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Act of Passion

Page 6

by Mandy M. Roth

  Is she your mate? asked Corbin via their mental path.

  She’s human, said Malik, though he had to admit she had damn fast reflexes for one.

  That didn’t answer the question, replied Corbin.

  Does she smell like a supernatural to you? he asked of Corbin.

  No, returned the Brit.

  She can’t be my mate. Humans aren’t mate material, returned Malik, his body tense. The suppression drug is having adverse effects on me.

  Then exercise extreme caution around the human, added Corbin.

  Malik nodded, wrapping his arms around Brooke’s waist.

  Edee tapped the table. “I’m hungry. Let’s order. You can listen to your heart and never let her go later. Food now.”

  She’d heard him whisper to Brooke too? How?

  Brooke took his hand and led him back to his seat before taking her own. She then put her hand on his thigh as the waiter came to take their order. Malik couldn’t tear his gaze away from her profile as she laughed at Duke and Rurik, who started calling each other various country-specific insults.

  The antics continued and the tone at the table lightened. Striker began telling dirty jokes and Corbin looked tired.

  “Would that I could fire you,” said Corbin.

  Edee offered a joke that made Striker’s sound tame, making the entire table laugh.

  Brooke cringed. “I really can’t take her anywhere.”

  “It’s okay. We have Striker. We understand,” said Duke with his version of a smile.

  Before long the food arrived and everyone ate, having fun, something they’d all been in short supply of as of late.

  Edee and Boomer were the first to stand. Boomer ran a hand through his long black hair. “We’re going over to the nearest club. We heard they have a DJ and dancing. Our goal is to watch Duke and Rurik try to bust a move.”

  Edee laughed, and it was good to see Boomer letting loose with someone he clearly clicked with.

  Striker stood fast. “I’m in.”

  “Of course you are,” said Edee with a sideways glance at the Scotsman.

  Duke shook his head. “No dancing for me. Malik is the one who does that shit. Not me. He also likes that hip-hop crap.”

  “My taste in music is not crap.” Malik finished off the last of his wine. It was true, he did enjoy dancing in clubs. And he did like hip-hop music. Something that got on Duke’s last nerve. When Malik broke out the old-school rap, Duke normally hightailed it out of the room.

  Rurik stood and pushed his chair out, his shoulders back. “Russians are not afraid to dance.”

  “I’m not afraid,” protested Duke.

  Edee laughed. “Dance-off! The bear versus the eagle.”

  Rurik stared at her. “How is it you know I’m a bear? And he’s not an eagle. He’s a wolf.”

  Corbin rubbed his brow, expelling a long breath. “A bullhorn announcing all our secrets would be easier.”

  Rurik’s brow furrowed. “What? What did she mean by bear versus the eagle?”

  Garth touched Corbin’s shoulder. “I’ve got this one.”

  Malik put his hand over Brooke’s. “Up for going to the club?”

  She nodded. “But I’m not much of a dancer.”

  Chapter Six

  Brooke sat close to Malik in the oversized booth that they’d all claimed as theirs. They’d been at the club for two hours and she couldn’t remember a time she’d laughed more in her life. All the men were funny in their own ways, even when they weren’t trying to be, and they all seemed to care greatly for one another. Like brothers.

  She and Edee had a relationship like that. It transcended friendship boundaries. Brooke glanced out at the dance floor to see Edee and Boomer hamming it up together, taking turns doing ’80s dance moves to club music.

  Duke and Rurik were at the end of the booth, leaning on one another as they polished off what she was sure was their sixth bottle of vodka. Though, she didn’t understand how that could be. No one could drink that much and live to tell the tale. They raised their glasses and then slammed the shots.

  Brooke smiled. “Who knew it would just take vodka to bond the eagle and the bear?”

  Malik laughed. “Glad we finally got Rurik to understand the meaning of that. You know, Russian versus American.”

  Brooke touched Malik’s hand as she began to people watch. Malik, Corbin, and Garth talked about medical equipment and from the way they kept sharing looks, she knew they were trying to speak in code around her. She didn’t mind. She was still having a nice time even if she didn’t understand what they were going on about.

  She noticed Mr. Rings across the club, seated at a large booth, surrounded by the men in suits. Women were draped all over the men. The resort clearly had a very liberal view on public displays of affection for the Middle East. That, or everyone involved was worth so much money that new rules were made for them.

  That was probably more the case.

  Mr. Rings locked gazes with her and smiled in a way that made her shiver. Instinctively, she pressed her side to Malik, who lifted his arm, putting it around her as he continued to talk to the other men. He rubbed her upper arm and she put her palm to his chest.

  Mr. Rings whispered something to the man sitting closest to him, and Brooke’s inner alarms went off again. Something deep inside said they weren’t talking about her, they were talking about Malik. They intended to do him harm. She was sure of it. She’d never thought of herself as a violent person, but the very notion that Malik might be hurt by Mr. Rings and his hired muscle made Brooke want to gouge the man’s eyes out.

  Boldly, she sat up straight and glared at Mr. Rings. Cowering and shrinking away from violence faded from her mind. It took her a second to realize Malik was talking to her.

  “What? Sorry.” She glanced at him.

  He looked in the direction she’d been glaring in and his nostrils flared. “What the fuck is he doing here? Does he want to die tonight?”

  Corbin glanced over his shoulder. “Let me guess, asshat is the guy in the white suit.”

  “Yes,” said Garth. “Hmm, I would have thought he’d have major bruising and a broken nose with as hard as Malik laid him out.”

  “If he keeps looking over here, a broken nose will be the least of his concerns,” said Corbin, shaking his head. “Because I’m not sure I can stop Malik should he go at him fully.”

  Garth sighed. “Trust me when I say, you do not want to step in the path of that.”

  Malik took a deep breath and then looked upwards. “Think with my heart, not my fists. Hell, now I just want to think about ripping his heart out with my fists.”

  Brooke couldn’t help but laugh as she realized he was repeating what she’d said to him in an attempt to calm his temper. She touched his cheek and turned his head to face her. Channeling her inner Edee, Brooke pressed her mouth to his, kissing him in a way that left no room for interpretation. She wanted him, and they would be together tonight.

  Malik moaned into her mouth and ran his hand into her hair, upping the level of the kiss.

  Brooke smiled against his lips. “Did that help?”

  Malik kept his lips close to hers. “Help what?”

  Corbin laughed.

  “Help you with your temper,” she said.

  “I’m guessing he doesn’t even remember what he was mad about,” said Garth with a chuckle.

  “I was mad?” asked Malik, his gaze on Brooke’s lips.

  The men laughed.

  “Take her upstairs and show her what an ancient Egyptian can do,” said Duke, slurring his words slightly. “Question, if a mummy has sex, do pieces of it fall off?”

  Corbin groaned.

  Garth laughed.

  Brooke just looked at Duke, confused. “Aren’t you two the same age?”

  Duke opened his mouth to speak but Rurik covered it with one hand as he took another shot of vodka with the other. “Americans are shit with secrets.”

  “Fine one to talk, mister I
’m a bear and he’s a wolf,” said Garth.

  “We should probably cut them off,” added Corbin. “They’ve had more than enough.”

  As the words left his mouth, the song changed from club music to “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor. It was so grossly out of place that everyone took note. Brooke nudged Malik when she saw Boomer and Edee near the DJ booth.

  Boomer looked over and waved. “In honor of Ivan Drago!”

  “Why is he honoring the Russian character from the Rocky movie?” asked Brooke, making Malik and Garth snort.

  Rurik eyed her. “Does everyone know of this Ivan Drago?”

  “Is he for real?” asked Brooke.

  Malik’s lips twitched. “Afraid so.”

  Duke removed Rurik’s hand from his mouth and stunned Brooke by belting out the words to the song.

  There was a giant pregnant pause at the table before Garth, Corbin, and Malik whipped out their phones and began recording Duke as he sang to Rurik.

  Rurik put his arm around Duke and rocked back and forth with him as he poured them more shots. He began trying to sing along too but didn’t know the words so he basically just repeated what Duke said.

  Striker walked up to the booth and raised a brow. “What the hell is in that vodka? Also, was anyone else aware Duke could carry a tune?”

  “No, and I had no idea he had a thing for ’80s soft rock,” added Garth.

  Striker looked to Malik. “I want a copy of that video later.”

  “Of course,” said Malik, smiling wide.

  Duke pointed at Garth, and Brooke was fairly sure that the only reason he and Rurik were still upright was because they were supporting one another. “Shut up, Swedish Chef.”

  As much as Brooke tried to avoid laughing at the insult, she couldn’t help it. Garth’s accent did kind of remind her of the Muppet slightly.

  Garth kept his phone up, recording Duke and Rurik as they launched back into the song. “Laugh it up, Marlow. I feel an Asshole of the Week two-way tie coming on.”

  “For sure,” said Malik, putting his phone away and taking a sip of his drink. He then focused on Brooke. “Are you having a nice time?”

  She beamed. “I am.”

  Edee hurried over. “Come on, Brooke, let’s dance.”

  Brooke put her hands up. “No way. I have two left feet.”

  Edee snorted. “Right. I’ve seen you play all those sports. And you have crazy-fast reflexes. Like a friggin’ cat.”

  “That doesn’t mean I can dance,” said Brooke. She didn’t want to embarrass herself in front of Malik on the dance floor. “And I do not have fast reflexes. I fell into Malik earlier in the hotel room.”

  Edee grinned. “Because he makes you nervous. I’ve seen you, Brooke. And I’ve seen you dancing while doing that kickboxing workout you love so much.”

  “Kickboxing?” asked Malik.

  “Name a sport and Brooke probably has done it. I swear Sporty Spice is my best friend. It’s all I can do to get her out of yoga pants and cross-training sneakers. She makes me tired just watching her work out. I don’t see the point, and I’ve explained that sex done right can give her just as good of a workout if not better.”

  Striker flashed a wide smile. “Aye! We should test that though. Especially if it will improve our health and all. One can never be too fit.”

  “In your dreams, big boy,” returned Edee.

  “Well if I’m nae getting sex, can I least get a dance?” asked Striker as he put his hand out to Edee.

  “I’ll dance with you if you convince Brooke to come out and dance too,” said Edee, a knowing smile on her face.

  Striker set his sights on Brooke.

  Brooke didn’t want to see what the man would do next. She lifted a hand, stopping him before he opened his mouth and something suggestive fell out. “Go dance with her. I’ll be out in a minute. I promise.”

  “Guid enough for me.” Striker turned and picked up Edee, making her laugh as he carried her to the dance floor.

  Another ’80s song came on and Brooke had to wonder what deal Boomer had worked out with the DJ.

  Rurik whistled and she glanced over as he lifted an unopened bottle of vodka. “Liquid courage?”

  “No,” said Malik sternly.

  Brooke ignored him and nodded to Rurik. One second he had the bottle in his hand and the next it was coming at her at a high rate of speed. Without thought, she stood as much as she could in the booth and grabbed it, keeping it from hitting her or anyone else.

  A half second later, Malik’s hand was over hers, as if he were catching the bottle as well.

  A round of gasps surrounded them.

  Garth eyed Corbin. “Did she just get to that bottle before Malik did?”

  Corbin gaped at her. “Yes.”

  Malik snarled as he glared down at Rurik, taking the bottle and flinging it at the drunk Russian, who caught it with ease before falling out of the booth, holding the bottle in the air.

  Duke hoisted the man up. “Way to save the liquor.”

  “Yes,” said Rurik, taking a seat next to Duke again.

  Anger poured off Malik.

  Brooke touched his back. “Stop. He was trying to give me the bottle so I could have a drink before I went out on that dance floor and made a fool of myself. He wasn’t trying to hurt anyone.”

  “He’s too drunk to know what he was doing,” snapped Malik.

  Corbin stood and stared at Malik. No words were spoken but Malik nodded and calmed somewhat.

  Corbin looked to Brooke. “I’m with your friend. You have very fast reflexes. So much so that you managed to get the bottle before Malik did. That’s saying something, Brooke.”

  She didn’t comment.

  Boomer danced his way to the table. He thumbed in the direction of Edee and Striker. “She sent me to retrieve you. She said, she gave in and danced with the asshole. A deal is a deal. Just so you know, Striker is the asshole in this story, not me.”

  Brooke laughed softly as she eased out of the booth, stepping in the direction of Boomer.

  Boomer glanced past her cautiously. “Malik, take it easy. I won’t let anyone touch her.”

  Brooke groaned. “He’s ridiculous, and I swear if he keeps up the displays of dominance I’m going to show him everything I learned in kickboxing classes.”

  “Please let me watch,” said Boomer, leading Brooke to the dance floor. True to his word, he pushed other men out of the way, getting Brooke to Edee and Striker quickly.

  Edee was in the process of forcing Striker to do the robot dance. Much to Brooke’s surprise, the guy gave in and did it. Brooke couldn’t contain her laughter at seeing the large man dancing in such a way.

  Edee yanked Boomer into the mix, leaving him no choice but to join in, which left Brooke cackling. “I have to visit the little girl’s room before I wet myself laughing.”

  Edee gave her a thumbs-up.

  Brooke headed in the direction of the restroom and did what needed to be done. She exited the bathroom and was nearly to the dance floor when it suddenly felt as if spiders were crawling all over her again. She knew without looking that Mr. Rings was behind her. His hand fell upon her shoulder.

  “We have big plans for you and the other,” he said, pressing against her. “Getting you here was so much easier than we ever expected it to be. I was against the farce. No need to waste any time or money. When we can take what we want—you.”

  She stiffened. What did he mean by that?

  He laughed deeply in her ear. “And if you think they can protect you, you’re wrong. We have plans for them too.”

  With that, he released his hold on her shoulder, and Brooke wasted no time running out and towards the dance floor. Strong arms caught her, and she nearly screamed until she realized the person holding her was Boomer.

  “Brooke?” he asked, concern on his face.

  She glanced behind her to find Mr. Rings and three of his men in suits walking out from the hall that led to the restrooms. He winked a
t her and adjusted his suit jacket.

  Boomer kept hold of her. “What did he do? You’re scared. I can smell it.”

  Smell it?

  “I’m fine. He’s just a creep who tried to get under my skin,” she said, unsure she believed as much.

  Boomer released her and locked gazes with her. “Did he threaten you or touch you in any way?”

  Biting her lower lip, she looked away; she’d never been good at lying.

  “Shit,” whispered Boomer. “If Malik finds out, he will kill him—and no, I’m not embellishing. Malik will skin that asshat, probably alive. And then he’ll skin me for taking my eyes off you.”

  “Then we should probably not tell him,” she said, staying close to him, still shaken from the ordeal in the hallway.

  “Not tell who what?” asked Malik as he walked up behind Boomer.

  Boomer’s eyes widened.

  Brooke pushed past him and caught Malik’s arm, turning and tugging him onto the dance floor fully. She pointed up at him. “Laugh at my dancing, I dare you.”

  Heat flashed through his dark gaze as he drew her closer to him and began to move in sync with the music. Somehow Malik made dancing to ’80s music appear erotic. Gulping, Brooke realized just how sexually over her head she was with the man. Yet she still wanted him to be her first.

  He lifted her arms, draping them over his shoulders, his hands finding her hips. He grinned but it faded fast as he sniffed near her shoulder—the very one Mr. Rings had grabbed her by. Malik’s expression hardened. “He fucking touched you again. His scent is on you.”

  “His scent?” she asked.

  He made a move to go towards Mr. Rings but she cupped his face, forcing him to keep his attention on her. “I’m tired of trying to control your temper. Thank you for a fun evening.”

  She walked away from him, only to find herself being spun around. He yanked her against him, his face going to the shoulder she’d been grabbed by. He nuzzled his face against her skin and then her neck. As he licked his way up her neck, she shivered and he put his lips to her ear, purring softly.

  Instantly her body responded.

  He began to grind against her, one hand going into her hair as the other cupped her ass. He licked her ear and then kissed his way to her lips, tugging on her hair lightly.


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