Charlie left her side.

  Candy didn’t look back. She kept her eyes forward. No one was going to make her go into the room and meet this guy. She was going to need to make it happen. With her focus on the floor, she walked through the doorway.

  “Hello, Candy.” His deep tone met her ears and heat flashed across her senses.

  “Brad?” Her gaze shot to the man sitting inside and met the cool blue eyes that had been keeping her up at night. “Brad.” She took a step farther into the room and gripped the back of a chair. “It’s you.”

  “Yes, it’s me. Are you okay?” He got up out of his seat. “You should sit.”

  “I’m fine.” She slid into the chair and knocked her knee into the table leg. �
�Shit.” She squeezed her lips closed and rubbed her knee as she centered herself in her seat. “Is this some kind of joke?”

  “Why would it be a joke?” He looked at her like she had a third eye.

  “I don’t know. You’re just the last person I expected Mistress Charlie to match me with.”

  “I see.” His head cocked back and his expression turned stone like.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Her whole world swirled around her. How could he be here? He didn’t want her, not in this way. “I’m sure I wasn’t who you expected either.”

  “No, not what I expected, but…” He seemed to study her for a minute. “You can’t say our time together wasn’t fantastic.”

  “True.” She rubbed her neck and her pussy warmed at the memory of how his mouth and fingers had sent her roaring through one of the best orgasms of her life. The man she’d been lusting after for months was the one who’d just sucked on her breasts and her pussy. She cleared her throat. But he didn’t really want her, she knew that. “Well, what now?”

  “From what I understand, we have a few options.” He sat back in his seat. “We could continue where we left off.”

  “Right here?” She took in the room for the first time. She’d been so occupied with him that she hadn’t noticed anything about their surroundings. There was a filing cabinet on the back wall and a typical office plant in the corner. They were sitting at a table she’d scene in the office furniture catalog. Quotes for inspiration and success hung on the wall. “What the…”

  She turned in her seat, taking in the room as a whole. It was a room where the occupants would talk about serious things, where they could be taken seriously. When Mistress Charlie asked her to envision where she’d feel the most inspired, the most confident, where she’d feel empowered to awaken her whole sexual being, she’d imagined a place where she wanted to feel equal to Brad.


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