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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

Page 91

by Nicole Morgan

  Seer’s words were spoken softly and sifted through Megan like a drug, making her feel drowsy. Yes, Seer was right. Dark Heart would be angry and take his emotions out on her.

  “But what of this law?” she struggled to ask, fighting the odd drowsiness threatening to overcome her. But she wanted to know if it was true.

  “Law? Which law?” Seer asked, looking down at Megan with a blank stare.

  “The one…which dictates the Queen must approve of their future wives?”

  Seer frowned, her wrinkled pale lips pursed with thought. After a moment’s hesitation, she nodded her caped head.

  “I do recall such a law. It was put forth to protect a Queen’s rights. She must approve of any wives the Kings decide they wish to take.”

  “Why hadn’t I been told this? Perhaps things could have been different between the Kings and I if I had known.”

  Seer shook her head, her glazed eyes flashing with a reddish hue. Red, meaning anger. She was dangerous when angry, and Megan couldn’t stop the shivers of cold dread from racing through her.

  “Of course, you remember my prediction, my Queen? Had you stayed it would have been the death of yourself, as well as the unborns.”

  Megan inhaled at the spear of terror as she remembered the dire warning that had come the same night she’d found the female sandwiched between her mates. Back then, she had trusted the Seer. She’d been so kind and supportive in helping Megan get established in the castle, so she’d no reason to disbelieve the warning from the Seer that Megan must never reveal her pregnancy to the Kings and she must leave the castle at once and disappear. For the sake of the lives of her offspring.

  “It should have been different,” Megan replied, fighting the drowsiness. “I could have confronted them. Told them I did not approve of such behavior. And what of this law? The Queen is protected by such a law and her subjects are not?” She knew she was rambling now, her thoughts scattered as the cold sunk deeper into her flesh.

  Seer’s bony hands settled upon Megan’s chest, and this time Megan truly did feel cold as ice. The female’s fingers trailed across the upper curves of Megan’s breasts, then dipped upward to circle her throat.

  “Remember my prediction. This will happen should you reveal what you saw that night in the past. You, as well as your daughters, will die.”

  “No,” Megan whimpered as shock rolled around her like a smothering blanket.

  “There is only one way to save yourself and your daughters, now that you’ve been captured. That is, if you are strong enough to do it.”

  Hope soared through Megan. If there was something she could do to change the premonition she would do it. She had to!

  Seer continued, and Megan wished she hadn’t. “You must kill the Kings. If you do not kill the Kings at your first opportunity, you will die. This is what I have seen in your future.”

  Kill the Kings? Those words felt like a shot to her heart. Surely she had heard wrong?

  Megan winced as Seer’s bony hand tightened around her throat, her ice-cold fingers digging into her neck until she could barely breathe. Until Megan saw nothing but a red haze of fear flashing in front of her eyes. The fear made her struggle against her restraints. Seer paid her no heed.

  “It is unclear whether you will die from hanging or by the Kings’ own hands, but I have foreseen that you and the princesses will die agonizing deaths if you do not do my bidding, my Queen. You have been warned.”

  Panic burned through Megan at the idea Seer herself would strangle her now, but thankfully the old female let go of her throat. Welcome, cool air slid into her burning, air-deprived lungs.

  May the Vampire Gods help her! Seer had to be right. She was said to be always right. That was why Megan had left the Kings, because of Seer’s horrible predictions. She had left to protect her unborns.

  Desperation crashed through Megan as Seer’s words took a firm hold. She had to protect her daughters. Struggling against the restraints that held her so tightly, she swore she would scream if Seer did not unbind her.

  “You must untie my bonds. Let me go. Supply me with a weapon.” She would not let anyone harm her daughters. Never!

  “No, my Queen. You must wait until King Zane returns.”

  Megan tried to keep her thoughts focused and away from the waves of panic threatening to unravel her fragile composure.

  “Returns? He is not here?”

  “He has…disappeared.”

  Oh no!

  “He does this sometimes. We are searching for him. His mind link has been closed. He wishes not to be found, it appears.”

  “So he doesn’t know? About me?”

  Vampires! She sounded pitiful and meek.

  “He knows not. Remember, when the time is appropriate you must cut their throats. The prediction states it as simply as that. It is the only way to secure your daughters’ lives.”

  Megan nodded into her panic. Yes, she must do as Seer says, without a doubt.

  “I will take my leave before the King returns. Heed my warning. Ask him or Zane no questions of the past and do what must be done to secure your daughters’ lives. Understood?”

  Seer stared at Megan with such piercing eyes, Megan nodded again. “Yes, understood. Yes. It is what I must do.”

  Then just like that, the female no longer stood beside her. Megan didn’t even hear her leave. Didn’t so much as hear the door whisper closed.

  Icy shivers continued to race through Megan. She played Seer’s chilling words through her head over and over. Despite the warning and the premonition, she still couldn’t grasp why the Dark Hearts would kill or have their own daughters killed. Why? Christian had said earlier he might consider making her bear his child.

  Turmoil slashed her. Seer predicted her daughters’ deaths if she didn’t kill the Kings. Although things didn’t make sense, she knew she must obey. Seer was always right. Those words flowed through her mind like a trance and as they took firm hold the icy shivers ebbed away, but the wound in her shoulder ached terribly.

  She wished for Christian’s company. Wished for his nearness. His touch. Even his mind touch.

  Sweet Vampire, she was pathetic to wish for him after what he had just done to her. There was no excuse for tying her down in this way and taking her the way he had. No excuse at all! He was a barbarian! Damn him!

  Despite the bitter anger bursting through her, she couldn’t help but realize he had been concerned for her wound earlier. There had been tenderness in his eyes. Surely something like that could not be faked?

  Now that Seer had left her, doubts about the female plagued Megan once again. Was she naïve in believing Seer was always one hundred percent right?

  At that question, Megan once again grew cold and shivered uncontrollably. She felt sick to her stomach as she thought of what she must do to protect her daughters.

  How could she kill her Dark Hearts? Years ago, she’d been with them for such a short time. But during that time, their relationship had been intense and passionate. She had thought her forced mates would be hers forever.

  Oh my Kings, how can I kill you?

  Forty years ago

  They’d been following her scent for days, ever since getting word she had not returned from her mate quest. The closer they got to her the more and more aroused they became.

  They couldn’t sense any fear wafting from her trail signature so they knew she didn’t suspect she was being followed. Wherever she went though, vibes of indecision drenched the air. They could smell her uncertainty and that allowed them to hope. To make plans for what they would do to her when they found her. For they were two of the very few who knew of the Crystal Clan secret legend. The legend that boasted when a Crystal Clan female did not return from her mate quest, it meant she wanted something else. Craved something more. More than one male. Since Christian and Zane were Kings and enjoyed sharing their females they preferred not to fight each other to the death for what they both wanted. So, it had been a no-brainer to hunt her down
and take her for themselves, despite Seer’s dire prediction of doom and gloom befalling the Empire if they did take her as their mate.

  On that mountaintop, lust rolled through the both of them the moment they spotted her. Their reaction was tenfold to the one they’d experienced after smelling her in the doorway of that alpine house they’d stopped at several weeks before to ask for directions.

  Although Zane and his older brother shared a mind link, they rarely used it, preferring to remain as individuals, despite Seer’s insistence they should use their mind connection or it would slowly fade. But now powerful lust seared brilliantly into Zane’s mind from his brother Christian. The sensual cascade of carnal emotions were like a honing missile throwing Zane into a sizzling world of want and need for the female and Zane had instinctively known she, this runaway from the Crystal Clan, would belong to them.

  She was beautiful. Silhouetted against the majestic backdrop of snowcapped mountaintops, her long, straight black hair flowed in the cool mountain breeze. The silver moon splashed light upon her features, illuminating her strong bone structure and high cheekbones, the pert nose, the heavy breasts and wide hips, perfect for childbearing.

  Zane was immediately struck by the beauty of her face. The face of an angel. The face of their Queen.

  Yes, she appeared young. Maybe too young for the two of them. But she was the One. He just knew it. And he always followed his senses.

  “Megan Darksky, your Clan demands an answer of you. Who have you chosen for your male?” Christian’s dominant voice roared through the mountain air and Zane’s stomach clenched with dread as she tensed and he saw the fear sparking in her eyes when she realized she was cornered by two Warriors on the mountainside.

  Zane knew she had no answer to give them. Saw the panic in her eyes. Knew she did not wish a mate from her Clan. That she was one of the few who wanted something more than just one male. Yet she hadn’t figured it out on her own yet. Hadn’t figured out why Christian and he were truly here. That they would make her their mate. Whether she wanted them or not.

  Run! Her mind screamed. But to where?

  They had her cornered. She realized her mistake now. Upon climbing to the mountaintop, she’d ventured out onto a peninsula. Three sides were severe drops of thousands of feet onto solid rock that would kill even a vampire. She was also upwind, which was why she hadn’t smelled them.

  Damn stupid vamp! She couldn’t have been more foolish if she’d tried. They must have been watching her. Waiting for the right moment. Laughing at her stupidity.

  Despite the fear curling through her like a suffocating blanket, she recognized the two males who had come to the alpine house that one morn. Yet if only they’d met in another less threatening way…

  “Do not do anything foolish, female.” The younger of the two spoke with softness, as if trying to gentle a frightened mare. But she was no mare submitting to a ride.

  “I warn you. I will not hesitate to kill both of you before you touch me.” She held her spear up in a threatening manner. The males didn’t flinch at her threat. If anything, the young one looked worried as he cast quick glances to the cliffs on each side of her, obviously fearing she might jump to her death. If they would be so lucky. Ha!

  The older one — the more handsome of the two — to her utmost irritation quirked the tips of his lips in utter amusement, allowing the erotic length of his fangs to shine fully in the moonlight.

  He found her amusing? Did he not realize she could sail her spear through the cold mountain air and pierce his spine, shattering it? Vampires were a strong breed, but a shattered spine would most certainly kill the brute. Even he could not regenerate quickly enough to avoid death.

  No, she didn’t want him dead. He was much too fine a male specimen. She would find another way to escape.

  “Perhaps a good fucking by both of us will calm you, my Lady,” the older suggested. She trembled under his magnificent lusty glare and realized he must have the gift of mesmerizing.

  Oh shit, she thought, using the human term she found quite effective when she was in trouble. If she didn’t break eye contact with him, she would be easily taken. And yet, under his stare, she wanted to be taken. By both of them. Just as he’d suggested. Taken at the same time. Over and over again.

  Naked male flesh slapping against her. Huge, powerful hands holding her ass steady. One of them plunging into her pussy. The other one coming into her from behind.

  Megan caught herself and closed her eyes in the hopes of breaking those naughty thoughts. He must have put the suggestion into her mind. He must have! Wanton heat spiraled through her and hot moisture pooled between her thighs. Her nipples felt so terribly hard and her breasts pleasantly heavy and swollen.

  If they captured her, she would lose her newfound freedom, but maybe gain sexual freedom. The thought came upon her so quickly and so silently she didn’t even realize the two males were several steps closer to her until she opened her eyes again.

  There was no generosity in their gazes now as they approached her. Only lust and need. Passion. A fierceness that matched her own, she was sure.

  Power pulsed between the duo. It oozed from their pores and wrapped around her, holding her, teasing her needs. In that spot of time, as they walked toward her, she swore she fell in love.

  Utterly ridiculous thought, yes. But that was what must have happened. Or maybe more appropriately it had been lust at first sight and the love had followed? Truly, she wasn’t completely sure.

  “That’s it. Nice and easy. We won’t hurt you,” the younger one said in that soft, gentle voice of his. But she could see his arousal, strong and bold, pressed against his pants. Her mouth went dry at the enormity of his erection. Her other parts hummed despite her fear. It was almost as if her body and mind were split in two. Her mind screamed run! Her body whispered no, this is what you’ve been craving all along.

  She held tight to her spear. Forced herself to breathe slowly and calmly. To wait for just the right time to make her escape. When the older one reached out to grab her arm, she bolted between them. She’d sworn she had made it past them, but their strong fingers gripped her.

  Instantly, she realized they were so much stronger than her. That idea oddly turned her on and their powerful touches did something naughty to her insides.

  Despite realizing their grip upon her was unbreakable. Despite knowing their intentions of taking her against her will, for she read their intentions clearly in their dark barbarian eyes. She wanted them to take her. To claim her. To fuck her.

  She had never wanted males like this before. Wanted sex from them, yes. But the Crystal Clan males had never made her feel like an electrical wire. Like lightning ready to be unleashed. She shook her head in denial at her thoughts. Had she gone mad?

  Her heart began a wild pounding as it did when she went on a hunt and tracked the red deer for their warm pelts in the valleys of Austria. She trembled as she feared losing herself to these vamps. To their touches. Perhaps she was already lost to both.

  “We’ve been tracking you for days, female of the Crystal Clan,” the voice of the older one rumbled over her like a giant caress.

  “We will have the best in our bed, and we have heard that the rare runaway females of the Crystal Clan are the best,” the younger one said.

  Their eyes glittered with amusement as she struggled against their restraining hands.

  The younger one grinned. “What? Have we frightened you into speechlessness, our little pussy?”

  She slammed her bare feet upon his boots then kicked him in the shin, loving the flinch she saw on his face. He didn’t let loose. Not one bit.

  He held her right arm so tightly. And the male to her left, the older one, the brute! If she could reach his head, she would give him a head-butt. But he towered over her, so she settled for a toss of her head into his solid chest, getting a satisfactory oomph out of him.

  She decided this was as good a time as any to put up a fight. At least so they would
n’t know she wanted what was to come after. Tugging at their solid restraining arms, she could not budge. But they didn’t have her feet, did they? She gave the taller one a swift kick to the shins, the same as she had done to the other, and realized he was laughing!

  She fought his powerful grasp harder. He laughed louder.

  “Perhaps you will laugh yourself to death then?” she finally snapped in frustration, realizing it was useless to break free. Perhaps she should simply accept her fate? It would be easier and less tiring.

  Unfortunately for all three of them, she had an aversion to making life easy for anyone.

  These two were males of action, though. They seemed to know she would not stop her struggles. They seemed to know exactly how to give her what she wanted, despite her fear of them.

  Within seconds, the youngest had released her to the older one, who held her wrists tightly in one hand as he dragged her to a nearby rock wall. Pressing her back against the cold stone, he yanked her arms up over her head. Bringing his solid body against her, he pinned her. She shivered at the strong, bulging muscles pressing against her breasts and the enormous erection grinding against her lower belly. As he held her, his gaze captured her eyes, and she realized she could not look away.

  He has the gift, a voice warned again, somewhere in the back of her mind. He has the gift of mesmerizing.

  As hard as she tried to break the gaze, she simply could not. For despite the dominance and the amusement in his eyes, they were warm also. As warm as the reddish-brown fur on a deer, or as beautiful as the gnarled tree trunks in the valley where her Clan lived.

  Warmth flowed deeply through her, turning powerful. It burned so bright, she felt as if a wonderful fever raged within her. It was a fiery heat she welcomed for she realized in the years she searched for a mate, something had been lacking inside her. It was this fever. She knew it now as it spilled through her breasts, her tummy, her pussy, even her ass.


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