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Chaotic (Imperfect Perfection)

Page 15

by Williams, C. A.

  I’m pretty sure there was no way her tight neon pink skirt could get any shorter, and I guessed that she didn’t have on any underwear, but that didn’t stop her from bending over as many times as she could in front of my boyfriend. Justin was always quick to dart his eyes away, but I was sure there was no way he couldn’t have seen something.

  Her hair was now a bleach blonde, pink stripes running through it and cut into choppy chunks. The thick framed glasses she had always worn had been replaced by bright green contacts that I thought made her look a little paranormal, but by the way she was making googly eyes at my boyfriend, I think she was convinced they were sexy.

  “So Mia, how’s school going?” I asked as my mother drove back to my grandparent’s house. I was trying to break down the wall that she had built up between the two of us for some reason. Not once had she directed a single word in my direction. It had all been for Justin.

  “Oh, I dropped out,” she perkily replied, like it was something to be proud of. She jumped out of the car as soon as the car was in parked and opened up Justin’s door, hiking her shirt up a little higher to reveal a flat stomach that had a large tattoo etched onto it.

  “Please talk to her,” my mother said in a low tone. “I don’t know what’s gotten into her, but she just showed up one day looking like that and informed us that she had dropped out of school. Apparently, her mom wouldn’t let her come home, so she came to us, and Gerald just couldn’t turn her away. You’ve turned you’re life around, maybe you can push her in the right direction.”

  I was surprised that she thought I could guide anyone in the right direction, and in a way, I think it was a back handed compliment. Probably the only kind I would ever get. “I can try. She’s probably going through some rebellious stage. You guys have always put pressure on her to be the best. Maybe she just couldn’t deal with it any longer.”

  “Pressure? We never did such a thing. All we ever wanted for you two was the best.”

  “Whatever,” I replied as I slid across the back seat. “Are you coming in?”

  “No, I’m feeling a little jet-lagged, and I’m not sure I can deal with that at the moment.” She tilted her head towards Mia who was now running her hand up Justin’s chest. I could tell he was uncomfortable and it actually made me laugh a little. “Would you mind bringing her by the hotel later? Maybe find something to entertain her for a bit.” Basically, she was asking me to babysit Mia. I really didn’t want to, but I figured I could at least be nice for once.

  “Yeah, sure.” She peeled out of the driveway as soon as I shut the back door, kicking up gravel as she sped away. Mia didn’t even blink at being left behind. She was too busy trying to molest my boyfriend.

  “C’mon, lets head in to see if my dad’s here.” I grabbed onto Justin’s elbow a little forcefully and Mia followed behind us closely.

  I could tell today was going to be a long one with Mia’s constant chattering, and I wouldn’t be able to get rid of her soon enough. But I would be the good daughter for once and entertain her for the night, I wasn’t sure exactly what she liked to do for fun, but I had a good guess that Justin would be able to.


  “This place is no fun. I feel like a third wheel, and the only hot guy here is taken,” Mia pouted as she batted her eyelashes at Justin who took a long sip of his beer.

  After introducing Mia to my grandparents and my dad, our visit had been a little uncomfortable. Mia kept yawning loudly and complaining about how bored she was, while Justin tried to get to know my dad a bit. The two of them took an instant liking to each other, so I was relieved by that at least, but I knew I had to get Mia out of there before Grams started pulling her hair out by Mia’s rudeness.

  “Sorry, not many people are in town since schools on break.” I had tried to call Zoey to join us, but she had flat out refused after I told her all about Mia. I couldn’t really blame her. So we ended up heading to Justin’s favorite bar in town, his favorite because it was the one where we had met.

  I had all ready downed a few drinks since walking in, and I had a feeling I was going to need a few more to get through tonight. “Well, whatever, I’m going to the bathroom and then I’m coming back to dance with your man. Hope you don’t mind,” she sang out, before brushing past Justin, her boobs doing most of the brushing.

  I let out a sigh of relief as soon as she was gone and Justin pulled me into him, his chest vibrating with laughter. “It’s not funny,” I said, poking him in the side. “She’s all over you and has barely even said a word to me. I’m just ready to get out of here.”

  “She’s just looking for attention, baby,” he murmured into my hair before grasping onto my chin to tilt my head up. “Unfortunately, she’s looking for mine even though she’s not going to get it. I’ll dance with her a couple of times, try to fight off those damn hands of hers, and then we can drop her ass back at the hotel. Sound good?”

  “Awesome, but I’d watch it. Those hands have seemed to land a few places they really shouldn’t. You actually looked like you might be enjoying it,” I teased.

  “Right,” he snorted, leaning down to brush his lips against my ear. “The only hands I enjoy on me are yours, and they better be ready because when we get back to my place they are going to be very, very busy.” He tugged on my lobe before pulling away, and I groaned when I saw Mia heading back to our table.

  “Well hurry up and dance with her, or you won’t be seeing any action from these hands tonight. I’m in serious need of another drink.”

  I slid onto an empty bar-stool and ordered a drink while trying to resist the urge to spin around and watch Mia like a hawk. I trusted Justin and knew he would behave himself. I think he actually found Mia sort of funny at how desperate she was being. I really didn’t though. At all.

  “Can I buy you a drink?” A guy sitting next to me asked, tapping on my shoulder to get my attention.

  “Sure,” I replied with a smile. Might as well get myself a free drink while I’m sitting here being gloomy. He slid his card across the countertop to the bartender and turned back to me, giving me a wide smile of the whitest teeth I had probably ever seen.

  I tossed my head back, downing the shot as soon as it was set down in front me. I was all ready feeling tingly from the drinks I had when getting here, so I knew I should slow down, but I was going to use tonight as a free pass. I think I deserved it with having to put up with Mia.

  “You better slow down or you won’t be able to walk out of here at the end of the night,” the guy suggested, and I just shrugged my shoulders, eyeing the bartender for another. “Wanna dance?” He motioned his thumb towards the dance floor, and I spun around in my chair a little too quickly, my head spinning like I had just gotten off of a ride at the fair. “No, thanks,” I said, hiccupping as I pointed out Justin and Mia. “I’m here with my boyfriend.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” The guy replied, his brows knitted in confusion. “That guy is not your boyfriend, if he was, he for sure wouldn’t be dancing with that girl like that.”

  I grabbed onto my stomach as the sweetness of the shots sank in and what Mia was doing together were equally making me sick. She had a wide smile on her face as she grinded her ass against Justin’s crotch and then spun around to dip down low in front of him. Well hello penis, nice to meet you.

  I couldn’t help but laugh at Justin’s expression though, he looked a little horrified as he stood there stiffly, trying to back up as much as possible which was why he was currently against the wall. Mia had him trapped and he couldn’t have looked more terrified. My big bad, soon to be cop, boyfriend was scared of my stepsister. Kind of ironic.

  I saw him say something to her and she stood up quickly, teetering on the heels that were so tall even I wouldn’t wear, and a frown replacing her seductive smile. Justin removed her hands, said something again, and then they both headed in my direction.

  I tried not to have a pissed off look on my face, but it was hard. He hadn’t done anythin
g wrong, I had basically forced Mia onto him, but I didn’t have to actually like what I saw.

  As soon as he reached me, his hands cradled my face and he bent down kissing me hard and deep like he was trying to pour of his love for me into that one kiss, even though I all ready knew. I think he was just being crushed with guilt for letting a girl even touch him. He pulled back and I could see Mia standing behind him, looking the opposite direction with her lips pushed into a tight line. Was she really thinking she was going to steal my boyfriend away from me tonight?”

  “Let’s get the hell out of here,” he whispered before grabbing onto my hand. I slightly stumbled as my heels hit the floor but he was there, snaking his arm around my waist. “Have a little too much to drink?”

  “I needed it,” I mumbled as we walked out of the bar and Mia trailed behind us, huffing the whole time.

  After a silent car ride, we dropped Mia off. Apparently she was over being angry at Justin for shutting her down because she giggled as she got out of the car, “Can’t wait to see you tomorrow, sexy.”

  Justin gave me a tight smile as he drove back to his house, his hand gliding up my bare thigh and giving a light squeeze. “I could always skip going over to your grandparent’s house if you wanted me to. I swear I tried to stop her every time but she just wouldn’t. I wasn’t ever like that was I?”

  “No,” I giggled as he gave me a worried expression. “Girls just flock to you, I don’t think you even have to try. It’s ok though, I could tell you weren’t enjoying it at all. But you aren’t getting out of going, I don’t think I can handle her and my mother on my own.”

  “Wow, I wasn’t expecting to really get an answer out of you. I saw how many drinks you had, and I’m pretty sure I even saw that asshole sitting next to you at the bar buy you a drink.”

  “Mmm hmm,” I mumbled. “That’s about as coherent as its going to get.”

  He pulled into the driveway, his house dark and still as he ran around to open my door. For whatever reason I launched myself out, almost doing a nose dive, before he scooped me up into his arms with a quiet laugh. “I need to make sure you get safely inside, wouldn’t want anything to happen to that sweet ass of yours.

  He plopped me down on his leather couch after kicking the door open with his foot and going into the kitchen. “Here,” he said, returning with a glass of water and two pills. “I have a feeling you’re going to need this.”

  I drank the whole thing down in one gulp as I watched Justin through half lidded eyes as he brought his duffle bag in, dragging it into the laundry room to empty it out. I still couldn’t believe how neat and tidy this place was every time I came over.

  It had been his grandparent’s house, and after his grandma passed away, he moved in. The house was located conveniently near campus, but far enough to where he didn’t have to deal with rowdy neighbors like Nash did where he lived, right smack in the middle of all the fraternity and sorority houses.

  “Be right back,” he called over his shoulder as he headed down the hallway towards his bedroom, probably to put any clean clothes away. I followed quickly behind him, holding on to the walls for support with one hand and stripping out of my dress with the other. I stood in his doorway, watching him for at least a few minutes until he realized I was there, his mouth gaping open as soon as he saw me.

  “What are you doing, Della?” he asked, trying to keep a straight face. “Oh you know,” I replied nonchalantly as I stood in the doorway, one hand propped above my head while I stood there, almost completely naked beside the scrap of lace underwear I had on. “Just figured I’d help you get ready for bed.”

  “Really?” he smirked, “I bet that’s what you were doing. Don’t think I’m about to take advantage of you while you’re drunk off your ass.” He scooped toiletries out of his bag and headed towards the attached bathroom, leaving me standing in his doorway.

  Really? I figured he would have been jumping my bones by now. I was basically offering myself up to him on a platter, and he was going to deny me because I was a teensy bit drunk. Yeah, I don’t think so.

  I followed him into the bathroom, propping myself up on the counter to wait for him until he stepped out of the closet. “Holy shit, Della you scared me,” he said as he shut the door, jumping back a step. “Sorry, I’m not used to having other people in the house with me.”

  I sat back on my elbows as he came closer, leaning into whisper. “What in the hell are you doing?”

  “Waiting for you,” I whispered back. “I need you to take care of me. Don’t you want to take care of me?”

  He pursed his lips as he looked down at me. “I’ll always take care of you, princess. And I guess you aren’t going to give up tonight, so I might as well take care of this little problem you seem to have right now.”

  His hands slid down to my hips and he looped one finger through the band of my underwear, pulling them off so fast I didn’t even realize they were off before he settled in between my legs. He teased me by rocking back and forth, the rough material of his jeans rubbing against me as I felt him harden almost instantly.

  His mouth sealed around mine as his hands explored my body, even though he all ready knew it so well. I groaned when he pulled his lips away all too soon, but instantly happy when they landed on one of my nipples, sucking hard to where it was pain mixed with pleasure. I let out a gasp when he let that one go and moved onto the other, pulling my hips closer so he could grind into me even harder.

  There was still his stupid pants separating us, and I decided that they really needed to go. Like, now. I slipped my hands down between our bodies, as his teeth grazed me, and I had to pause for a moment because the pleasure running through me pushed every thought out of my mind.

  He pulled back, silently looking down at my still hands and I got back to work, undoing his button but not able to push his pants down with my fumbling hands. “Here, let me help,” he whispered huskily, stepping out of his pants and his boxers. I jumped off the counter, pushing him into the bedroom until he was sitting on the edge of bed.

  I dropped to my knees, lowering my mouth down to wrap my lips around his tip. “Fuck, Della,” he breathed out, his eyes staring down at me as I looked up at him through my lashes.

  After a few minutes of licking, stroking, and sucking, he sat up abruptly, a deep breath whooshing out of him and leaned down to pull me up onto the bed with him, twisting my body so I was flat underneath him.

  “You’re turn,” he whispered before dropping his lips down to my neck, his tongue poked out to lick that sensitive spot right behind my ear. I sighed loudly as he continued to trail his tongue down my body.

  His erection was pushing against me, and I could tell we’re both ready now, but he seemed intent on kissing and licking every part of my body, and I was definately not against that. I inhaled sharply when his mouth finally landed between my legs and wound my hands into his hair.

  That magic tongue of his circled repetitively, and a finger slid into me as I latched onto his shoulders, urging him not to stop. Just when I was almost at that place, right there on the edge, he pulled away, hovering over my body to look down at me.

  “You are so fucking beautiful right now. So sweet.” his thumb landed on my cheek, brushing it softly. “But this is going to be rough and hard, baby. Because I can tell that’s what we both need right now.” I let out a gasp when he scooped me off of the bed and pushed me against the wall, slamming inside of me the instant my back touched the smooth, cool surface.

  I think I climaxed almost instantly because of what his wicked tongue had just been doing to me. As he hammered into me, his hips grinding as he groaned against my lips, I knew I would be there again very soon. His hands gripped my ass, to pull me closer as he pushed deeper and deeper, and I screamed at the overwhelming feelings.

  This just encouraged him more as his forehead landed on mine and we panted together; the room filled with our animalistic noises. I could feel myself climbing that hill again as he continued to
bury himself into me, my fingers digging into his back at the intense pleasure.

  “You feel so good, so tight.” He sucked in a quick breath, before driving even harder, lifting my hips up even higher and then finally letting go with a loud groan, his whole body shuddering as I clenched around him once again.

  My head was spinning as we both sank to the ground in a heap, but this time not from the effects of alcohol. No this was the effect of Justin Parker, and I never wanted this feeling to go away for the rest of my life.

  Chapter 20

  Christmas Eve dinner hadn’t been as bad as I thought it would be. My mother and dad had been cordial, even talking about some of the memories they had when we were still a family. Grams and Grandpa hadn’t been so welcoming to my mother, but they had at least been polite. Justin, well, everyone liked him, it was hard not to. He was so charming and really had his future all planned out, which everyone loved about him.

  Mia was just Mia. Well, the new Mia anyway. She had shown up in a practically see through white dress, clearly with a black thong underneath it, and no bra. Flirting was putting it lightly as to what she had done with Justin and even my dad, which was more than gross to see.

  The only time that I think everyone wanted to kick her out all together was when she made a comment about me not drinking any wine with my dinner. “What’s the matter, Della, are you knocked up again?”

  Had she really forgotten that I had been pretty much waster the night before, or maybe she was just trying to embarrass me in front of Justin. I wanted to sink through the floor right then and there. Everyone fell silent, except for Justin who quickly told her to shut the fuck up. I winced at his choice of language, but everyone nodded in agreement, my dad smiling at him for handling the situation.

  Justin had held onto my hand tightly the whole time we were there, avoiding Mia as much as he could after that as he ran his finger lightly over the ring he had given me that morning when we had woken up. No, definitely not an engagement ring, although I could see that happening with Justin, just not now. No way in hell.


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