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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

Page 115

by Nicole Morgan

  “And here most women only have to worry about meeting the mother-in-law.”

  “If it helps in any way my mother is lovely.”

  “Does Seb know what you are?”

  “He knows I’m different.” He paused for a moment. “Kaley? How do you feel about being my mate?”

  Feel? She felt too many things to pinpoint one down. “Kind of weird. I mean, I didn’t even think you liked me all that much. Now you tell me that you’ve known that you wanted me as your mate for years. I mean, that’s…it’s…”

  “A bit creepy?”

  She laughed. “Yeah, I guess. I’ve always wondered how you managed to turn up right when I needed help, is that something to do with this whole mating thing?”

  “Sort of. When I decided you were going to be my mate, I imprinted on you.”

  “You imprinted on me? What does that mean?”

  He hesitated for a moment.

  “Tell me. I can handle it.” She hoped.

  “All right. Imprinting means I left my mark on you. It’s on your lower arm.” He ran his hand over her lower arm, not actually touching her. But to her surprise, a symbol appeared on her skin. It looked like a circle with squiggles in the middle. It disappeared again once he removed his hand.

  “Holy shit, you gave me a tattoo?” She didn’t know whether to be freaked out or furious. She felt a little of both.

  “Not quite. The mark is invisible to everyone but my kind. It allows me to find you, no matter where you are. Once we are fully mated, others of my kind will sense my mark on you and know you are taken.”


  “That’s why you were there so often when I needed help? Because you had marked me?” She couldn’t believe he’d been watching her and she hadn’t even known. It was crazy, and kind of sweet. In a weird sort of way.

  “The mark doesn’t tell me when you’re in trouble, only where to find you. But I did spend a lot of time watching over you. There were times when I couldn’t be there. Like when those pirates attacked and destroyed your ship.”

  “I can’t believe you marked me and I didn’t even know.”

  “Are you furious with me?”

  “I should be. I should be calling you an asshole and storming out of here.” Why wasn’t she? Maybe because she liked the idea of being his. Holy crap.

  “I’m glad you’re not. I need you close tonight. I nearly lost you today and it terrified me.”

  Yeah, she didn’t really want to think about that too closely.

  “I only wished I could have fought it instead of you,” he said grimly. “But I couldn’t go into the water.”

  “You don’t know how to swim?”

  “More like I physically can’t. Something about our make-up means we just sink.”


  “So, it’s ironic that my mate is this sea goddess while I can barely go into the water past my knees.”

  There was that word again. Mate.

  “This mating thing freaks me out a little.”

  “Funny, I didn’t pick up on that at all,” he said dryly.

  “Oh, ha-ha,” she said, although it was making her feel a little better that he wasn’t making all these crazy demands on her.

  “Kaley, the last thing I want is to scare you away. I know this has to be weird. I get that it’s a lot to process. Just please, all I ask is that you don’t shut me out. Talk to me, ask me whatever you like, rage at me, whatever you need. Just don’t shut me out.”

  She guessed that wasn’t much to ask. And what she really needed was time to think this all through. “Okay.”

  “Good, now I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. Let’s both lie down and get some sleep, huh?”

  It sounded like a good idea, but she knew she wasn’t going to sleep a wink with him lying beside her. Still, she’d lie down and just close her eyes for a while.

  She slept like the dead.

  When she woke, the sun was streaming through the gaps in the walls of the hut and Nicolas was gone. For a moment, panic filled her. He’d left her.

  No. Nicolas wouldn’t leave her. He might have a number of faults. He was arrogant, bossy and apparently, really good at keeping secrets, but he would never leave her.

  Especially since she was his mate.

  She placed her hand over her stomach, feeling nervous. This was madness. She couldn’t be mated to him. And yet, part of her wanted to be. A big part. She was worried that he was too much for her. He was a lot older, and definitely more experienced. He’d try to dominate her, no question about that. They’d clash. A lot.

  But he wouldn’t leave her. He’d always be there for her. He’d be hers.

  So what to do? Insist on more time? Probably the sensible thing to do. But she’d known him for years. Was more time really what she needed? Oh, this was so confusing. She rubbed at her pounding head. She wasn’t getting anywhere sitting here, thinking about it. She was more of a doer than a thinker anyway. She’d search Nicolas out and ask him a few more questions.

  Like what happened if she did mate him? Did she get the ability to turn into some bird-thing? Would that mean she couldn’t go into the ocean again?

  Worry filled her as she searched him out. She heard a child squeal with happiness then a bark. Atlas. Following the sound, she turned a corner and there he was. He was shirtless, just that sarong wrapped around his waist. Her mouth went dry. He was magnificent. Tanned, toned and gorgeous. She could hardly believe he wanted her.

  He picked up one of the small children next to him and twirled her around. They both laughed, and her heart filled just a bit more.

  “He’s a good man.”

  She spun around to find Amahle standing behind her. She placed her hand on her chest, where her heart beat frantically. “Seriously you have got to start making more sound when you move, or you’re going to give me a heart attack.”

  The other woman smiled. “I apologize, although I don’t believe you would have heard me given how engrossed you were in Nicolas.”

  Engrossed? A blush filled her cheeks. “That obvious, huh?”

  “It is obvious the two of you are meant to be.”

  “Really? You’ve only seen us together for a few short hours.”

  “But in that time, I saw him make certain you were fed first, that you drank first, he kept his gaze on you as you danced, yet I still saw him watching your surroundings, guarding you. He is protective, very much so. Yet I do not think he will smother you like some might. He will give you the tools to survive, yet will always be there. Guarding you. Guiding you.”

  “He’s a lot older than me.”

  “That’s not always a bad thing.”

  “He’s set in his ways. He’s bossy.”

  Amahle patted her arm. “Then you train him. Old does not mean untrainable. You teach him what you expect, and he will do the same with you. This is a beginning, not an end. You must create a journey together, you’ll weather storms, ups and downs, but the journey itself is not something to be missed. If you do, you will always wonder, and you will always regret. Trust me.” There was a note of sorrow in the other woman’s voice.

  She was right. If she didn’t start the journey, she would always wonder.

  “Thanks, Amahle,” she said, turning towards the other woman, but she had already disappeared.

  Nicolas turned and seeing her, waved. She waved back. He said something to the children, and they disappeared. He walked towards her, his gaze roaming over her.

  “Are you all right? I was a bit worried by how much you were sleeping, but Amahle said you needed the sleep to recover and to be able to make decisions that needed to be made.”

  “She’s an unusual woman. Can we go for a walk? I have some questions for you.”

  “Of course.” He waved goodbye to the kids who all called out at him.

  “Made some friends there.”

  “I like kids. There are so few children around now.”

  She nodded. “I didn’t think plac
es like this existed anymore. It’s so free of pollution, and the people are so happy and carefree.” Part of her wouldn’t mind staying here forever. Except it wasn’t home. Home was the ocean.

  “I suppose they stay this way because few people know they’re here.”

  “You like it here,” she said.

  “Yes. I can breathe here.”

  She knew what he meant.

  “It’s lovely, but it isn’t home.”

  He stared down at her. “Your home is on the ocean.”

  “And you hate the ocean,” she stated.

  “I don’t hate it. I just have a healthy respect for it.”

  “If we mated, where would we live?”

  His eyes flared. “If you need to be on the ocean then that is where we’ll be.”

  “Really? You’d live on the Mazu? For me?”

  “Yes. Although I would not be opposed to our own ship someday.”

  She smiled. “I’m not opposed to that either. What if I said I couldn’t mate you? What happens then?”

  He turned away, his shoulders tense. “Then I would remove my mark from you and leave.”

  The thought was a stab to her guts. “Just like that? You’d come back though, right?”

  “I could not see you again, knowing that you did not want me. Especially if you found someone else. I could not control myself.”

  “I’m not a virgin, Nicolas.” She kept her gaze averted, feeling the rise of heat in her cheeks.

  “Do not speak of the other men you have been with. I cannot take it.”

  It wasn’t like she had a string of ex-boyfriends. Just one bad experience she’d rather not think about.

  “If we mate, I won’t change, will I?”


  “Into another form? Like you?”

  “No, a mating does not change your genetic make-up.”

  “Whew…um, no offence.”

  His lips twitched. “None taken.”

  They walked for a while longer. Her mind thinking over everything. Finally, they circled back to the village. The smell of meat cooking made her stomach rumble.

  “Shall we have something to eat?” he asked.

  She placed her hand on her stomach. “Yeah.”

  He reached out and grabbed her arm, stilling her. “Kaley, there’s no rush. You can take as much time as you like to make this decision.”

  Kaley stared up into his handsome face. The thing was, she’d pretty much made her decision. The only thing holding her back was fear. Fear that she wasn’t good enough for him. That she was too young. That she’d disappoint him.

  “Why me?” she asked.

  His face softened. He cupped her cheeks between his warm palms and arousal flooded her body, almost making her gasp with need. “The moment I saw you there was no other. You have courage, spirit, kindness, and beauty. You are everything I could have hoped for in a mate and more. And if you say yes, I know I will be happier than I could ever have imagined.”

  He held out his hand to her. “Come on, let’s eat.”

  The next day, Kaley knew she had made her decision. She still had her fears, but as Amahle had told her, the journey was not to be missed. She sat on a small hill and stared out at the glistening ocean, letting it soothe her.

  “There you are.”

  She turned as Nicolas sat beside her. He stared out at the water. “Am I disturbing you, I can go?”

  “No.” She reached out and grabbed his hand, smiling at him. “You’re just the person I wanted to see.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Funny, I never expected to hear those words coming from you.”

  She laughed. “Well, you always seemed to do your best to piss me off.”

  “A man’s got to have a talent.”

  “And your talent is being bossy and domineering?”

  “Only with you, baby.”

  “Lucky me. Are you going to continue to be bossy and domineering when we mate? Because maybe I’ll rethink my position.”

  “When we mate?” he asked.

  “I’ve made a decision. I want to be your mate, Nic—oomph! What are you doing?” she screeched as he stood then pulled her up and upended her over his shoulder.

  “I don’t want you to change your mind.”

  “I have news for you, buddy. This is not my favorite mode of transportation so if you don’t want me to change my mind right now then put me down.”

  He didn’t put her down, but he did flip her around, so she was cradled in his arms. When she looked up into his gaze, his eyes almost seemed to glow. He looked intense, hungry, and she gulped a little.



  “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere private where I can mate with you.”

  That’s kind of what she’d thought. But just to make certain they were on the same page… “And by mate with me you mean?”

  He stilled, staring down at her. “I thought you realized. To fully mate we must have sex. I’m taking you somewhere to fuck you.”

  Her mouth went dry, and she swallowed heavily. “That’s what I figured.”

  “Good.” He smiled with satisfaction.

  “There’s probably a few things we should talk about first,” she said as he stopped and looked around.

  “This will do.”

  He let her down, holding her as she swayed a little then he swooped in and kissed her. He started to pull at her clothes. “I have waited for this moment for a long time, dreamed about it, and finally, it is here. I cannot believe it.”

  “Nicolas, wait. Wait!” She grabbed his hands, pulling them away from her clothing.

  He took a step back, his eyes widening. “You are not ready. I’m pushing you much too fast.”

  “No, no, well, sort of. But I am ready. It’s just, I’ve only done this once before, and I wasn’t very good at it.”

  There, she’d said it. Now she could die of embarrassment.

  He frowned for a moment then his frown disappeared, and a look of understanding crossed his face. “Sex. You are worried about sex.” He kissed her again. “Do not worry.”

  That was it? Do not worry? Didn’t he have something better to say? Some sort of advice or reassurance?

  “With me, it will be very, very good.”

  Oh, holy crap. Arrogant ass. But then he kissed her again, and all her worries were drowned under an onslaught of arousal. The man sure could kiss. He moved his way down her neck, nipping at her skin then following up with soft kisses that soothed. Shivers raced across her skin, and soon her breath was coming in harsh pants.

  She ran her hands over his smooth skin, down his muscular chest to his defined abs.

  “You’re gorgeous,” she told him.

  “You are the one who is beautiful.”

  “I’m nothing special.”

  He lifted her chin, so she was forced to stare up into his dark gaze. “Yes, you are. You are everything.”

  Okay, she’d be lying if she said that didn’t boost her ego.

  He slowly undid her shirt, and she stood there, her breath caught in her chest as she watched him. She barely resisted the urge to cover herself with her arms as he just stared down at her.

  “Magnificent.” He cupped her breasts, running his thumbs over the nipples. He laid a kiss on each nipple, and she gasped. Then he flicked one with his tongue, and her clit started to throb in reaction. He moved to the other one, and she swayed. Damn, it felt good. So good.

  She needed to return the favor. To make him feel as good as he was making her feel. He let out a small sound of satisfaction as she ran her finger over his nipple. That small sound turned into a louder groan as she leaned in and sucked on his nipple. He cupped the back of her head.

  “That feels so good. You have no idea.”

  Oh, she had some idea.

  He pulled her back gently. “I want to pleasure you, Kaley. I want to make you scream.” He moved his hands to her pants and quickly undid them. “I want t
o wipe the memory of that other man from your mind. He was not worthy of you.”

  He knelt at her feet and pulled off her pants. Then in a move that surprised her, he grabbed her hips and pulled her close, placing his tongue against her clit. Jesus, she nearly came then and there. Cries of pleasure escaped her lips as he played with her. It felt so good. Too good. He flicked her clit with his tongue, faster and faster. Oh God, her orgasm was building. It was so close. Then he reached up and twisted her nipples gently, and she screamed as she came.

  He caught her as her legs collapsed beneath her, laying her on the sand.

  “That’s number one.”

  Nicolas kissed his way down Kaley’s body, savoring every inch. He could not believe she was finally his. He had been dreaming of this moment for years but had cautioned himself against ever fully believing it would come true. He’d thought it would take him months to convince her that she was his. But it seemed fighting a sea monster and nearly dying had softened her towards him.

  He suckled on her nipples. He’d had no idea she hid such gorgeous, full breasts beneath that hideous binding. Never again. He kissed down her stomach.

  “Nicolas. Nicolas, I can’t. Not again.”

  “Shh. Yes, you can.” He slid between her legs again. She tasted delicious, but he needed more. He parted her lower lips, just staring at her for a moment. Pink. Plump. He leaned in and took a lick of her. He lapped at her, exploring every inch. As he slid his tongue over her clit, he slipped one finger deep inside her. She was tight but wet, so ready for him. He slid another finger into her and pushed back and forth. Her hips rose and fell, her cries filled the air.

  He had to be inside her.

  “Come for me again, baby.”

  “I can’t. I can’t.”

  “You can. Just let go. I’ll catch you.”

  She screamed as she flew over, her passage pulsing around his fingers. Quickly, he rose and threw off the sarong. Then he pressed the head of his cock to her entrance and slowly pushed his way inside her.

  “Oh. Oh,” she cried out. “That feels so good.”

  “You do not need to tell me.” He gritted his teeth, straining against the urge to simply plunge inside her. He needed to take his time, but her passage clenched down on him, eating away at his control. Finally, he was deep inside her.


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