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Agents of Chaos

Page 3

by Des Pensable

  The door opened and a naked Miranda entered.

  ‘I want you so much my hero.’ she said and walked over to him and stroked his miniscule penis. An incredibly alluring perfume emanating from her body filled his mind with desire. He breathed it in and all the blood in his head seemed to drain into his penis. It enlarged to an enormous size and throbbed with excitement.

  He dopily looked through the haze and asked about her chastity belt?’

  ‘I have no chastity belt. See for yourself.’ she replied and displayed her body in all its glory.

  He woozily used his power to detect magic and saw no magic around her nether region so said.

  ‘Come to me Mandy I’ve been waiting forever for this moment.’

  They made the most amazing love time and time again until he collapsed into a deep exhausted sleep. He awoke about midday when Shastritara gently stroked his forehead. She had a dreamy look on her face and handed him a cup of water and he drank it heartily.

  ‘Were you having wonderful dreams my hero.’ she asked.

  ‘By the Powers, what was in that potion? It seemed so real. It was absolutely unbelievable. I’ve never felt anything like it. It was wonderful. Where is Miranda?’

  ‘She never returned last night my hero.’ replied Shastritara.

  Aquitain lay there for a few moments and it suddenly dawned on him. She had called him ‘her hero’. In his dreams Miranda had been calling him the same thing.

  ‘It was real. It was you! You deceived me into thinking you were Miranda.’

  ‘It was being my duty My Lord. The druidess is being your first favourite. Last night you consented for me to being your second favourite. She was not coming to you so I was taking her place. A great hero must be truly rewarded.’

  ‘But you deceived me into thinking that you were her.’

  ‘No My Lord, it is your mind that was deceiving you not I. I was only wishing that you be taking pleasure from me. I am being sorry that you believed me to be your first favourite. I will be trying harder next time and perhaps you will be seeing me as your first favourite.’

  ‘Try harder! If you tried any harder I would have died. Shastritara I truly thank you for last night. I do not know your customs here but you must know my heart lies with the druidess Miranda. I cannot in all conscience do that again.’

  ‘You were being magnificent beyond my dreams My Lord. You are being my first and only hero. You have been showing me the strength of all the men in the tribe and the endurance of a bull dancer. I am willingly awaiting our next pleasures together. When your first favourite is failing to please you or is not here I will be waiting for you and taking your breaths away.’

  ‘Umm. Thank you Shastritara. Can you send Kami to see me?’

  ‘Yes. My Lord. Your wishes are being my pleasures.’ and she left.

  ‘Oh, by the Powers I’ve been ambushed. If Miranda finds out about this she’ll kill Shastritara then come looking for me.’ he thought.

  His thoughts verged on panic for several minutes until Kami arrived.

  ‘Hello Spirit Lord have you been enjoying your dreaming?’ said Kami with a grin.

  ‘You set me up Kami. You knew about this. I trusted you as a friend.’

  ‘I am still being your friend Spirit Lord. You are wanting to be knowing secrets of our lore and I am not being able to be telling you anything, as you are not one of the Jeti peoples. If you were to be making eggs with one of our females then the Elders might be thinking that they should be making you a member of the Jeti peoples. Then you can be hearing our lore.’

  ‘You’ll get both Shastritara and me killed if Miranda finds out what happened last night let alone what you are suggesting.’

  ‘What I am suggesting is being news for the Jeti people’s ears only. It is a genuine rule that the first favourite is never being told what the second favourite and the warrior is doing. No one is seeing and no one is talking.’

  ‘You told me yesterday that your people only make eggs for one week each year.’

  ‘That is being true. The females they can only be making eggs for one week each year and there is much pleasuring then. But they are also knowing secret female’s lore to be making their favoured ones be having great pleasures at other special times as well.’

  ‘So you want me to be here in a month’s time and make eggs with Shastritara in exchange for knowledge of your lore.’

  ‘That is being truly correct.’ said Kami.

  ‘What about Shastritara? Is she willingly a part of this scheme?’

  ‘She has a genuine liking for you and a destiny all her own. She only wishes to be pleasuring you so much that you will be making her your first favourite.’

  ‘Tell me about her destiny.’ asked Aquitain wondering what destiny could possibly have to do with this situation.

  ‘She is very special and very dangerous. She is being the only surviving daughter of the salamander tribe and excellent at making the potions. They were being red skins and very proud and would not be bowing down to the druids like the rest of us. Her mother was giving her to me as an egg before her mother was dying at the hands of the druids. She has always been saying that she was saving herself for the greatest of heroes and you are being that hero.’

  ‘She is the last of the Reds?’

  ‘Yes Spirit Lord she is being the very last of the Salamander tribe. We have been protecting her hoping that she would be accepting one of our own warriors as a favourite but she has been refusing. She will be accepting none but the greatest hero and that is being you.’

  ‘But I am not one of your blood. I am a spider; a shape changer. We cannot produce any little people eggs. She is doomed to failure.’

  ‘Perhaps and perhaps not Spirit Lord but she has been telling me that there is female’s lore that is suggesting that maybe you can. Have you put much considering into why The Lady has been making your body like ours? I am greatly betting that She is doing things with some purpose being in Her thinking. Perhaps in Her wisdom She is wanting you to be saving the Salamander tribe by making eggs with Shastritara?’

  Aquitain chanted a calming mantra. He had to think rationally. What were they up to? They knew he was interested in their lore. They were trying to make him an offer he would find hard to resist. He was busting to find out what they knew about the Great Storm and the Founts of Wisdom.

  Maybe they even knew where the Founts were. Is this why Alpha didn’t want him to fall for Miranda? Did his father and Granddad know that something like this might happen? Were they in league with The Lady? Is this why The Lady had put a chastity tattoo on his girlfriend Miranda?

  If it wasn’t for his feelings for Miranda he might be tempted at the offer of more of Shastritara’s pleasures. She certainly didn’t hold back. Why didn’t Miranda return last night? Perhaps she had returned and they told her he had left. There were too many unanswered questions for him to agree with Kami’s proposal. Fortunately he had a few weeks to find out more before he would have to decide.

  Another problem was that there was no guarantee that they knew what he wanted to know. He could agree to their proposal, discover nothing useful and have Miranda never talking to him again. Both the rewards and the risks were huge. Somehow he had to hedge his bets. He thought about it for a minute or two then came up with a solution.

  ‘I will carefully consider your proposal Kami and give you my decision in a couple of weeks. However, if I were to agree I would wish to have Shastritara in a more important position in the tribe. I would want her to be an assistant shaman and have her taught the lore of the shaman so that someday she might be shaman.’

  ‘Ah! By my ancestors you are driving a difficult bargain Spirit Lord. I am doubting that the elders will be agreeing but I will be putting your suggestions to them. We have not been having a female shaman since before the Great Storm. It will be causing me big problems.’

  As Kami opened the door and left in a hurry to see the Chief, Aquitain noticed that Shastritara had been kneeli
ng just outside the door and would have heard everything that he had said to Kami so he invited her back into his hut.

  ‘Shastritara I am unhappy that I have been deceived by you and Kami. However, I am sorry to know that you are the last of the Salamander tribe and I can understand your desire to have the Reds continue but I cannot understand why you think I can help you do this?’

  ‘It is lore that Spirit Lords have powerful magic My Lord. It is also lore that when reds join with browns they have special offspring. You are a brown and I am a red.’

  ‘But you saw that I am a spider. I am just pretending to be like you. I can be a red, a blue or a green just as easily.’ he replied.

  ‘It is known from our lore that you are being a Llanllean spider. They are having two real bodies. One being a spider and the other being another creature, sometimes a big person and sometimes being one of our peoples.’

  ‘It is known lore that when a Llanllean spider is being young he has only one body but when he is getting older he can be choosing a second body. I am thinking that your second body is like my peoples’ bodies. I am thinking that you are a brown because that is what The Lady is wanting you to be. Last night you danced with yellow flames. They are the flames of a brown. None in this tribe have ever seen that colour amongst us before. It has caused great excitement.’

  ‘By the Powers you have a single path to your mind.’ said Aquitain. ‘What am I to do with you? Even if you are correct if Miranda found out what you want me to do she would explode.’

  ‘It is being a very strict rule that one favourite is not being told what happens between a warrior and his other favourites. You can be having pleasures with her one night and with me the next one and neither would be knowing.’

  ‘That might be true among the Jeti but I don’t think Miranda would accept sharing me with anyone.’

  ‘I am very honoured that you are telling the Elders that they must be making me a shaman. I will be learning the lore very rapidly and making you very proud. I will be knowing things that maybe other shamans would not be telling you. Maybe then I will be your first favourite.’

  ‘Shastritara I asked them to allow you to become a shaman because I remembered that is what you told me you wished to do when you brought a flower for Miranda when she was ill. I never thanked you properly then but I am doing it now.’

  ‘I think you will make a very skillful shaman. I did this thing to help you to help your tribe. I am hoping that you will share some of lore you learn with me so that I may help others.’

  ‘I wish to know about your people’s history, about the Great Storm and about the Founts of Wisdom so that I may help others. If you can find out these things then I will be greatly pleased. I will also try to find a way to help you make eggs. Until then please talk no more of pleasures.’

  ‘I will be talking no more but I will be making more of the dreaming potions for when you are needing me to be giving you pleasures when we make eggs.’ she said and left him alone.

  ‘By the Powers, I’ll have to be careful with this cunning bunch of elemental lizards. It seems they have a hidden agenda and no morals or ethics. I come from Panmagica. I can play that game too.’ he thought. ‘Where on Mudrun is Miranda?’

  An hour later Kami returned with a smile on his face.

  ‘I am being the bearer of happy news Spirit Lord. The Chief and the Elders have been agreeing to your condition that Shastritara is being allowed to be assisting me as a shaman.’

  ‘I will be teaching her much lore myself. This will be allowing Rori to be spending more time with the Barra peoples. If you are wishing to be knowing this lore you will be needing much strength when the moon is facing us in four weeks from now. You will never be forgetting that week and wishing all the year for another one like it.’

  Aquitain had a momentary feeling of satisfaction. They had taken his bait. He had no intention of giving his seed for information. They would find the information he needed and he would show Shastritara how a mind wizard created dreams without a potion. However, it would help to find out what they were up to.

  Why was it so important for him to father an offspring to their last red and who would know the answer? It only took him seconds to work that one out, Miranda’s mother, Queen Snowbelle would know. Perhaps the more important question was what was she going to want in return for the information?

  By the Powers he would have a few choice words to say to his father when he met him. Who could have thought that coming to a remote jungle world could suddenly get so complicated? Magic was easy compared to these problems.

  He wished that Alpha his memcrystal was here then remembered that he still had to find it and Zephira his cousin. They had been taken prisoner by the Yith before they had fled from the temple yesterday.

  If Miranda didn’t turn up by tonight he resolved that he would have to go searching for her. It was dangerous here with Shastritara lurking around trying to give him a pleasurable time.

  His mind wandered back to last night. It was so damn addictive that it would be declared illegal back in Panmagica. It was different to when he and Mandy had mental sex when he was a bear but just as delightful. It was undoubtedly the potion that had enhanced the whole experience. His merchant side pondered on how he might get the recipe but his logical side realised that it created a serious problem.

  It gave him a taste of something addictive that would linger and possibly fester in the back of his mind. He was a mind wizard on a dangerous quest. He could not afford to be side tracked or compromised by sexual thoughts or feelings for two females. He had to maintain perfect mental control and his memories of last night would endanger that control.

  In his dreams last night it was he and Miranda that had made incredible love not he and Shastritara. If the memories were real he would want to keep them forever but they weren’t. In reality, it was he and Shastritara that had made love. That was a dangerous memory. One that had created a false unintended bond of intimacy between them and one that was bound to cause problems in the future if it remained.

  Aquitain had learned from his grandfather secret methods of memory manipulation called the Seven Mantras of Yith. The first two he used often and could easily remember them. The other five were locked away in his mind and only accessible with the help of Alpha who acted as a key to retrieve them. On this occasion he could recall the one required so he put himself into a state of autohypnosis and used it to forget the whole erotic experience.

  He remembered only that he had been tricked by Shastritara but no longer had any recollection of the intimate details, feelings or emotions generated in their liaison. It was all gone.

  He could now face Miranda without any guilt or remorse and treat Shastritara as the scheming little elemental witch that she was. It was time for a bit of thought and planning. He adjusted his posture for meditation to take into account of his new tail and slipped into a trance.

  Chapter 2 Miranda’s Bad Day

  Miranda had just left Aquitain with the Jeti. She ran at full speed down the dark moonlight-illuminated track beside the creek in the U-shaped gully that had been her home all her life until a week ago. That was when Aquitain had challenged her mother Snowbelle, the nymph Queen, to a mental duel and won.

  That was when Aquitain had finally won her heart, her mind and her very soul but not her body because it was protected from all males by a complex magical tattoo that was a lethal chastity belt placed on her by the Goddess of Nature.

  Woven into the tattoo’s magic was a death rune that would kill anyone physically joining with her. They had joined mind to mind and had the most blissful experience imaginable but she wanted the physical interaction as well. She wanted the tattoo removed.

  In defeating her mother Aquitain had learned that it could only be removed if three conditions were fulfilled. He had fulfilled the first but couldn’t yet fulfil the remaining two. The second condition was that they had to be of the same blood. Before they couldn’t fulfil this condition as he was
the spirit of a Newman male reincarnated in the body of a male bear.

  She was breathing heavily by the time she reached the waterfall that hid the entrance to the magical gateway to her mother’s domain. Since she was still covered with blood, soot and dirt from the fight at Quab’s Sanctuary she stopped to cleanse herself in the cool silvery cascade and gather her wits for the coming battle of wits with her mother.

  Her mind was still in turmoil at what had happened. Twenty-two druids and a wizard had despoiled the peace and tranquillity of the sanctuary while she, Aquitain and Quab, her druid mentor had been resting there. The druids, normally neutral and followers of The Lady, had somehow been corrupted into aligning themselves with one of the religious faiths. Murdering Aquitain as they did in the sanctuary was a heinous crime punishable by death.

  The High Wizard Featherdown had briefly helped her by magically paralysing the whole group of murderers as they fanatically hacked and stabbed poor Aquitain’s charred and bloody body. In her fury at finding him dead she had mercilessly executed the wizard Curbut and fifteen paralysed druids but spared one so that she might find out who was behind the plot. She had left that young female druid with Quab for interrogation.

  She was shocked at her own actions and couldn’t think what had driven her to kill so many of her colleagues. Had her love for Aquitain somehow corrupted her? Had she turned chaotic?

  After that she had forced Quab to use a very rare Miracle scroll and virtually demanded the Goddess restore Aquitain to life in a body like hers expecting that to fulfil the second condition for lifting her cursed chastity tattoo. That was where her doubts about her own parentage began.

  The Lady had restored Aquitain to life not in the body of a Newman as she had expected but in the body of a Llanllean spider, an unusual, shape changing creature that didn’t live on this world. This suggested to her that she might also be a Llanllean spider and perhaps one of the secret purposes of her magic tattoo was to stop her discovering that fact. She had to know if it was true and if so why her mother had deceived her all her life.


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