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Smut by the Sea

Page 9

by Lucy Felthouse

  Of course she was up for it. I’ve never known Susie to turn down the chance to go out drinking and there were plenty of hot studs that hung out down at Mulligan’s that she had her eye on.

  Stage 3: dress appropriately for the mission. Drinking, dancing, spying, stalking. I cringed a little over what I was planning to do. But I didn’t have to go through with it. I could just watch and see if he bought the girl a drink or if they left together. I was pretty sure I could construct the rest of the scenario in my imagination without having to follow them down to the sand. But just in case, Susie’s sexy little black dress would be perfect for lurking in the shadows.

  Susie was late but I wasn’t too worried. I’d heard Mr Sex-on-the-Beach leave his apartment nearly an hour beforehand. But he’d have to wait for his mystery woman to arrive - if she even showed up tonight - and then build up the nerve to approach her, have some drinks… It would all take time. I just hoped Susie and I would be able to find a couple of seats at the bar that would give us a good view of what was going on.

  Mulligan’s was packed when we arrived. The usual Friday night after-work drinkers were still knocking them back before finding a late dinner, some already a little the worse for wear, and the later drinking-and-dancing crowd were beginning to filter in. We elbowed our way through to the bar, Susie clocking how many hot guys were in the house for later, me scanning the booths and tables for my next door neighbour. The dancing hadn’t kicked off yet but even the dance floor was crowded with drinkers, voices rising and loud laughter as the alcohol kicked in.

  We came here every Friday, Susie and I, so we felt totally at home. The bartender had put our favourite drinks on the bar before we’d even asked for them and in a matter of minutes two bar stools came free for us to perch on. The lighting gradually dimmed and the music got louder. We eyed up a few of the guys nearby and giggled but it we were three drinks in before I spotted my quarry; he must have gone to eat first, before coming on here.

  Dressed in a crisp, white shirt and the tightest of tight jeans, he sure looked good as he pushed his way through to the bar. The peep hole view hadn’t done him justice. Bee-stung lips, piercing blue eyes and thick strawberry blond hair that swept back to just below his collar. That crooked nose that was all charm and charisma. And when he ordered his drink, he was close enough for me to hear that gorgeous velvety voice again. I angled myself round towards Susie so he wouldn’t catch me staring; I didn’t want him to notice me in case it blew my cover later on.

  With a vodka-and-tonic clasped firmly in his hand, he weaved his way back through the crowd towards the dance floor, where he first nodded at and then got chatting to a couple of guys he obviously knew. They laughed loudly and although he joined in their banter, I could see him scanning the room every few minutes - almost in the same way that I was glancing over at him at regular intervals.

  Susie, of course, hadn’t noticed what was going on. Bubbly blond hair, blue eyes and the sort of curves that men drool over in the street meant that she was quickly fending off the attentions of several good looking guys as well as a couple who were less appealing.

  “Which one shall I go for?” she whispered to me, as the bartender placed another couple of daiquiris in front of us.

  “Which one d’you like?” I said.

  “At least three of them.”

  She subtly indicated the three guys she had her eye on, though not as subtle as she thought as one of them winked back at her straight away. They were all good looking and we’d seen them here before - it was a small town and there weren’t too many joints like Mulligan’s to kick back in.

  I shrugged.

  “If you feel like dancing, go for the one in the black jeans - I can see a bit of hip action there already.”

  The music was ramping up and I knew that Susie would want to get onto the dance floor as quickly as possible. I wasn’t wrong. Three minutes later the guy in black jeans was leading her out onto the floor, where Susie would dance till Mulligan’s closed and then decide whether to bring him home for a bit of the horizontal tango. This was all going according to plan; once Susie was happily off my hands, I could give my full attention to my stalking project.

  Only I’d fucked up. As Susie started getting down, I turned around to see what Mr Sex-on-the-Beach was up to, but he wasn’t there. The guys he’d been hanging with were still laughing and chatting on the edge of the dance floor but my quarry had vanished. If he’d found his girl and they’d already left, I might never find out how the story ended. Damn it. I threw back the remains of my daiquiri and cursed myself.

  “Can I get you another?” said a voice close by.

  It was him. His voice was so familiar now.

  I spun round to see who he was talking to only to find that he was standing right next to me. Looking right at me with those piercing blue eyes of his, a smile playing on his wide, bee-stung lips. Something flipped inside my stomach and I took a deep breath, inhaling the masculine, musky scent of Eau Sauvage. My favourite.

  “You mean me?”

  The hint of a smile grew into a wide grin. More flipping in the stomach department.

  “Yes, if you’d like one.”

  “What about - ?” I started to ask.


  “Nothing, nothing,” I stammered. I’d almost given myself away. “I’d love another drink. Thank you.”

  “I’m Rob.”

  “Charlie,” I said in return. “Hi.”

  I gave him my most stunning smile. If the mystery lady hadn’t bothered to show up, I was more than willing to step into her shoes. This guy was seriously fit and to think that he lived next door to me. I couldn’t believe my luck.

  After that the evening flew by. We chatted and danced and when the music slowed, I slipped easily into his arms and pressed myself against his warm, hard body. I saw Susie slip away with her dance partner and gave her the thumbs up as we mouthed a silent goodnight to each other. Then I nestled into Rob’s shoulder, revelling in the combined smell of his sweat and after shave, enjoying the warmth of his breath on the side of my neck.

  All too soon the lights went up and the evening was over. I wondered whether he’d offer to walk me home. I’d been careful not to tell him where I lived; I didn’t want him guessing that I’d been watching him all evening. What the hell was I going to do if he did offer to walk me home?

  “Come on,” he said, grabbing my hand as we made our way off the emptying dance floor. “I’ve got an idea.”

  We made our way out of the club and instead of turning right at the entrance to walk towards the apartment block, Rob pulled me across the road to the sea front. He turned to face me and took both my hands, smiling.

  “Walk with me on the beach,” he said, his eyes twinkling, his grin irresistible.

  And then finally the penny dropped. The mystery woman. The one he’d been eyeing up at Mulligan’s for weeks. The one he’d been dreaming of screwing on the beach. That was me. He wanted to have sex on the sand with me, and boy did I want it back.

  Laughing, I nodded and together we almost ran down the steps that led to the sand. I felt as excited as a kid on my first trip to the beach, although with somewhat different expectations of what was about to happen. Rob grabbed me round the waist and spun me round on the hard wet sand by the water’s edge. We walked a little way until a jutting bluff took us out of view of the seafront. The town disappeared with its lights and revving cars; all I could hear was the waves crashing a few feet from us and Rob’s laughter in my ear.

  “I love it here.” He practically had to shout for me to hear him above the sea. “So clean and fresh after Mulligan’s.”

  We stopped spinning and he pulled me closer. I slipped my arms around his shoulders and felt his hands firmly at the small of my back, pressing my body up against his. I looked up at him to find him staring down at me, his face suddenly serious.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said, before bending forward to catch my lower lip with the briefest, feather
light kiss. “Charlie, I’ve watched you from a distance for so long - I can’t believe you’re actually here in my arms.”

  I didn’t want to talk, so I slipped one hand up to the back of his neck and pulled his face down to mine. Our lips met and his already tasted salty from the sea spray and the blood roaring in my ears suddenly matched the sound of the surf. It was a kiss that started gently, slowly, in a soft exploration of each others’ mouths, lip to lip, probing tongues softly twined. But as the passion between us built, the intensity grew. With one hand in my hair at the nape of my neck, he pulled my head back and his mouth became hungrier, his tongue more insistent in staking its claim to my very core. And deep within this core, a sensation was building that I was powerless to resist. I slumped against him as my legs weakened and as the scent of him filled my nostrils, nothing else existed in my world. Between my legs a dull ache of longing made me grind my hips hard against him; he reciprocated my need as he pushed back and, through my dress, the soft flesh of my stomach yielded to the hardness of his erection.

  I gasped for air and he bit my lower lip, making me cry out.

  “Have you ever had sex on the beach?” he whispered in my ear.

  I shook my head.

  “Do you want to?”

  In answer, my hands pulled his shirt up out of his trousers and slid up his chest. I needed to see it and touch it straight away, so I simply ripped the shirt open, making the buttons fly off onto the surrounding sand. My mouth went to his nipples and with my hands I could feel the firm musculature, his skin hot and dry under my touch.

  “Tell me you want it,” he said. His voice was thick with desire.

  “I want it more than anything,” I said. “Now. Please.” My voice sounded desperate in my own ears - it was so long since I’d had a man. And beyond my own volition my hands were already reaching out towards the top of his pants.

  He caught my hands in his and pinned them behind my back.

  “Slowly, Charlie, slowly,” he said. “We’ve got all night and I want this to be a night we’ll both remember.”

  Still holding my hands fast with one of his, he used the other to push the black dress down off my shoulders. Then he bent forward and ran his tongue along the length of my clavicle, pausing at the base of my neck to kiss my throat, and then continuing out along the other side. At this my legs turned to jelly and I slipped down him onto my knees in the wet sand. He dropped to his knees as well and the next minute we were lying, partly in the surf, entwined as the icy cold water slathered our bodies with each incoming wave.

  He kissed me again, long and hard, then slid the dress up over my head and tossed it up to where the sand was dry. I lay trembling in the surf with my arms stretched above my head, Rob kneeling above me, drinking in the view. The he quickly slipped my panties down and away with a sharp intake of breath. My bra followed.

  “Charlie,” he gasped.

  I knelt up facing him and this time he didn’t stop me when I grasped his belt buckle and undid his jeans. His cock burst free, eliciting a deep growl in his throat, and my hands cradled it as he struggled out of his pants. It was long and broad and the skin that covered the rock hard interior was as soft as velvet. I had to taste it and I dropped down to blow along the length of it and gently brush it with my lips. Rob groaned and slumped back on the sand, at last allowing me to take control.

  I teased with my lips and my fingertips and my hair until I could see the veins on his cock quite literally throbbing. It bucked free of my grasp as his hips pushed upwards and it took nearly all of my strength to hold it steady so I could get my mouth right round it. The head was so smooth and soft it took my breath away and I wanted to feel all of it in my mouth. I bent lower over him, taking it further and further until the head reached the back of my throat. With one hand I grasped his balls, hot and hard, making his hips jerk once more.

  Now I had to punish him. A small nip with my teeth as I worked his member backwards and forwards into my mouth. Then a caress with my tongue to ease the pain. Beneath me Rob writhed as I squeezed tighter and tighter with my lips, bringing him in and out faster and faster. I could feel his balls constricting and tightening in my hand; he was about to come but I wasn’t about to let him.

  I broke away and plunged into the icy water.

  “Catch me if you can,” I shrieked over my shoulder, laughing as he groaned and put a hand to his bereft organ.

  The next moment he was up and tearing through the knee high water behind me.

  “You won’t get away with this,” he cried, catching me up and grabbing my shoulder.

  As I turned towards him, he used the ultimate weapon - that gorgeous grin breaking his face in two, making my heart skip a beat - and he was back in control. Even as I tried to wrap my arms around him, he had other ideas. He swept me up in his arms and carried me up the beach.

  “You had it your own way. Now it’s my turn to be in charge,” he said severely.

  I couldn’t wait.

  We reached the dunes and after pausing a moment to find the perfect spot, he gently laid me down in a hollow of soft, dry sand. We were both panting from our exertions and now, out of the wind with the warm sand under my back, I felt safe and cocooned. Rob stroked my hair and kissed me, more gently this time, and not for long.

  “On the beach, I’m your master,” he said. “Do you understand?”

  I nodded.

  “You may only do what I tell you.”

  “Yes,” I said. “What should I do?”

  “Lie still and be quiet.”

  Then he knelt above me and pinned my wrists to the sand. The erection he’d lost in the freezing ocean had returned and I stared up at it longingly. He noticed my interest.

  “You’ve been a bad girl, Charlie,” he said. “That’s not for you.”

  He slowly stroked the length of his cock with his hand. I could see how much pleasure it gave him and it was driving me crazy.

  “Please,” I whispered.

  “No,” he said.

  Then he pushed my knees roughly apart until my legs were splayed wide and excitement flared within me. My pussy was aching to be touched and slick with juice. Rob looked down at it and licked his lips.

  “This belongs to me now,” he said and then he plunged downwards, breathing in deeply as his face approached my pudenda. Silently I gave thanks that I’d kept up to date with my waxing but that thought was swiftly pushed from my head as I felt his hand sliding across the entrance to my vagina. With firm gentle fingers he opened my labia and very softly smoothed my musky juices around the whole area. I could feeling him breathing deeply in and out as he drank in my smell while his fingers lubricated and massaged from my mound of Venus down to my pussy and then slipped gently between the crease of my buttocks to make it slick and wet as well.

  The ache in my pussy had become a harsh throbbing; my clit was engorged but so far he had carefully avoided it on his voyage of exploration. Then I felt both his hands grasping my buttocks and I arched my back to offer him my all. A whimper of desire escaped my lips.

  “Quiet,” he said, “or I’ll have to spank you.”


  Snap! A flash of bright pain across my buttocks only made things worse. I needed to feel him inside me and I wriggled in his grasp, unable to control myself. This brought another slap, so hard I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Tears of pain, partially, but mainly tears of frustration. I bit my lip hard and hoped that he wouldn’t notice.

  “That’s better,” he whispered softly.

  And then, at last, I felt his tongue ever so softly trace a line up the outer edge of one of my labia. Then down the other side. Sensation flooded through me and my belly contracted as I surrendered to the current that was now coursing through me. Gradually and skilfully, Rob built up the intensity of what he was doing. His tongue slipped down softly between my buttocks but drew its way up in a hard, rasping lick. Then it explored deep into my vagina. I’d never experienced a man who could manipulate my g-spot
with his tongue before but Rob massaged and sucked and probed until I thought I would explode.

  Naturally, however, he saved the best for last. Finally my engorged, throbbing clit got the attention it had needed for so long. Alternately he nibbled it, massaged it with his tongue and gently sucked it. Powerful spasms of pleasure crashed through my body but Rob was able play me like a skilled musician with his instrument. Time and time again he pushed me right to the brink, only to withdraw the suction, calm the friction, until sensation receded.

  “Now,” I begged once, only to earn another slap across both buttocks.

  But to make it up to me, he caressed my burning cheeks and slid a finger down my butt crack and then deeper still. I lay back in the sand gasping, waiting for him to build things up again. Once again, his tongue danced its path around my labia, in and out of my pussy, up and around my clit. I knew I couldn’t hold off any longer and as he sucked harder, this time working my nipples between his fingers at the same time, I let my body succumb.

  As the waves of pleasure ripped through me and crashed over me, Rob pulled himself forward and plunged his enormous cock, full-length, inside me. The feeling of his huge member thrusting hard into the very depths of me carried the experience to a whole new level of intensity. Our mouths met again and then I was aware of nothing but the pure sensation of our bodies joining in a spiralling, breath-taking orgasm that seemed to go on forever.

  The next afternoon I lay out on my balcony, letting the sun caress my exhausted limbs. I was sated. More than sated: I’d had the fuck of my life and I was contentedly reliving every moment of it as I lay, alone and quiet, on my striped sun lounger. We’d slept for a couple of hours afterwards, on the beach, nestled in one another’s arms. Then as dawn broke, Rob offered to walk me home.

  Feeling a little obvious in my creased, sandy dress, my hair a salty tangle from our impromptu swim, I was relieved that it was still too early for anyone to be up and about. I told Rob that I lived in the apartment building two blocks down from ours, and I kissed him fondly at the entrance, promising to meet him at Mulligan’s the next evening. It was actually Susie’s building, where I used to live, so I knew the code to get in. I wanted to keep where I actually lived a secret from Rob for a little longer. Just one more thing to find out.


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