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Stranger In His Bed

Page 10

by Lauren Canan

  “What do you want, Victoria?”

  She let go of his shoulder and found his hands with hers, causing him to press her nipples more firmly. She heard him chuckle softly.

  “Is this what you need?”

  He bent his head and sucked a rosy tip into his mouth. She couldn’t forestall a moan as he suckled the nipple, hard. She grabbed his hair, holding him to her. Then he changed to the other breast, giving it the same attention. Growling, he returned to her lips and kissed her long and deep.

  Wade left her mouth and began a trail of kisses down her abdomen, to the sweet spot between her legs.

  “Open for me?” His voice was low, guttural. Victoria complied. His large hands spread her knees farther apart, and he put his mouth and tongue to work.

  “Oh...” she cried out in rapture, never having felt anything like this in her life. Surely she would know if she had. How could she forget this glorious feeling? Finding her special spot, Wade alternately teased it with his tongue and suckled. Suddenly everything went still. Seconds later she exploded, her body quivering in a delight that was indescribable. Wade laid his head on her stomach and held her until the tremors had passed. Victoria was limp, satiated. But Wade wasn’t finished.

  He spread her legs wide again. Then he began to taste every inch of her again. Her nipples were erect, and he sucked them hard, using his tongue to circle and lick the rosy buds.

  She felt his shaft press against her core and violent shivers raced down her spine, centering between her legs. Her hands raked at the smooth muscles of his back, silently asking for more. She heard a soft moan and realized it came from her own throat. Wade returned to her mouth, drinking deep, lapping at her tongue. Victoria couldn’t get enough of him, her body’s natural instincts responding to his every move.

  Her fingers corded through the thickness of his hair. She pushed against him, knowing he was the only one who could quench the fire that blazed out of control deep within her.

  “I can’t hold off any longer.” His baritone voice was rough and laced with passion. “I need to be in you.” His powerful body was trembling with need.

  “Yes,” she murmured against his lips. The male scent of him surrounded her. His lips were so hungry, kissing her over and over while his erection pressed against her center. His hand moved down her body to her core, testing her wetness, making sure she was ready for him. Then using his hand to guide his shaft, he pushed inside. Victoria drew in a sharp, deep breath and tensed. Wade came to an immediate stop, realizing he’d met resistance.

  His heart was beating hard against the wall of his chest as he held himself still.


  His upper body trembled as he fought to lift himself from her and bring all activity to a halt.

  “Wade, what’s wrong?”

  He pushed against her inner core again, and again she cried out in discomfort.

  “You’re a virgin.” He shook his head, unable to believe it. It was impossible.

  His head swam. How was it possible that Victoria had never been with a man? Her various dalliances had made the headlines. But still, there was no getting around the reality of the situation, surreal as it was.

  “Hon, if you’ve never been with a man, this may hurt.”

  “I don’t care.” She pressed her lips to his, hungry for whatever he could give to make the need stop.

  “God, Victoria,” he murmured against her lips. “Are you sure you want this?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I love you, Wade.”

  He cupped her face and stared into her eyes. Then lowering his head, he sought her lips before moving to her neck. Taking tender bites along the sensitive cord, he whispered into her ear, “Are you ready for me, Victoria?”

  She nodded, breathing fast. Pushing deep inside, he felt the barrier give, and it was done. He held perfectly still, waiting for a signal from Victoria that she wanted to continue.

  She began to bestow kisses on his neck and throat, taking small bites, her hands raking his broad shoulders as she silently gave him her answer. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer and began to move. With each push, each movement, the pressure once again began to build. Only now the pressure was different. Heat was building to a scorching level.

  He couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t get deep enough as she returned his kisses.

  “Oh, Wade,” she called out.

  He stopped as the perspiration broke out on his face. “Are you all right?” he said against her mouth, then rained kisses over her neck and ear.

  Victoria managed to nod her head. “Don’t stop.”

  Then he began to move once again. He grasped her hip with one hand, raising her to him, and the world tilted on its axis. Wade could sense the moment was near; the heat was reaching an all-time high.

  “Come for me, babe,” Wade growled in her ear, and she cried out. Wade soon joined her, reaching an outrageously intense climax of his own. She held him tight, kissing the moist skin of his face and neck.

  Wade dropped onto the mattress next to her, pulling her close, still breathing hard. He gently turned her face to his and kissed her again. Time seemed to stop and the world outside disappeared.

  The scent of sex and luscious female enveloped him as Wade lay next to her, his leg over hers, his arm around her. Together they fell asleep.

  Sometime later, Wade awakened her with soft kisses. “Sweetheart, you’re moaning in your sleep. Let’s get you in a warm bath. It will help you feel better.”

  She nodded her head, her body still boneless from the lovemaking.

  Wade had already drawn a bath. He gently lowered her into the tub and followed her in, situating himself behind her. He adjusted the jets of water, and she relaxed against him. He loved the silkiness of her skin, loved the feeling of her hair against his neck. Loved the feel of her.

  Later in the night, Wade came to her again. He woke her with kisses down her shoulder and back until she turned to him, and his lips once again covered hers. This time was better than the first. She was hungry for him and met him touch for touch, breath for breath. The ending was a blazing trail to the stars, and cuddled together, they drifted back to sleep.

  * * *

  Wade began the next morning by offering to give her a tour of his downtown Dallas offices. His building was twenty stories high, all dark glass and concrete. She met so many nice people. His office, like everything else in his world, was extreme, taking up almost half of the top floor. The walls and massive executive desk were mahogany, and the floor-to-ceiling windows offered a panoramic view of the rapidly expanding city. Attached to his office was a room almost as large for the administrative staff and yet another with a conference table that would probably seat twenty people. He had a language center with employees who handled overseas calls. A personal bathroom and spa. The list of amenities went on.

  “You could almost live here,” she laughed.

  “Sometimes I do.” He had no smile on his face when he said it. “Ready to go?”

  Wade approached where she sat. She couldn’t help but feel a new hope. A huge weight had been lifted. And the promise of a new future had begun.

  She nodded and, with Wade beside her, walked to the elevators and went down to the lobby and out into the sunshine.

  “What would you think about taking a vacation?” he asked once they were seated in the limo. “You seem to like nature and the great outdoors.”

  “Sounds tempting.”

  “I know of a place that’s just what the doctor ordered. Pun intended, but he did say you should be fine if we relocated for a while.”

  “I’m more than okay with that. Where is it you had in mind?”

  Wade shook his head. “Wait and see. We won’t be leaving the country. I’m not fully convinced you’re up to that. But it’s a place I hope you’ll like.”

kay.” She smiled and shrugged. Why not? It had to be better than the big house in the city. And after his confession last night, she was beginning to get used to the idea of trusting her husband. “When do we leave?”

  “In the morning. Dress casual. Jeans would be great.”

  Jeans. She could handle jeans.

  It seemed that Wade was full of surprises. The next morning it was a short drive to a small airport where the Masters family’s planes were housed. They drove to the end of a hangar where a dark blue helicopter with Masters International painted in silver letters on the side waited, the rotor blades already churning.

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “Come on,” he said, smiling, no doubt at how her jaw had dropped.

  Reluctantly she accepted Wade’s hand and got out of the car. The wind from the helicopter blades whipped her hair around her face. She held fast to his hand as they approached the chopper. He opened the door, indicating she should slide into the back seat. Then he closed her door before going to the other side and climbing in beside her. The first thing he did was hand her a set of earphones with a microphone attached. Putting on a headset of his own, he told her to buckle up and closed his door.


  “No.” She glanced around the cozy interior. “And don’t try to convince me I’ve done this before.”

  “You’re a natural.” He pursed his lips, a wicked glint showing in his eyes.

  “At what?”

  Wade laughed and gave the pilot a thumbs-up. The man opened the throttle, increasing the speed of the main rotor. The sound of the engine grew louder as the blades spun faster and faster. It was exhilarating and scary at the same time. After a few seconds, the chopper lifted off the helipad, momentarily plunging forward before rising, and they were on their way. Victoria couldn’t help but marvel at the sight out her window as they climbed high above the city skyline and headed east. Roads became ant trails, and cars the ants. She felt as light as a bird, and any initial fear quickly turned to exhilaration.

  After circling the downtown Dallas area, they headed north. The city gave way to beautiful suburban homes and finally to the sprawling ranch lands of North Texas.

  After about an hour Wade announced, “We’re here.” They began descending into a clearing amid a heavily forested area. The trees began to separate, showing green pastureland and several structures. The circular landing pad came into view some distance from what appeared to be a barn. On a small plateau, an area surrounded by white pipe fencing stretched almost out of sight. Both horses and cattle grazed in the abundant grass within the boundaries.

  The pilot gently set the chopper down in the center of the remote helipad and killed the motor. Wade opened his door and got out first, then helped Victoria to the ground. Taking her hand, he guided her to a well-worn path that led into the trees, up a small rise to a huge log home faced with glass walls.

  “How beautiful,” she said as she pulled him to a stop to take in the beauty all around her. “This is where you grew up?”

  He nodded. “Dad built this house when I was about six. Before that we lived three miles to the south in a smaller house. When Chance was born, it quickly became obvious larger digs were needed. It was a good place to grow up.”

  “Chance is your brother?”

  “Yeah. He’s the youngest. He and his wife, Holly, live here on the ranch. Chance manages, while Holly has a veterinarian practice across the road from the main house.”

  Victoria could hear the wistfulness in his voice and knew she wasn’t imagining it. To Wade, this place was home. It was where he and his brothers had learned about life. Where Wade had grown into the man he had become today. This ranch was a part of his heart that could never be chipped away or taken from him. The fact that he wanted to share it with her made her almost giddy with happiness.

  As they stepped onto the large front porch, the door was pulled open and a small whirlwind of a woman with blond hair raced toward Wade, not pausing until, with a jump, she was in his arms, welcoming him with a huge hug. They both laughed as Wade spun around.

  “I couldn’t believe it when they told me you were coming,” she said with excitement. “It’s so good to see you again!”

  Wade set her on the deck, grinning broadly. “Holly, I want you to meet my wife. This is Victoria.”

  Her beautiful face still full of smiles, she didn’t hesitate to welcome Victoria to both the ranch and to the family. “Wade Masters! You sure took your time bringing her out here. Oh, my gosh!” She laughed and, stepping over, gave Victoria a hug. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said with honest enthusiasm. She glanced back at Wade. “She’s beautiful.” She nudged his shoulder with her own. “You did good, dude.”

  “Victoria, this is Holly.” Wade made the introductions. “Like I told you, her husband, Chance, manages the operation here. Holly grew up on the ranch. Her father was the previous manager. And this brat has been a thorn in my side for...twenty-three years?”

  “Twenty-four next month,” she corrected, a bit of pride in her voice. “Y’all come on in and make yourselves at home.” She pushed open the heavy door and stepped aside, indicating they should precede her. “No one’s been here since last August when Wade stopped by for a few days. I had Ms. Hughes give the house a good once-over to address the dust, freshen the linens. There’s food in the pantry, steaks in the freezer, wine in the cellar... I think that’s it. But if you need anything else, you know to call the office.”

  “Thanks, Holly. I appreciate it.” Wade looked around and seemed to relax.

  “No worries.” Holly turned toward the door, stopping just inside. “Chance should be back on Wednesday. I hope you both will still be here then.”

  “That is the plan unless I get a call. You know how that goes.”

  “Good deal. I gotta scoot. Later!”

  “She’s a special person,” Victoria commented when Holly had gone.

  Wade nodded. “Honestly, I had some concerns about her when Chance first enlisted in the military. She loved him even back then as a teenager. Saying goodbye was hard on all of us, but especially Holly. But she’s tough. Chance ended up a Navy SEAL. I didn’t think anything or anyone could inspire him to give up that life. Holly did it. I don’t think she really ever asked him to leave the navy, she just made Chance realize how much she loved him and what he was giving up here.”

  Victoria nodded her understanding. Obviously Holly thought of Wade as an older brother, which said a lot about Wade. She had a feeling this was going to be an eye-opening visit in a number of ways.

  She took in her surroundings. It was a magnificent home. Large but cozy, with walls of split log and drywall, a thirty-foot-high ceiling and a huge stone fireplace with a hand-carved mantel. Massive overhead beams ran the length of the ceiling and the tall glass panes gave a view of the valley that was to die for. The kitchen featured a large island with hickory cabinets and granite countertops. A polished hardwood floor finished off the design scheme. “This house is fantastic. I love it. Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “There are four bedrooms and a master suite upstairs. Our luggage will be taken there if you have no objections.”

  They would be sharing a room? She grinned. “No problem here.”

  Wade leaned over and kissed her. “Someone will bring our luggage in a little while. Are you hungry?”

  “No. Not at all.” They’d had a light breakfast before they left. “I want to see your ranch.”

  That earned her a raised eyebrow, tipped head and curious look from her husband. He shrugged. “Say no more. The ranch we will see. At least part of it.”

  Wade led the way outside to a storage unit also made of logs and mortar at the rear of the house. He opened the double doors, revealing several four-wheelers parked inside.

  “The best way to see anything on a ranch this size is an ATV.” He turned towar
d her. “Ever ridden one before?”

  All she could do was shrug. “Not that I remember. But I’m willing to give it a shot.”

  “Let’s not take a chance. How about you ride with me for your first outing?”

  Wade swung his leg over a red ATV. Revving up the engine, he nodded to her to climb on behind him and handed her a helmet. Her arms went around his waist, and she felt the tight abdominal muscles beneath her fingers.

  With two revs and a squeal from Victoria, they were off. She couldn’t hold back another scream as they topped a rise and plunged down the other side.

  “Slow down!” she called out, laughing. She was holding on to him so tight she probably fractured one of his ribs, but Wade didn’t seem to mind. He was a big, incredibly fit man, and her arms barely reached entirely around his waist.

  He nodded his head, indicating he’d heard her request to slow up. But instead, he gave it some gas, and they shot forward. They hit rises that took them off the ground, skirted holes in the turf and drove full speed up and over mounds of dirt, with Victoria screaming and laughing the whole way.

  The first stop was the main barn. Victoria quickly got off the four-wheeler, swearing she would never get back on the thing. “You’re a maniac!” Wade actually laughed out loud.

  Most of the stalls were full, and the horses inside them looked amazing. She hurried to one, a beautiful black-and-white paint.

  “Wade.” She looked back to make sure he was behind her. “She’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like her. Well, that I can remember.”

  He stepped up beside her. “She’s a Tobiano paint Tennessee Walker. As you can see, she’s basically white with black patches on the body and legs. Some have dark brown, bay or chestnut patches. Most paints are Overo, which is a black or brown body with white patches. Some, like her, have a two-toned mane and tail and a dark face with a star and a snip or a wide blaze.”


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