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Alpha Mage

Page 9

by Janelle Peel

  Stalling, he took an even longer draught and raked his mind for an answer. Looking at the table, he asked, “What were your parents?”

  Lowering her face to the table, she spoke to the polished oak, “I don’t know. A Vampire Clutch in LA took me in at a young age. I have no recollection of my life before.”

  “A Clutch?”

  She sighed, “Yes. Those years were the darkest of my entire life.”

  Confusion colored his words, “Not the Clutch you’re a part of now?”

  She laughed humorlessly, “No. Everything was all right in the beginning, but I ruined it.”

  He sat back in his chair, “How so?”

  “I was curious where the rest of the humans were, so I went exploring during the day while the Vampires slept.” Her tone lowered to an anxious whisper, “I found them deep below ground in the catacombs. They were kept in cells in the most atrocious conditions. Unhealed bite marks littered their dirty bodies… and the stench. Oh Goddess, it was horrible.” A shiver wracked her small frame and he almost reached out to comfort her when she spoke again, “I thought I’d gotten away with my exploration, but Master Zane knew what I had done. My punishment was to suffer right along with them. I don’t know how long I was there.”

  “That’s horrible, Nat.”

  Without acknowledging his words, she continued, “I was whored out as a blood slave, abused, starved…”

  His Wolf pricked his ears and flashed his sharp teeth that someone would hurt their Mate. Vengeance, he promised.

  “Then one day something changed. Our entire Clutch was traveling to SoCal to ally with Blaze and Sora. Stories began to circulate when our last female Vampire passed. Her Mate went mad.” Her tone hardened, “Our Master, Zane, planned to join with them to as a way to turn females. Little did I know, I was the first volunteer.”

  He lifted his lip in disgust. Vampires placed their victims in thrall and fed from them; this alone made every protective instinct he had stand on end.

  “Then I met Sora. She knew immediately what I was and that I’d been keeping my magic a secret from Zane. She helped me, faked my death, called off the alliance, and sent the entire Clutch packing back to LA.” Her face lifted from the table and her eyes flashed, “She saved me. We performed the fealty ceremony the same night.”

  His brow furrowed, “Why would another Clutch do that? Take you, I mean.”

  She shook her head and smiled softly, “The SoCal Clutch is nothing like I’d ever seen or heard of. They’re loud, joyous, emotional, fun, and caring.” She threw her arms wide, “I love each and every one of them. The Pack joined us shortly after.”

  Bracing his elbows on the table, he palmed his chin, “I don’t understand.”

  “Did you know that Shifters used to protect Mages? It was their duty.”

  Her question caught him off guard, “No, but I heard about it. I don’t really know what to make of it.”

  She shrugged, “You will, some day. We’re one big family.”

  He grabbed the bottle and took another drink. “I think the Goddess has forsaken us.”

  Her eyes widened, “Why?”

  “We need Her, and She isn’t here. She hasn’t spoken to Justine, nor has She seemed to give a flying fuck about our situation.”

  Tipping her head to the side, the point of one ear peeked out from her raven hair as she replied, “Well, I’m here. So that has to mean something, right?”

  “I guess,” he rumbled distractedly.

  Lifting a perfect brow, she got back to the topic at hand. “Well, now I have these,” she waved a hand near her head. “Any ideas?”

  “Not really, other than the obvious. You have a Fae swinging from your family tree somewhere.”

  “Give the Wolf a cookie,” she clapped her hands together sarcastically. Sobering, she added, “There is one other thing. The first night, the wailing sounded awful. Now, it sounds like a heartbreaking melody.”

  He leaned forward, “Is that what you heard when you shifted?”

  She nodded, “I don’t know why it changed, other than the shift itself. It’s also not as loud in human form. I assume it’s magical in nature, but it doesn’t help anything.”

  “No, it doesn’t. We also can’t figure anything out until we get those books or Justine comes back.”

  “Right, about that,” her fingers fidgeted with the edge of the table. “Do you think we can all sleep down here tonight? I don’t want what happened to Bex, to happen to me.”

  Quick as lightning, he connected the dots and blurted, “She’s like you, isn’t she?”

  Biting her lip, she glanced at the sleeping pup in question at their feet, “I think so.”

  If that was true, he needed to alert his Pack to be ready for anything. She was the only one who stood a chance at setting them free. “Okay. I need to go out and find my Beta. There’s food in the fridge if you’re hungry, all right?”

  Slowly, she nodded.

  Standing, he quietly sidestepped Bex and made his way to the front door.

  This had to be quick if he was going to be back before dusk.


  Lifting the glass to my lips, I savored the burn as the whiskey poured down my throat. This day had turned into a major fiasco.

  Anxiety began to creep in, so I decided to busy myself and make dinner.

  On autopilot, I began pulling an assortment of things out to make one of my favorite dishes; tacos. Turning on my heel, I went to grab a pan and immediately tripped over Bex.

  She snorted once in annoyance before eyeing the ground beef I’d set on the counter.

  I laughed, “You can wait until I cook it, Bex.”

  Rolling her blue eyes, she stood and moved back beneath the table to sulk.

  Shaking off her dramatics, I pushed the plate further back on the counter and out of her reach. Grabbing my phone from the pocket of my robe, I scrolled through my music and decided to channel some inner Sora. Hmm, I wondered. Did Kane have a stereo system?

  My bare feet carried me back into the living room where I quickly located his desktop. Plugging my phone in, I cranked up the volume and put Def Leppard on shuffle.

  “Still looking for that blue Jean, baby queen, prettiest girl I’d ever seen. See her shake on the movie screen, Jimmy Dean,” I sang at the top of my lungs while stirring the simmering meat.

  Pleasantly drunk, I pushed a chair over to the fridge and grabbed a second bottle from the shelf. Turning, the room swayed in an array of colors as I tried to step down. My heel caught the edge of the chair and the floor rushed up faster than I could react.

  Bam! The back of my head took the brunt of my fall.

  Cursing my clumsiness, I ran my fingers through my hair and located the newly formed goose egg. Removing my hand, I righted the stool and sucked in a sharp breath. In the shape of my fingers on the smooth surface was my bloody handprint. Rolling my eyes, I swerved down the hall to the half bath and grabbed a towel. Shifting my hair aside, I called a bit of magic and healed the deep gash. Good thing I had a hard skull, I mused. Tossing the towel in the sink, I debated popping outside to get a breath of fresh air.

  “Hey, Bex?” I called up the stairs. “Leave the food alone. I’m going to step out onto the porch for a minute.”

  She’d scampered up there after I’d caught her trying to steal the tortillas from the counter earlier.

  Opening the front door, I stepped out into the cold air and pulled it shut behind me. The descending sun cast the forest in a gorgeous glow of orange light. It would be dusk soon.

  Lowering my rear to the chilly step, I sat to contemplate everything that had happened so far. Lifting my hand, I ticked off my list on my fingertips.

  Strange music.

  Bex was part Fae, part Shifter.

  I was Mage, part Shifter, and apparently Fae.

  Fully buzzed, I imagined all the acronyms I could come up with. FMW, no, I laughed out loud. That sounded like Fuck My Wolf… definitely a no go. Maybe adding shifter
instead of Wolf? Shimafae, that sounded dumb. Famash. Nope, I wasn’t starving.

  My list continued to mount as I amused myself with the ridiculous made up words when epiphany struck. Was I even fully a Wolf? My thoughts raced back to when I’d first changed.

  I awoke from the bite in Wolf form. Later, I’d consciously chosen to be a Wolf. Hell, I’d even whispered it to myself when Bex showed me how to shift.

  What if… I could be something else?

  Closing my eyes, I reached for my well and physically opened my mouth in shock. What was originally silver, now had golden lines running through it. Shrugging off the change, I thought about what I’d like to be. I’d seen a Panther, Lion, Bear… No. I wanted something different. My buzzed mind immediately as I entertained the idea of having wings. Yes! It would be wonderful to fly. Maybe I should try to become a Pegasus? No, that wouldn’t work.

  Hmm… What to be, what to be…


  “I don’t care. I want the Pack on high alert, Jet. Spread the word.”

  Rolling a thick shoulder, Jet grouched, “Fine. But just so you know, the guys and I planned on playing poker tonight. They won’t be happy with you breaking our routine.”

  Kane knew their routine was an instrumental part to keeping everyone sane and happy, but this was equally as important. They’d been arguing about this for over an hour and he’d reached his limit. Slamming his fist onto the table, he growled, “Just fucking do it.”

  Jet’s brows dropped before raising up to his hairline, “She’s getting to you, isn’t she?”

  Clenching his teeth so hard his gums ached, he replied with a hiss, “Yes, but it changes nothing. Something is out there, Jet. Nat is our best chance to break this curse. I cannot allow anything to happen to her.” His voice lowered threateningly, “Are we clear?”

  Jet crossed his arms, “Yes, Alpha.”

  “Good. Get the word out. If you need me, you know where I’ll be.”

  Jet shook his head. Turning away, he mumbled, “Yeah, with the only piece of ass available on this side of the barrier.”

  His Wolf slammed into him before Jet’s words even fully registered.

  Like lightning, he fused. Kane watched through their eyes as his claws clenched Jet’s thick shoulders and tossed him like a ragdoll through the wall and into the kitchen. Taking his time, his beast slowly stalked toward their Beta and rumbled threateningly.

  Jet curled his massive body into itself and whined an apology.

  Point made, his Wolf released the hold on their body. Kane took the reins without hesitation and growled, “Dn’t foget er plac agin.”

  “Yes, Alpha,” Jet whispered to the floor from amidst the debris.

  Satisfied his orders would be followed to the letter, he stomped back the way they’d come. Lowering his head beneath the door frame, he stepped outside.

  The sun was setting as he howled into the night.

  Nat was theirs, whether she wanted to be or not.

  By the time he’d rushed back to his home, the rage littering his veins had dulled to a simmer. Pausing at the back door, he listened for a moment.

  Def Leppard blared from what he assumed was his computer speakers. Bobbing his large head to the beat, the scent of meat filtered through his nose. Pleased she had cooked, he carefully turned the handle with his sharp claws and ducked inside.

  Bex sat on the kitchen floor with her blue eyes squinted at him in agitation. Standing, she flipped around and ran out of the room.

  What was her rush, he wondered? Inhaling again, he promptly growled as the coppery scent of blood filtered through his enhanced senses. It’s wild oceanic scent confirmed what he feared; it was Nat’s. Panic lit his body as he ran through the house; scoring the hardwood floor as he rushed toward the front door after Bex.

  She pawed at its handle as she anxiously tried to get outside.

  His Wolf rumbled as he pressed back to share control with Kane. After they’d nearly ripped the door from its hinges, Bex ran through the open door. He followed and immediately froze on the stone steps.

  Bigger than an SUV, a massive black Griffin dwarfed the small yard as it spread its wings.

  Bex ran up to one massive claw and rubber her face along its elbow.

  Kane and his Wolf ran into the fray and snatched the pup from the winged creature. Nat would never forgive them if something happened to her.

  With a loud screech, the Griffin snapped its beak inches from his maw. Bex struggled in his grasp, desperately trying to get to the avian like abomination. He growled a warning to the pup, stay back, and slowly lowered her to the grass.

  Bex looked from him to the hulking beast in confusion.

  Standing their full height, they stalked toward the mythical creature with their claws hooked the rend the flesh from its body.

  Its large lion like paws scored in the ground as a chittering emitted from its throat.

  Silver and gold light flashed; closing their eyes involuntarily with its brilliance. Blinking away the spots, he and his Wolf sucked in a sharp breath.

  Where the strange beast had been, Nat sat on the ground. Holding her ribs, she giggled hysterically.


  Sobering, I grinned and met Kane’s shocked expression.

  Crossing his large black furred arms, he ground out, “Whaa da fck, Nat?”

  This set off an entirely new round of laughter. His face was entirely too comical for my buzzed brain. Actually, the big bad Wolf almost looked kind of cute.

  What? No! Focus!

  Forcefully, I ordered my thoughts and stood. Dusting off my naked rear, I watched his eyes bulge. Strutting past him, I grabbed my robe, and went back into the house.

  Pulling my arms through the sleeves, I synched the tie and debated trying for the bottle again when Bex and Kane joined me.

  Raising a brow, I noted he’d shifted and had slipped into a pair of sweats. My gaze snagged at the v of his hips and slowly slid up the sculpted muscles of his chest. Swallowing hard at the sudden watering of my mouth, I tore my eyes away and tipped my chin toward the whiskey. Blushing furiously, I stammered, “Could, uh, you grab that for me?”

  The corner of his lip lifted into a smirk. Slowly, he approached me and reached over my head.

  This close, I had a front row seat to the perfection of his body. Heat radiated from his body like a furnace, warming me in all the right places. Inhaling a sharp breath, I scented his interest… wild, earthy, masculine… and utterly delicious.

  Clearing my throat, I shifted to the side and grabbed my glass. Placing it on the counter, I turned away and busied myself with stirring the meat.

  Bex nudged her nose against my thigh and gave me a queer look.

  I nodded. I had to get my shit together. This is so not happening was quickly becoming my new mantra.

  Kane placed the bottle on the counter and leaned against the ledge, “So, want to tell me what happened outside?”

  Thankful for the reprieve, I cut off the burner. Cracking open the whiskey, I poured a single shot and made my way over to the table. Emptying the glass, I answered, “I was just trying out some things.”

  One dark brow rose, “Things?”

  I shrugged, “Yeah. When I was turned, I woke up as a Wolf. Then I went with it. So, if I’m part Fae, I wanted to see if it had limitations.”

  Prowling over to the stove, he grabbed a plate and began heaping piles of meat onto its surface.

  Bex abandoned me and whined softly at his feet.

  He chuckled, “A moment, little one.”

  Contentment filtered through my hazy thoughts as I watched their interaction. Dancing in happy little circles, her tail wagged a furious beat against the cupboard doors. Smiling, he placed the plate on the floor and laughed as she attacked it with enthusiasm. The rich sound made my heart beat faster in response.

  Shaking his head, the tips of his black hair touched down on his sculpted jaw. An overwhelming urge to remove it clenched my hand closed. Tucking it under the
table, I mumbled, “She seems to be warming up to you.”

  He grinned, “No, I just had the food.” Turning on his bare heel, he grabbed the bottle and joined me. “Why did you pick a Griffin? Can you change into other shapes?”

  I shook my head, “I don’t know. It was the first one I’d tried.” Wistfully, I added, “I want to fly.”

  Refilling my cup, his tone mirrored mine, “That would be pretty cool.”

  Quietly, we each sipped our whiskey and watched Bex finish her meal.

  Once she had wandered into the living room, he spoke again, “I really don’t know what to make of all this. But, I do want you to know…” he paused, “I’m really sorry for everything, Nat.”

  His earnest tone drew my eyes to his. Completely honest and open, they begged me to forgive him.

  Without warning, the table clattered along the floor as the framed pictures swayed on the walls. Dishes spilled from the cupboards and shattered on the hardwood floor as the whole house shook. The simmering pot of taco meat tipped precariously on the edge of the stove.

  Bex barked sharply, barreling into the room with her tail tucked as everything stopped.

  Now, I was drunk, but not that drunk. Was it an earthquake?

  Granite mask back in place, Kane stood with a sigh, “Let’s check the house.”

  It took over two hours to clean up the house. With the emotional rollercoaster of the day and the evening’s excitement, I was spent.

  Exhausted, I curled up on the couch beside Bex.

  Her tail wagged once before she settled back into whatever dream she was having.

  Kane shook out a fuzzy blanket and handed it to me before flicking on the TV. As he sat beside me, the anchorman was partway through his Breaking News report when we both paused to listen-

  “As many of you know, we have confirmation that it was a 3.9 magnitude earthquake. Fortunately, the center of the quake spanned from the uninhabited area in Epping Forest just outside of London. No major damages have been reported, but we will continue to monitor the situation.”

  What had Daisy said about the quakes? They’d seemed to have stopped? My eyes widened… where they following me?


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