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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

Page 57

by Nicole Morgan


  “So tell me more about that.” I lifted my head to meet his gaze. “Were you struggling when you were with your father all those years?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbed. “I think I need a drink. Would you like one? Some wine, maybe?” He gently scooted me off his lap and onto the couch and stood to look down at me.

  I wasn’t sure I’d ever seen him nervous. Horny, angry, and satisfied at times but never nervous. “Shirley Temple with extra cherries and a wedge of lime is my favorite,” I said.

  “How about something stronger, sweetheart?”

  “I don’t drink.”


  “Well, I get buzzed on half a light beer occasionally when watching a game with Judd but nothing more than that.” Why couldn’t I lie to this man?

  His jaw twitched when I said Judd’s name. “I’ll get you a beer then.”


  He disappeared into the kitchen and seconds later came back with a bottle of light beer and a glass of some sort of dark caramel-colored liquor. It must’ve been potent, because I could smell it when he handed me the beer.

  I scooted over, making room for him as he sat beside me and took a deep sip from his glass.

  “So?” I asked, unable to help myself. “Where were you all that time when you were with Malakai? What did you do?” The longer he waited to tell me, the more curious I grew. No, I hadn’t done very well on the Patience Exam at Angels’ Academy. What can I say? I knew my weaknesses.

  He cut his eyes to me. The silvery color glistened chillingly against the firelight.

  I gulped. “I don’t mean to push...but...”

  “It’s okay.” He shrugged and took another deep swallow. “I don’t mind, Abigail. Of course I won’t tell you everything. You’ll never be able to look me in the eyes again if you knew some of the things I’ve done in my past. And I can’t have that.”

  “You did these things when you were with Malakai?” I asked. “Our records show you’ve only been deported twice.”

  “Yes. Malakai’s very clever to be able to escape all of your MOG’s visions.” A small peculiar smile came and left quickly before he turned to me. “You have to understand that I was very young when I first met him. I was fresh out of high school, and I’d thought I had a normal human life in front of me.”

  “Your mother never told you who your real father was?”

  “Never even a hint. So when Malakai showed up and forced my mother to explain, you could imagine how shocked I was.” He downed the rest of the liquor in his glass. “And angry—no, furious—with my mother and stepfather for keeping it from me. How is an eighteen-year-old boy supposed to fully grasp that not only do demons exist, but I was one of them?”

  I patted his leg in an attempt to comfort since I had no idea how to answer his question.

  He grabbed my hand and held it. “I left with him. I didn’t even ask where we were going. All I knew was Malakai had taken an interest in me, and I was equally curious. He took me under his wing and showed me things that made my head spin.”

  “Like what?” Did I want to know?

  “He showed me how powerful I was, for one. He showed me how I could persuade humans to do things for me and with me.”


  “No, love, I never raped anyone. I swear on my sullied soul that I never forced another being to have sex with me. It has always been mutual, just like with you.” He paused. “I need a refill. Would you like another?”

  I glanced down at the bottle in my hand and realized I’d somehow sucked down half, and my lips were beginning to numb. “No thanks. One is enough.”

  I continued to sip on my beer in his absence. I had a feeling I was going to need a nice buzz to get through the rest of this conversation. My mind swirled with all the evil I’d known in the past—all the demons I’d punished—and I couldn’t imagine Simeon, the half-human I was beginning to care for doing any of it.

  He sank down on the couch beside me again with his glass full of the same potent liquor. Without bothering to look at me, he began again. “It was more about money and power with me.” He stared into his glass. “I became drunk on it, addicted to it, and that pleased Malakai. It wasn’t long before he made me his second-in-command.”

  “His second-in-command. Huh.” I let that sink in. “Did you enjoy that?” Please say no.

  He swallowed down half his glass and finally met my eyes. Lord, he looked so sad. “At first,” he admitted. “My whole life I’d wondered where these wicked urges came from, and for once I was able to give in to them. Malakai praised me when I gave in to them. He’d made me think it was my destiny, why I was put on this earth.” He shook his head. “I believed him, Abigail. I was young and incredibly naïve. I used those humans to steal for us, to lie, and deceive for us.”

  “Us?” I asked. Already, the beer lightened the load Simeon was heaving onto my lap. Such a lightweight.

  “Yes, us. It was supposed to be for us. Malakai and his crew, me second-in- command. What a joke. I’d realized soon enough it was all for Malakai. He’d exploited all of his people, including me, and took everything as his own, only sharing when we’d obey his commands.”

  “What did you do?” My body swayed inadvertently toward Simeon. I tried to control myself, but it was fruitless.

  Simeon must’ve caught on. He set his drink down, lifted me back onto his lap again, and held me still. “You really don’t drink, do you?”

  I shook my head no. “Tell me the rest of the story. I need to know what you did.”

  “I found out where Malakai kept his money, and I took it. I left him a little to survive and seized the rest. I figured I had to do something good with it for all the wrong I’d done to obtain it. So I went back home to buy my parents a nice home and...” He looked back into the fire.

  “And what?” I gripped his chin and forced him to give me his full attention.

  “I found out they’d passed away while I was gone. Naomi said it was a car wreck. They died instantly.”

  “I’m so sorry, Simeon.”

  “It was a long time ago. Anyway, I saw that my sister had started her own family, so I gave her money for a home and set up a college fund for her children. Then I opened up my employment agency. I figured it was the best way to give demons a chance to make their own living rather than manipulate and use humans.”

  “Has it worked?”

  “For some. Not all.”

  I took a deep breath. His story wasn’t as awful as it could’ve been. And honestly, I really didn’t want to hear any more. Some things were better left unsaid, right? Well, I thought so.

  “Are you okay?” His hands rested on my waist, pulling me close. “You look lost.”

  “I’m fine.” I faked a smile and maneuvered my body to straddle his lap. But suddenly remembered I had no panties on under this slinky piece of material he’d called a nightgown.

  He enclosed me in an embrace before I could move and then said something that left me stunned speechless. “I know you’re here in my home right now because you think my father or I have something to do with the Angels’ attacks.”

  Like I said, I was speechless. How did he know?

  He continued. “Is that the only reason you’re here? I’ve let myself believe it isn’t. I let myself believe that you care for me. Tell me, am I completely wrong?”

  “No, you’re not wrong. I do care a great deal for you.” Probably too much. He gave me a skeptical look but said nothing.

  “How did you know about―”

  “I may only have half a soul but my mind is fully intact, Abigail. Why else would the other Angels allow you to live in my home? Especially the protective one. Why hasn’t he come to your rescue? Unless they all understand why you’re here.”

  What was the point in denying it? He had me there.

  “Are you angry with me?” I asked. I thought maybe I should’ve been scared out of my wits that my secret spy game was blown out of
the water, but I wasn’t. I felt safe in his arms.

  A frown pulled at his lips. “It’s difficult to be angry when I’m so utterly in love with you.”

  I didn’t think I could ever get used to hearing that, particularly from the mouth of a demon. “But you can’t love,” I said, mostly to remind myself.

  “Tell that to my heart.” He gripped my shoulders. “Trust me, Abigail, I never thought I’d love anyone and definitely not an Angel who thinks I’m foolish enough to embark on a demon revolution against the only thing that’s regulating the evil in the world. Hell, if I could cease loving you, I would. Regretfully, I have no choice.”

  I paused, my hands pressed firmly against his chest. So he loved me...but regretted it. The thought fluttered in my belly and then rose to clog my throat. I swallowed it down and forced out my next words. “I don’t think you are behind the attacks.” I truly didn’t.

  “My father, on the other hand?” He actually had the nerve to sound offended. “You think he’s the culprit, and you think I’ll lead you to him. Even now after Kaleb told you he’s not anywhere near here.”

  “I heard what the courier said to you this morning, Sim,” I admitted. “Why would Malakai want to see you if he weren’t in town?”

  “Ah. You were spying on me? How sneaky of you.”

  I ignored that. “Anyway, my sources believe Malakai is behind the attacks, and I happen to think they have a good reason to accuse him.” My beer buzz was officially gone, and I was growing increasingly uncomfortable sitting on his lap while having this conversation.

  “Your sources?” He chuckled and moved his hands to grip my waist, pulling me close so I was nose to nose with him. His next words were low and ominous. “Did they also tell you to give me your body so I’d dumbly point you in the right direction? Is that why you so willingly tempt me?” One of his fingers lazily curved the crease of my buttocks.

  I felt my cheeks flame up. How dare he?

  “Sure. If that’s what you want to think, half-breed,” I said with a bite, but damn it if my eyes weren’t welling with tears. I blinked them away. “Why wouldn’t I believe you’d lead me straight to him? You used to work for him. His courier was at your door this morning.” I attempted to stand, to get away from him, but he held me down.

  “No need to explain, Abigail. An Angel has to do what an Angel has to do. I just wish you hadn’t taken the rest of my soul with you in the process.”

  Frustration burned inside me. I struggled to get away from him, but it was in vain. His grip was too tight.

  “You infuriate me, Simeon.” I swatted at his arm. “I would never sleep with you for any other reason than I desire you.” I swiped away the blasted tears that had leaked down my cheeks. “Yes, I was told to do whatever it took to find Malakai, but that has nothing to do with how my pulse speeds when I’m near you. Or how my heart bursts just thinking about you. And―”

  “Enough of this,” he said, and then he kissed me.

  I half-assed pushed against his chest, not really wanting to break away. Not when his kiss tasted so damn good, and his touch felt so right. Boy, I was a sad excuse for an Angel, especially an Angel on a mission.

  Oh, heck. Screw the mission. I wrapped my arms around his neck and practically ingested his tongue, wanting nothing more than to forget everything and be lost in this desperate moment of passion.

  His arms encompassed me, holding me tight to his body, and I couldn’t protest. I wanted this. I wanted him. Damn it, why couldn’t I resist him?

  He broke the kiss and wiped my damp cheek with his thumb. “I didn’t mean to make you cry, love. I’m so sorry. You can understand my concern though, can’t you? I’ve never been in love before. Hell, I’d almost believed I wasn’t able, just as you said. And now it kills me to wonder if you’re only here in my arms as a duty to the Angels.”

  “I told you that’s not true.”

  “Prove it to me. Please.”

  I slid my hands up and down his chest to buy time. I did care for him. Of course my desire wasn’t the only reason I was in his home but it was the only reason I’d given my body to him and why I would do it again without hesitation.

  Did I love him? Maybe... But I couldn’t allow myself to admit to anything like that when it would only lead to heartbreak. Imagine, an Angel falling in love with a demon? Marrying a demon? Having children with a demon? No, that wasn’t possible. Having an affair and a friendship was one thing, anything else was asking for trouble.

  “What...” My voice broke so I cleared my throat. “What would you like me to do to prove it to you?”

  “Tell me you’ll stop looking for Malakai.”

  I let out a nervous giggle. “I’m sorry Simeon, but whether you like it or not, I have to do everything I can to find and detain him.”

  “If you find him, sweetheart, you won’t be able to do anything. He’s too powerful.”

  “Then help me.” I could barely believe what I was asking of him. Help me find and deport your father, Simeon. You’ll never see him again, but what the hell, he’s a bad guy anyway. Well, I had to do something. Not only had Angels lost their home and their possessions, some had lost their lives. Maybe even Eli.

  “Do you know what you’re asking of me?” Simeon said. “I can’t turn on a fellow demon, especially my father who happens to be a Senior Servant. My next trip to Hell would be fatal. It’s bad enough I helped you find Piper. If I do any more...” He let his words drift off.

  I’d forgotten about that. “Then I should leave and find another way. I don’t want you to risk your life having me here now that you know what my goal is.” It was my only other choice. I wouldn’t let Simeon die. Not because of my actions. Not ever.

  I quickly stood to my feet and hurried to his room to dress. MOG would be disappointed in me for not staying and furthering this part of the investigation, but she’d have to deal with it.

  We could find Malakai on our own.

  I grabbed the Nordstrom bag off the bedroom floor and reached in to pull out some clothes.

  “Wait.” Simeon came up behind me and threw everything in my hands to the floor.

  I turned to look up at him, confused with his actions.

  “I don’t want you to leave, Abigail. You can’t go.”

  “You know I’m after Malakai. If I stay, you’ll be helping me. I won’t risk being the reason you die.”

  “And I won’t let you go out on an impossible mission. I don’t know if Malakai is behind the attacks, but whoever is won’t think twice about going after the other Angels. You’re safe here, and as far as I’m concerned, you’re staying here.”

  “No, I’m not.” I reached down to grab a pair of jeans.

  Without warning, Simeon lifted me and tossed me onto the bed. I landed on my back, bounced up an inch or so and fell back down. Whoa. How was it that he was so much more powerful than the other demons I’d encountered? I could at least match their strength. Did he possess some of his father’s powers? It had to be. He was only human otherwise.

  Before I could gain back my composure, he straddled me and pressed my arms to the mattress.

  “Stop bullying me.” I wiggled underneath him. “Do you think I’m going to let you demon-handle me?” He might have a smidgen more strength, but I could still take him.

  He rolled his eyes at me as his hair fell, nearly touching my cheeks. “I’m not hurting you.”

  “But you’re trying to control me. I don’t like being controlled.”

  “I’m trying to stop you from running out of here and into danger. You’re safe with me, Abigail. I want you to stay.”

  “And I want to go. I have a duty to my people, and since you can’t help me, I’m leaving. You can’t hold me here forever, buddy. As soon as I get the chance, I’m gone.”

  “Jesus, Abigail. Why are so you goddamn difficult?”

  I managed to squirm out from under him when he loosened his grip. I made it to the door, but he was right behind me and was able to slam it
shut before I could escape.

  He leaned up against it and let out a sharp breath. “Fine,” he said. “If you stay, I’ll help you find Malakai.”

  I was confused. “But I thought you said your next deportation would be fatal? I’m not going to ask you to risk your life.”

  He shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “I lied.”


  “It probably won’t be fatal. I’ll probably get off with a warning. Hell, the Demon Council might even reward me for seducing an Angel. I don’t think it’s ever been done before.”

  “You’re kidding me. You lied? You’ll be rewarded?” Was he lying now? I couldn’t read him.

  “I don’t really know, Abigail. I just don’t want you to leave. I’ll do anything.” He closed the small distance between us and braced my face with his warm hands. “Stay the night, at least. We can work the details out in the morning. I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

  Simeon’s arm held me tight to his chest as he breathed evenly in slumber. I’d been watching the green digits on the alarm clock change for what seemed like hours. The sun was rising, and I hadn’t slept a wink. My stomach grumbled. I needed some sustenance.

  And maybe it wouldn’t hurt to visit the infamous home office before Simeon woke. He’d left me confused the night before. I hadn’t known if or when he’d been lying and about what. All he could really tell me was he hadn’t wanted me to leave.

  So I stayed. MOG help me. After all was said and done, I’d still wanted him.

  I gently lifted his arm, set it down on the mattress behind me, and turned to see if he’d woken. His eyes were closed. Long dark lashes shadowed his cheeks. His full red lips were parted, breathing in shallow breaths.

  My mind marveled at where those lips had been just a few of hours ago, kissing every inch of my body, satisfying me to the core with his mouth, tongue and his...well, you know.

  Ignoring my aching inner thighs, I climbed from the bed and slipped the chemise back over my head. Goose bumps rose on my flesh as the chilly air in the room attacked me. It had been nice and cozy in Simeon’s arms, and I was tempted to crawl back into bed.


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