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A Hunter's Choice [The Hunters 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 16

by Suzy Shearer

  “Good idea, iubită, especially as she is destined to be mate to a Hunter. The others should be here soon.”

  “Avril needs to know she is not alone. It must be weird to know you are destined for someone you have never met and yet be half way in love with them.”

  He pulled her close to him, his fingers running up and down her arm.

  “We need to talk to Michael and Louisa, you do realise we have made four exchanges.”

  “Four? Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I’m not game enough to make love to you now. I doubt I could resist the temptation to bite,” he confessed sadly.

  “I know I couldn’t. I can’t believe how much I love it! It is unbelievably erotic.”

  Tomas grinned at her.

  “So we have to tell the others. I want to do it as soon as possible and we must do it as soon as I wake. That will give your body more than enough time to complete the conversion.”

  “But what about hunting the vampires, what if Michael needs to do it tomorrow night?”

  “Let’s just talk to him and see what happens tonight. See what plans Michael has made.”

  Tomas went into the bathroom to shower while Julie and Milly rounded up the chickens, fed and watered them, then collected the eggs. When she walked back into the kitchen, Tomas was investigating the baking. She caught him with one biscuit in his mouth and a slice in his hand.

  “Hey! You won’t eat your dinner. Anyway, I thought you said Michael had the sweet tooth, looks like yours is, too.”

  Tomas tried to hide the slice behind his back but Julie just shook her head and laughed. He put the containers back in the cupboard and tried to look remorseful. Julie put food down for Milly and tried not to laugh at Tomas.

  Milly gave a sudden bark and Tomas said a car was coming down the drive.

  “It is probably Avril and Martin. I’ll go and let them in.”

  He went to the front door while Julie organised everything for their meal.

  “Hello, Julie, I brought a cake with me, although I’m not sure what the others eat.”

  Tomas and Julie burst out laughing. Julie told about Tomas already eating sweets through her giggles. Tomas took the cake container off her and Julie slapped his fingers when she noticed him open the tin.

  “Don’t touch the cake!”

  “Cake? Did someone mention cake?”

  Avril let out a little scream when Michael suddenly appeared alongside her. Louisa nudged him aside.

  “Sorry, Avril.” He kissed her cheek. “Hello everyone.”

  It turned into a case of too many cooks. Both men decided they would help with dinner, although Julie thought it was just so they could get to the sweet stuff sooner. She noticed Martin held back and was pleased until she noticed he had somehow grabbed a few biscuits in amongst the crowded kitchen.

  Finally, she got a semblance of order and dinner was prepared. They took everything into the dining room, settled around the table, and ate.

  Avril was starting to relax among the Hunters and soon joined in the conversation. It was an easy, joyful meal among friends. Once they finished the girls carried the plates out to the kitchen and everyone settled into the family room to discuss the plans.

  Tomas waited until there was a break in the conversation and spoke up.

  “Michael, Julie and I want to complete her conversion, we have already made four exchanges. What do you have planned?”

  Michael looked from Julie to Tomas and smiled.

  “That is good news!”

  Julie blushed.

  “As for plans, tonight I think we should try and pinpoint exactly where the lair is. Louisa is going to leave now to destroy those lairs we found. Once she does that she will come back here.” He looked over at Julie. “She won’t be missing very long. You shouldn’t be alone, maybe fifteen minutes, if at all.”

  “That’s okay, we’ll be fine.”

  Louisa bade everyone goodbye, kissed Michael, and left.

  “You should be able to resist any strigoi calling you, Julie. You’ve had four exchanges and that builds up your control against them, although you can still be swayed but with difficulty. Avril, you are still very susceptible. I don’t need to remind either of you that you need to be alert during the night hours.”

  He looked at the two women and tried to reassure them.

  “Still, we think there is only the master left and I doubt he would come here knowing there are four Hunters. He is not going to be that stupid. He would definitely know we are hunting him now that we have destroyed his followers.”

  Tomas looked thoughtful. “So I guess it will depend on what we find tonight, then Julie and I can complete the conversion either tomorrow night or the next.”

  Michael nodded his agreement.

  “We may not be away that long tonight, Tomas, but it won’t be enough time for you to be awake. So yes, plan for tomorrow or the next night. We’ll know better in a few hours.”

  Tomas stood. “Well let’s go now, it is past nine, then we can come back and plan strategies and eat cake.”

  Michael smirked. “Now you are talking sense, kid.” He looked at Julie, “Louisa should be back any minute. Will you girls be okay or do you want us to wait until she returns?”

  Julie looked at Avril, who nodded. “We’re fine.”

  The three Hunters walked out to the backdoor with Julie and Avril following them. Tomas kissed Julie and the three vanished.

  “Let’s get rid of these dishes, then we can sit and relax.”

  The two women quickly cleaned up and made coffee. They took their mugs into the family room and curled up on the couches, Milly lying on the floor between them. It was pleasant to just sit and talk. Julie felt very comfortable around Avril and thought she would be a perfect mate for a Hunter.

  It was close to nine thirty when Tomas “spoke” to Julie and told her Louisa was on her way back. She should be there any minute. He, Martin, and Michael had gotten as close as they dared. They had now pinpointed the lair’s exact location so they, too, would be heading back.

  Julie passed on the information to Avril, who found it fascinating that they could use telepathy over such distances. Julie was just about to tell her about how the others could hear Julie when they were near when Milly sat up alert.

  Avril and Julie looked at each other as Milly began to growl. Her hackles raised. Avril got a glassy look across her face and began to walk to the back door the same time as Julie heard a voice in her head calling her. She was able to ignore it with difficulty but Avril could not.

  Julie tried to hold Avril back but she shook her roughly off. Julie lost her footing and fell. Milly was barking frantically at the back door when Avril reached for the door lock to open it.

  “Avril! Avril, no! Milly, no! Stay!”

  Julie stood and lunged at Milly, pulling the dog back, she didn’t want her to try and take on the vampire.

  Avril opened the door and stepped out onto the verandah.

  “Tomas! Help us! The vampire, it’s here. Avril is going to it, I can’t stop her, she’s outside!”

  Julie grabbed the two bottles of holy water and rushed out. She tried to shake Avril but it was useless. Avril was deep in the vampire’s thrall.

  “Iubită, stay inside! Do not go near it! Louisa is almost there, we are not far behind.”

  Looking out into the yard, she saw a figure approach them. To her eyes it was horrid, a spectre from her worst nightmare. It was tall and thin, the smell of rotting flesh was in the air around it. As it got closer, Julie wanted to retch.

  She held the bottles in front of her, trying to put herself between Avril and the monster.

  “Julie! Get away from it!”

  Tomas’s voice held anger as well as fear. “Get inside!”

  As it got closer, Julie sprayed it in the face. It screamed, clutching at its face. Julie stepped closer and sprayed again, aiming for its eyes. Avril screamed as it lost its hold on her.

  “Take a bottle, spra
y it!” Julie shouted and threw a bottle to her. Milly raced out toward the vampire.

  “Milly! Milly, get inside.”

  “Tomas, it is hurt. I have blinded it.”

  “Iubită, get inside now!” He sounded furious. “Take Avril and Milly and get inside immediately!”

  Julie grabbed Avril and pulled her inside, calling to Milly at the same time. She looked over her shoulder and saw Louisa materialise.

  She shouted at them, “Get inside!”

  Julie and Avril shut the screen door behind them and watched as Louisa pulled a knife from her boot. She stabbed at the creature, who lashed out blindly. Louisa easily avoided it.

  The strigoi screamed in frustration and pain. “She will kill you all! She knows. You will all die and she will take your women. They will die slowly and in much pain, then she will kill all you Hunters. Soon you will all be dead!”

  It kept screaming over and over again.

  “She knows! She knows all. She’s coming to get you all and kill you!”

  Louisa took aim and threw the knife. It hit the vampire in the chest. Louisa called down the lightning and sent it into the creature’s body. She rushed into the house.

  “Are you both okay? Did it touch you?”

  Julie exclaimed, “No, no we are both fine!”

  She was shaking as she stammered, “I—I got it with holy water.”

  She held out the bottle. Louisa looked amazed.

  “Wow! When did you do this?”

  “Today. Avril and I kind of raided a church. Guess I must have known something. I got a psychic idea it would come and I didn’t want to be at that thing’s mercy. Anyway, we want to be able to live without being scared all the time.”

  Avril had sunk to her knees. She looked up at the other two, shaking her head and trying to control her shivering.

  “That was some scary shit! It was calling me and I couldn’t resist. Then when Julie hit it with the water, I saw it. Really saw it! Fuck! That was one ugly monster!”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Julie looked at the two women and grinned as Avril got back to her feet. She was about to lead the way into the family room when two strong arms grabbed her around the waist. Tomas dragged her into the room. The other two women following behind, Michael and Martin bringing up the rear.

  Julie held her breath as she looked at him.

  His eyes were blazing red, his fangs so obvious, every nail ended as a long, sharp talon. She stood very still and waited. There was not a sound in the room except for the pounding of Julie’s heart as Tomas looked at her.

  He grabbed her shoulders. Julie winced as his claws dug into her. He shut his eyes and then opened them, drawing a breath.

  “Why? I told you to get inside but you defied me! Why?”

  Julie felt like a schoolchild as she squeaked, “I couldn’t leave Avril.”

  “You put yourself at risk!” he bellowed. “You could have been fucking killed!”

  He shook her. Julie could feel the tears falling as she faced his wrath.

  Tomas was roaring in anger and fear. “What the fuck were you thinking, Julie?”

  She whimpered, “I…we…I blinded it.” She lifted her chin to look at his face. “I don’t want to spend my life afraid.”

  She was sobbing.

  “My god, Julie, you almost lost your fucking life!” He still screamed at her. “If that thing had reached out, it would have torn you in fucking half. It didn’t need its fucking eyes to kill you! It can fucking smell you, hear you breathing!”

  His claws dug in deeper. Louisa gasped as she saw blood seeping through Julie’s shirt but she knew she couldn’t stop him. She spoke quickly to Michael.

  “Michael, he is hurting her, he doesn’t realise. Look at her shoulders.”

  Michael grabbed Tomas’s arm. “Enough! Stop now Tomas!”

  Tomas growled, turning to Michael. He hissed, his fangs bared.


  Michael’s voice echoed through the house, rattling the windows.

  Tomas turned back to Julie. He was about to continue his tirade when he actually looked at her. She was sobbing uncontrollably, either arm of her shirt drenched in blood.

  “Iubită.” His voice faltered. “Iubită.”

  He looked at his talons in her shoulders, yanking them free as if he had touched a raging fire. Julie sank to her knees, her heartbreaking sobs ringing in their ears.

  Oh, iubită, what have I done?” Tomas knelt and grabbed her, pulling her into his arms. “My iubită.”

  He rocked her as she cried.

  “I’m sorry, iubită, I’m sorry.”

  He kept repeating over and over his sorrow, his voice gravelled and rough with pain. Michael put his arm on his shoulder. Louisa, Avril, and Martin standing mute, shocked by the raw emotion in Tomas’s voice.

  Michael took the others out into the kitchen. “Come, let us make tea. Give them some space.”

  Avril was looking fearful. Louisa touched her arm. “Are you okay?”

  “I thought…I thought he was going to kill her.”

  “No, he would never have done that. It was all from fear, the fear of losing her. She is his life, as all partners to Hunters are. To know she was in danger and he was not there was anguish for him.”

  “But he hurt her, we all saw the blood.”

  “He didn’t mean it. Look at him now, now he realises he hurt her. He will be in far more pain than Julie ever was.”

  Louisa looked at Avril with compassion. “These Hunters live through danger every day of their lives, but when the person they love is at risk they lose sight of everything but them. Please, Avril, please don’t let it prejudice you against Hunters. Their love is all that is good in the world.”

  Martin tried to reassure her. “He loves her more than he loves life itself, Avril. He will be punishing himself over this for a long time.”

  * * * *

  Tomas stood with Julie in his arms, her head held against his chest. He was so disconsolate that he had hurt her. Enough that she had faced his wrath, that she had stood before him and allowed him to rant at her. But he had hurt her! And she had not spoken a word in anger to him, had not berated him.

  He carried her to a couch and settled her, tearing off her shirt. His claw-marks deep into her flesh were testimony to his anger. He bent his head and licked them until the blood stopped. Then he entered her body and healed each one. Julie was sobbing quietly, almost spent in her grief. Tomas sat alongside her, clasping her to his chest.

  He didn’t know what to say to her. She had every right to walk away from him. He realised that perhaps tonight he had lost her by his actions. He felt his tears begin to fall. He choked back a sob.


  Julie raised her tearstained face to him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered roughly.

  Tomas gulped, “No, iubită, it is I who is sorry. I should never have harmed you. I should never have yelled at you. I’m so sorry. I hurt you!”

  He rested his head against her cheek and repeated. “Please, iubită, please forgive me. I am so sorry.”

  He felt her nod her head. They sat, heads together, crying until both felt cleansed. Julie lifted a hand and touched his face.

  “I didn’t think, I thought if it was blinded, it couldn’t hurt us.” Her voice broke. “I’m so sorry.”

  “So am I, iubită. I thought it would kill you. I felt so helpless, not being here to save you. I…I thought it would kill you and I would be all alone.”

  It was Julie’s turn to comfort Tomas as he relived his fright when she had attacked the strigoi. They both felt drained when the others walked back into the room. Michael carried a tray with hot tea for all.

  Julie smiled weakly at them. Tomas stood. He looked ashamed.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  Michael shrugged his shoulders. He knew the fear Tomas had gone through. Louisa hit Tomas hard on the arm, then kissed him. Martin was too busy stuffing biscuits into his mouth to do mor
e than grin. Avril hung back, not knowing what to do or say. Tomas pulled her into his arms and kissed both her cheeks.

  “I’m sorry, Avril. I know I scared you. I scared myself.”

  Avril allowed herself to be hugged. She heard the sincerity in his voice. Looking over, she saw Julie sitting without her shirt, the wounds on her shoulders completely vanished. She gave a gasp of surprise.

  Julie stood and sniffled. She spoke to everyone. “I know you were all scared but I thought we’d be safe.” Turning to Avril she said, “Avril, please don’t hold this against Tomas, I know I scared him.”

  Avril nodded and the two women hugged. Julie went into the bedroom and came back out with a clean top on.

  “I think we all deserve tea after that.” Michael cuffed Tomas on the ear. “Bloody stupid little child, think you can growl at me!”

  Avril looked confused until Louisa told her there was about two-thousand year’s age difference in the two men. Louisa had to smile, Avril looked from one to the other and went pale as she counted up how old Michael must be.

  Julie walked out into the kitchen, returning with more containers of cake, biscuits, and slices.

  “I think you should have first choice, Michael, after all Tomas and Martin have already sampled a couple.”

  Tomas took her hand, kissing it. He still felt saddened at what he had done, but his Julie was accepting of his faults. He silently thanked the gods that she was his.

  The six sat, drinking and eating, with Michael sampling everything on offer. When things finally seemed relaxed and back to normal, Louisa spoke up.

  “I don’t think you are hunting a strigoi.” The men looked at her in puzzlement as she continued, “I believe it is a strigoaică.”

  “What’s that?” Avril asked.

  “A female vampire.” She related the words of the strigoi as she was attacking it.

  “So I was right!”

  “Looks very much like it, Julie.” Michael groaned. “That finally makes sense, six strigoi. They would have been trying to prove which was the strongest. She must be on heat and decided she wanted a mate. She would have called to them. Then would have been pitting one against the other to weed out the weak ones. It makes complete sense now, I couldn’t understand why a master would have so many apprentices.”


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