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The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction

Page 8

by Cara Albany

  A loud gust of wind shook the doors. The intimacy of this moment seemed to be heightened by the power of nature which was hammering itself against the walls of Sayid's palace. The high-ceilinged room felt suddenly huge and empty. It only made her feel the isolated nature of her situation even more keenly.

  But this was Sayid, she told herself. There was nothing to be anxious about. He'd always treated her with honor and dignity. More than that, really. In spite of her accusations about the past, she had to admit that he'd always treated her well. But it was patently clear what he wanted, she told herself.

  He wanted her. This was a moment he'd waited for. Did he think this was the only opportunity he would ever get?

  And what about her? What did she want?

  She felt a twist of nervousness take hold of her.

  Sayid's eyes narrowed. Did he think she was frightened? Did he believe that she was nervous about the storm? Or even uneasy about the prospect of being alone with him and with no way out?

  Of course she wasn't.

  There was a loud rush of wind from outside. Amber whirled her head around and peered with concern at the doors. The doors rattled, threatening to burst open. But they remained defiantly closed. Nevertheless, the sharp sound had startled Amber. And Sayid had noticed.

  Sayid moved closer and lifted his hand to her face and ran the back of his fingers down the side of her cheek. She didn't move. She just gazed at him. She could see the desire in his eyes and she knew exactly what he wanted.

  Every one of her senses was alive, vibrating with an urgency that made this moment seem so intense. And the way he was looking at her right now just took that intensity to a whole new level.

  Amber knew that she had to make a decision. She could just stand up and walk to the other side of the room, wrap her arms around herself and keep him at a distance. She knew that if she did that he would be disappointed. But he'd probably respect her wishes. He'd know she'd drawn a boundary, and he wouldn't cross it.

  But, for some reason, she didn't want to do that. Not while he was touching her. Not while he was looking at her like that. His touch felt inexplicably wonderful. She leaned slightly against his hand, feeling the gentle touch.

  Amber saw his nostrils flare slightly. She heard him draw in a sharp breath. He knew she had made a decision. Just by the simple fact that she was savoring his touch like this had sent him a message.

  She knew what he would do now.

  Tension knotted hard inside her and she felt heat flare at her core.

  When he dipped his head and claimed her mouth with a kiss she gasped with relief and with a need that instantly demanded more. A need that instantly forced her to submit to what she had wanted all along. It was as if every thought had been banished from her mind. Every one of her objections had vanished, to be replaced by an exquisite submission.

  His lips were warm and hungry. His hand curved around the back of her head and drew her closer. There was a delicious sense of pressure as he drew her closer, pressing his lips firmly against hers, taking possession of her. She sensed the urgency of his need. The tightness of his desire.

  His breath was sharp and harsh, quickening now that he'd claimed her. Every nerve in her body flamed into life. He teased her with his tongue, probing her, sending sensation into her body. She gasped and he responded instantly by shifting his body, pressing his hard, firm torso against her.

  Sayid wrapped his arms around her. His powerful embrace was irresistible. Amber allowed herself to sink into his embrace. Just as she'd done so many times in a place which now seemed so far away.

  Amber felt his hand slide around and cup one of her breasts through the fabric of her dress. She gasped as she felt his thumb circle her nipple, bringing the peak to instant life. Sensation quivered throughout her body. Her core warmed.

  She leaned back against the sofa and he shifted his body. Now she was beneath him, his powerful body dominating her. But it felt so good.

  His head moved down and she felt his tongue trace a line down the length of her neck. She closed her eyes and savored the sensation as he tasted her flesh.

  She felt his hand move from her breast down to her belly, pausing there, his hand curving gently around the mound of her middle. Sensation flamed inside her. There was tightness in her middle, an ache that began to pulse.

  Then she felt him slowly draw her dress down from her shoulders. She moved slightly, loosening the dress. Within moments, she felt him pull gently at her bra, tugging at it so that his mouth descended onto the exposed nipple of one of her breasts.

  Amber groaned as sensation swept through her body. Sayid's expert tongue laved her nipple, tracing circles around the tender peak. Her core warmed even more as the delight coursed through her body. He sucked on her nipple and the ecstasy made her arch her back. She grasped his dark hair, snaking her fingers through the luxuriant length.

  Still he suckled on her nipple sending wave after wave of pleasure sweeping through her. Every time she groaned it merely encouraged him to even more determined efforts. It was as if he was consuming her. As if a dam had been broken and his unstoppable need had been let loose. It was a torrent of desire that threatened to overwhelm her.

  Then she felt his hand move slowly down. He moved the hem of her dress upward, opening her up. She felt the rough tips of his fingers slide up the soft flesh on the inside of her thigh. Sensation tingled through every nerve. She knew what he wanted. Knew what he wanted to do to her.

  She shifted her legs slightly, opening herself up to him. His hand reached her core and she felt his fingers ease her panties aside. The tension in her body was so great she thought it would snap any moment and break the trance she had sunk into, destroy the moment completely.

  But his touch was delicate, slow and tender. At first.

  She felt his fingers parting her folds. She realized she was moist and ready for him.

  Any moment now, she told herself, something would happen to bring her back down to earth. Something would force sense back into her mind.

  But, as he started to touch her, and as the real pleasure began to take hold of her, she realized the last thing she wanted was for this to stop. It felt too good.

  He was irresistible. As he always had been. And she did not want him to stop. All sense had left her. All that mattered was the sensation of his touch. The scent of his body. The feel of his power and dominance taking complete possession of her.

  She gasped when the tip of his finger touched her most sensitive area. Her core tightened as pleasure spasmed. Then she felt him circle slowly around her nub. Every movement was a delight, every gentle motion triggered a wave of pleasure. She felt her entire body soften beneath his expert touch.

  As he circled her nub, he suckled on one of her nipples. The combination was almost overwhelming. She'd forgotten how he could make her feel. How alive she felt whenever he did this to her. Whenever he claimed her like this. Because there was no doubt in her mind that he was claiming her again. Bringing her back into his life in the only way he knew how. By giving her so much pleasure, by taking her to heights of ecstasy, he thought she would not deny him. Would not be able to refuse his every demand.

  She quickly banished all thoughts of the future from her mind. All that mattered was the moment. All she wanted was this indescribable ecstasy.

  Right now, all she wanted was for this pleasure to continue. For it to never end.

  She moved her hand down to his firmness, needing to feel the power she knew she would find there. And she did. She touched the firmness of his desire and felt his whole body tighten in response. He lifted his head from her breasts and gazed into her eyes.

  He kissed her again. Now there was an even greater hunger in his kiss.

  With his fingers circling her nub and with his tongue probing her mouth, true ecstasy took complete hold of her. She gasped, feeling every sense alive like never before.

  She placed a hand against his chest. It wasn't to hold him back. Nor to resist him. S
he did it so that she could feel his ferociously beating heart. So that she could feel the heat of his body. So that she could sense the power of his desire.

  And she did. All of it.

  The storm wind hammered against the outside of the palace. Amber felt as if she'd been caught up in a whirlwind. As if she'd been sucked into a maelstrom of pleasure and danger. There was no thought of putting a stop to this. The pleasure flooding her body would not be denied. Only Sayid could make her feel like this, she told herself. Only Sayid had ever made her feel anything close to this kind of ecstasy. Her entire being quivered with sensation and with anticipation. Because she knew what she wanted. She knew what he wanted.

  Then, gently and slowly, he slid his finger inside her and she gasped. His thumb continued to trace a delicious circle around her nub while his finger curled pleasure into her. She shifted impatiently, feeling a powerful wave of sensation sweep toward her.

  She knew her climax was imminent. And so did he. His every movement was designed to bring her to that exquisite moment. That inevitable moment. Because, by just being here with him like this, by submitting to him, she had declared that the clock had been turned back. That she wanted to reclaim what they'd once had. What had once defined their relationship. A complete and perfect union.

  The combination of his ardent kiss and his tender, slow movements at her core, sent waves of ecstasy pounding into her.

  Then, finally, the most powerful wave began to sweep toward her. Amber felt it building inside her, a tense, taut sensation that she knew needed release.

  Sayid seemed to sense its movement, because his attentions became even more insistent, even more determined. The probing of his tongue and the movement of his fingers guided her masterfully and delicately toward her climax. As she felt the wave begin to hammer into her, she wrapped her arms around his powerful body, holding him close to her.

  Sayid shifted, his mouth tracing a line along the side of her neck and to the sweet spot behind her ear. Sensation tingled and she groaned.

  She felt herself quiver and cried out as she tumbled over the edge of her ecstasy and into a blissful emptiness.

  For what seemed like an eternity, she held onto him. The sensation lingered for a long while. She realized her breathing had become faster, and her heart beat furiously. She felt her pulse racing and her ears were filled with an exquisite mixture of her own heartbeat and the pounding of the storm outside the palace.

  The earth had moved and had brought her to this place. Brought her back to him. And the storm outside exactly mirrored the turbulent sensations sweeping through her body. It was as if the world had conspired to reunite them like this.

  She could feel the perfect weight of his body as he rested, warm and still and silent against her. It was as if he was allowing her all the time she need to come down from the peak to which he'd lifted her. She still sensed his own unfulfilled need. But he was being extraordinarily patient. He was showing the most incredible self-control, she told herself.

  Finally, she shifted and took his face in her hands, gazing deeply into his eyes. She saw a fierce need there. A steady purpose filled his gaze. A familiar need she knew so very well. Nothing had to be said. She knew what he wanted. What he must have.

  Within moments, he had loosened himself and she had shifted, lying back on the sofa, opening herself up to him. He raised himself up, supporting himself on hands placed on either side of her.

  Then she felt him lift her dress, and shift her panties carefully aside. Nothing needed to be said. She took hold of his shoulders and drew him closer to her. His gaze was intense. He positioned himself at her core. With one smooth thrust he entered her. She gasped, feeling herself tighten around him.

  Sayid lifted his head and closed his eyes for a moment. He did not move for a few moments. His breathing was becoming faster by the moment. He simply allowed them both to savor the moment of their true reunion. Together at last.

  Then he looked down at her, and drew in a deep breath. She curled her fingers around the muscles of his arms, feeling the raw power there, the sheer masculine strength.

  He eased into her and started to move. Slowly he filled her, moving easily and gently at first. But then, soon, his pace quickened as need took hold of him. He thrust into her, over and over, each time pressing himself against her mound, sending sensation quivering throughout her body.

  Amber curled her hands around his waist, pulling him closer to her, needing all of him, as much as he could give.

  Every thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body. His firmness was large and she felt herself clench around him, holding onto him with his every thrust.

  She saw his features transform. His jaw tightened and his nostrils flared with primal need. As he thrust into her, he gazed into her eyes. There was a hint of savagery in his eyes as he claimed her. As he dominated her. For a moment, gone was the softness with which he'd touched her. Now a ferocious and unstoppable need had overtaken him. And he would not be denied.

  Sayid was like a force of nature. The thin veneer of civilization had been cast aside. Now he was determined to claim all the pleasure he wanted from her.

  The storm hammered against the palace. She was sure she could even sense the walls shaking. The wildness of what was happening outside was matched perfectly by the ferocity of Sayid's desire for her.

  On and on he went. Pounding deep inside her, until eventually she felt another wave rising up inside her. This time she knew it would be completely overwhelming. For them both. This time she knew it would change everything between them forever. But she didn't care about that. Not any more. All she wanted was this passionate union. She wanted it to never end, but she knew that it must.

  Once final time he pressed against her core, filling her with his firmness. Then she felt ecstasy take possession of her. He groaned his pleasure and she felt him empty his desire into her. It was the perfect union. Unlike any she had ever felt with him. Every moment of their separation faded into nothingness as she felt herself come apart beneath him. And, with a cry of ecstasy, she tumbled over the precipice with him and into pure joy.


  For a long while afterwards they lay in each other's arms.

  They stretched out along the length of the sofa. Amber felt Sayid's body enclosing her in its warm security. Amber curled her body around Sayid, hooking her legs across his, and curving her arm across his torso. Amber rested her head against Sayid's chest and listened to his steady heartbeat.

  His body was relaxed now, after the explosion of his passion. Sayid held her close to him, supporting her with an arm wrapped around her shoulders. Every once in a while he gently kissed her forehead.

  The storm seemed to go on forever, lashing against the palace exterior. Amber felt curiously and satisfyingly safe lying next to Sayid. They both seemed content to listen to the furious pounding of the storm, waiting for it to pass.

  Amber reflected on what had just happened. It was simple, really. She and Sayid were back together again. It was as if the last year hadn't even happened. Their union had been perfect in every way. Neither of them had forgotten how to make the other feel pleasure. Time had faded into nothingness. All that was left now was the perfection of this moment, she told herself.

  It felt good to be lying with Sayid again. So good.

  "What are you thinking?" he asked suddenly.

  She lifted her head and smiled at him. "Nothing really," she replied.

  He narrowed his eyes and smiled back at her. "Are you sure?"

  She nodded. "I'm just amazed at what happened."

  "It's like we've never been apart," he said.

  Amber smiled, but said nothing in response. She rested her head back down onto his chest. His heartbeat had quickened, she noticed.

  She felt his fingers snake through her hair, caressing her gently. Sayid's breathing was steady and regular.

  Amber realized she could probably have lain there with him for a very long time. But, she thoug
ht about what might be happening back at the camp and felt worry creep up on her.

  Sayid seemed to notice the change in her immediately. "What's wrong?" he asked.

  She lifted her head and peered at him. "I'm thinking about what will be happening back at the compound."

  He nodded. "The storm sounds like it's beginning to weaken."

  She squinted at him. "How can you tell?"

  He tilted his head. "After a few years of them you get to know what to look for."

  She laughed quietly. "I almost forgot. You're a desert sheikh."

  He smiled at her and ran the back of his fingers down the side of her face. "I'm your desert sheikh," he corrected in a low voice that made something elemental shift inside her.

  For a moment she didn't know quite how to respond to that comment. Of course he was right. Hadn't everything changed now? Hadn't what they'd shared together altered their relationship? She wanted to believe that was true. She needed to believe it so badly.

  A nagging voice murmured troubling words to her, but she pushed those whispered uncertainties firmly out of her mind. She wasn't going down that road. Not now. Not here with him lying next to her. Not while she was in his arms having just made love with him.

  Amber listened carefully for a few moments and came to the same conclusion that Sayid had just uttered. The sound of the storm did seem quieter now. The howling wind had subsided noticeably.

  Amber sat up and looked down at Sayid. For his part, he didn't shift. He simply gazed at her. She saw his gaze drift down the length of her body. Despite the fact that she had covered herself with her dress again, it seemed as if he was mentally undressing her again. Need flickered into life at her core.But she knew they couldn't recapture the impulsive passion which had seized them only a short while ago.

  However, Sayid obviously had other ideas because he reached up and drew her head down to him and kissed her passionately. His kiss lingered a long time. Lying against his long, powerful body, she felt his firmness become large again. She knew just how insatiable he could be.


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