The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction

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The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction Page 14

by Cara Albany

  He shook his head. "But you knew the placement might come up, didn't you."

  "No, Sayid. I had no idea."

  He narrowed his eyes. "You applied for the post, even before you came here."

  She felt shock ripple through her body. How had he known about that? She was sure she hadn't told him about that.

  She hesitated before replying. Sayid watched her for a few long moments. "I did register my interest in other posts before I arrived here," she started to say, but was interrupted by him.

  "I knew it," he ejaculated. He ran a hand through his hair. He turned away from her for a moment. She saw him draw in a deep, calming breath. His shoulders tightened, and when he turned back to face her, his eyes were full of fire.

  "But, I had no idea what I would find here, Sayid," she said. "I didn't know you'd be here."

  He sighed heavily and examined here carefully. "It wouldn't have been difficult for you to find out about me."

  Amber gasped. "You think I came here for that reason? Just to get involved with you again."

  "You seemed quite willing to do so," he said in an even voice. The corner of his mouth twisted sardonically. "In fact, you seemed surprisingly receptive to my attentions."

  Her mouth opened with shock. She could hardly believe he would make such an accusation. How did he expect her to respond to such a statement? Did he really think her coming here had been part of some grand scheme she had concocted?

  "It seems you didn't have the slightest intention to stay here," he continued.

  "That's not true," she snapped.

  He squinted at her. "But, haven't you spent a great deal of your time here expressing your dissatisfaction at coming to such a humble place as this?"

  She took a step toward him. This time it was her turn to show fire in her eyes. "What are accusing me of, Sayid?"

  "I am merely stating the truth as it has become known to me," he said.

  "Who have you been speaking with?" Amber asked again.

  He was tight-lipped and thoughtful for a few moments. She could tell that he wasn't going to answer that question.

  Amber peered at Sayid. "I didn't come here for some elaborate revenge, if that's what you're suggesting."

  He lifted his chin and gazed down at her. "But that is exactly what you have achieved," he stated. "Is it not?"

  She stared at him in complete incredulity. "If that's the case, then you should be happy that I'm leaving."

  Her simple statement of that fact seemed to take him by surprise. He gazed at her steadily for a few moments. Something seemed to quieten in him suddenly. It was almost as if her accusation had hit home, affecting him in a way which had taken him aback. Perhaps the reality that she was going had finally sunk in, and he didn't know what to do about it.

  He moved toward her, a sudden softness in his gaze. "How could I possibly be happy that you're going? After all that we have shared since you came here."

  "Then why have you come here?"

  He sighed heavily, his shoulders sinking slightly. There was a sudden resignation in his demeanor. "Because I had to, Amber," he said. "I won't let you go this easily."

  Amber's heart quickened. She gazed at him. "It's not about you letting me go, Sayid. I've already made up my mind."

  His features twisted into a disbelieving expression. "You can still change your mind."

  She shook her head. "I can't."

  "Or won't," he snapped abruptly.

  She sighed heavily and turned away from him. "Sayid!" she exclaimed. "How did this happen again?" she moaned.

  She heard him move and felt him closer by her side. She knew he was close enough that he could reach out and touch her. "It has happened because destiny has willed it," he said in a quiet voice. "You came back to me because you belong by my side. That has always been the case. And nothing you can do will change that fact."

  She turned her face to him and saw just how close he was to her. His face was inches from hers. She caught his scent in her nostrils. It was the same intoxicating scent which had affected her so intensely before.

  "Amber, you know how I feel for you," he said. His voice was a quiet, emphatic murmur that made something quiver inside her. "How I will always feel for you, habibti," he added.

  Then he dipped his head and kissed her. She gasped, her senses reeling as he wrapped his arms around her. She felt the sheer physical power of his need take possession of her. His lips were soft, but there was a familiar hunger in the kiss. She felt herself sink into his arms, her entire body welcoming his touch. For a moment, she let herself savor every sensation. For one last time, she told herself. Because this would be the last time. One final kiss, and then they would both move on.

  At least, that was what she told herself. But her body had completely different ideas. She felt Sayid's embrace strengthen, take hold of her. Felt the firmness of his need. And it felt so exquisite. So tempting. Maybe he was right, she told herself. Perhaps this was where she belonged. How could she walk away from this?

  Suddenly she heard a sound, a gasp of surprise. Sayid lifted his head and turned. Amber looked beyond his shoulder and saw Yasmina standing there.

  Sayid released Amber and turned to face Yasmina. Amber quickly composed herself and fussed awkwardly with her ruffled hair. She smiled at Yasmina. "Hi, Yasmina," she said.

  Yasmina shifted awkwardly. She stared at Sayid and then at Amber. "Sorry," Yasmina said. "I just came to get something." Yasmina pointed toward the entrance. "I'll just go. I can come back later."

  "No," Sayid said sharply. "I was just leaving," he said.

  Amber squinted at him. Of course he hadn't been about to leave, she told herself. In fact, if Yasmina hadn't arrived, who knew where all of this would have led.

  Sayid looked at Amber. He seemed lost for words. "I hope everything turns out well for you, Amber," he said.

  She frowned, hardly believing what she was hearing. Was he going to leave? Just like that? Was he going to give up so easily?

  Sayid strode toward the entrance. Yasmina stood transfixed, watching Sayid as he moved past her. He paused at the entrance, and looked back at Amber. Then, he smiled one last time, and turned away from her.

  Amber's heart sank as she watched him walk out, but she forced herself to maintain a blank expression.

  And then he was gone.

  Yasmina's eyes were filled with confusion as she peered at Amber. Neither of them said anything for a few, long moments.

  Amber sat down on the edge of her bed. She still forced herself to maintain a blank expression. But it was getting harder by the moment to do so.

  Yasmina came and sat next to Amber. "I'm sorry, Amber," Yasmina said.

  Amber smiled at Yasmina. "You've got nothing to be sorry about, Yasmina."

  "I didn't know he'd be here," Yasmina admitted.

  "It's okay," Amber said.

  Yasmina suddenly stiffened and lifted her gaze. "What have I done?" she moaned to herself.

  Amber squinted at Yasmina. She was puzzled by the young woman's sudden change. "What do you mean?"

  Yasmina turned and faced Amber. There was an expression of anguish in Yasmina's eyes. "I have to tell you something, Amber."

  Amber felt something heavy sink in her middle. "Bad news?"

  Yasmina nodded. "I have a confession to make."

  "About what, Yasmina?" Amber asked.

  Yasmina drew in a sharp breath. She looked worried. "You know how you said that I brought you here," she said.

  Amber nodded. "From the airport. Yes."

  Yasmina shook her head. "It was more than that. Much more than that."

  "What do you mean?"

  Yasmina sighed and lifted her gaze again, as if she was trying to find the right words. Then she stared straight at Amber. "I did more than just bring you here from the airport," she said. "I brought you to Qazhar."

  Amber felt a sudden shock. "What are you talking about?"

  "I was the one who made sure that you received the offer o
f this post," Yasmina stated.

  Amber paused a moment, trying to understand what Yasmina was really saying. "That I come to Meriyah? Is that what you're saying?"

  Yasmina nodded.

  Amber frowned. "How? And, more importantly, why?"

  Yasmina had an almost guilty look on her face. "I was the one who found you. And I was the one who made sure that you received this offer to come and work in Meriyah. I used the recruitment system to make sure you got the offer."

  Amber gasped and stared incredulously at Yasmina. "You?"

  Yasmina nodded.

  "Why would you do such a thing?" Amber asked.

  Yasmina smiled at Amber. "Because I found out about you and Sayid."

  "You what!" Amber exclaimed.

  "Sayid told me all about you," Yasmina said.

  Amber laid a hand on Yasmina's arm. "He told you about me?"

  Yasmina nodded. "About how he had fallen for a beautiful American woman. And how he had lost you and how he would probably never find you again. He told me who you were. Even showed me a photo."

  Amber squinted at Yasmina. "He told you all that?"

  Yasmina smiled weakly. "You know how he always confides in me." Yasmina tilted her head. "Sayid and I go back a long way. He trusts me."

  Amber frowned. "I can see that." Amber thought a moment. "So he told you, and you did what?"

  Yasmina shifted awkwardly. "I did something I probably shouldn't have done. I did some research on you. These days, it's not difficult. I found out you were looking for a position with NGOs. I made sure you received the offer to come here. And the rest of it, you know."

  Amber turned away from Yasmina, hardly believing what she was hearing. She peered at Yasmina. "You arranged for me to come here because of Sayid?"

  "And we needed someone good to do the work, of course," Yasmina replied. "But, the fact that Sayid knew you was also important."

  One obvious question came to Amber's mind. "Did Sayid know you were doing this?"

  Yasmina's eyes widened. "Of course not. He didn't have a clue. In fact, if he'd known what I was doing, he probably would have stopped me."

  Amber thought about that for a moment. Of course, Sayid would have done something to stop this, she told herself. But, he hadn't realized the strength of the connection between himself and Amber. Like Amber, he'd probably assumed there was nothing left between them. That all the good times were in the past.

  But that wasn't true. Just not true. She had discovered something since she'd come here. Something that she would never have known. That there was still an incredible man who wanted her to be with him. And she had just refused to be a part of his life.

  A heaviness settled in her stomach as she thought about what had just happened. About how she had rejected him.

  Amber realized Yasmina was watching her expectantly. "Are you angry with me, Amber?" Yasmina asked nervously.

  Amber shook her head and rested a hand on Yasmina's arm. "How could I be angry with you, Yasmina? You were only doing what you thought was the best. For everyone."

  Yasmina smiled, looking instantly relieved.

  Amber squinted at Yasmina. "You're quite the matchmaker, aren't you," she said. "You went to a whole lot of trouble." Amber frowned. "But, it seems to have all been in vain."

  "Why?" Yasmina asked, wide-eyed. "I thought you two were getting along just fine." Yasmina grinned. "In fact, more than just fine."

  Amber shrugged, thinking about the time at the palace and in the desert beneath the stars. Yes. They'd gotten along more than just fine, Amber told herself. She felt a sadness in her heart. "I don't know what happened. Maybe Sayid and I really don't belong together."

  Yasmina leaned forward urgently. "You know that's not true, Amber. I've seen the way he looks at you." Yasmina's face turned red. "And the way he kisses you."

  Amber felt heat rise to her cheeks. "I noticed you did," she agreed with a wry smile.

  "Before you came here, Sayid told me so many good things about you," Yasmina explained. "I just thought you two deserved a second chance."

  Amber sighed. "It didn't work out."

  Yasmina groaned. "Don't say that, Amber. It isn't too late."

  Amber shook her head. "I'm afraid it is, Yasmina."

  There was a long silence. Amber could see that her admission had affected Yasmina. All the young woman's efforts had come to nothing.

  Yasmina gazed at Amber. "Can you ever forgive me?"

  Amber nodded. "There's nothing to forgive, Yasmina. You gave me something very special." Amber stood and looked down at Yasmina. "But now it's time for me to move on."

  Yasmina stood and faced Amber. Both women hugged for a few moments.

  Then Amber gazed around the alcove. "I've got some packing to do."

  "I can help you," Yasmina said.

  "That's kind of you, Yasmina. But I think I can do it all myself."

  Yasmina walked to the entrance and paused, looking back. "I'm taking you to the airport tomorrow. You know that, don't you."

  Amber nodded. "I'll be ready."

  But, after Yasmina left her alone, Amber stood for a moment, feeling utterly alone and certain of one thing.

  She would never be ready to live her life without Sayid.


  As Amber stepped out into the morning sun the next day, she squinted her eyes. She clutched her bag in one hand and peered at the waiting car. Yasmina was standing alongside the car. There was an expression of sadness on the young woman's face.

  Amber had already said her goodbyes to all the staff with whom she'd been working during her short time at the camp. There had been tearful farewells with some of the townsfolk. Amber had formed close relationships with many of the families. Monica had said kind words to Amber, praising the quality of her work. Amber could tell that Monica was sad to be losing her.

  Amber took a moment to gaze around the compound. She'd arrived here thinking that this was the last place she wanted to be. Now she was leaving, and she realized she was going to miss so much of what she had found here.

  And most of all, she would miss Sayid. A vague hope had flickered in her mind that he would come and see her off. But, the more she thought about that, the more she realized it was a vain hope.

  Amber walked to the car and placed her bag in the trunk. Yasmina smiled weakly at Amber. "Ready?"

  "No," Amber said sharply. She'd meant it as some kind of a joke, but neither her nor Yasmina found it in the least bit funny.

  She got into the car, taking her seat in the front, next to Yasmina. Then they were off. They drove up the main street. Amber gazed out the window. At least she could console herself with the knowledge that Meriyah would be okay. Much of the work had been done. The lives of the people would return to normal. Perhaps happiness would come back to Meriyah. Amber told herself she'd done something to help bring that happiness and security back to the town.

  Amber felt something clutch at her heart as the car drove past Ahmed's coffee shop. She had passed such a beautiful time there with Sayid. She would never forget the moments she'd shared with him there.

  Then the car was heading out of the town, up the steep rise of dunes and up toward the main strip of road which would eventually take them back to Qazhar city. She thought about the journey to come, and realized that she wasn't looking forward to it. Not one bit.

  Of course, there would be work to do when she got to her next placement. And there would be benefits for her. Ambitions satisfied. There was no doubt her career would be boosted. It all felt so empty. So superficial.

  But, right now, that was the last thing she wanted to think about. Her mind drifted to thoughts of Sayid. She could hardly believe she would never see him again. Hardly believe that her relationship with him was finally coming to an end.

  This reunion had been incredible. A second chance that had come to nothing.

  Something she could never have imagined. He was the most amazing man she had ever known. The most astonishing
man she would ever know.

  That realization made the fist that had wrapped itself around her heart tighten its cold grip. She swallowed back the emotion which welled up within her. Amber turned her face away from Yasmina. She didn't want her to see the struggle she was going through.

  Amber thought about what Yasmina had tried to do. Amber knew she couldn't blame Yasmina. She felt no resentment toward the young Qazhar woman. Yasmina had only been trying to help Amber and Sayid find happiness.

  But that effort had failed. Nevertheless, it had been an exquisite failure. At least Amber would have memories she could cherish forever.

  Any moment now, the car would reach the top of the dune and come to a fork in the road. To the right, the road would take her to Qazhar city and the future which awaited her. To the left, it would take her back in the direction of Sayid's palace. But that was a destiny that would be denied her, she reflected.

  The car reached the top of the rise. Amber turned to look one last time at Meriyah. As she did so, she heard Yasmina exclaim. "Amber. Look!"

  Amber turned and peered in the direction of the road junction. She saw a sight which made her mouth open in astonishment


  He was astride his black stallion, and he was gazing straight at the car. He had positioned the stallion on the sandy ground right alongside the junction of the road. He sat, proudly erect, holding the horse's reins.

  "What!" Amber exclaimed.

  Yasmina turned and smiled at Amber. "He's come," she said.

  Amber frowned at Yasmina and then, incredulously at Sayid. "What's he doing?" Amber asked.

  Yasmina didn't reply. She drew the car to a halt at the junction.

  For a moment, Amber wasn't sure whether she wanted Yasmina to stop the car. She wasn't sure she wanted to go through with this. Because she knew exactly why Sayid had come. There was only one reason why he would do this, she told herself.

  Sayid leaped down off the horse, planting his booted feet firmly in the sand. He stood for a moment, gazing at the car. He looked expectant and also more than a little hesitant. Maybe he thought Amber would issue instructions to Yasmina to drive on. To ignore this last gesture.


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