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Kiss and Tell

Page 5

by Nikki Winter

  “You’re just doing this because—”

  “Don’t. Analyze. Me. And don’t try to compartmentalize my feelings for you because you’re too goddamned afraid to admit that you feel the same,” he cut in, pressing his forehead to hers. “I wanted you from the first moment I saw you and I’ve spent entirely too much time running from it rather than facing it because I was trying to make sure you were comfortable with what was about to change between us.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that because nothing is changing between us.” She shook her head. “You’ve fucked your way through New Mexico but the moment I show any interest in someone else, you lose your mind? Be honest, Mak. You’re terrified that if things go further with Eli than you anticipated, you won’t have your go-to girl anymore.”

  Maikao snorted. “You’re so good at that.”

  “Good at what?”

  “Lying to yourself. You’d rather believe what you’re saying than accept the fact that you’re in love with me.”

  “Hey! Fuck y—”

  He’d spun her around to face the wall so fast that all Addison could do was slap her hands against it and try to push back. He didn’t relent, keeping her pinned there with one hand. “Mak...” she warned in a low voice.

  “Quiet,” Maikao ordered, grabbing the bottom of her sundress, lifting it above her thighs and tucking it into the strapless back. “I’ve always warned you that mouth of yours would get you into trouble.”

  “Mak, what the hell are you doing?!” She could feel the cool kiss of the AC suddenly blow over her now-bared behind.

  “Teaching you a lesson on what happens when you decide obstinacy is better than compliance.” His palm came down on the right ass cheek and Addison yelped.

  “See,” Maikao continued in that controlled voice. “I don’t think you’ve grasped it yet—” His palm smacked the other cheek and she went up on her tiptoes, trying to escape the next swat. “That you belong to me.” More swats followed in quick succession. “But you’ll understand soon enough.”

  Addison braced herself for the next smack, confused as to why she hadn’t killed him yet and why the seat of her panties suddenly felt so goddamned wet. Heat radiated up her spine as blood rushed straight to her clit. When Maikao ran his hand over her flesh, she jumped, and he shushed her by doing no more than massaging what had to be the reddened areas of her ass.

  Just when she got comfortable with his caresses, briefly forgetting that her best friend had just finished spanking her, he swatted her a few more times and Addison’s forehead hit the wall, her eyes slamming closed. The worst part of all? Instead of attempting to claw his eyes out, she moaned and arched backwards, asking with her body for more.

  Chapter Six

  Don’t come in your pants. Don’t come in your pants. Do not come in your pants! Those were the only thoughts playing tug-a-war with Maikao’s mind as he heard Addison suck in a breath before she exhaled on a moan. His cock was so hard that it hurt, the abrasion of his boxers irritating the sensitive head. But when she pushed back into his hand, as though she were asking for him to smack her ass, his mind went blank; its only focus on the need to join his body with hers.

  Maikao gripped her around the shoulders and spun her back to face him, the image of how she looked pushing back into his caress and causing him to briefly feel dizzy, he was so aroused. When she tried putting her hands between them, he simply held them behind her back with one of his own, holding her tightly enough that she couldn’t escape. He lowered his head and fastened his mouth to hers, the taste of Addison invading his senses and nudging him just that much closer to the edge. He wanted to fall head first over that edge—with her.

  Her entire body shook as Maikao thrust his tongue between her compliantly parting lips. For a moment, the kiss started out soft and gentle, but soon turned urgent and bruising when Addison nipped his bottom lip. He could feel her weakening against him as he let go of her wrists and reached up to cup her face in his hands.

  Pulling back, he stared at her and swallowed after seeing the expression on her face. She gazed back, her eyes glazed over with the same lust that he was feeling. Maikao rubbed his thumbs over her cheeks and she reached up to grip his wrists.


  He had no idea who moved first but his hands suddenly went from her face to her thighs, tearing her panties before he tossed them over his shoulder. Her hands were in his hair, tugging; then one trailed lower, pulling at his shirt in earnest. Letting go of her for just a brief second, he ripped it up and over his head. Addison’s tongue met his tattoo, the one he’d painstakingly added onto for years, tracing the tribal pattern. When she bit him, her eyes glittering up at him with an almost sinister intent, he firmly pushed her back into the wall then dropped down to his knees.

  Maikao chose to ignore her whispered, “Jesus” and instead hiked her dress back up, commanding her to hold it. She did so without argument and he spread her legs as far as he could, his attention now on the swollen lips of her pussy, moisture glistening between her thighs, clit fully engorged. His mouth watered as the scent of her teased his nostrils.

  Nuzzling her lower belly, he took a second to savor the fact that he finally had Addison where he wanted her—showing him that she wanted this as much as he did. He flicked his tongue out and touched it to her clit once. Her groan reverberated off the walls in an echo of pleasure. Addison ran her hand through his hair.

  Taking that as the sign to continue, Maikao lashed her nubbin with lick after lick before stiffening his tongue and tunneling it into the opening of her pussy. Her legs buckled but he held her up, never once stopping the way he fucked her with his mouth.

  “Mak!” she hoarsely cried, her body beginning to shake and writhe harder. Pulling back, he wrapped his lips around her clit and sucked while simultaneously pushing two fingers into her drenched heat just in time for her canal to squeeze his digits with enough fervor that it made his dick jealous. When he rose onto his booted feet, Addison was panting, sweat beaded on her forehead. He kissed her temple then grabbed her behind the thighs once again, wrapping her long legs around his waist.

  Using his hair, she tugged his head back, then slanted her mouth over his own. Maikao reached between them, unzipping his jeans and shoving them, along with his boxers, down; finally freeing his cock. He rubbed the head between the lips of her labia, hearing the way her breath hitched, her hips moving against him, determined to capture what he held just out of reach.

  “Tell me you want me,” he demanded, guiding his cock head over her clit in slow circles, then dipping just the tip into her opening.

  “Oh God...Mak...please...” She tried to move but his grip on her hips was too firm. He could feel his resolve slowly slipping away but he couldn’t give her the upper hand...yet.

  “Tell me what I want to hear, Addie.” He murmured against her ear and gently bit down on the lobe.


  “Say it.” He slid further into her, then pulled back once more.

  “I want you!” Addison shouted, gripping his shoulders, her nails biting into his skin. She looked at him, her hair beginning to loosen from her bun. Her eyes were narrowed into slits as she hissed, “Now. Fuck. Me.”

  Maikao backed her up into that wall once more and shoved all the way home, going so deeply that he would swear he tapped her womb. She screamed on impact and he covered her mouth with his own, fucking her in earnest, his hips moving with a ferocity that should’ve scared him. But it didn’t. He hadn’t wanted anyone as badly as he’d wanted Addison in...ever. He needed her like he needed oxygen. Craved her the same way his body craved food. Loved her like he would never love another.

  He screwed his hips into her own, rotating slowly before retracting his cock until only the head was left inside, then slammed into her. Addison’s back slapped against the wall, the movement of their bodies now causing a banging sound effect to bounce around the elevator. Maikao never stopped going, never stopped loving her.

��Shit. Ah. Yes. Right. There. Jesus.” Addison cried, mouth pressed against his throat.

  With one arm he held her to him, the other he slapped against the wall, his stance widening for more leverage as she gripped him tighter between her thighs.

  “Mak...Mak...Mak...” She chanted like his own personal cheerleader and he could feel his balls tighten up.

  “Pull the top of your dress down,” he growled. She did so and he took in the sight of her breasts shaking with every thrust, her thick nipples right where he wanted them. Maikao latched onto the left one and didn’t let go. Addison pulled him to her even tighter, nails raking his scalp, her body moving against his own.

  He could feel a fire start at the base of his spine as her pussy began to massage and squeeze him the same way it had his fingers. She was getting wetter by the second and he knew that when she climaxed, he would, too.

  Maikao let go of her nipple with a wet pop and commanded, “Come for me, Addie.”

  Like the good girl that she was, her body arched up and away from the wall. Her mouth parted on a silent cry that he inhaled as he connected their lips, groaning as his cock jerked once, twice, then released fully.

  He could honestly say that the only thing to top that moment was when Addison leaned back, her eyes blinking wide, before she said, “Wowzers.”

  He was so content that he could hum. But he didn’t. No, he just basked in having the solid, lushly curved sweet smelling weight of Addison’s slumbering form resting on him. Maikao reached up to brush a stray curl back from her face and she buried her head further between his shoulder blade and his throat, sighing in her sleep.

  They’d stumbled from the elevator after he restarted it and made their way into her apartment, eventually falling into bed after a slower session of lovemaking.

  Inhaling, he ran a hand down her back to the curve of her hip and let his fingers trace nonsensical patterns on her skin. His eyelids dipped, but didn’t close. No, he wanted to savor this; wanted to truly take in what it meant to finally have her as his own. She felt so right tucked into his embrace that the baser, more emotional side of him felt it all the way down to his soul.

  God he loved this woman. There was no way he’d ever be able to live without her. He needed her to breathe. Addison stirred as the sound of knocking from her front door disturbed their lazy haven.

  She started to sit up. “Wha...”

  “Shh,” Maikao soothed. “Lay back down. I’ll get it.”

  Nodding, Addison simply turned over and burrowed her head under a pillow, leaving him to slide out of bed with a grin in place as he noticed that the sheets were slipping dangerously low on the curve of her ass. He loved that ass. It always seemed to want to make its presence known when he was around.

  Pulling on his jeans, Maikao walked through her well-furnished place and swung open the front door right as Eli lifted his hand to knock again from the other side.

  “What?” Maikao barked.

  Eli’s brows lifted so high that they almost disappeared into his hairline. “Uh...where’s Addie? We had a date tonight and she never showed. I’ve been calling and getting no answer.”

  Damn right, he was getting no answer. Her phone was still confiscated. It wasn’t like she could’ve answered it anyway. “Asleep.” There was no expounding on the response. Maikao simply folded his arms across his chest and widened his stance.

  Eli pointed behind Maikao. “In there?”

  “Where else would she be asleep?” He asked raking his friend with a look, still a little more than annoyed that Eli had asked Addison out.

  Lips twitching, the other man looked him over then snorted. That snort turned into a chuckle before that chuckle became an all-out laugh; going so far that Eli was eventually bent over at the waist, just laughing.

  “What the hell is so funny?”

  Eli stood straight, wiping his eyes. “You! Because you finally stopped being a bitch!”

  Maikao’s eyes narrowed.

  Continuing, Eli said, “I’ve been doing everything in my power to piss you off enough that you’d finally do what needs to be done and bam! Here we are!”

  “Wait,” Maikao held up a hand, utterly confused. “You’re telling me that you—”

  “Have been flirting with Addie on purpose? Yes, you dumbass! After that stunt at the charity ball I figured I’d put us all out of our misery and ask her out.” Eli spread his arms wide. “I am a genius. Am I not?”

  In answer, Maikao stepped back and slammed the door in his best friend’s face.

  Eli simply took the opportunity to shout, “You’re welcome, asshole!” from the other side.

  Shaking his head, he turned back towards the hallway that would lead him to Addison’s bedroom. A slow, predatory smile curved his lips. Yes, Eli’s little plan was clever, but the one forming in Maikao’s head was so much better.

  Chapter Seven

  Addison stretched her hands above her head, a small smile flitting around her lips as the scent of Mak all over her sheets enveloped her. Oh, she was more than a little happy that her hotheaded he-man had cornered her like wounded prey. The results had been satisfying, to say the least. She could still hear him in her ear whispering about how good she felt, could still feel his hands all over her. Every part of her body had been well loved...and then some.

  She started to pull her hands back down but realized it was impossible. That may have had something to do with the fact that they were tied to the headboard. Eyes going wide, she looked up at the carefully constructed knots around her wrists made by what looked like her fall cotton scarves. Scarves that she’d paid a pretty penny for.

  The low sound of buzzing drew her attention away from her restraints and towards the widely grinning male at the foot of her bed. Addison’s gaze took in Mak’s half-dressed form and the very rabbit that had started all of his hand...turned on.


  Something wicked lit his gaze as he stared at her. “Good. You’re awake.” His lips twisted. “I have a question for you, Addie.”

  She stared.

  He looked from the rabbit to her. “Now exactly why do you have this when you swore it was for Carmen?”


  Maikao leered at her. “Just as I thought.” He walked closer.

  Her eyes widened as she took in the determined look on his face. “What are you doing?”

  “Oh see, if there’s one thing I learned in the firehouse, baby, it’s teamwork. When you’re struggling through a mission and you have your partner,” he turned the rabbit onto a higher setting. “It makes things so much easier.”

  Addison burst into surprised laughter. “Mak, no!”

  “Oh but, Addie, I must.” Sitting where her thighs lay beneath the sheets, he pulled the one covering her lower half backwards. “See, I’m on a mission and I need my partner to complete it.” He shrugged nonchalantly. “Not ashamed to say sometimes a little help has never hurt me. I was on the skeptical side about this whole toy thing, but—” Maikao ran a hand up her thigh, eyes burning into her own. “—I’m beginning to believe it just may have its merits.”

  “Mak,” she started softly, calmly. “How about we talk about this mission and come to a reasonable, sane conclusion that will keep me from possibly going into convulsive shock tonight because you went playing with stuff?”

  “That doesn’t really work for me, baby, because if I know you—which I do—I know that my goal here will not be an easy one to come by. You, sweetheart, have proven to be quite difficult and I need you as compliant as possible.”

  “I don’t think I can get any more compliant, Mak. I’m tied to a bed and I haven’t screamed about cutting off your balls even once.”

  “Hmm,” he hummed softly, then pushed his free hand between her legs, stroking her thighs as her pussy began to moisten. “If I thought that were true, I’d be able to reach into my jeans pocket and take out the ring box without a doubt that you’d say yes.”

  Her thighs snap
ped together as she scooted up the bed. “Wait...wha...” She adored Mak, was in love with him, but the thought of marriage set her breathing on a near-rapid pace that bordered on hysterical.

  “See?” Maikao pointed out smugly. “That is not compliant.”


  “Shush.” He said.

  Her brows winged. “Did you just shush me?”

  “Yes.” Then he turned off the softly humming toy and set it aside before gently gripping her ankles and pulling her back down into her original position. “Now quiet yourself and bask in the amazing amount of pleasure you’re about to experience due to my loving, yet manly hands.”

  “Dude, you are seriously...Oh God!” Addison’s hips shot up off the bed at the sensation of Maikao leaning over to suck a nipple into his mouth before gripping it between his teeth and tugging right as he slid his middle finger into her drenched canal and stroked over her g-spot. Within seconds she was panting, her legs locking around his wrist to hold him where he was.

  He continued to play that part of her body, strumming the same way a guitarist would do his favorite note. Shudders racked her form, sweat beginning to bead on her forehead as her body went from hot to cold, then back again. As he managed to add another digit, she rode his hand harder, moans pouring out of her that got louder and louder by the minute.

  “Addie, you sound awfully close to coming,” Mak observed, watching her with hooded eyes. She should’ve felt embarrassed by the way she was creaming over his hand, or by the way her hips moved with wild abandon, but the expression on his face told her that she was giving him exactly what he wanted and more. She couldn’t look away, just bit her lip and clenched her hands as she enjoyed the sensations his touch caused.

  When he stopped, Addison whimpered.

  “Shhh, I’m not going anywhere.” Then he was there with that rabbit. The very same one she’d used several times over the night of the charity ball, after he’d made her feel as though she were coming out of her skin. “As soon as you see my way of thinking,” Maikao continued, pushing the head of the toy inside of her as he started it up once more. “You can come.” He thrust the vibrator as far as it could go and turned it up on its highest setting, the bunny ears furiously working against her clit.


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