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Happily Never After

Page 14

by Kristen Duvall

  “So,” Jason said conversationally, “You never did tell me what your name is.”

  “No,” I replied, “I didn’t.”

  “Why were the DRAGONS after you?”

  “Why do you ask so many questions?”

  Ok, I was a little grumpy. I was tired.

  Jason came and sat down beside me, but just out of reach of my knife. “Look,” he said, running his hand through his shaggy hair, “I realise we’re practically strangers and we only met the other day but I just want to get to know you. I haven’t talked to another human in quite a while.”

  He watched Jasper sniffing in the corner and I felt like I was really seeing him for the first time. I sighed, I knew exactly what it was like to be lonely.

  “At least you have your dog,” I said.

  He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes this time, “Yeah,” he said softly.

  My heart wrenched a little at seeing the otherwise cheerful man sad.


  Jason looked confused.

  “It’s my name,” I said, and it was surprisingly hard to say.

  He grinned again, and this time his smile was infectious. “Nice to meet you Gwen.”

  Jasper came over and lay down at my feet. I absently ran my hand through his soft fur and tried not to notice the awkward silence.

  “So what did you do, you know, before?” I asked.

  “Before the apocalypse?”

  I nodded.

  “I was at Princeton, studying criminal justice.”

  “You were going to be a lawyer?”

  “Yep,” he said, “It sort of runs in my family. Everyone is either a lawyer, a cop or in the Marines. Were,” he corrected sadly, “They were.”

  I reached out from under my blankets and took his hand. It was warm and calloused, but when he squeezed it back I knew I had made the right call.

  “My little sister, she wanted to be a vet. She loved animals.”

  “I’m sorry.” I didn’t know what else to say.

  Jason looked at me, “It’s ok. I guess we’ve all lost someone we love. Tell me about your family.”

  I looked at the ground, “It was just me and my dad. My mum died when I was three. My dad was the owner of all these big companies, I didn’t really know what they were though. We were rich and I was spoilt. They used to call my dad the 'King of Business’ because he did so well.” I swallowed, thinking about my dad was making me tear up. “He always used to joke that if he was the king then I was his princess.”

  I couldn’t see past the tears silently streaming down my face. Jason put a warm arm around me and I leaned into the one armed hug, grateful that just for one night, I wasn’t alone.


  The next morning, I awoke feeling better rested than I had in weeks. My back was really warm, and I turned over to find Jason lying against me, still asleep. Blushing, I quickly sat up and pretended to be searching through my pack whilst I got my emotions under control. I wasn’t sure what I felt for Jason, he was sweet, funny, handsome, but there was still this air of mystery about him. My heart wanted me to go for it, my gut told me to be careful.

  Jason found me later in the house, using a portable gas cooker I had found in the pantry to cook some breakfast.

  “That smells good,” he said, sleepily rubbing his eyes. Jasper bounded in after him and gave me the saddest puppy dog eyes.

  I rolled my eyes, “Fine,” I said and gave him a sliver of the canned meat I was cooking up.

  “You’ve just made a friend for life,” Jason said, over his own meal.

  I laughed a short, sharp sound that made me pause. I couldn’t remember the last time I had laughed. But it felt good to do so, like a balloon lifting a weight off my chest.

  “So what are your plans?” Jason asked.

  “I’m not sure yet,” I replied. “I just know I need to get out of town.”

  “Why are the DRAGONS after you anyway? I’ve never seen so many in pursuit of one person.”

  I used the pretence of cleaning up as a reason not to look Jason in the eye. “I don’t know,” I said, shrugging.

  I felt strong fingers on my chin, pulling my gaze up into the vibrant green of Jason’s eyes. “You can trust me,” he said, smiling gently.

  My eyes lingered on Jason’s full lips and I wondered what it would feel like to kiss them.

  “Gwen,” he said.

  I looked up, and then found out exactly what it was like to kiss those lips because they were suddenly and almost ferociously on mine. His arms went around my body, pulling me into his own and I was surrounded by Jason’s warm, masculine scent. I kissed him back with just as much passion, with lips that had not been kissed this way before. Jason’s kiss made me realise that in comparison everything I had ever thought of as a kiss was just a substitute for the real thing. We both had to pull away, practically gasping for air, and my body already mourned the loss of his warmth.

  “I...I… what was that?”

  Jason grinned, stroking a finger over my cheek, “Haven’t you ever been kissed before?”

  “Not like that.” My fingers fluttered over my lips.

  Jason’s fingers grazed over my scar and his face tightened as if he felt my pain, “How did this happen?”

  I pulled away. “It’s nothing.”

  Jason grabbed my arm and gently brought me back. “It’s not nothing. Tell me.”

  “I got in a fight, ok? I needed some food more than the other guy did and I paid for it.”

  I didn’t want to tell Jason that Lucas had done that to me. When he began his world domination and his robots were taking over, he had held me at knife point in front of my father. My father pleaded with him to let me go, but the lunatic just laughed and scarred me forever. He said that now he was the only one who would want me. And then he threw the knife at my father where it embedded in his chest. He died, bloody and gasping in my arms.

  Jason frowned at my response, perhaps detecting the lie in my voice, but he let it go.

  “We should probably get going, we’re losing daylight.”

  He nodded in agreement and we both headed back to the barn to pack up our gear.


  It was nice to have a travelling companion. It’s a bit hard to play I spy by yourself. I enjoyed watching Jasper exploring the countryside as we walked mile after mile down the highway. The rusted shells of cars where everywhere, and we saw rotting piles of bodies lined up along the street. In the city, most had been burned or buried already, but out here there was no one to do it, so they were left to the birds.

  As we walked, Jason and I exchanged stories, and it was such a pleasant comparison to how I normally spent the time, stressing about Lucas and his robots. With each hour, Jason seemed more and more worried, and our conversation dwindled until all that could be heard was the light tread of our footsteps. I wondered what was on his mind, but assumed he was thinking about the same things I was.

  The sun was just beginning to lower over the horizon when Jason stopped in the middle of the road. I had been searching the sides, looking for somewhere we might be able to camp out for the night, and didn’t notice his sudden lack of movement straight away. When I did, I turned back to him. “Everything alright?”

  Jason shook his head. “I can’t. I’m sorry.” His usual cheerful demeanour was gone and he seemed pale.

  I frowned, “You can’t what? What’s wrong?”

  “I just… I’m sorry Gwen. He has her. Chloe. My sister.”

  It took a moment for his words to sink in before I realised who he was talking about. I gasped, “Lucas?” I started backing away from Jason, my expression slowly turning from confused to horrified.

  “I’m sorry,” he repeated, pulling a hand gun out of the waistband of his jeans. “I don’t have a choice. I don’t want to do this.”

  “There’s always a choice,” I shouted, “Please.”

  Jason closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, I saw his shoulders
harden in resolve and that’s when I turned and ran.

  My heart was pounding and my feet slapped the ground, but Jason was faster. He grabbed my arm and pulled me around to him. I flailed at him with my free arm and tried to kick him in the shin, but he was stronger. Over his shoulder, I saw the tell-tale red beams of DRAGONS scanners approaching in the distance and renewed my struggles.

  “Let me go!” I screamed, but Jason held on tighter. I managed to nail him in the eye with my fist but he just grunted, absorbing the blow.

  “I’m sorry!” he said, before cold-cocking me in the temple with his gun.


  Feeling like I was waking up with a hang over after a hard night of partying, I rolled over and peeled my eyes open. Thank God the lights were dimmed. Putting a hand to my head, I massaged my temples but was confused to find a small bump over my right eye. In a flood, my last memories came rushing back to me and I gasped and jumped up from the bed I was lying on. I immediately regretted it, as I had to lean over on the bed for support, until my shaky legs could take my weight.

  “That bastard,” I said, thinking of Jason. But the words didn’t really feel right in my mouth, as if deep down, I didn’t really believe them. I thought of the look in his eyes as he told me about his sister. I didn’t envy him right now.

  The door to the small room opened and Lucas strode in. As usual, his black hair was in disarray and judging from the stubble on his jaw, it had been a while since he’d last shaved. He towered over me, with a smirk that told said he had finally won.

  “Gwenevere, my queen. At last you have been returned to me.”

  “I see you’re still delusional Lucas,” I retorted.

  He invaded my personal space, forcing me to back up a few steps. “Now, now. Is that any way to treat your husband and king?”

  “You are not my king and you are definitely not my husband!” I sneered, fury overwhelming my mind.

  Quicker than a whip, Lucas backhanded me, sending me reeling back onto the bed. Combined with the lump on my forehead, my brain was getting quite sore.

  I spat blood out of my mouth, and looked him straight in the eyes. “I will die before I become your queen.”

  “That can be arranged my dear. But let’s see how amenable you are after a spell in the dungeons. Knight!” He called out.

  “Really?” I said, “You have knights? Who would agree to be part of your insanity?”

  “Not knights,” he said, smirking, “KNIGHT. My King’s New Indestructible Gruesome Hardworking Techno.”

  My eyes widened as what looked to be a suit of armour walked into the room. It was completely black and walked with a loud clanking. I scooted back, but the KNIGHT leaned down and painfully grabbed my arm and hauled me out of the room. I tried to wrench free, but it was completely metal and incredibly solid. Lucas’ manic laughter followed me out into the hallway. The KNIGHT wordlessly marched me down flight after flight of stairs and practically threw me into a modified jail cell, slamming the door shut behind me. It then turned and stood guard in front of the door. It was as still as a statue and I was afraid to even breathe in its direction.

  I looked around my jail cell, but apart from a cot and a toilet, it was bare. I slumped down on the bed, wondering how I would get myself out of this situation.

  “Hey!” A voice whispered from behind me. I turned around to see a girl of no more than twelve or thirteen sitting in a cell identical to mine, but three cells down. She had long chestnut brown hair and looked as though she had been here for a while.

  “Who are you?” she asked.

  “I’m Gwen.”


  I gasped. “You’re Jason’s sister, aren’t you?”

  The girl smiled with relief. “Yes. How do you know him? Is he ok?”

  “He’s fine,” I said, swallowing a lump in my throat, “He turned me into Lucas for you.”

  Chloe gasped. “Why would he do that? He’s such an idiot.” She lowered her voice. “I totally have an escape plan lined up.”

  My eyes widened in disbelief. “Really? What is it?”

  Chloe looked sheepish. “Well, um… it involves a lot of lock picking and a few distractions…”

  “You don’t really have an escape plan, do you?”

  She looked at her feet, “No. At least not one that will work.”

  I sighed and flopped down onto my cot. “Great.”

  I wasn’t sure how long I had been lying there when the gate at the entrance to the cells squealed open and I sat up to see who was there. I recognised Jason’s shaggy hair and green eyes and my heart fluttered before I remembered what he did to me. I narrowed my eyes at him and sent him what I hoped was a telepathic message that involved him doing something anatomically impossible.

  Jason walked straight past me, not making eye contact, and went straight to his sister’s cell.

  “Jason!” cried Chloe.

  “Are you alright?” he asked “Did he hurt you?”

  “I’m fine, you moron,” said Chloe, and Jason looked surprised. “How could you let them take Gwen?”

  Jason rubbed the back of his neck. “I had to. There was no other choice.”

  Chloe crossed her arms and stared at him. “You are such an idiot.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know,” Jason mumbled under his breath.

  The KNIGHT walked to Chloe’s cell and unlocked it, allowing her to leave. As the two hugged and then walked past me, Jason stopped. His eyes bore into mine, trying to convey something I couldn’t understand.

  “Gwen, please forgive me. I didn’t want to betray you.”

  I wanted so badly to hurt him in the same way he hurt me, but I just couldn’t do it. “It’s ok, I understand. I would have done the same.”

  Jason didn’t look relieved, but he reached through the bars and clasped my hands. “I could make a thousand apologies and it still wouldn’t be enough.” I felt something rectangular and metal in my hands, and quickly slipped it into my pocket out of sight of the KNIGHT.

  Jason looked into my eyes and subtly winked at me, before wrapping his arm around Chloe and leaving the cell.

  I stared down at the device in my hand; it was the low frequency disrupter Malcolm had made for me. I don’t know how long it would last for, or even how well it would work but Jason had given me a chance.


  The next day, the KNIGHT removed me from my cell and marched me back up into the building. I was dragged before Lucas who was sitting on a throne made of metal. He had a crown filled with electrical wires and jewels perched lopsided atop his head which just made him look ridiculous.

  Around him little robots polished the floor and cleaned the room. At my questioning glance he said, “Do you like my newest invention? They are SERFS or Small Emotionless Robots For Servitude.” His eyes gleamed with pride.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “Gwenevere. You will be my queen soon. You must start acting the part.”

  “Never,” I hissed at him, hatred in my eyes.

  He walked down to me, and cupped my chin in his hand. Even though it was the same gesture Jason had done what seemed like forever ago in that farm kitchen, it felt cold and distant in comparison. I yanked my face out of his grasp and glared at him.

  He grabbed my face again and traced the scar running along my face. “I remember this. What an ugly scar. No one else will find you beautiful now.”

  Even as he said the words, my mind went to Jason and I knew that someone did find me beautiful.

  “I also remember throwing my knife into your father and watching you weep pathetically over his cold dead body.”

  His cruel words had the intended effect, my rage boiled up and I lunged at him, hoping to scrape out his eyeballs with my fingernails. Before I could get close enough, the KNIGHT grabbed me and pinned my arms against my sides.

  “I hate you!” I spit out.

  Even though the KNIGHT was pinning my arms to my sides, I was still able to reach into my p
ocket and press the button on the low frequency disrupter. The KNIGHT went still, arms hanging by its sides as if it had suddenly decided to turn itself off. The SERFS did the same, pausing in whatever task they were doing.

  Lucas looked at his robots in a panic. “What have you done?” he screamed.

  I grinned slowly at him. “I evened the playing field, you lunatic.”

  I removed the sword from the KNIGHT’s scabbard; it came out with a hiss. Although it was a little heavy, I’m no longer the lightweight I used to be. Lucas backed away from me, true fear in his face. “No please!” he said, holding his arms out in front of him.

  “This is for my father,” I said and thrust the sword deep into his chest.

  He stared down in disbelief at the weapon protruding from his body. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, and he fell forward onto the ground.

  I left that bastard’s body where it lay and left his lair, knowing what I had to do. I made sure that the DRAGONS would never come after anyone again.

  I emerged outside to find I had been inside a modern building designed to look like a castle. What was with that guy and all his medieval references?

  Jason and Chloe were waiting for me outside. I stopped when I saw them, unsure if Jason would try to stop me.

  “I was stupid,” He started.

  “I know.”

  He grinned.

  “Come on,” I said.

  “Will they still come after us?” Chloe asked, obviously meaning the robots. She looked toward the castle with a twinkle of fear in her eyes.

  I shook my head, “No, I found the main control panel for all of Lucas’ machines and destroyed it. Besides, machines are only as capable as the person that's controlling them, and well... that person is dead.”

  Jason grabbed my hand. “Can I ever apologise enough?”

  “No,” I replied, “but kissing me might make it better.”

  He grinned as he leaned toward me to comply.

  About Sara Opalka

  Sara Opalka lives in Adelaide, South Australia. She has recently completed a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Adelaide with a major in English and minors in Classics and Creative Writing. She is obsessed with time travel, procrastinating and what her survival action plan would be if the world ended. If she had a superpower, it would be the ability to stop time so she could slap people who annoy her. Beware: Here be DRAGONS is her first published work.


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