How the Hippies Saved Physics: Science, Counterculture, and the Quantum Revival
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later career of
passive biopsy designed by
Reality Foundation Prize of
Shimony’s collaboration with
Wolf Prize won by
C-Life Institute
CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Cocks, Clifford
CoEvolution Quarterly,
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude
Cold War
Coleman, Sidney
Coleridge, Samuel
collective unconscious
Columbia University
Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP)
Communist Party, U.S.
Conceptual Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (d’Espagnat)
Congress, U.S.
hidden-variable model of
matter and
psi phenomena and
Schrödinger on
teleological evolution of
Walker’s model of
wavefunction and
Wheeler’s twist on
“Wigner’s friend” thought experiment and
Consciousness Theory Group
Consumer Reports,
Consumers Union
Controlled Offensive Behavior: USSR (Defense Department)
Coppola, Francis Ford
“Correlation experiments and the nonvalidity of ordinary ideas about the physical world” (Stapp)
Cosmic Code, The (Pagels)
Costa de Beauregard, Olivier
computers and
new physics and
science and
Crookes, William
Curie, Marie
Daily Cal,
Dakin, Henry
Dance of Shiva
Dancing Wu Li Masters, The (Zukav)
amended version of
reviews of
Darling, Byron
Dashen, Roger
Dean, John
de Broglie, Louis
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Defense Analysis,
Defense Department, U.S.
Sarfatti’s faster-than-light proposal and
Defense Intelligence Agency
delayed-choice experiments
demarcation problem
Denver, John
Derrida, Jacques
Descartes, René
d’Espagnat, Bernard
Diebold Corporation
Dieks, Dennis
“Dirac equation description of a quantized Kerr space-time, A” (Sarfatti and Wolf)
Disturbing the Universe (Dyson)
Doubleday (publisher)
double-slit experiment
complementarity and
Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment and
uncertainty principle and
wavefunction and
Wheeler’s twist on
Drexler, Eric
Dull, A.
Dutton Books
Dynamical Systems Collective (chaos cabal)
Dyson, Freeman
Eagle’s Quest (Wolf)
Earth Day
Eberhard, Philippe
eightfold way
Einhorn, Ira
background of
Be-In and
contact lists of
corporate connections of
at Esalen
fame of
at Free University
Fundamental Fysiks Group and
at Harvard
Kuhn’s correspondence with
murder conviction of
network of
popular book market and
psychedelic drugs and
Puharich and
teaching career of
Einstein, Albert
EPR thought experiment and
Olympia Academy and
quantum theory doubted by
“Einstein syndrome,”
“Electric Kool-Aid Acid Tests,”
electroencephalography (EEG)
electron diffraction
Electronics and Bioengineering Laboratory
in double-slit experiment
in hidden-variables model
quantum spin and
Elemental Mind: Human Consciousness and the New Physics (Herbert)
Elmwood Institute
Enigma code
Aspect’s interest in
locality, nonlocality and
Epistemological Letters
EPR thought experiment
Bell and
Erhard, Werner
background of
Hunger Project and
Jackiw-Coleman conference and
PCRG funding and
philanthropic ambition of
Sarfatti and
Wolf and
Esalen Institute
Bell’s theorem and
critics of
Einhorn at
Feynman at
first catalog of
Fundamental Fysiks Group and
Herbert at
physics workshops of
Reality Foundation Prize and
Sarfatti at
Sirag at
speakers at
Esalen Institute Publishing Program
Coleman-Jackiw conferences at
criticism of
Fuller and
Hunger Project and
physics conferences tradition of
San Francisco Chronicle incident and
“ETCALLHOME: Entanglement Telegraphed Communication Avoiding Light-speed Limitation by Hong Ou Mandel Effect” (Herbert)
extrasensory perception (ESP)
Fadeev, Ludvig
faith healing
faster-than-light (FTL) communication
Faster than Light: Superluminal Loopholes in Physics (Herbert)
Faust (Goethe)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Express
Feinberg, Gerald
Fermi, Enrico
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Feshbach, Herman
Feynman, Richard
at Esalen Institute
Finkelstein, David
background of
Firmage, Joe
FLASH (First Laser-Amplified Superluminal Hookup)
BB84 protocol and
Herbert’s proposal of
linearity problem and
peer review of
as quantum litmus test
Zurek-Wootters work on
Fondation Odier de Psycho-Physique
Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Ford Foundation
Foresight Institute
Foucault, Michel
Foundations of Physics,
FQXi (Foundational Questions Institute)
Einhorn extradited from
Frankenstein (Shelley)
Franklin House
Freedom of Information Act
Freedom Rides
Free University
free will
Freistadt, Hans
Freud, Sigmund
FTL (faster-than-light) communication
Fuller, Buckminster
Fuller, Robert W.
Fundamental Fysiks Group
assessment and legacy of
Bell’s theorem and
Capra and
Clauser and
counterculture and
demarcation problem and
sp; Einhorn and
fame of
financial backing of
followers of
founding of
fund-raising by
media and
new physics and
no-cloning theorem and
number of participants in
occult and
parapsychology and
physics influenced by
physics mainstream and
psi phenomena and
QUICK scheme and
reunion of
Walker’s talk at
Future Life
Galileo, Galilei
Gamow, George
Gardner, Martin
Geller, Uri
Bohm’s investigation of
critics of
Gell-Mann, Murray
General Atomic
General Electric
general relativity, theory of
Geometry of Meaning, The (Young)
Georgia Tech
Germany, Federal Republic of (West Germany)
gestalt therapy
Ghirardi, GianCarlo
GI Bill
Gilder, Louisa
Ginsberg, Allen
Gladstone, William
Glass, Philip
Glauber, Roy
Global Coherence Monitoring System
Gödel, Escher, Bach (Hofstadter)
Godfather, The (film)
Goethe, Johann von
Gold, Herb
Goldhaber, Alfred
Goldstone, Jeffrey
Goodman, Nelson
Graduate Record Examination (GRE)
Grateful Dead
gravitational lens
Great Britain
occult revival in
Greece, ancient
Green movement
Green Politics (Capra)
Gross, David
Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many-Body Problem, A (Mattuck)
half-wave plate
Harper, Valerie
Harris, Jean
Harrison, David
Harvard Crimson,
Harvard University
Society of Fellows of
Hawking, Stephen
Hearts of Space (radio show)
Heidegger, Martin
Heirich, Max
Heisenberg, Werner
double-slit experiment and
see also uncertainty principle
Herbert, Nick
career of
at Esalen
first book of
FLASH scheme of, see FLASH at Fundamental Fysiks Group reunion
metaphase typewriter of
PhD dissertation of
polarization of light and
QUICK scheme of
superluminal telegraphy and
Hess, David
hidden variables
consciousness model of
spin and
Hitler, Adolf
Hitler’s Last Weapon (Sarfatti)
Hoffman, Abbie
Hofstadter, Douglas
Holton, Gerald
homeopathic medicine
Houdini, Harry
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
How the Irish Saved Civilization (Cahill)
Huang, Al
humanistic psychology
human potential movement
Hunger Project
Hungry Planet, The (film)
I Ching
Imperial College (London)
information science
“Information transmission under conditions of sensory shielding” (Targ and Puthoff)
Institut d’Optique
Institute for Advanced Study
Institute for Contemporary Studies
Institute for Noetic Sciences
Institute for Theoretical Physics
Institute for the Study of Consciousness
Consciousness Theory Group of, see Consciousness Theory Group
Institute of HeartMath
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
International Journal of Theoretical Physics,
International Space Sciences Organization (ISSO)
i2 Associates, a Meta-Corporation of the Emerging Post-Industrial Order
Jackiw, Roman
James, William
JASON group
Jauch, Josef
Jobs, Steve
John F. Kennedy University
Johnson administration
Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy
Jordan, Pascual
Josephson, Brian
Josephson junction
Journal for the Study of Consciousness
Jung, Carl
Pauli’s work with
Kaku, Michio
Kammann, Richard
Kant, Immanuel
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy administration
Kesey, Ken
Kierkegaard, Søren
Koestler, Arthur
Koopman, George
Korea, Republic of (South Korea)
Korean War