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At Last (Lucky Harbor)

Page 11

by Jill Shalvis

  “Christ. Amy—”

  She kept going, taking him through what sounded like a very happy ending. She was still enjoying the little aftershocks running through his big, powerful body when he dropped to his knees and pulled her into his lap. He unhooked her bra and bent her back over his arm, sucking a nipple into his mouth, hard.

  With a gasp of pleasure, she gripped his head. Not to pull him away but to keep him there. God yes, right there. A minute later, she realized he’d somehow peeled her out of her shorts and panties as well. In only her boots, he adjusted her so that she was straddling him right there on the floor. His hand traveled down her torso, between her open thighs, his long fingers playing slip and slide.

  Pleasure swamped her, making her cry out. She never cried out. Shocked at the hurry-up noises she was making, she bit his shoulder to shut herself up.

  Matt hissed in a breath but kept stroking her with those talented fingers, in and out, in a rhythm that became her center of gravity. He commandeered her mouth as well, kissing her hard and deep, reducing her to a gasping, panting, pleading mass until, unbelievably, he sent her flying. She came back to herself to find him still idly stroking her core, his mouth soft and gentle. “Round one,” he said silkily, “is a tie.” Then he laid her out on the rug, holding her still when she wriggled, trying to get on top.

  She was always on top.

  But he shook his head, a smile curving his mouth, a very wicked smile. Lowering his head, he kissed his way down her body, stopping to pay special homage to each breast, and then her stomach, playfully tugging her crystal belly button piercing with his teeth before moving lower.

  “Matt. Matt, wait—”

  He didn’t listen to her any more than she’d listened to him a few minutes ago. With his broad shoulders holding her legs wedged open, he took all her power away with one perfectly placed stroke of his tongue. Reduced to a whimper, she slapped her hands down on the rug on either side of her hips as he sucked and nibbled and drove her straight out of her ever-loving mind.

  It was a shockingly short drive, and this time she came back to herself, boggled. Normally she had to concentrate to climax at all, and yet he’d given her a twofer, so effortlessly she hadn’t even known what hit her. She didn’t know whether to thank him or be embarrassed. “Well.” She rose up on her elbows and eyed the room for her clothes, which were scattered. Except for her boots. Those she was still wearing. “I’m going to need a ride.”

  He rose up, too, still between her legs. His smile deepened, turning positively wicked. And unbelievably, she felt her body react.


  “Yes,” he said. “I believe I can give you a ride.” Stripping out of his remaining clothes with a few economical motions, he then turned his attention to her boots, pulling them off for her. When they were both bare-ass naked, he scooped her up and kissed her, his tongue sweeping and sucking and stroking in demand.

  And damn. Damn, she couldn’t hold back her breathless moan, because good Lord the man knew how to use his mouth, stirring up emotions during an act that should have been only a physical release, and he did it effortlessly. She tried to pull back to think about that, but he had a good hold on her, and next thing she knew, they were on the move to his bedroom.

  He set her down on a huge bed, then before she could scramble away, he stretched his body over hers.

  And let’s face it, scrambling away would have been tricky without any bones left in her body.

  He produced a condom, and in the next instant, thrust inside her, and oh, God, the pleasure, the panic… Because she knew. She knew it even as she cried out and clutched him closer to her that she was in the worst sort of trouble now.

  Because this wasn’t just a physical release at all.

  Not even close.

  “Look at me,” he said.

  With effort, her eyes fluttered open, and she focused in on his face, transfixed by the expression of pure ecstasy etched on his features. She had no idea what it was with her, whether it was the eroticism of what they’d already done to each other, or that she could still taste him on her tongue, or maybe it was just the incredible feel of him so hard, so deep within her, but she wanted him with a desperate need she hadn’t even known she could feel. Bringing her legs up, she wrapped them around his waist, whimpering when he slowly withdrew only to push back inside her.

  “Good?” he asked.

  She didn’t answer. Couldn’t, she was drowning in the sensations. He ran his hands down her arms until their fingers were entwined, then drew them up above her head, securing them there.

  That brought her out of herself a little. She arched into him, trying to tug free but he held her down as he nudged his hips, giving her a slow, glorious thrust. Another cry was torn from her lips, and she couldn’t quite understand what was happening. He was claiming her completely—heart, body, and soul in the most primal, raw way she’d ever allowed. And as he did, his eyes held hers prisoner in the same way he held her body, watching as her body writhed under his ministrations.

  Branding her as his.

  It was too much, and she tugged hard. “No.”

  He immediately let her hands loose, a frown of concern forming, but before he could say a word she rolled him, knocking him flat to his back. Holding him down now, she mirrored his actions, running her hands up his arms until their fingers were linked over his head.


  His hooded eyes searched hers for a long beat before he gave her a sexy smile. “Better?”

  “Much,” she said, and the next sound out of either of them was two shuddering breaths of pleasure as she lifted up before sinking back down on him.

  Matt’s groan was rough and heartfelt, and he let her do as she wanted, as she needed, which was to ride him hard and fast, every thrust sending electric heat sparking and crackling along each nerve in her body. And in the end, when they’d both shattered and she’d sagged boneless to his chest, when he’d gathered her in and pressed a sweet, tender kiss to her damp temple, she realized the truth.

  When it came to Matt Bowers, she had no control at all.

  An hour later, Matt stood in the dusty staging area at the trailhead, watching Amy drive off. He’d taken her to her car as she’d asked, and she’d left him so quickly his head was still spinning.

  Seemed what they’d shared had gotten a little too close for comfort back there in his cabin, and apparently, Amy wasn’t all that fond of that.

  Well she could join his damn club. He’d come here to Lucky Harbor to get away from everyone, not to get too close for comfort ever again.

  Something else he’d failed at.

  “Remember,” she’d said back in his bed, bare-ass naked, tousled, and gorgeous. “That was just sex.”

  He’d nearly asked if she’d been reminding him—or her. But she’d had an emphatic look on her face, making it clear that she was in no danger of wanting more.

  The drive to her car had been made in silence. Hard to tell if it’d been good or bad silence since his woman-radar had been broken ever since Shelly had packed her shit and walked right out of his life.

  Actually, she’d run.

  He shook his head but it was no good. His brain was still scrambled. Amy had scrambled it good with the best blow job he’d ever had. Then she’d ridden him like a bronco, detonating any brain capacity he might have managed to retain. She’d taken him her way, all the way, clearly not liking being vulnerable, just as clearly needing to be in charge.

  Which had been new and… interesting.

  It sure as hell would be hard to argue that he hadn’t had a great time. It’d been the kind of sex that every guy dreamed about, down and dirty, mindless.

  No strings attached.

  And isn’t that exactly what he’d wanted from her?

  Chapter 11

  So much chocolate, so little time.

  The next day, Amy worked at the diner. It was a slow, uneventful shift, made even slower due to a daylong downpour. The pier was empty as th
e rain beat down on the entire Washington coast, and the diner remained empty, too. This left Amy with way too much time to think.

  Not a good thing when she kept flashing to the memory of Matt in bed moving over her, his voice a sexy, erotic whisper in her ear, their bodies slick with sweat, their limbs entangled. Every time she replayed it, she felt a tingle in spots that had no business tingling while she was serving customers.

  It’d been so long since she’d been with someone. That’s what she told herself. Years long, in fact, since an ugly night in Miami years ago now, when she’d landed into yet another rough situation that she almost hadn’t gotten out of. Just another case of a guy wanting more than she wanted to give. She’d forgone sex completely after that.

  But it had been different with Matt, so different than anything she’d ever shared before. Sex with him had meant intimacy, and she hadn’t been prepared.

  Not even close.

  To take her mind off Matt, she used her break to hole herself up in the tiny back office of the diner and pull out her cell phone. She wanted to plan the last leg of her grandma’s journey, but she was at a bit of a loss.

  Call me again sometime, and you can ask me another question. I’ll answer a question with each call. How’s that sound?

  Her mom’s words were echoing in her head. They’d had such a tempestuous relationship, always, from the day Amy had gone to live with her at age twelve, to the day Amy had walked away at age sixteen. But hindsight was twenty-twenty, and Amy could admit that she wasn’t blameless, that she’d had a big hand in how things went down. Facts were facts, and Amy had been a liar. A petty thief. A girl who’d wielded her burgeoning sexuality like a magic wand.

  A nightmare.

  And she’d walked away without looking back, without even considering how her mom might feel. Not caring…

  Amy let out a shaky breath and hit her mom’s number. The phone was answered quickly, with a breathless, “Amy?”

  “Yeah, Mom. It’s me.”

  There was a silence, and Amy grimaced, feeling unwanted and stupid. And God how she really hated feeling stupid. She shouldn’t have done this; she shouldn’t have—

  “I’m glad you called.”

  Amy sucked in another breath. “You are?”

  “You surprised me last time. I didn’t get a chance to ask you if you’re okay.”

  Amy’s chest physically hurt. She didn’t do this, this emotional stuff. And yet it seemed like lately that was all she was doing. “I’m okay. You?”

  “Good. I’m… single again. I just wanted you to know that.”

  Probably the closest thing to an apology she was going to get.

  “You still in Lucky Harbor?” her mom asked. “Do you have a place? An address?”

  “Yeah.” Amy cleared her throat and gave her the apartment address. “You said I could ask you a question.”


  Amy drew a deep breath. “Do you know where Grandma Rose ended her journey exactly?”

  “I’m sorry,” her mom said with real regret. “I don’t. All she ever told me was that in the end, she went full circle.”

  Full circle. Same thing the journal had said. Disappointment clogged Amy’s throat, thick and unswallowable. “Oh. Okay, well, thanks. I’ve got to get back to work.”

  “Will you call again?”

  Amy closed her eyes. It’d been a long time since she’d ached for someone’s approval. A damn long time. Since her Grandma Rose’s death probably. Amy had told herself a million times that she’d outgrown needing acceptance. Would she call again? Honestly, in that moment, she had no idea. “I have your number,” she said carefully.


  “And Mom?”


  “You have my number now, too.”

  At the end of her shift, Amy gathered the trash and left out the back door. She dropped it in the Dumpster on her way to her car and nearly tripped over Riley in the alley. “Hey,” Amy said, surprised. “What are you doing?”

  But the answer was clear. It’d been pouring steadily, relentlessly, all afternoon, and Riley had been rained out of wherever she’d been staying in the woods. She was wet through and through, huddled up against the wall on the stoop. “You okay?” Amy asked.

  Looking miserable, Riley nodded.

  “Come on, I’ll give you a ride.”

  Riley didn’t ask where, or even bother to argue, which told Amy exactly how wet and cold the teen was. Once they were inside Amy’s piece-of-shit car, Riley sidled up against the heating vents, rubbing her arms over the long-sleeved tee that Amy had given her. “You know, if you’d stayed at my place, you’d be warm and dry right now.”

  “Didn’t know how long I could stay.”

  Amy’s heart squeezed. “How about until something better comes along?”

  Riley was huddled into herself, shivering, and didn’t answer. Amy understood that, too. When Amy had been that age, nothing better ever came along. Amy pulled out of the diner parking lot and drove home. They climbed the stairs in silence, and inside she nudged Riley toward the bathroom for a hot shower. By the time the water turned off, Amy had pulled out another spare outfit from her own meager stash for Riley.

  They ate grilled cheese sandwiches at the small kitchen table—Amy’s go-to comfort food. Riley inhaled every last crumb. “Thanks,” she said when they were done. She was looking a whole lot less like a drowned rat now. Her hair was drying in soft, natural curls, and with her face clean, Amy realized just how pretty she was. “Got a call about you the other day,” she said. “A hang-up, actually.” She told Riley about the phantom phone call she’d received at the diner.

  Riley didn’t say a word but went pale.

  Amy frowned at her. “What is it? You know who called?”

  Riley shrugged.

  “You want to talk about it?”


  Well there was a surprise. “You know you don’t have to live like this, on the run, right?” Amy asked. “You could get some help, make some roots. Stick around.”

  “I don’t have any money.”

  “So get a job.”

  “I’m not good at anything.”

  “Well, that’s not true. For instance,” Amy said, “you’re a great conversationalist. And such a sweet, sunny, friendly nature, too.”

  Riley had the good grace to grimace at the gentle teasing.

  “Look,” Amy said, “you could bus tables at the diner. You won’t get rich or anything, but you could support yourself. There’s a lot of freedom in that, Riley.”

  Riley remained quiet while staring at her empty plate.

  “And as a bonus, you could eliminate the sitting in the rain bit entirely, fun as that probably was. And with all your spare time, you could get good at whatever you want to be good at. You could go to school, or whatever you want.”

  Riley looked at her. “What are you good at?”


  “I suck at drawing.”

  “So you’ll find something you don’t suck at,” Amy said. “Something for you. It’s all about choices and decisions.”

  “I usually choose to make really bad decisions.”

  Amy laughed softly in sympathy. “I hear you. I happened to major in bad decisions myself. But I’m working on it. Part of that comes from stopping the cycle, getting some good sleep and decent food in your system so you’re not reacting off the cuff. Stay here tonight.”

  Riley shrugged.

  “Yes or no.”

  Riley looked out the window, where the rain was still pouring down. She sighed. “Yes.”

  “Now see? There’s a good decision.”

  The next day, Matt was hanging off the North Rim, forty feet above ground, holding onto the granite with only his fingers and toes.

  Josh was at his right and a foot or so below him.

  It was a race to the top, with the loser buying dinner. Josh had bought the past four meals in a row, which he’d bitched about like a l
ittle girl, claiming that the finishes had been far too close to call.

  Bullshit. Matt had won fair and square, though granted he’d only done so by an inch or two. But a win was a win.

  “Move your lady-like fingers,” Josh groused when Matt reached out far to his right for a good finger-hold. “You’re in my way.”

  Matt didn’t move. The sun was beating down on his back, and he felt sweat drip down the side of his jaw. “Hey, Josh?”


  “Which lady-like finger am I holding up now?”

  Josh took in Matt’s flipping him the bird and tsked. “Rude.”

  “You want rude? I’m having everything on the menu at Eat Me tonight, on your dime.”

  “Fuck you,” Josh said. “I’m not buying you everything on the menu.”

  “Is that what you say to the ladies?”

  “The ladies,” Josh said with a grunt as he pulled himself up another few feet, “can have anything they want.”

  Matt eyeballed the ledge above him and tried to figure out the best way to get there. “Fine. If you don’t want to buy dinner, you’re going to have to beat me to the top.”

  Apparently getting a second wind at the thought, Josh pulled himself up another few feet. This put him in the lead. Matt wasn’t too worried. There were still a few feet to go, and Josh was breathing hard. “You’re sucking some serious wind, Doc. You need to get in the ring before you go soft like… like a doctor.”

  Josh snorted. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on his large six-foot-four-inch frame, and they both knew it. People teased him that he was like a bull in a china shop, but the truth was, Dr. Josh Scott was so highly regarded as a doctor that he had to turn patients away.

  And for all his big talk, Josh turned away the women, too.

  “When’s the last time you even got any?” Matt asked.

  Josh slid him a look behind his dark sunglasses. “You want to swap stories?”

  “Do you even have a story to swap?”

  Josh let out what might have been a sigh. “Been busy.”

  “No one should be that busy, man.”


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