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His Devil's Heat (Club Devil's Cove Book 2)

Page 8

by Linzi Basset

  “No, I’d like you to teach me but does that mean that we . . . you know?”

  “That we what?” Keon asked but he already had a suspicion what she was alluding to. She had obviously experienced the same pull and attraction to him.

  It was hot and throbbing.

  Pure. Sexual. Lust.

  Nothing more. It would never be more. Not for him.

  “What exactly would us being Dom and sub entail?”

  “We’ll scene together. I’ll teach you how to submit, how to tap into your desire to please me until it comes naturally, to obey every instruction blindly, to offer me your body to serve the needs and desires you’ve been burying so deep inside you. And, some of those scenes will result in sex. But, I have to warn you, Lauren. Sex in here, is anything but vanilla style. At times, it will be hot, rough and wild and I promise you this, there will be days that you’ll walk bow-legged as a result.”

  His words didn’t scare her. Adam had exulted in feeding her desire and lust but it had never ended well for her. He loved to watch the expression of pain on her face, listen to her screams of terror.

  She looked into Keon’s eyes. They glimmered with compassion. He wouldn’t be like that. He might fuck hard and rough but Lauren instinctively knew he would take care of her nonetheless.

  “And I love anal.”

  She paled. Hadn’t he noticed she’d indicated no to that?

  “I’m only telling you this so that you realize you won’t be the only sub I fuck. We’re not going to have an exclusive D/s relationship, Lauren but I will guide you into the ways of a sub.”

  And there it was. The warning. It couldn’t have been clearer. Don’t develop feelings for me or expect anything more. It isn’t going to happen.

  “I didn’t expect it to be. It says here all Doms have to wear condoms at all times. I assume you will as well? With others and me?”

  “Of course. I never fuck any woman without protection.” He scrutinized her expression. “Did he? Have unprotected sex with you?”

  “He tried but I refused and I continued to refuse.” She lowered her eyes. “He made me beg at times but I hated that he knew how to weaken my defenses. Every time he . . . he entered me, I wanted to puke.”

  “You do know that what you’re saying, coupled with your actions when we came to fetch you, are in total contradiction, don’t you?”

  “Keon, I—”

  “And I’m not only referring to crawling at his feet. You refused to leave because of him. You wanted to stay.”

  “You shouldn’t judge blindly, Keon. Not everything in life is black or white. Sometimes, a person is forced to adapt to circumstances.”

  “I’m trying to keep an open mind, Lauren but you’re not making it easy. Unfortunately, that means I can’t help but wonder what is true and what is not.”

  Her shoulders slumped dejectedly. Keon LeLuc would never understand why she did what she had.

  She scribbled her name on top of the limit list and made a couple of adjustments. She had no idea what a clothespin zipper was, but it sounded painful.

  “You guys about done? Enzo says our dinner is ready,” Max asked from the doorway.

  Keon smiled at Max. “About time. I didn’t have lunch today.” He tapped the page in Lauren’s hand. “Sign and date it, please.”

  He added his signature next to hers before studying it carefully and then placing it in his desk drawer. He returned with a thin black leather collar. She bore back against the chair when she noticed it.

  “No! No one will ever have such control over me again. Not even you, Keon!”

  “Lauren, this is not the same. This tells all the Doms in the club that you have been claimed by me. See, the lock has a KL engraved on it. This way no one will approach you or attempt to scene with you while we’re here. Especially if I have to leave your side.”

  “But you will remove it once we leave?”

  “Yes, Red, and we’ll leave it in the drawer.”

  She lifted her hair and held her breath when he locked it around her throat. She waited for the same panic and fear to rush through her like it used to every time Adam locked a new bracelet around her wrist.

  It never came. Instead, it offered her warmth, a sense of belonging.

  “Let’s go eat. I’m famished,” Max piped up from the door. He looked Lauren up and down when she stood up to follow them downstairs. “Master Blade, your sub looks beautiful in that dress but she’s gonna stand out like a sore thumb and you know what that means.”

  Keon did. Doms would immediately identify the vanilla in her and feel challenged to unlock the kinky side of her.

  “Yeah, I forgot. Thanks for reminding me,” Keon said grimly. He turned to her and before she could stop him, he yanked the red slip dress down, leaving her in just the lace overlay. “Step out, Red.”

  “What are you doing?” she shrieked but obeyed the gruff instruction before she realized what she was doing. She wrapped her arms over her breasts when she noticed Max raking his eyes over them. “I can’t walk around like this! Everyone will look at me.”

  The two men stared. Without the red slip dress, her skin shimmered in a golden hue through the patterned lace, making her look so alluring that they uncomfortably pulled at their pants, especially as her nipples were taut and pressed against the lace. With the contrast of the red thong, she was breathtaking and a sensual siren.

  “Wait until we’re downstairs. By now, the subs are wearing substantially less than you are,” Max informed her as they began to walk toward the stairs.

  “Before we go further, Red, I want to reiterate a few non-negotiable rules. You follow my instructions without protest, you always walk with your hands behind your back, except up and down the stairs. Never interfere with another couple’s scene. Furthermore,” Keon pinched her chin between his fingers to press his face into hers. His voice deepened and tickled something inside her that immediately stood to attention. “No Dom is allowed to touch you. Not without my permission. Is that understood?”


  “What did I say you should call me in here?” He coached gently.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  His lips twitched. It was going to take a lot more before she trusted him enough in this environment to call him Master.

  Keon surprised himself when he leaned closer and kissed her lips. It was a brief, hard kiss but it visibly shook both of them with the electric charge that sizzled between them.

  He was reluctant to let her go and kept his hand wrapped around her elbow as they walked through the casual seating area toward the restaurant dining area in the opposite corner. It was secluded, with rows of potted plants which created a relaxed atmosphere.

  “Rather late than never,” Keon said, by way of greeting, once they were seated, to Ethan and Pamela who had joined the rest of the team.

  He introduced Lauren to the beautiful Domme. She unconsciously moved closer to Keon, uncomfortable under Pamela’s intense scrutiny. He bit back the smile when she folded her arms protectively over her chest.

  No matter what deviousness Adam had forced onto her, she appeared to be frighteningly innocent in many ways. A trait that Doms found exciting in an environment such as this. Pamela, being such a compelling Domme herself, quickly picked up on it.

  “From her reaction, I imagine she made a big black cross against FF play. Am I correct, Master Blade,” Pamela asked while examining the blushing redhead.

  Keon laughed at the expression on Lauren’s face.

  “Strangely enough, Mistress Pam, she didn’t.” Keon looked at Lauren. “Now why is that I wonder? Curiosity perhaps?”

  Lauren glowered at him. “Perhaps an oversight?” She snapped, not appreciating his candor.

  “Careful, Red. I’m sure the rules and my expectations are still fresh on your mind. Don’t let your first experience in the club be punishment.”

  “My apologies . . . Sir,” she bit out. “I’ll endeavor not to overstep my boundaries.”

>   Keon pinched her chin and pressed his face against hers.

  “Now, why is it that it sounds more like an insult than an apology, my pet? Be warned, Red, I’ll allow for ignorance only so long.”

  Lauren fought the desire to pull out of his grasp. For no other reason than to prevent herself from diving for his delicious mouth, so enticingly close to hers.

  Their dinner was served and the men around the table attacked their meals with gusto.

  Lauren began to relax when she noticed some women walking around with only bras and panties, or just thongs with their breasts bared.

  She understood Keon’s reason for keeping her underfoot but she struggled with her own motives for agreeing to be mentored in submission. Hadn’t she just escaped something similar? She’d just told Keon how much she’d hated Adam’s hold over her and yet, here she was again . . . willingly exposing herself to the same.

  No. It’s not the same.

  Lauren had seen the tenderness with which Rhone treated Samantha. Watching the love shine in her sister’s eyes had made her realize just how badly she craved that in her own life too.

  To love and be loved.

  She stole a peek at Keon. He laughed at something Ethan said. But it was more than the deep sound that stirred something inside her. The laughter reflected in his eyes, in the way his face changed in unrestrained mirth. Yet truly, it wasn’t in his face alone. His laugh came from within, it was just the way he was wired.

  He’d experienced pain and loss in his life; witnessed the death of his wife and his child. Something like that would break the strongest person. But he had survived because he had strength of mind. His soul spanned beyond the here and now. It made him the powerful man she was seeking. Not because of his physical strength but because she instinctively knew Keon would love just as compellingly.

  “Continue to stare at me like that, Red and you will end up ass in air with my cock drilling you into the floor. And I won’t care who watches.”

  Lauren’s cheeks turned beet red but she wasn’t embarrassed enough to ignore the vision his promise caused to flash through her mind. Nor the fact that he would fuck her in full view of the members of the club. She was somewhat flabbergasted that the thought of being at his mercy, with others watching, excited her.

  Oh lord. I’m turning into an exhibitionist on top of everything!

  She opted for a cheeky response to save face.

  “Don’t flatter yourself, LeLuc.”

  His gaze darkened. “That’s three.”

  “Three what?”

  “Finish your meal, Red. You were warned. Now, you will face the consequences.”

  “Warned about what?”

  She stared at him, amazed and overwhelmed with the change in him. The switch to full on Dom was as frightening as it was exciting. He seemed to grow in front of her eyes. His shoulders stretched wider, his chest broader and his biceps bulged as he flexed his arms. But what tickled the submissive deep inside her was the chiseled jaw and the sharpness of his eyes. Not to mention the deep vibration of his voice that found resonance in her soul with every syllable he uttered.

  “I warned you about using my surname and what to call me in here. You disregarded it three times. Finished? Good. Let’s go.”

  He didn’t give her the opportunity to protest. He dragged her to her feet and strode toward the entrance of the dungeon. Lauren had to run to keep up. She didn’t need to see the smiles on the members faces to know how much they enjoyed watching her near naked breasts bouncing all over the place.

  Lauren’s mouth gaped open as they entered the dungeon. The atmosphere was electric, and charged with sexual tension and sounds that caused a tingle of anticipation inside her loins.

  She was so enthralled with various couples scening, the equipment and tools adorning the large open area they’d just entered, that she ran smack into Keon when he halted in front of her.

  He turned to watch her land with a surprised oomph flat on her ass.

  Lauren noticed the amused twitch of his lips and chirped, “Well, next time switch on your damn stop lights, won’t you?”

  “Don’t move,” he ordered when she began pushing herself upright.

  She froze. Her libido spiked at the look he bestowed on her. Her legs were sprawled open and because the lace dress was so narrow, it had pushed up all the way above her hips.

  Keon’s eyes moved slowly over her body, drinking in the alluring picture she offered. Even sprawled out like she was, there was grace in the way her limbs were splayed open.

  “Hm, there’s one thing spoiling my view,” he grumbled as he reached down and ripped the thong from her hips. It was done with such ease and speed that Lauren could do no more than blink.

  “Lovely, Red. Gorgeous pussy. Pity you keep it bald. I would’ve loved to see if the color here fits the rest of you. No. I said don’t move,” he drawled when she tried to close her legs, aware of more Doms and subs slinking closer to watch the scene unfolding.

  “Master Blade, please,” she beseeched him, glancing at the people gathered around, seemingly just as enamored by her naked pussy as he was.

  “You are beautiful, Red. Why deny the others the view? Besides, you did indicate exhibitionism isn’t a problem, didn’t you?” Keon murmured, on his knees between her spread legs.

  Lauren frowned. Damn, I did. But she didn’t expect to be flaunting her privates to an audience the first time she set foot inside the dungeon either!

  “Now, because you are new and inexperienced, this punishment will be easy by all counts. Remind me, sub, why are you about to be disciplined?”

  “You want me to remind you? You know memory loss is a sign of old age, don’t you?” Lauren bit her lip at the darkening look in his eyes and added belatedly, “Sir.”

  Keon leaned closer. He ignored her gasp and spread her legs wider until her knees were hugging her sides.

  Lauren’s breath wheezed from her chest as the people applauded him.

  Oh, shit! I’m splayed open like a turkey on Christmas!

  “You just earned yourself another punishment. Disrespecting me openly is something I will never overlook, my pet. Best you remember that.” He looked up. “Ethan, hand me two lengths of rope, please.”

  The amusement was back in his eyes. “Seeing as you seem to enjoy lying around on the floor, I’ll just take care of that right here.”

  “Need some help, Master Blade?” Ethan asked as he handed Keon two lengths of red, hessian rope.

  “Yes, please, Master Apollo.”

  Keon guided her arm to her leg and they tied her wrists to her ankles. Then they wrapped the rope a couple of times around her bent legs, just below her knees, to keep her spread open.

  “Master Blade, what—”

  “From this moment on, you keep quiet, Red. No talking during punishment, except if you want to use your safeword. This is more than just discipline, my pet. I want to test your willingness to please me, your Dom. For you, it will be punishment but it will please me if you try to follow my instructions.”

  He smiled as he brushed his palm over her labia, spread wide open.

  “Not surprising to find these lips hot and wet, my pet. I daresay, you will enjoy some of it but here’s the thing, you aren’t allowed to climax. No, quiet,” he warned as he pressed his fingers inside her slit. “Ah, lovely expression on your face, Red. Here, you’ve made a mess of my fingers, clean them up.”

  Lauren’s lips fell open when he pushed the digits inside her mouth. She dutifully sucked and licked his fingers clean. Tasting herself on his fingers while looking into his eyes caused a surge of liquid heat to fill her pussy. Her mind swirled with desire. For Keon. To have him suck her juices directly from its source.

  He seemed reluctant to withdraw his fingers as she watched him straighten.

  “Our esteemed members are going to assist in correcting your attitude, my pet. And I daresay, they’re going to enjoy it, but not as much as I will, watching your reaction.”

  Oh, fuck no! He’s going to make all of them . . . do what, exactly?

  Her eyes were glued to his, seeking reassurance. She relaxed when his warm gaze remained locked on hers.

  “Eyes on me, sub. All the time.” He turned to the people surrounding them, with eager anticipation on their faces. Keon was known for using members and other Masters to assist in punishments. “Who is the first to take a sip of this sub’s honey?”

  “Seeing as I assisted with the bondage, I won’t mind the honor, Master Blade,” Ethan drawled and without preamble sank on his knees between her legs.

  Lauren sucked in a breath at the sensations that flooded her body with the first flat swipe of his talented tongue, from the back of her pussy to the front. Over and over, until her hips canted against his face, urging him on for more.

  “Ah, such a responsive sub you’ve offered to us, Master Blade,” he said before he pressed his mouth hard against her nether lips, flicking his tongue in and out of her slit, licking and sucking at the juices he found there.

  Keon watched Lauren’s reaction and was stunned at the unbridled look of lust in her eyes. His anger rose afresh at the realization that Baxter had obviously controlled every aspect of her life—even her arousal. Now that she was allowed free reign to the sensations inside her, she was overwhelmed and seemed to be drowning in the waves.

  “Time, Master Apollo,” he said brusquely.

  Lauren seemed disorientated when Ethan rose from between her legs but she soon became agitated as she watched the eagerness in the sea of faces surrounding her. People she didn’t know. Claustrophobia threatened to suffocate her.

  “Seeing as it’s my sub’s first experience in our club and a newbie to the lifestyle, I think we’ll limit this punishment to the Senior Masters.” Keon smiled gently at the relieved look in her eyes.

  She tried to mask her surprise at the ease with which he could read her thoughts but she shouldn’t have bothered.

  The audience protested loudly but stepped aside to allow Max through.


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