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Agents of Chaos

Page 17

by Des Pensable

  ‘By The Lady, what is going on?’ thought Allalanllea. ‘Is the Time of Chaos really here? Is it affecting Moonmist as well?’

  ‘Where is your mother staying at present?’

  Tears appeared in Llalacea’s eyes.

  ‘I’m sorry aunty but mum is dead. It was terrible. She was accused of leading an insurrection and killed attacking an Elendari village. Her body was paraded at the court. It was really hard for the whole family.’

  ‘What!’ shouted Allalanllea so loud that everyone Elendari and Crin looked over at her.

  ‘She was a healer! She would never do that! It was totally against her principles.’

  ‘I know.’ replied Llalacea.

  ‘But that’s what happened and that’s why I’m on this stupid escort duty. I’m not trusted.’

  Allalanllea was becoming quite upset. She was even more determined to go to Moonmist now. She had to find out what was happening. By The Lady she was going to cause some trouble when she did. She was probably the most powerful Llanllean wizard born on Moonmist. It was time to use her skills back home.

  ‘Okay. You’ve convinced me it’s time to visit the family. Can you give me a pass to get past the keep guards?’

  ‘No not directly but I have authority from the Queen for all persons involved in escorting the Newman. If you were to look Elendari and wear one of our uniforms then you could come back with us when we escort the guest back.’

  ‘Hm. I was informed that earlier today an Elendari hunter leading a female prisoner passed through the gate. Did you see them?’

  ‘Yes. The hunter was the Huntmaster of Lord Darkmantle. He had an escaped slave he was returning to his Lord. He had a warrant and pass from Lord Darkmantle.’

  ‘Really! I didn’t know that Lords could grant passes through the gateway.’

  ‘Not all can, only the more senior ones in the court such as Craigsleigh, Huntwell and Darkmantle.’

  ‘Excellent.’ said Allalanllea. ‘Can we go back to your tent and view your authority.’

  Llalacea wasn’t quite sure why she wanted to see the authority from the queen until she viewed it then sat on the tent floor pulled out a crumpled piece of parchment, a small bottle of ink, a pen and began writing her own authority to pass through the gateway and signed it with a great flourish under the name of Lord Huntwell.

  She was to be a messenger sent by Lord Huntwell to visit the Druid Council to discuss the possibility of trade. The Druid Council was too busy to see her so she was returning home. She thanked Llalacea and went over to talk to the Crin.

  ‘Allalanllea, I am duty bound to ask you to surrender. Queen Snowbelle has asked me to arrest you and return you for trial as a traitor to Argenta. Jobmaster Xentos is here on behalf of Queen Beatrix as a neutral observer.’ stated Sanson over the public mindlink heard by all the Crin present.

  ‘I refuse to surrender and since we are on neutral territory this close to the gateway you have no authority to arrest me.’ replied Allalanllea.

  ‘She is quite correct.’ stated Jobmaster Xentos joining the conversation. ‘Your treaty obligations forbid you from doing anything.’

  ‘Thank you Jobmaster Xentos, I will advise the Queen that we saw you but were unable to arrest you owing to the fact you were in neutral territory. May I talk to you privately?’ asked Sanson.

  ‘You may.’ Allalanllea replied and waited for Sanson to switch to a private mindlink.

  ‘Why have you left Argenta? The palace is in turmoil. The Queen has become deranged. She trusts nobody now, not even me. I have a Crin minder!’

  ‘I am sorry Sanson. The Queen has been getting more mentally unstable for some time. I stayed to protect the Princess but now she has left her mother to follow her own fate. I have learnt that my family in Moonmist is being threatened by some unknown mischief. Strange things are happening both here and in Moonmist. I am needed elsewhere. I wish you well.’

  ‘We have fought well together.’ said Sanson somewhat sadly.

  ‘I shall miss your wisdom but my duty lies with Queen Snowbelle. Farewell friend.’ And the mindlink went dead.

  Allalanllea was moved by the Battlemaster’s words. Crin were not known for having any emotions and he had never called her a friend before.

  She teleported up the hill out of sight and changed to look like an Elendari male messenger in traveling attire. She waited an hour then impatiently returned to the road.

  She nodded to Llalacea and passed into the keep. The officer there casually examined her authority and waved her onward and she was allowed to walk through to the gateway unimpeded.

  Above the gateway was a sign in several languages.


  The toll is a magic item of value not less than 500gold per person. Ask an officer for group rates. If you do not have the toll, do NOT enter the gateway.


  If you are unsure as to the value of your item ask the staff for a valuation. The cost of the valuation will be 10% of its value paid in gold. All travellers use the gateway at their own risk.

  Allalanllea stepped into the cool dark gloomy gateway tunnel. It was about 10 paces wide with walls of rough-cut grey rock similar to that which one might see in a mine. Above her and set in equal intervals every 50 paces off into the distance hung dim yellow magic globes suspended on wires from the darkness above. The floor was covered with a fine coating of grey rock dust which swirled around her feet.

  She eliminated the glamour that she had earlier cast upon herself and created light on herself, which illuminated a circular area around her for 10 paces with a yellow glow.

  She repeated a calming mantra twice and set off down the tunnel at a steady pace neither fast nor slow. Her almost silent footsteps seemed unnaturally loud and her heartbeat thumped like a drum. She subconsciously counted her steps knowing that about a thousand would see her to the other end and safety.

  Midway she came upon a cream coloured sandstone carved statue of a dragon with its forelimbs holding a tray. The figure stood about twice her height with the tray about shoulder height. As she approached it a magic mouth requested in several languages that travellers place their tolls on the tray and wait.

  She examined the contents of her bag containing a number of magic items she had brought with her and selected one which would fetch considerably more than the toll and placed it upon the tray. Moments later it vanished.

  She waited tensely for several minutes then she heard a rustle to her right and a huge black spider the size of a bull covered in fine brown hair came into view. It had six luminous forward facing eyes and an enormous pair of fangs.

  ‘You dare to pass through my domain traitor!’ said the spider using mindspeak.

  ‘Hello Llanlorian.’ said Allalanllea calmly. ‘I have a need to pass. You may not be aware but strange events are occurring on both Mudrun and Moonmist. Some already believe that prophesy of the Time of Chaos is upon us. If it is then our whole species on Moonmist may be in danger of perishing. I am not yet convinced and wish to see for myself what is happening.’

  ‘I have been told that our people have been involved in attacking and killing peaceful Elendari, that my own sister was killed and displayed like a trophy in the Queen’s Palace, that the Royal Wizard himself has lost the confidence of the Queen. Is this not very strange as our people have always pledged themselves to be neutral and in all matters impartial.’

  ‘You speak as if you care.’ replied Llanlorian venomously. ‘Yet it was you that caused the death of the King, the loss of the gateworld Argenta and the shame and humiliation of our people. Were those acts neutral and impartial?’

  ‘I had my reasons for what I did at the time and I believe them to be just as valid today. I did what was necessary to ensure the survival of the young Princess Miranda who is one of our kin.’ replied Allalanllea.

  ‘Are you saying that she is Llanllean?’ asked Llanlorian surprised.

  ‘Yes. She is also the only one of
our kin that is a Priestess of The Lady.’

  ‘But her spirit aura did not show that last time I saw her.’

  ‘Her spirit aura was disguised by me when she was young and altered again by The Lady when she was made a priestess.’

  Llanlorian was quiet for a while as she considered the ramifications of this revelation.

  ‘Does my brother know?’ she asked suddenly.

  ‘Yes. Llalorax has known all along. He was the one who swore me to secrecy.’

  ‘By The Powers this has been a closely kept secret. Why have you revealed it to me now?’ asked Llanlorian.

  ‘Once we were close friends and it hurt me greatly to keep the reasons of my actions hidden from you and others. However, now the time for secrecy has past. The Princess has come of age and has chosen her direction in life. She has rebelled against Snowbelle’s warped ways. She has pledged herself to a mind wizard and taken up his cause.’

  ‘That is unbelievable!’ replied Llanlorian. ‘A mind wizard of all people! You must be jesting. That would torment Snowbelle to madness.’

  ‘No I am not jesting. Strange as it may seem that is what has happened. Snowbelle has been becoming increasingly unstable over the last few years. I have left her as I can no longer accept her ways.’

  ‘This mind wizard must be very unusual to incite Miranda to rebel. Tell me about him.’

  ‘He seems to be a true shape changer but one like I have never seen. He calls himself Aquitain and is entangled in the strange web of chaotic events that have recently occurred on Mudrun.’ replied Allalanllea.

  ‘Some think he is an Agent of Chaos others are not sure.’

  ‘What! That would be against the teachings of The Lady. Has he enchanted her in some way?’ exclaimed Llanlorian quite surprised.

  ‘Yes she is enchanted but not by his mind magic but by his heart. He is a strange one. Chaos occurs around him yet he endeavours to undo the worst of it. He is not mad with rage or filled with hate but speaks of hope and acts out of compassion and duty.’

  ‘His actions allowed Jacintra the Chaos cat into Mudrun yet he later banished Jacintra from Mudrun. The elementals think he is a Fount returned. He has made friends amongst the little people yet we would expect an Agent of Chaos to make only enemies.’

  ‘Perhaps it is a grand deception?’ suggested Llanlorian.

  ‘Chaos is known to use deception to great advantage.’

  ‘It’s possible that you are correct, Llanlorian. I’m not sure. Maybe that is why The Lady has allied Miranda with him. Perhaps She is waiting and watching for signs of a grand deception.’

  Llanlorian was very thoughtful for a minute or two.

  ‘Perhaps I have misjudged you. Your motives for your previous actions are clearer. There seems to be great Powers at play here.’ suddenly changing to the shape of an elderly Elendari woman.

  ‘Did you allow an Elendari hunter escorting a hooded prisoner to pass through not long ago? asked Allalanllea.

  ‘Yes he paid the toll and seemed harmless enough.’

  ‘I was informed by one who knew her scent that the prisoner was the Princess Miranda.’ said Allalanllea.

  ‘She has been caught in some trap whether accidental or planned and is now on her way back to her birthplace. I’m worried about her. I’m torn between trying to help her or help our people.’

  For the first time Llanlorian smiled.

  ‘You sound like a doting nanny. The chance of being accidentally caught in a trap on Mudrun and taken back to her birthplace in Moonmist is too small to comprehend. There will be a reason, too complex for us to guess but a reason all the same. You have protected her until she could choose her own path. If she is truly involved with an Agent of Chaos not even the gods will know her destiny and there will be many twists and turns before it becomes clearer.’

  Allalanllea paused for thought.

  ‘You are right my friend. The Lady will watch over Miranda. It is time our people benefited from my skills. I think I shall find out what happened to my sister. It seems unusual for a Royal Healer to become a rebel and lead attacks on Elendari villages for no apparent reason.’

  ‘I will let you pass Allalanllea but heed my advice.’ cautioned Llanlorian. ‘Be very careful. It will not be easy to regain the trust of our people. Long ago you were condemned to death by the High Council. They will not listen to your words as readily as I have.’

  ‘Thank you, Llanlorian! I will take my leave. There is so much to do. I think I shall need a new identity or two.’

  Chapter 14 Guests at Darkmantle Estate

  The courtyard was relatively deserted. Many of the Lord’s men were searching the surrounding countryside for information about some man with a limp who had been seen near the animal house. The word was that he was involved in the disappearance of the Lord’s fighting animals that were to be teleported to Queen’s Aurora’s castle for entertainment at her party. The Queen was going to make an important announcement as well. What was going on? Nobody seemed to know.

  ‘Milady, you shouldn’t be here? It is extremely dangerous. If he catches you, he will kill you in a most horrible way. I’ve heard that he hasn’t got enough animals for the Queen’s ball. After the catastrophe last night, he sent out a group of huntsmen to Mudrun to catch some more, but not all the hunters came back. Apparently, his pet wyvern, the Huntmaster and a hunter were trapped there when someone closed the gate from the other side. It’s put him in a particularly foul mood today.’

  Snowbelle smiled and thought. ‘Miranda must have discovered the gate and closed it. She’s getting skillfull, but a little over confident lately. Now that she has Aquitain there’ll be no stopping her.’

  ‘Yes, I suppose you’re right.’ she said then thought to herself,

  ‘Nobody seems to know what you’re up to Wyvern Darkmantle. I think I’ll go to the Queen’s palace and have a look around there. You’ve been involved with some Yith, so you’re up to something interesting that’s for sure.’

  There was a surge of magic and Snowbelle disappeared only to reappear moments later near the centre of a hedge maze in the Queen’s garden. This was such a beautiful creation that just the thought of a night there excited the minds of many a young Elendari lover beyond imagination.

  Its walls were made of a tall dense olive green thorn bush making it difficult and prickly to pass through. Its pathways were filled with beautiful floral fragrances and erotic statues. It had soft yellow magic balls lighting the way, hovering over the main branches. The side branches had no lights but were filled with flowers that fluoresced, soft purple, yellow and red colours in the dark. The side branches also led to dead-ends containing lover’s seats shaped out of living plants that grew beautiful perfumed blossoms while two lovers sat in them.

  On either side of the seat was a funnel shaped plant, one blue and one red. If a gold coin was dropped into the red funnel a trixie appeared with a violin and he played a beautiful laconic love song laced with enough magic to set a fire in the coolest heart. If a gold coin was dropped in the blue funnel a trixie appeared with a small bottle of love dew and two cup shaped flowers. The dew was the most powerful aphrodisiac known and guaranteed to bring the lovers to a state of ecstasy only dreamt of in their most erotic dreams.

  The centre of the maze held the Queen’s grotto where she often brought her lovers. It was lit by soft coloured lights and surrounded by fragrant bushes. In the centre was a four-post bed made out of the same plants as the lovers seats but carefully shaped to provide a soft springy platform.

  When two lovers lay on the bed, a fragrant mist appeared in the grotto softening the lights. Magic, faintly glowing gossamer curtains appeared between the posts of the bed blocking out the sounds of the night replacing them with the purest dream-like melodies of a radiant harp. Flowers entwined around the bedposts puffed a fine mist of love dew over the lovers making the air they breathed narcotic with ecstasy. It was the closest thing to making love on a cloud in a dream. It was also the last dream
of many a Newman captive, as their hearts, minds and bodies couldn’t take the strain.

  Snowbelle walked to the right side of the grotto noting that it was empty at the moment, although it would probably have a busy schedule at the Queen’s ball she thought. She probed with her fingers for a catch to open a hidden door that led into a small waiting room with chairs. This was for the Queen’s wizard and some guards. Should there be any trouble they could be outside in seconds.

  There was a narrow stairway behind a hidden door that went down below the grotto and opened out into a circular cave about 10 paces across. This was the den of Llalorax, the Queen’s magician and where he usually resided. The cave was lit by several magic globes, and had well-worn carpet on the floor.

  There was a simple but comfortable single bed, an old brown leather lounge, a small heavily inlaid bedside table, a dusty bookshelf cluttered with leather-bound volumes, a wooden desk and a scrying pond. To one side there was a teleportation circle inscribed into the floor.

  From this cave, he could go anywhere in the castle, castle grounds or his tower. He spent most of his time here, watching and eavesdropping on conversations in and around the Queen’s castle and often in other castles. His job was to know what was happening and to protect the Queen.

  Snowbelle went invisible, entered the guardroom and finding it empty went to the hidden door. As she approached it, an invisible hand opened the door and she proceeded down the stairs and entered Llalorax’s cave to find him sitting looking into his scrying pool.

  ‘Come in. I thought that you’d show up sooner or later.’

  Snowbelle and Llalorax had a secret. Some years ago, before the death of the king when she was a part of the Elendari court, and deeply involved in its politics, she had killed the previous king’s wizard and secretly manipulated to get Llalorax appointed to the court as their new wizard.


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