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Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale)

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by Flamank, Nathan L.

  Seth & Amber 3 in 1 Edition

  An Erotic Compendium

  By Nathan L. Flamank

  Copyright 2013

  For “Sexy-Bra”: for reasons

  only you will know.

  Also By The Author:

  Rage Against The Machine

  The Book Of Twenty Four

  By The Light Of The Moon

  Pearls By Candlelight

  Coming Soon:

  Second Chance


  Authors Note

  i: The Book Of Twenty Four

  ii: By The Light Of The Moon

  iii: Pearls By Candlelight

  iv: School’s Out, an exclusive short story (unavailable anywhere else)

  Author’s note:

  This 3 tale volume contains all three published Seth & Amber tales: THE BOOK OF TWENTY FOUR, BY THE LIGHT OF THE MOON & PEARLS BY CANDLELIGHT. I have had correspondence from some readers who have expressed some dislike of certain sexual practices that Seth and Amber partake of in the first two tales (the act involves water-play, otherwise known as “golden showers”) and even though I put disclaimers out warning potential readers of this fact I still received the inevitable complaints of shock and in some instances disgust. The reason why this sexual act appears in the first two tales is that a friend donated money to charity if I included it, so I figured “why not, and it’ll benefit a charity”. PEARLS BY CANDLELIGHT does NOT have this aspect and I rather doubt if any future Seth & Amber tales will (though I can’t guarantee this, there are always charities out there needing help).

  This volume also contains the short story SCHOOL’S OUT, this is an exclusive short to this collection and will not be released separately at any stage (I like to offer little exclusive extras where I can) and will not appear in any future compilations.

  There are more tales from Seth & Amber to come, and who knows maybe one day they will get a whole book, but for now I like these little stories, I like dropping in on them unannounced and sharing a few encounters with them (and on the whole so do my readers).

  Music is a very large part of my life and my writing and should you have the desire to check out some of the artists I have mentioned in these stories (unless you are already familiar with them) then I guarantee you: you won’t be disappointed.

  I was born in Cornwall, England and spent most of my life there and all the places I have mentioned are actual towns and villages, and if you ever get the chance I recommend taking a walk through Illogan woods down to Portreath; it’s some pretty country.

  Thanks to my readers, your reviews and feedback are always appreciated and feel free to catch me on Facebook.

  The Book Of Twenty Four.

  Amber Noonan woke before her husband; she left him sleeping and padded naked down to the kitchen. The clock above the window showed it was a little before seven o’clock and the sun was beginning to break cover above the tops of the trees to the rear of their property. She was smiling as she busied herself with the coffee machine.

  The house was already warm; the summer had been glorious so far, currently they were in the middle of a heat-wave. As the coffee began to trickle through the machine in to the glass pot she went through the archway and in to the large living room and opened all the window-blinds.

  Amber shared this house with her husband Seth; a barn conversion that had taken them three years to complete; three years where Seth had worked night and day to turn what had been an old barn and stable house in to the wonderful home that it was now. The expansive ground floor was split in to two, the large kitchen, and the huge living room. At one end of the living area was a large plasma screen television mounted on the wall; sofas faced this wall and along the side wall were bookcases full of CDs and books, and other assorted clutter that made up most homes.

  Windows ran the entire length of the front wall; vast floor to ceiling plates of inch thick glass housed in bespoke frames; half way down this wall were two large windows which were also doors that led out on to a wooded deck before the main side gardens and the private woodland that connected with the public woods which then ran back all the way to the coastline at Portreath.

  The floors throughout the house were wooden, hours of painstaking varnishing and waxing went in to it and scattered throughout were various multi-coloured rugs. The three remaining walls of the living area were painted a traditional red and the kitchen through the archway contrasted this red with black marble worktops, and black, white and grey tiles on the walls. The cupboards were also black marble effect in colour and the appliances were again of various colours; a bright red kettle, a lime green toaster and so on. Seth and Amber loved bright colours; there wasn’t a white or beige wall in the house.

  Amber went back in to the kitchen and looked at the assorted presents on the oak table. It was Seth’s thirtieth birthday today and that was the reason for her early rising. It was a Saturday and normally she would have had a lie-in, with no work scheduled she would have lounged in bed normally until noon but today was different; today she had plans and at the thought of those plans she felt her nipples harden and she smiled yet again; she had a lot to smile about, life was good for them both and today she felt especially happy; it was going to be a fantastic weekend, she would make sure of it.

  Amber checked the coffee machine; it would be another few minutes so she decided to take a quick shower. She left the kitchen and headed back up the stairs; the house had a central spiral staircase situated in the living area near the kitchen archway; the front door was ten feet away. The staircase was custom made by her husband out of old railway sleepers that he had sourced three years ago with their friend Ross. Thinking of Ross was a bittersweet feeling and she quickly shook it off; today did not warrant sadness. She climbed the spiral staircase and turned right at the top heading away from the bedroom where her husband still slept.

  The barn conversion had been Seth’s brainchild and as she headed for the second bathroom she marvelled at her husband’s creativity. Their bedroom area was separated from the rest of the upstairs by the open spiral-case of the stairs; on one side the master bedroom and en-suite bathroom and walk-in closets; the other side of the stairs led to two other bedrooms and a guest bathroom. Each bedroom was large, as was the bathroom, they could have fit three bedrooms up here along with their own but they didn’t have children, and children were not on the horizon; Amber could not conceive; but that was something they had finally come to terms with as a couple years ago. However because she had brothers she had a niece and a nephew, both of whom came to stay quite regularly, so they had decided to create two bedrooms and a bathroom for the kids and any other guests that might come to stay to use. At the end of the hallway was a smaller staircase that led up to the converted attic space; a huge open space that ran the entire length of the house where they stored things. It was also used as a recreational room and home gym. Seth had installed skylights that could be opened and at one end were patio doors that led out on to a high terrace; another spiral staircase led down to the first floor balcony outside their bedroom and then onwards and down to the ground and they would sit out on the terrace during hot summer nights and watch the birds in the woodlands to the rear of the property.

  Amber finished her shower and quickly dried herself. She wrapped a towel around her long auburn hair and ran her hands up her bare legs; whilst in the shower she had shaved them and now they were as smooth as marble; she had also shaved and trimmed her pubic area. She studied her reflection in the mirror as she applie
d some mascara to her long lashes and a light shade of gloss to her full pouting lips. She liked the image reflected in the mirror (and there was a time when she had avoided her reflection, but that was a long time ago, and Seth had helped her through that). Amber was a year younger than her husband and in the past she had fluctuated in her weight but over the last year or so she had increased her exercise and now she was a perfect size ten. She was five foot four, a good eight inches shorter than her husband, she had large firm, full and rounded breasts (a size 32f – a fact that her husband never got tired of knowing; he was quite simply obsessed with her breasts, when she had mentioned this little observation to him many years ago he had laughed and told her that he wasn’t obsessed with just her breasts; he was obsessed with everything about her; in all the years that they had been together she had never once seen her husband so much as look at another woman). She had a flat stomach and toned legs (with killer thighs Seth would often tell her) and a peach of an ass (one of her co-workers Beth reckoned that Amber looked a lot like the model Kelly Brook, Amber took the compliment but didn’t believe it for one moment – Beth was just being kind; surely?).

  Amber continued to dry her hair and then brushed it straight before heading back downstairs; by now the coffee would be ready and it was time to wish Seth a happy birthday.

  Amber nudged the bedroom door open with her hip and glided across the wooden floor to the large double bed where her husband still slept. Silk sheets were bundled around his groin, and his legs were at all angles; Seth was a heavy sleeper and she was often surprised by how quickly he would fall in to a deep slumber only to waken when nudged by her to do so.

  Amber placed the large tray on the bedside table; it was piled high with her gifts for him, a stack of birthday cards and a fresh pot of coffee, two mugs and milk and sugar were also on the tray. Amber braced her hands on the bed and leant over Seth.

  ‘Wake up sleepy head,’ she said.

  Seth began to stir and she looked at her husband’s nakedness and the sheets slid down his thighs, he had a large cock and it was at half mast and she laughed gently as it grew harder. Seth was slim and toned, his body was sinewy and he had a strength and toughness that had at first surprised her. She saw the series of scars on his abdomen and remembered the first time that she had seen her husband’s naked body; one night after they had been dating for about a month they had made love for the first time and he had surprised her by lifting her up by her hips and impaling her on his hardness, he had taken her up against the wall and back then she had been a lot heavier; it was at that moment, over a decade ago that she had realised how strong he was and how he made her feel instantly safe when she was in his embrace. After he had come inside her and after her own orgasm had subsided she had traced the scars with her fingertips and had asked him how he had got them. Without any inflection he had simply said: his step-father and he hadn’t explained further. Over the years she had asked him a few times about them but he only told her what he had told her that first time and he wouldn’t explain further. Amber had figured out quickly that his childhood had been tough, a million miles away from her own upbringing and when over the course of their early months of dating she had met his friends; all of whom grew up with Seth on the same rough council estate in Redruth (a nearby town that at one point in time had been the wealthiest place on earth, but was now nothing more than a breeding ground for benefit cheats and single mums) she had come to realise that Seth’s friends were his family. Amber had learned over the years that Seth’s childhood was a closed book, and she had accepted this, but sometimes she would try and pry little bits of information out of her husband but she never got much out of him, and his friends were tight lipped too; all of them loyal to one another, and she envied this bond in the early years but as time had moved on she had been accepted in to the group of eight friends and now they were as loyal to her as they were to one another; the same went for the eight friends’ partners; they were like one huge extended family and Amber loved them all.

  Seth’s right hand cupping her right breast as it hanged down over the bed snapped her out of her thoughts and she looked at Seth’s face and smiled.

  ‘Happy birthday baby,’ she said and Seth pulled her down on to him and planted a kiss on her neck. Amber laughed and pushed his pawing hands away.

  ‘Later, you have presents to open and coffee to drink birthday boy.’

  Seth rubbed his face with the backs of his hands and sat up in the bed. Amber dropped the silk sheets over his erection and squeezed it through the silk; she felt it throb at her touch and Seth let out a small moan.

  Amber handed him the stack of cards and he opened them in turn before placing them down on the bed. She poured him a coffee and added milk and sugar and handed it to him and then made one for herself.

  As Seth drank his coffee she could feel his grey eyes on her breasts and she knew her nipples were hardening under his lingering gaze.

  ‘You look beautiful this morning.’

  ‘You always say that, the same thing every morning,’ she replied.

  ‘It’s the truth.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She moved forward and kissed his mouth softly, sitting back quickly when she felt his left hand slide along the curve of her right buttock.

  ‘Presents first. Me; later.’

  Amber handed him the stack of presents and said, ‘I hope you like them.’

  ‘I’m sure I will,’ Seth replied. He noticed that she had left one small package on the tray. Seth opened each present; Amber had bought him the latest Stephen King novel, a couple of CDs and some aftershave; these were regular presents; each year the same types of gift, and then there would be one final special one (the package on the tray): last year it had been a Tag Hauer watch. He was the same with her; normal gifts and then something special.

  ‘Thank you,’ he said as he unwrapped the last gift; Ellie Goulding’s latest CD.

  ‘You’re welcome,’ Amber replied as she took the CD and stood up, she moved across the large bedroom to the music system and Seth was laughing as she sashayed across the room, her hips swinging in exaggeration; another birthday ritual. Amber bent over the hi-fi and inserted the disc giving Seth an eyeful of the slit between her legs.

  ‘You shaved this morning,’ he said as he saw her vaginal lips glistening.

  ‘Smooth as a baby’s butt,’ she joked. She hit play and crossed back to the bed. She sat cross legged; her groin totally exposed to Seth’s gaze and she was gratified to see the sheets tent-poling at his groin. This morning was a ritual, a ritual they did every year on his birthday and Amber wondered how many other couples had such rituals; she guessed all marriages had their own little plays. Music started from the speakers in the ceiling and Amber handed Seth the last gift from the tray.

  ‘This one is special, I hope you like it.’

  She watched him from over her coffee as he un-wrapped the small gift; when all the wrapping paper was torn away he was left with what looked like a cheque book or a raffle ticket booklet. On the front of it in fancy script was YOUR WISH IS MINE TO DO.

  Seth looked at Amber with a bemused expression. ‘What’s this?’

  Amber sipped her coffee and shrugged. ‘Open it and see.’

  Seth opened the small booklet and read aloud; ‘“I Amber Noonan promise to honour the wish of my husband Seth Noonan on the presentation of each promissory note contained in this wish book. There are twenty four such notes in this book, state your wish and tear out the ticket and give to me and I will obey the wish without hesitation. Anything goes, but remember there are only twenty four so use them wisely”’. Seth flicked through the small booklet; each ticket said the same thing: YOUR WISH SHALL BE GRANTED.

  Seth laughed and said, ‘I don’t know what to say, this is really sweet.’

  Amber finished her coffee and said, ‘I was trying to think of something really nice to get you this year, you’ve done so much for me this year that I wanted to spoil you, eventually I came up with this idea;
I found a site on the internet that produce these booklets for various charities and they made it.’

  Amber refilled their coffee mugs and Seth asked, ‘I can ask you anything and you’ll do it, no matter what?’

  ‘That’s correct, I have the whole weekend off, I swapped weekends with Beth so you have me as yours to command for the whole weekend.’

  ‘And anything goes.’


  ‘Promise?’ Seth said with a smile.

  Amber nodded her head and held her right hand up, palm forwards like someone in court, ‘I promise.’ They had a thing in their house that if one of them said “I promise” that it was unbreakable, like the time that she had made Seth promise not to lay her brother out no matter what Richard said to him. Seth did not get on with the younger of her two brothers and she had had to make him promise not to beat the crap out of him and over the years Seth had kept his word despite Richard’s bad attitude and constant sniping.

  ‘And I can only use them this weekend?’ Seth asked.

  Amber laughed and she saw her husband watching her full breasts as they rose and fell with her laughter. ‘Do you really think that you can make them last, I know what you’re like baby, you’ll have me doing all sorts of wicked things this weekend.’

  Seth finished his coffee and smiled, it was a cunning smile, as if he knew something that she didn’t and she grinned at him and said, ‘I don’t like the look of that smile, what are you thinking?’

  ‘I’m thinking that your promise can’t be broken, I’m also thinking that I love you, and I’m also thinking that you forgot I’m a writer.’

  ‘Meaning what exactly?’ Amber asked. She put her mug down on the tray and took Seth’s and placed it down on the tray too. She scooted forwards so that she was on her hands and knees between his open legs; her long auburn hair hung in his lap, her breasts hanging down and she allowed her nipples to brush across the end of his cock pressing up through the sheets. She licked her lips trying to distract him from whatever he was thinking but Seth wasn’t going to fall for her ploy and he pushed her back by her shoulders and tore out the first ticket and held it out to Amber and said, ‘I think that for my first wish I would like for you to do whatever I say whenever I say for the whole of this weekend.’ Seth sat back against the headboard with a self-satisfied grin on his face and Amber laughed.


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