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Mystic Realms: A Limited Edition Collection

Page 204

by Nicole Morgan

  “We could see where this leads naturally.”

  The best plan he could have come up with. She yielded to wherever his sexual prowess and fate would lead them and sagged to the desk. “It’s your show.”



  He was silent a moment. “Thanks.”

  Pure gratitude rang in his response.

  For some reason, tears filled her eyes. She longed to comfort him and banish the hurt he’d experienced from other mistresses and masters.

  He drove two fingers into her pussy, reclaimed her clit, sucked hard, and lapped relentlessly.

  Her mouth sagged open. Every thought in her brain vanished, leaving nothing except feeling. Warmth tore through her, followed by stuff she couldn’t describe except it was crazy good, curling her toes, snatching her breath, making her ears ring.

  Climax slammed into her, flinging her this way and that, as if she had no more substance than air. Her fingers and toes tingled. A strong pulse beat deep within her pussy. Her throat constricted, keeping in her ecstatic cries.

  Whimpers escaped. More sounds than she’d made with any other man. Control had always been her goal. Proving her superiority over everyone else mattered most. Not any longer.

  She wailed her bliss.

  “Hey.” Ranson leaned over her and touched her lips with his. “Are you all right?”

  His breath warmed her mouth, its scent sweet and fresh with a hint of her musk. She relished his gentleness as much as his hard male strength. “Thanks.” She opened her eyes.

  Appreciation showed on his face. He smiled hard enough to made dimples. “Ready for more?”

  “Whenever you are.” She cradled his cheek. “Are you turned on?” Please don’t lie to me or pretend to be someone you’re not.

  He placed her hand on his thick, long cock. Beneath her touch, his shaft stiffened past rigid to hard and beyond. “You tell me.”

  She embraced the erect column and drew her thumb over the head. Silky pre-cum spilled from the tiny slit. She ran the warm fluid over the bumpy skin in back, every male’s pleasure zone. He shivered. More importantly, desire blazed in his eyes. To her, his unguarded reaction was a better answer than hooking him up to a lie detector. “Fuck me.”

  He propped her calves on his shoulders, shamelessly opening her.

  She giggled.

  He answered with a lewd grin, positioned his cock on her cunt, and plunged inside, invading her as deep as a man could go, taking what he wanted and what she needed, without any wish getting in the way.

  God, god, god.

  This might not be anything other than unadulterated lust between them, but it was what they both desired.

  His curls touched hers. Even so, he worked her further until they’d joined to a point where it was impossible to tell where she ended and he began.

  His size and hardness stretched her mercilessly. Never had she been as filled or as happy. She gripped his sinewy arms and squeezed her pussy around his cock, ready for the ride of her life and liftoff.

  Ranson couldn’t breathe or think. His pulse hammered so hard in his temples and throat they hurt like a sonofabitch. His legs were ready to give out. Shit, this was great. He’d never felt more unglued and alive.

  Today had turned out way better than he’d dreamed or hoped.

  Alexandra was….

  He couldn’t find an adequate word to describe how snug, hot, and wet her pussy was. Sliding into her was like entering paradise where it was always sunny and mild, seventies rock tunes played, everyone was high on pot and believed in “live and let live.”

  And that didn’t begin to address how gorgeous she was, though not in a conventional way. Rather a unique look that was hers alone.

  There wasn’t one flaw on her milky skin, not even visible pores. She really was twenty-nine and not pretending to be younger through plastic surgery or wishes. His heart quickened, sending more blood to his cock. The damn thing bulged, demanding relief. He fought his basest urges, wanting this to last. Who knew what would happen after they screwed? Sated, she might revert to billionaire form and demand wish upon wish, her commands coming so fast he’d never keep up.

  Which would send him right back to What You Want for another assignment.

  He preferred not to think about failing, but couldn’t help worrying. Thankfully, the promise of a bleak future caused him to deflate a bit and calm down, enabling him to drag these moments out.

  Nursing his self-control, he reveled in her beneath him, them joined as lovers, maybe even individuals who would eventually like each other.

  Dream on.

  Okay, now wasn’t the time to get sentimental, but he couldn’t resist. Nor could he stop staring at the bounty she presented. She was slender, but her hips flared nicely, while her boobs…dayum. Those babies were more than a handful for any man or genie, her nipples a pale rose and puckered, demanding his hands and mouth.

  He cupped them.

  Her color drained. She tensed.

  Uncertain what he’d done wrong, his cock softened a bit more, and he snatched back his hands. “Sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  Her throat and face flamed red, making her eyes seem bluer, hair lighter. “No.”

  “What I did didn’t feel good?”

  Her chest turned crimson from her blush. “Actually, it made me wetter.”

  Hotter, too. The temperature inside her pussy had gone up several degrees, giving him another taste of Heaven. His cock was getting uber-rigid again. That plus her arousal didn’t seem like a problem to him, but he was no expert. Crap. He should have boned up on twenty-first century women, especially their proclivities, rather than living in the past as he had. “If you’re liking this, then you’re going to have to help me out as to what’s wrong.”

  She covered her eyes. “They’re not real.”

  “What isn’t?”

  “My boobs.”

  Could’ve fooled him. “Their enhancement doesn’t mean they’re not awesome.”

  She lowered her hand and bit her lip. “You don’t think they’re too big for the rest of me?”

  “Not in my world. Do you have trouble carrying them around?”

  She laughed but sobered quickly. “No. I might ask the same about your cock. It’s longer than most men’s.”

  If she kept complimenting him, he’d come without pumping at all. “Yeah? Thanks. It doesn’t bother me in the least when I’m dressed. I stuff it in my boxer briefs and forget about it.”

  She flexed her pussy around him.

  His balls twitched, wanting to crawl inside his body. “Fuck, I love what you’re doing. But I gotta be honest. If you keep it up, I’m going to blast off.”

  She stopped. “I have to ask you something.”

  Now? He was sweating like a disgraced CEO during a perp walk and could scarcely breathe from too much desire. However, she was his boss. “Sure. Shoot.”

  She groaned.

  “What’s wrong now?”

  “This is so hard to say.”

  “Want me to close my eyes? Will that make it easier for you?”

  She chuckled then looked like she wanted to cry.

  Hell. She’d totally lost him. “You’re okay, right?”

  “Yeah. No. Shit, I don’t know. Are you telling me what I want to hear? If you are, stop. I mean it. Even if you offer insults about my looks, personality, or anything else that makes me who I am, I’m not getting rid of you.”

  He didn’t believe her for a minute, though he was surprised at her insecurity concerning her appearance. “Good to know, but I don’t have anything bad to say. You’re young, built, attractive, fun to be with when you’re naked, and have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.” He bent down until they were nose to nose and peered at them. “Are they real or fake?”

  She blinked. “Real. The color, at least. They’re not prosthetic eyes. You like how blue they are?”

  “God yeah. The shade kicks serious ass.” He eased back. “What did
you mean by ‘at least’? What’s unreal about them?”

  Her blush returned and bled into her hairline. “I had laser surgery to correct my nearsightedness. I have 20/10 vision in both eyes now.”

  “Nearly X-ray, huh? You can see that well and you still think I’m hot?”

  She laughed and tugged the dark hair in his pits. “Yeah. Does what I say and think embarrass you?”

  It surprised him. During these last years, every mistress he’d had dumped him for a newer model, making him feel older than death and as desirable. “Nope. I’m not immune to praise any more than a mortal would be.” He rested his hand on her sweet little belly. Pleasure surged through him and stirred his cock. He suppressed his mounting lust to concentrate on Alexandra to assure her she had nothing to worry about as far as her looks. “If my praise for you turns you off, tell me. I tend to gush about things I think are great.”

  “Like your ugly suit?”

  “Hey.” He pushed out his bottom lip in a pout. Not entirely an act. “I like it.”

  “Sorry.” She stroked his cheek. “It’s not that bad.”


  She averted her gaze and stared at his chest. “Okay, I’m a lousy liar. You’re not much better, saying I’m attractive when you don’t really think I—”

  “Shh.” He pressed his fingers against her mouth, quieting her. “I like how you look. You’re elegant and sophisticated and blonde and busty and your skin is better than anyone’s I’ve seen, even a baby’s. It smells amazing, too, sweet yet sexy. What a combination. As far as I’m concerned, you have no flaws. Plus, your bush is blonde, the same as your hair. How great is that?”

  “I’m a natural brunette. I dye my stuff.”

  Her curls were golden against his dark ones. “They look fine to me. Same as everything else about you.” His chest pumped from his harsh breathing. His balls and cock felt as if they were bulging and might explode. “Damn, you’re something.”

  She dug her fingers into his arms. An emotion he couldn’t read sped across her face.

  Not knowing where she was coming from, he had to ask. “What?”

  “Fuck me. Good, hard, and long. Please.”

  Her plea undid him. In his existence, no other mortal woman had asked. They’d demanded, insisted, or threatened. Alexandra had given him the greatest gift she could by allowing him to be her equal in this. “Let’s blast off.”

  He pumped like a demon and teased her clit without pause, but kissed her as his lover not his employer—with respect, tenderness, need, and passion.

  She moaned repeatedly. The sounds vibrated their lips and made him smile. She did, too, the corners of their mouths lifting as one.

  He stroked her clit. She cupped his sac. They explored, going fast then slow and again picking up speed, unable to settle on one pace.

  Didn’t matter. Somehow, they were attuned to each other’s desires. There were no awkward moments, elbows or knees ramming into each other, missteps that kept release at bay, only a carnal dance belonging to them alone that they improvised to fit their cravings.

  Her pussy tightened around him, and she tensed. Shuddering, she tore her mouth from his and hollered an oath that sounded like a prayer. Her skin was flushed and damp with perspiration, her hair tangled, eyelids heavy and at half-mast. Several times, she tried to lift them fully, but they slipped back down.

  Best of all, her sheath pulsed hard and steady from her orgasm.

  Proud as hell at what he’d accomplished, he kept finger-fucking her while driving his cock in and out of her cunt with quick, precise thrusts, ignoring his relief to allow her to come again.

  She did twice more.

  Sweat covered his face and throat. It hurt to breathe. He’d fought his climax for so long, his shoulders and legs burned, and his balls felt swollen and bruised. “I gotta…gotta…gotta….”

  She clutched his hips. “Go. Soar. Enjoy yourself.”

  The best directive ever. He let loose as he had during those psychedelic parties he’d attended. This was far better. Each time he pulled his cock from her pussy, she squeezed it hard, increasing the friction between them. On his journey back inside, she stroked his tight balls and probed his anus. Wanton stuff he adored and no other mistress had thought to give him.

  Alexandra had and did. Turning him inside out.

  His climax snuck up, barreled close, and steamrolled over him with tsunami force.

  Teeth gritted, he held back a delighted scream, afraid his uncivilized behavior would frighten her. The room twirled. Everything went blinding white then black and back again. He was still puffing forcefully before color bled in.

  Her face was crimson, but she was beaming. “Good?”

  “Fan-fucking-tastic.” He gulped air.

  “Come here.” She gathered him close, her breasts pillowing his head.

  Real or not, they were exactly what he needed and smelled fucking good, too, partly from the perfume she wore, mainly from her natural scent, which he liked best.

  She stroked his ass. “Relax.”

  If he unwound any more than he had, he’d collapse and crush her. “I’m too heavy. I’ll hurt you.” He pushed up.

  She pulled him back down. “Let me be the judge.” She massaged his scalp.

  Almost as good as sex. If he’d been a girl, he would have whimpered in gratitude. “Thanks.”


  She didn’t have to ask again. His lids were too heavy to lift, his eyes grainy. Tension from the past days, years, decades, and eons eased away, leaving him more untroubled than he’d ever been.

  Everything went quiet and dark.

  Ranson was dead weight on Alexandra, but she didn’t mind. He snored, too. She found the noise charming.

  He’d answered her with honesty about her looks. Sincerity had sounded in his voice and filled his eyes. She understood she’d never be a beauty, but her looks pleased and aroused him.

  For that alone, she’d like him forever.

  The notion should have disturbed, but didn’t. She wasn’t foolish enough to believe those “you go, girl” lectures where women were supposed to exude confidence and strength, never doubting anything big or small about themselves. Sure. Cosmetics weren’t a billion dollar industry because females believed that stuff. From little on, they were brainwashed to find flaws. An impossible habit to break.

  It was always nice to meet a guy who found imperfections acceptable and possibly adorable.

  Could he be that way with her?

  Knock it off. This is about having fun. Scratching an itch.

  She finger-combed his tousled mop and kissed his knuckles.

  He snored in air and blew it out, his breath heating her skin.

  She wanted to hug him clear into next year. Originally, she’d planned to use him to keep looking young, an easier route than hiring a plastic surgeon to nip and tuck her. Asking Ranson to tend her looks wasn’t possible any longer. She didn’t want him to think she was vain or expose more defects to him.

  Which meant she’d have to find something else to keep him busy.

  He slept. She brainstormed. Finally, she had a solution and something else she thought might make him happy.

  His pleasure, above all, had become important to her.

  Chapter Three

  Alexandra and Ranson lounged on a large sheepskin rug next to her desk, the fluffy animal hide courtesy of a wish he’d granted her. Pepperoni-and-sausage pizza from her fave restaurant scented the space. Another wish.

  He licked sauce off her stomach and dipped his tongue into her belly button.

  His wet heat registered clear to her dyed roots, nails, and the backs of her eyes. She could get used to this. “I have a surprise.”

  “Hmm?” He gobbled the pepperoni slices he’d laid on her breasts, eased her right nipple into his mouth, and sucked hard, soft, medium, every way she adored. She writhed with delight.

  At this rate, they’d never leave the floor.

  In the hall,
footfalls sounded, along with muted voices, her staff going through the day, none daring to come inside. Good thing, given her and Ranson’s nudity. However, the door was also bolted. He’d thrown the lock the mortal way after waking from their lovemaking on her desk. Since the first time, he’d taken her twice more—once doggy style then the missionary position again. They’d both liked face-to-face the best. Gave them a chance to stare at each other.

  They’d done so quite a bit, not speaking, simply enjoying.

  Even the heroines she’d penned hadn’t had an afternoon like this.

  Outside, light spilled into the room, ushering in the waning day. Several hours had passed since Ranson’s arrival, yet it seemed less than minutes, but also a lifetime. As if he’d never been anywhere but here.

  He suckled her neck, an extreme pleasure spot nearly as good as her pussy.

  Warmth cascaded through her. A feeling somewhere between pure joy and the prelude to a mind-blowing orgasm flowed from her chest to points beyond. She purred, cooed, and grabbed his hair then lifted his head before she lost control and begged him to do her until they both collapsed. At some point, they had to talk. “I have a surprise for you.”

  The faraway look in his eyes spoke of burgeoning lust and prior satisfaction, but didn’t last. Renewed wariness replaced it.

  Shit, she hadn’t wanted that. “A good surprise.”

  Her explanation didn’t coax him to flash his dimpled smile. He pushed to a sitting position.

  So did she and cradled his face. “Don’t move.”

  “Why not?” He breathed hard. “What are you going to do?”

  She hoped to get him to trust she wouldn’t wound or harm him, physically or emotionally. “Nothing bad.” She tongued pizza sauce off his mouth and chin. “I should have also wished for napkins.”

  “I don’t mind that you didn’t.”

  God, she loved his artless manner. It was as sexy as his bod and carnal moves.

  He’d slipped his hand between her legs and thumbed her clit.

  Even her molars tingled. She cuffed his wrist to keep him from arousing her too much. Right now, she needed to think and plan his future with her. “I’ve had an idea about what I’d like you to do here.”


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