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Seth & Amber: 3 in 1 Edition (Exclusive Bonus Story) (A Seth & Amber Erotic Tale)

Page 10

by Flamank, Nathan L.

  ‘Sounds good, and you’re positive you want me to come work with you? Can you handle me being with you almost twenty four-seven?’

  ‘Yes, and that leads me on to my next thought.’

  Amber asked for a refill and Seth asked her how she thought the weekend had progressed.

  ‘You mean with you being the boss, telling me what to wear and what to do all the time, that sort of thing?’ She was smiling at him and she slid her hand across the white table cloth; she found Seth’s fingers and they snaked around hers. ‘Actually I’ve really enjoyed it; I like the total lack of control, I don’t have to worry because I’m not allowed to, I quite like being the submissive, why?’

  ‘I’ve enjoyed it too; a lot. I don’t want to go back to the way things were before; I was always a little nervous about asking you certain things encase you said no or it led to an argument; this weekend none of that has happened; the book was a great idea, the best gift you’ve ever given me.’

  ‘You still have twenty three wishes left,’ Amber said with a grin. The wine was making her feel naughty; this also normally happened when she drank too much.

  ‘I know but my thinking is I only need one more.’ Seth took out his wallet and removed a single sheet that he had torn from the booklet, he slipped the “cheque” across the table and Amber looked at the piece of paper. She had the wine glass to her lips and before she took a sip she asked him what he had in mind? She looked over her glass and fluttered her eyelids girlishly.

  ‘Take it.’

  ‘I don’t know what you want.’

  ‘Doesn’t matter, if I give it to you by your own rules you have to obey; correct?’

  Amber nodded her head and drank her wine; she put the nearly empty glass down and picked the “cheque” up off of the white linen table cloth.

  ‘Go on...’

  ‘If you take that “cheque” and put it away then you agree from this moment on to always do what I tell you, whenever and wherever, you will wear whatever I tell you, you will do whatever I ask when it comes to sex or anything else for that matter with two exceptions; one being when we have the kids to stay, during the duration of their being with us this promise will be put on hold until they have left. Secondly, if you’re poorly or it’s that time of the month when on the rare occasion that you actually have a period you’ll be relieved of your obligation UNLESS I feel that you’re trying to pull a fast one.’

  Amber poured another glass of wine.

  ‘Apart from that you will in essence be mine to control from this moment on, you will obey me as if your life depended on it.’

  Amber raised her hand. ‘Can I say something, this isn’t to say no but I have to say something here.’

  ‘Okay,’ Seth said. He fully expected Amber to say no, he was nervous about even asking her something like this, but he still had the rest of the “cheques”, so worst case scenario he could use them to get her to do certain things later on down the line.

  ‘If you ever suggested that another man could fuck me or that a woman could fuck you I’d have to say no straight off. I don’t ever want to get in to that sort of situation, I couldn’t handle you fucking another woman and I don’t want another man’s cock in me.’

  Seth looked around to make sure no one had overheard, they hadn’t. The restaurant had cleared out by at least half, and most couples left were slow dancing up near the Cellist.

  ‘Jesus! No, I don’t want that either, is that it?’

  Amber downed her wine and refilled the glass; the second bottle was now empty. Seth indicated to the maître d’ that they needed another bottle. The maitre d’ nodded his head.

  ‘That’s it, I don’t want to fuck a man and I don’t want you to fuck another woman.’

  Seth nodded his head. ‘Agreed, but if you accept that “cheque” then that’s it, you’re promising to be and to do whatever I say or instruct.’

  Amber played with the piece of paper in her hands, she waited for the maitre d’ to come with their wine and she smiled when she saw him looking at her exposed thighs; Seth too saw the man looking down Amber’s dress and Seth couldn’t blame him; his wife was truly stunning. The maitre d’ left them alone and Amber refilled her glass. She folded the “cheque” in half and then folded it again and she slipped it down the front of her dress and in to the cup of her left breast; she could feel one corner of the “cheque” pressing against the hardness of her nipple.

  ‘It’s a deal; your wish is mine to carry out.’ Amber clinked her glass against his. ‘It’s a good job I trust you Seth, I can’t believe that I’ve just consented to being your slave.’

  Seth pushed his chair back and stood up; he offered her his hand. ‘Let’s dance.’

  Amber looked up at him. ‘Is that an order?’

  Seth smiled. ‘More like an invite.’

  Amber stood up and Seth steadied her.

  ‘Oops, I think I’m a little tipsy.’

  ‘Can you manage a dance or two?’

  ‘I can if we take it slow.’


  When they left the “Penventon” the sun had dropped below the horizon and spotlights lit the car-park. They could hear birds chirping in the trees and traffic noise from the dual carriageway carried to them on the breeze. They started across the tarmac to where their car was parked in the far corner. Amber was leaning in to Seth, her arms around his waist, the side of her face resting against his chest. Amber’s high heels click-clacked on the tarmac and the sound echoed across the grounds. As they were nearing the car Amber said, ‘I think we should go back in, I need the loo.’

  Seth shook his head and led her past the car and in to the trees that bordered the car-park.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Amber asked. ‘I’m not squatting out here in the bushes when there’s a perfectly good toilet not a hundred yards away.’

  Seth led her in to the deep shadows of the woodlands and they walked behind a large oak tree. He could smell the tree’s distinctive aroma as he pushed Amber back against the tree.

  Seth slipped his hands up beneath her dress and in one fluid movement pulled her thong down her legs. He lifted her feet one at a time and then pocketed the thong.

  ‘What are you doing sexy?’ Amber asked; she looked down at her husband as he knelt before her. He lifted her right leg over his left shoulder and he stroked the underside of her thigh, his fingers running along the tops of her hold-ups; her legs shone in the moonlight; the glossiness of her stockings sparkling. Amber’s right foot lay against the middle of his back.

  ‘Pee,’ Seth said and he pressed his open mouth against her moist slit.


  Seth gripped her buttocks and flicked his tongue across her clitoris and Amber moaned.

  ‘You heard me and don’t stop until you’re done.’

  Amber relaxed back against the tree and raised her arms above her head; she turned her hands, placing her palms against the roughness of the bark. She closed her eyes and felt Seth’s mouth close over her cunt lips and she trembled and he nibbled at her sex and dug his fingers in to her ass pulling her sex tight against his open mouth and she relaxed and began to pee. She could hear her pee filling his mouth, the sound like a tiny stream running over rocks and she could feel her husband’s lips clamped tight against the folds of her sex and his tongue teasing her clit. She could feel him each time that he swallowed and she peed harder and he must have swallowed at least six large mouthfuls before she squirted one final trickle in to his mouth and then he was probing her with his tongue and she felt his thumb press against her clitoris and his fingers teased her vulva and he slid two fingers deep inside her; he hooked them, rubbing at her inner spot and she cried out as her orgasm hit, crashing over her like a wave. She could hear voices in the nearby car-park but she was too far in the moment to care and she was oblivious when the voices went away and a car engine started up.

  Seth continued to suck and probe and she felt three fingers push up inside her and she clamped her thighs a
gainst his face as another orgasm hit.

  Her hands dropped to his head and she gripped his hair as the orgasm worked through her system; slow at first before it built to a crescendo and she cried out loudly once more.

  Seth waited for Amber’s orgasm to work its way through her and then he withdrew his fingers and stood up and he pressed his body against hers; his mouth found hers and she opened her mouth and they locked their mouths together. Hungrily they kissed and sucked at each other’s mouths and he pulled the straps of her dress down over her shoulders and he roughly freed her breasts from her bra and he pinched her hardened nipples. Amber bit his shoulder to stifle her cry as he sucked her left nipple between his teeth; he did his trick of wedging the engorged bud between the roof of his mouth and his tongue and he sucked the hard enlarged nipple even harder.

  ‘Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,’ Amber whispered over and over and she pulled at his trousers and managed to unzip them and she pushed them and his boxers down his thighs. She gripped his huge cock in her hand and guided it between her legs. Seth’s hands lifted her by her thighs and she lined him up with her cunt and he slammed himself in to her; he impaled her all the way with force and she cried out again. She kissed his mouth, and her hands slid up beneath his shirt and she scraped her nails down his back.

  ‘Fuck me hard,’ she spat out and he thrust in to her with more force. The bark of the tree scraped across her shoulders and she yelped. Seth turned from the tree and dropped to his knees and she was beneath him; her back against the cool grass. Amber gripped his buttocks as he fucked her. Seth covered her neck and breasts in kisses before he took her right nipple in to his mouth and he was sucking the swollen bud so hard that she cried out in pleasurable pain. ‘Don’t fucking stop!’ she gasped in to his ear. Amber grabbed her right breast with her right hand and she twisted the nipple and she cried out as another orgasm thundered through her and she bucked her hips powering her groin up in to every downward thrust of his cock.

  ‘I’m coming, fuck me,’ she cried.

  Seth pulled back and withdrew from her and before Amber could say anything he rolled her over on to her belly. Amber grabbed two fistfuls of grass as he pushed her legs roughly apart. He spat down the crack of her ass and he pushed his slick cock against her asshole and in one tremendous thrust he rammed himself deep inside her ass and she cried out in to the grass.

  ‘Fuck!’ Amber cried, her voice muffled by the dense grass beneath her face; she could feel the grass pressing against her exposed breasts and it tickled her cunt.

  Seth’s hands pulled her face up and she bit down on the side of his right hand near the thumb as he withdrew most of his cock from her ass before he rammed it up inside her again. It felt like he was splitting her in two and she loved it. Four more times he did this and on the final deep thrust he cried out and he came deep within her ass and she could have sworn that she could actually feel his semen erupting inside her ass.

  Seth rolled off of Amber and collapsed on to his back, Amber pushed herself over and collapsed next to him and they lay looking up at the tops of the trees and the stars that were beginning to show in the night sky.

  ‘Jesus, I’m aching all over,’ Amber said with a laugh.


  ‘Don’t be, I loved it.’

  Seth slipped his arm beneath her head and she turned her face to his and they kissed. It was a soft and gentle kiss and it lasted for a very long time.

  Eventually Amber said, ‘Seth honey, can we go home now, we’ve got an early start tomorrow?’

  ‘Sure thing.’ Seth got to his feet and pulled his boxers and trousers up. He tucked his shirt in and then helped Amber to her feet.

  ‘I’m leaking from my ass,’ Amber said and they both laughed as Seth helped her to sort herself out.


  Amber slid in to the bed next to Seth. Like her he smelt of soap from the shower they had very recently shared. She pulled the silk sheets up to her breasts and waited for Seth to uncover her ass like he always did. Lying on her side she draped her left thigh over his legs and slipped his left arm beneath her head and rested her cheek against his ribs, she kissed one of the numerous tiny scars on his chest and she closed her eyes.

  ‘Did you enjoy your birthday weekend?’

  Seth’s fingers stroked the curves of her exposed ass.

  ‘Very much.’

  ‘Good and it’s only the beginning.’

  ‘Looking forward to it.’

  ‘Love you “sexy-pants”.’

  ‘Love you too “sexy-bra”.’

  Amber kissed his chest once more and then sighed in contentment.

  ‘Read to me,’ she told him sleepily.

  Seth picked up the Stephen King novel and opened it to the page he was on and he began to read aloud; within minutes he felt Amber’s breathing deepen and even though he knew she was fast asleep he continued to read to her.

  The End...

  By The Light Of The Moon.

  Amber Noonan checked the clock above her husband Seth’s desk, it showed her it had just turned five in the afternoon and she stood up and told Seth that she was done for the day. Seth looked up from his computer and smiled at his stunningly beautiful wife; she was only wearing a pair of black hold-up stockings and black five inch stiletto high heels.

  ‘Okay, come here,’ he told her and she walked across the wooden floor of the office they now shared in the old stables. Seth spun his chair around and Amber stepped between his open legs; her knees came to rest against the edge of his swivel chair. Seth ran his hands up the back of her legs; his fingers lingered at the three inch strips of lace stocking tops before his hands moved up to her naked ass and he gripped her buttocks and pulled her forwards in to his face and he kissed her just above the neat vertical strip of her red pubic hair. Amber ran her fingers through Seth’s short hair and he looked up at her.

  ‘We’ll leave here at seven; you’ve got two hours to get ready.’

  ‘Okay baby,’ she replied; she braced her hands on the arms of his chair and he kissed her bottom lip; she opened her mouth and offered her tongue and he closed his mouth over the wet pink appendage and he sucked on it and she moaned. She moaned louder still when his hands cupped her suspended breasts and his fingers and thumbs began to pull on the hardness of her nipples. Seth released her tongue and she kissed him hard; a long wet, noisy kiss and she felt her groin getting wet as he pulled down hard on her nipples but before things got too exciting he released her swollen buds and gently pushed her body away. She stood up straight.

  ‘See you soon,’ she told him and she walked through the open office door. As Amber crossed the small hallway to the exterior door she heard Seth resume typing.

  Amber stepped out through the doorway and on to the wooden gangway that led across to the balcony outside of their bedroom. She looked down at the ground twelve feet below her. She crossed the wooden walkway and stepped across the balcony and in through the open French doors and in to their bedroom.

  The first thing she noticed was that Seth had, at some point earlier in the day, laid out the clothes he wanted her to wear that evening; she saw that the red silk sheets were partly hidden by one of her short black cashmere dresses, a black push-up bra and matching black lace knickers, as well as a matching suspender belt and black stockings with a wide five inch stocking top. He had also put a pair of her black high heels on the bed and Amber smiled as she slipped off her shoes and stockings and walked in to the master bathroom. She turned on the taps of the large bath and put the plug in the bottom and poured a liberal amount of bubble bath in to the rising water.

  Amber heard Seth call to her and she quickly went back through the bedroom to the French doors and she saw that Seth was leaning against the doorway to the offices. He was smoking a cigarette.

  ‘Yes?’ she asked, she smiled at him warmly. ‘Good choice on the outfit.’

  Seth nodded, ‘I have excellent tastes, that’s why I married you.’


  ‘I want you totally bald down there,’ he told her. ‘Shave it all off.’

  ‘Okay boss.’

  Amber returned the bathroom and turned the taps off and put one foot tentatively in to the water; it was hot but bearable and she quickly stepped in to the tub and lowered herself in to the mass of white bubbles; the water felt a little too hot against her groin but she persevered. Amber reclined back in the tub and closed her eyes; she’d allow herself ten minutes of just lying in the water before she shaved herself.

  Amber started to think about how different their lives were now; it had been a couple of months since Seth’s birthday when she had agreed, as a special present, to become her husband’s slave and she wasn’t regretting it. She had also quit her job at the veterinary practice to become Seth’s full time manager; a role that she absolutely loved; her husband’s writing career had really taken off and she was kept busy five days a week. As well as managing the day to day accounts, she also managed his publicity and up-coming book tours; his first novel had done very well and it had been nominated for three national book awards, neither of them expected him to win, the competition was too well known, but to just be nominated made Seth feel amazing and the nominations had garnered interest from various periodicals, radio stations and television shows – only the following week they were heading to London to film an interview with a well known television couple and to do two radio shows in the city and Seth’s publishers had announced a national tour for the paperback release early in the new year.

  Seth was pleased by his success but it was Amber who was really excited by the whole situation; her husband had sacrificed a lot for her and her career and now that he was getting the success that he so richly deserved for all of his hard work it filled her with a true sense of pride. Amber worked alongside her husband most days; the converted stables were large enough for them to be in the same area without cramping one another and she had made sure that her desk was at the far end of the offices; furthest from Seth (she liked having to walk across the expansive office whenever he needed her; it gave her the opportunity to shake her ass and to do “her thing”).


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