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by Nikhil Parekh

  Don't mess with the storm; it would inexhaustibly lambaste you against cold-blooded stone; till the time your bones felt that wholesomely gruesome extinction was a better alternative instead,

  Don't mess with the knife; it would slice you into so many unsparing countless bits; that even the most hideously barbaric vultures would find it bizarrely gory - The World's Poetry Archive29

  to digest,

  Don't mess with the lion; it wouldn't given you even the most evanescent chance to fulfill your last wish; before it gobbled you like a robust mosquito for its afternoon lunch,

  Don't mess with corruption; it would make every step of your blissfully resplendent existence; more egregiously strangulating than the werewolves of ghoulishly satanic hell,

  Don't mess with the vampish seductress; she would firstly tantalize you to realms beyond supremely ecstatic paradise; only to mercilessly excoriate apart every bit of your skin; for stitching her compassionate night-coat,

  Don't mess with the gallows; they would surreptitiously creep upon you in your celestially contented slumber; to make it nefariously and irretrievably permanent,

  Don't mess with the bat; it would so barbarously pluck the whites and blacks of your beautiful eyes; that your face would dissolve into laconically inconspicuous space for times immemorial,

  Don't mess with the mirage; it would satiate the chords of your agonizingly charred throat till beyond eternal eternity; before eventually making you lick granules of dry sand with acidulous thorns embedded inside; instead,

  Don't mess with lightening; it would numb the quintessential nexus of your existence to such a threshold; that even the most cannibalistic swords massacring your head would seem to you as a flutter of a seductive eyelash,

  Don't mess with symbiotism; it would sodomize the chapters of your harmonious survival in such a way; that traumatic incarceration would become your sole mantra to whimperingly exist,

  Don't mess with blood; it would abandon you forever in the gutterpipe of ostracizing deceit; beheading you as a lecherously parasitic alien; although you were its cardinally very own,

  And don't mess with love; it would grant you such a diabolical death for betraying and tampering with its insuperably Omnipotent spirit; that life in any form; shape or fraternity; would never ever in even the most obsolete of birth; accept you once again - The World's Poetry Archive30

  Nikhil Parekh


  - The World's Poetry Archive


  Fantasy Seldom Becomes Reality

  Hide and Seek - part 2 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems (67 pages) , at;

  Poetry from my Book as above mentioned -

  I thought of nose diving from the 100th floor of the edifice, shivered incessantly when perched right on the top, abruptly changed my decision as i stared in deathly horror,

  at the fathomless distance between the ground and my silhouette.

  i visualized trespassing through amber flames of the bonfire, as they licked barren arenas of the misty blue sky,

  i vehemently changed my outlook; as i actually felt their savage heat, refrained from venturing even miles near the conflagration.

  i perceived chewing brittle shards of broken glass, disintegrating them firmly with my teeth,

  dreaded visions of blood gushing from chambers in mouth engulfed me, as i formally held a solitary chunk of glass in my palms,

  prompting me to dismiss the obnoxious idea from my mind.

  i envisaged riding on the silken body of blue ocean whale, admiring the scenic beauty of the captivating Atlantic, ghastly images of its canine teeth petrified me in entirety, with hollow kingdoms of its mouth relishing my bones,

  causing me to instantaneously relinquish the fantasy before it took firm roots.

  i imagined conversing with the magnanimous princess, floating high in the clouds with her mesmerizing grace,

  i then looked down at the torn lace of my shoe, infinite stains in my vest, the emptiness of my purse,

  the visions of blossoming romance died there itself, and i admonished my mind stringently saying to myself, that fantasy seldom becomes reality.

  Nikhil Parekh - The World's Poetry Archive32

  Father And Mother.

  The Womb - Poems on Mother, Father, Children, Parenthood - volume 1 (154 pages) , at;

  a Poem from my above described Book -

  He celestially slept in her Godly lap for marathon hours; when the brilliantly flamboyant Sun peaked full throttle in the sky,

  While to be hoisted high and handsome in euphoric air; all that he had to do was; incoherently tug at the maturely bohemian fingers; of my ebulliently anticipating palms.

  He boisterously suckled milk from her sacred chest; when he felt intermittently hungry; even at the most inexplicable moments of the day and all throughout the perilous night,

  While to be recounted his favorite rhymes of mystical adventure and frolic; all that he had to do was; innocuously stare at my compassionate eyes; as the rain fell in tranquilly from the fathomless skies outside.

  He danced in her poignant lap with uninhibited tandem; rejoicing the most pricelessly grandiloquent moments of his freshly born life,

  While to be apprised of the outside world; march on his own tiny feet outside; all he had to do was; immaculately flood my ears with his euphorically mesmerizing and incongruous sounds.

  He snuggled unassailably close to her pristine belly; whenever he felt even the most inconspicuous iota of fear lingering diabolically in the atmosphere around, While to be taught how to prudently discern words and language; all he had to do was; kiss me impeccably on my bearded cheeks; as the seductive songs of the cuckoo; greeted one and all; at gloriously ethereal dawn.

  He gleefully plucked at the strands of her silken hair; joyously banging his diminutive fists into her chin; whenever he felt strung by winds of overwhelmingly uncontrollable mischief,

  While to be scrupulously washed of all the abominable dirt adhering to his eternally brand new visage; all he had to do was; inarticulately wink at the ecstatically

  obliging contours of my face.

  He fabulously emulated in front of her all the voices he had an absolute - The World's Poetry Archive33

  infatuation towards; nibbling her Omnipotent ears with his softly developing teeth,

  While to be indefatigably tickled on his blissfully endowing ribs; all he had to do was; naughtily play hide and seek with my profoundly twinkling eyes.

  He smiled the smile of the angels in her vivaciously resplendent arms; irrefutably accepting her unconquerable breath and sweat; as the sole tonic to survive, While to be taken round every cranny of our dwelling; as well as unrelentingly explore the sprouting garden outside; all he had to do was; gently pat me on my fervently awaiting and already bent shoulders.

  He intransigently adored her celestial countenance for being the most beautifully bountiful on this entire planet; immortally imprisoning her invincible picture;

  for infinite more births to come; in his heart; mind; and righteous conscience, While to be bequeathed upon even the most infinitesimal of desire in his life; all he had to do was; passionately address me by any name that he wanted; forever he would always remain as my blood; as my heavenly child.

  And although he sporadically probed her for something; and at times holistically leaned upon my demeanor for that object eluding his timelessly Omnipotent senses,

  He had impregnably bestowed upon both of us an honor which made us exist as the richest organisms for countless more births of ours yet to unfurl; O! yes an indescribable richness of being his Only; Father and Mother.

  Nikhil Parekh - The World's Poetry Archive34

g In Moonlit Jungle

  Hide and Seek - part 8 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems (53 pages) , at;

  Poetry from my Book as above mentioned -

  Wild berries fell down from the peach tree,

  wide spanned eagles glided harmlessly across the moon, menacing owl eyes stared fiendishly downward,

  bushy squirrels clambered the rock with bustling fervor, olive green grasshoppers swished their tentacles, stinging red ants dug small burrows in wet mud, colored magpie birds sang a perfect sonnet,

  lethal alligators swam clumsily through the neighboring water, sly foxes galloped at rollicking speeds,

  the princely lion lurked stealthily in search of rich prey, huge brown spiders spun their webs in animation,

  century old tortoise trampled the outgrowths with its newly born offspring, mega sized mouse families ran past dungeons buried deep in the ground.

  I perched myself on the slippery mud bank of the jungle river, Levering long fishing rods in the tranquil water,

  Scooping out frequently, a cluster of small sized fish, As the stars glittered in the open blue sky,

  Crystal ball of the moon luminated large above my head, Rudimentary scent of earth tickled my nostril,

  Mesmerizing tunes of the peacock drifted in hollow eardrum, The stillness of water pierced unexplored zones in my heart, I then lit a crackling fire of quality wood and dead leaf, Roasted the silver fish in amber flames leaping high,

  Slept like an innocent angel all summer night,

  Relishing tender bones of my personally prepared appetizing fish.

  Nikhil Parekh - The World's Poetry Archive157


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