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Smut by the Sea

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by Lucy Felthouse

  Title Page

  Smut by the Sea

  Edited by Victoria Blisse and Lucy Felthouse

  Publisher Information

  Smut by the Sea Published in 2012

  By Andrews UK Limited

  This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published, and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  The characters and situations in this book are entirely imaginary and bear no relation to any real person or actual happening.

  Copyright © House of Erotica 2012

  The right of the authors to be identified as authors of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Cover art created by Fuschia Ayling

  Introduction by Victoria Blisse

  Why Smut?

  Smut is a word with negative connotations to some. It can be seen as something insulting, creepy and seedy. I’d like to change that perception to the light-hearted definition myself and many Brits hold for smut. Have you ever watched a Carry On film? Well that’s smutty. It’s sexy, humourous and fun. How about the old cheeky seaside postcards of the fifties and sixties? They’re smutty too and that’s exactly the feel we wanted to evoke in our Smut by the Sea stories.

  What is Smut by the Sea?

  It’s that typically saucy seaside fun and carefree attitude, when you have an ice cream in hand, sand between your toes and an Adonis putting the suntan lotion on your back. It’s those moments when you are sunning yourself unaware of the stranger watching you and just what they’d like to do. It’s the romantic getaways, naughty weekends and those stolen moments of pleasure along the promenade. It’s magical sea creatures, the lure of the ocean, fish, chips and a cock or two.

  This anthology

  The stories in this volume feature a wild, arrogant pirate, a selkie, fun with ice-cream when the parlour is shut, hot surfers, a balcony with a sea view, an open top bus, dodgems, fairground rides and much, much more.

  Each story has been picked for its unique maritime feel. Each tale is filled with love for the ocean and the areas where the land borders the deep blue. The authors skilfully transport you to these special places with their words. So find somewhere to recline and enjoy your read. It doesn’t matter if it’s raining, if you’re on the bus, in your garden, kitchen or bedroom; be ready to be transported to the beach for some smutty seaside fun.

  Last Chance Summer

  By Lexie Bay

  Do you remember how summers were back in the old days?

  I remember them lasting for an eternity; the blistering sun was relentless and the days were never ending. Every day was infused with the heady scent of coconut sun lotion and hot sweaty bodies and wherever you looked there were guys wandering around with their tops off. Hours spent on the beach topping up your tan until you glowed, then long hot evenings in the pub garden, tops sticking to overheated bodies as you drank cold beer until it finally got dark late into the night. Somehow today’s summers never seem to match up to the old days.

  There’s something magical, almost mythical, about summers past and my favourite one was no different. Of course there was a boy involved; all the best summers involve sultry nights of heated passion, the empty days stretching out before you, heavy and ripe with possibility. There is nothing more sensual than the feeling that you could do anything and be anyone, bathed in the searing hot rays of the sexy summer sunshine, bringing lust simmering to the surface of every encounter.

  I’m sure you can remember your magical summer. Let me tell you how mine started….

  18 July 1997

  It’s another gloriously hot day in the little seaside village where I live. You can smell the tourists as they walk up and down the high street; coconut sun cream and sweat. The pubs are heaving, people spilling outside into the sunshine, laughing, smoking and drinking cold beer. I’m waiting for my best friend Danni to finish her shift, perched on the wall outside the cafe with an ice lolly, watching a guy sticking up a poster on the bus stop. He finishes and I try to get a look at what he’s put up, the vibrant colours of the poster catching my eye.

  Butler’s Funfair it says in bright yellow letters on a turquoise background. Thursday 19th to Sunday 22nd July. All rides half price on Thursday.

  That’s tomorrow! Thank God, at last something to do other than shopping and drinking. It will be the perfect antidote to lounging around trying to ignore the fact that I have a very responsible and grown up job in the city that begins as soon as the sun starts to drain out of the days. This is the last time I will ever have an empty summer to do whatever I want with and so far I feel like I’m wasting it. Something exciting needs to happen soon.

  I jump down from the wall as I finish my lolly, chucking the stick in the nearby bin. The poster now has my full attention as I hungrily absorb the words. I’m obsessed with the funfair so this is the best thing that’s happened in Pevensey Bay in ages. I can almost smell the candy floss and toffee apples, hear the loud music and the screams. I’m like a moth to the flame when the fair’s in town. I reach out and touch the poster, letting my fingers slide over the letters. My heart’s racing and a shiver runs through me.

  The thing is, fairground boys are my weakness. There’s something about their easy, laid back way that sends my body into overdrive. I’m a sucker for their wolf whistles and I flirt shamelessly with them, giggling at their cheeky comments. I can’t stop watching as they move around the rides and the thought of snuggling up with one in his caravan makes me weak at the knees. My friends think I’m insane but I don’t care; there is nothing hotter than a big strong guy who can take care of anything and treats you like a princess. Of course in my dreams all fair boys are like this; romantic, sexy, tanned and gorgeous. I admit it’s a bit stereotypical but it’s a fantasy.

  “Jessie! Don’t tell me, we’re going to the fair tomorrow?”

  I jump. Danni’s crept up on me while I’m daydreaming. “Of course we are,” I say grinning at her, “there’ll be hot boys there!”

  “Well, there’ll be boys there sure, but I don’t understand what you see in them. They’re all sexist and grubby and frankly weird.”

  I laugh. “That’s what makes them hot. They’re real men that appreciate women! Just imagine how romantic it would be to travel around the country, sleeping under the stars, wrapped in their gorgeous strong arms…”

  “Sleeping in a caravan, Jessie, you’d be sleeping in a hot, sweaty tin box. It’s hardly under the stars is it?”

  “Shut up! Sleeping under the stars with a guy who’s crazy in love with you, his body tanned and toned from working outside every day.” I sigh.

  “You’re an idiot,” says Danni, “it would be horrible and hard work and they probably have a girl in every town they visit.”

  “Indulge me?” I plead, “Come with me tomorrow, you haven’t got work until Sunday now. We can go every day.”

  Danni rolls her eyes and sighs. “I will come with you, but only because you know I love being spun through the air on the rides. Absolutely not to check out the boys. You can have them all to yourself, you sad girl!”

  “Thanks babe, you’re the best. Drink?” I suggest as we walk towards our parents’ houses. Danni checks her watch and nods.

  “Yeah, I don’t fancy going home yet, my mum’s on the warpath about paying rent or moving out. I envy you with your fancy new job in the city; I bet your mum isn’t on your case 24/7.”

  “Don’t believe it; she ke
eps on about getting a summer job. I’ve tried telling her that this is my last chance summer, that I need to be out there making the most of every minute of free time but she doesn’t listen.”

  Danni laughs. “If you’re supposed to be making the most of your summer how come we’re going to spend the next few days hanging around the fair?”

  I roll my eyes at her. “Flirting with hotties is making the most of my summer, duh!” We duck through the crowd that’s partially blocking the door of the Beach Tavern. It’s cooler inside and not as busy; everyone’s outside trying to catch as much of the afternoon sun as they can.

  “Hey ladies, long time no see,” the landlord jokes, “how’s your day been?”

  “Hey Stephan,” I say, “not bad, but we need a drink desperately. Can we get two vodka, lime and sodas please?”


  Not far from the pub the fair is arriving, the steady stream of trucks, lorries and caravans making their presence felt throughout our little village. The grass of Pevensey Rec is soon covered and it doesn’t take long for everyone to spill out and start putting up the rides and concession stands. A tall, dark guy is lounging against his caravan watching his older brothers unloading their ride from their father’s truck. He lights a roll up cigarette and pushes his hair out of his eyes.

  “Oy, Tommy, you lazy little bastard, get your arse over there and help your brothers,” his dad growls, clipping him around the ear as he emerges from behind the van and walks past him.

  “Jesus Dad, you scared the living shite out of me,” Tommy moans, pushing himself off the caravan and heading to where his brothers are erecting the Waltzer. “I was just going to help.”

  “Were you fuck, you lazy shite.”

  “Will you leave him alone, Paddy; he’s helping now isn’t he?” Tommy’s mum shouts out of the caravan door. “You’re always on his case.”

  “Well if you didn’t treat him like the fucking second coming, woman, I wouldn’t have to be,” Paddy grumbles.

  His mum glares at him and disappears back inside to straighten out the van. Tommy chucks his cigarette onto the grass and grabs a spanner to help his brothers. He could pretty much assemble the ride in his sleep by now, but they had to make sure everything was exactly as it should be. All around them the fair is taking shape, the lads shouting to each other as they mark out the space for each of their rides, the ones with the bigger, faster rides teasing the ones with the smaller kid’s rides, the good natured banter filling the early evening. Beers are passed around and nuts and bolts are checked and double checked long into the night.

  Tommy is looking forward to tomorrow, the promise of a local girl falling for his charms as usual. Fuck he’s already raging with lust, the scent of the sea in the air making him even more horny than usual. He can’t stop thinking about them in their little shorts and crop tops, all tans and hair and long slim legs. Tommy loves his life, he truly does.

  19 July 1997 - Daytime

  I’m awake so early I watch the sunrise through the early morning mist on the beach. This is the first day of the holidays that I’ve actually been excited about getting up. My windows are open wide and although there’s a slight chill in the air I can feel that the day is already heating up. This is perfect; I can flash as much skin as necessary to snag myself a sexy fairground boy. I close my eyes and imagine rough, calloused hands sliding over my skin. All I can think about is being pulled behind the ghost train and snogged to within an inch of my life. The next thing I know it’s 7.30 and Danni has sent me a message.

  Get your arse out of bed, Jessie. The sun’s shining and today we’re going to find you a grubby fair boy.

  I giggle in anticipation.


  Of course we arrive at the Rec way before the fair opens. Danni has brought snacks and we munch through a bar of chocolate and a bag of salt and vinegar crisps, watching as they carry out all the last minute checks.

  “Do ya wanna test some of the rides for us, ladies?” a big, Irish sounding guy shouts over to us. We look at him and then at each other. Danni mouths the word “hottie” at me and giggles.

  “Ah, come on, it’s perfectly safe and it’s all for free. Sure, you’ll be doing me a favour; me Da will be on me case if I don’t get these going.”

  “C’mon,” Danni hisses, “you won’t get a better offer than that! Even I have to admit that one’s cute.”

  We stand up and walk over to where he’s grinning at us. I can’t help but stare at him. He’s even hotter than I hoped for. Think a young Gerard Butler with a hint of Brad Pitt in Snatch. His hair is dark and messy, long enough to touch the top of his sexy white t-shirt and his blue eyes are sparkling as he looks us up and down.

  “I’m guessing you like the funfair?” he laughs. “You’ve been sitting waiting for ages and we’ve still got another 40 minutes til we open.”

  I nod, suddenly tongue-tied. He’s gorgeous and I can feel myself blushing from my toes to my cheeks. His biceps are bulging out of his vest, his jeans slung low on his hips and oh my God he’s wearing cowboy boots. I think I might come on the spot.

  “Well come on pretty ladies, hop on and let’s make sure all the nuts and bolts are tight before we open the gates.”

  He takes my hand as he helps us into the bucket seat of the Waltzer. “This is my ride,” he grins, “I helped me brothers put it together yesterday so you’re putting your lives into me hands here.” I’m so busy enjoying the warmth of his grip that I forget to speak. Danni nudges me and frowns.

  “Did it take you long?” I ask fluttering my eyelashes at him, squeezing his hand when I step into the car. I smile as he watches me, his eyes drawn to my boobs spilling out of my tight t-shirt and the way my hot pants tighten around my tanned thighs as I sit down.

  “Not really,” he shrugs, “we know what we’re doing.”

  “I’ll bet you do,” I murmur, my gaze lingering on his full lips, imagining how they would feel all over my naked body.

  He winks at me and drops the bar, moving round behind us. “I hope you like to spin, girls, I have a feeling this is going to be a wild ride.”

  I’m oblivious to anything but the smell of him as he stands behind us and the lights flash across the roof of the ride. “Remember babe; scream if you wanna go faster!” He winks at me again and I finally get my flirt on. I blow him a kiss and he starts up the ride. He says something but his words are lost in the heavy bass line starting up and the ride begins to move.

  I can feel the adrenaline rush almost immediately. This is where I’m happiest, amongst the grease, the bright lights and the pounding music. It’s such a turn on. Intermingled in all of the dirty, noisy chaos is the fresh scent of the sea, lending a magical twist to the whole thing, transporting us; reminding me of beach holidays abroad. I want to snog the face off this cute guy. I want to feel his tongue in my mouth, his body pressing against mine while the adrenaline pumps through my body. He’d be wild and crazy, not caring who saw us, claiming me as his and ravaging my willing body at every opportunity. The heady rush of the spinning ride is making me giddy and the tantalising flashes of his incredible arms as he spins us are the ultimate turn on.

  “Come on ladies, I wanna hear you scream.”

  We squeal, almost unable to speak as he spins the car faster and faster.

  “Ah come on now, is that it? I’m sure I can make you scream louder than that.”

  I can hardly see him as we whirl past but I could swear he winks at me.

  I would love for him to make me scream. I think he would make me moan and whimper too, his cock driving into me making every inch of my body calling for him. Fuck, my nipples are like bullets straining against my t-shirt as I imagine us together.

  Danni screams as the music gets louder and he spins us even faster. She clutches my hand and I look over. She looks a bit green and I have to say I’m relieved when the ride finally slows and the music dies down. The Waltzer comes to a halt and he raises the bar.

  “I think I’m gonna puk
e,” Danni mutters as he helps us out of the car, “back in a minute.”

  She legs it over to the toilet block and disappears inside.

  “Do ya think your mate’s okay?” he asks and stares at me, his eyes dancing.

  “Yeah, she’ll be fine, she always thinks she’s gonna throw up but she never does.”

  We stand there, an awkward silence between us. I try desperately to think of something to say.

  “Do you want - ”

  “Are you - ”

  We both start to speak at the same time and then laugh. The atmosphere between us is electric.

  “I’m Tommy,” he says, sticking out his hand towards me.

  “Jessie,” I reply, grabbing his hand.

  Instead of shaking it he pulls me towards him and suddenly I’m pressed tight up against his chest. “That’s a very pretty name for a very pretty girl,” he murmurs, then without any warning his lips are pressed against mine. I gasp at his forwardness and he takes the opportunity to push his tongue into my open mouth. He tastes incredible and I wrap my arms around his neck and push myself against him. We nearly topple over until he leans back against the ride, pulling me into him. I can feel his cock stir in his jeans and I moan, wriggling against him as his tongue pushes deeper into my mouth.

  Tommy pulls back reluctantly and looks at me, his heart beating hard so that I can feel it as I press against him. “You’re quite the little tease, Jessie,” he says grinning at me, “in your tight shorts and that sexy t-shirt of yours that shows off your tits.”

  “I’m not teasing though,” I whisper, pressing my lips to his again. He growls and his hands are all over me, hot and rough. He pushes his thigh between my legs and rubs against my aching pussy. The thick denim of my shorts creates a beautiful friction against my clit and I moan again, my eyelids fluttering and I lose myself in the sensation.

  He pushes me back a little and I open my eyes. “Your mate’s on her way back,” he grins, laughing as I pout at him for stopping what he’s doing, “What ya doing tonight?”

  “Meeting you in the pub,” I say, “and I’ll prove to you that I don’t tease.”


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