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Speak (Witches & Warlocks Book 1)

Page 15

by R. M. Webb

  The oh so quiet audience isn’t so quiet anymore. There are murmurs and the sounds of people shifting in their chairs. Daya walks around and stands in front of me, watches me scratch between the tiger’s ears. “Is that yours?” Her voice is filled with awe and doubt.

  Shit. More accidental magic. “Ya.” I meet Daya’s eyes for a fraction of a second but don’t have the strength to maintain eye contact. I just want to curl up in a tight little ball, stick my fingers in my ears, and hum until they all go away. “I’m sorry, I got nervous. I didn’t mean to summon her.”

  Daya looks back at Albert and Lucy and then turns out to face the audience. “Tigers belong to white witches.” Many heads are nodding. “We have all the proof we need.”

  “But white magic doesn’t kill!” Someone, I can’t see who, shouts from the audience.

  Daya lifts her eyebrows and the audience goes ridiculously quiet. Apparently, speaking out of turn at a summit is highly frowned upon. “No,” Daya draws out the word, “but black magic doesn’t summon tigers.” She glances behind me again, towards Albert and Lucy. “I suggest,” she continues, maintaining eye contact with the two behind me, “that we keep Zoe at Windsor Manor, teach her, guide her, understand her. As Mr. Abernathy suggests, I suspect she’s quite powerful. It’d be a shame to kill her and waste a chance to learn more about her magic.”

  Lucy and Albert leave their posts behind me and stand beside Daya. Lucy turns and unleashes her wicked smile in my direction. “I’d love a chance to learn more about Zoe’s magic.” Her words are harmless, but her demeanor is sinister and I personally would love it if I never had to look at Lucy again. “I will support your plan.”

  The women turn to Albert. He takes a deep breath and his gaze roams my face, drops to the tiger and I don’t like what I see. I see judgement and doubt. “I have my reservations,” he says, and clenches his jaw tight. “How can we be sure she won’t lose control?”

  “We can’t.” Daya’s rough voice scratches out across the room. “But we can keep a close watch and dole out judgement swiftly if she becomes dangerous.” Lucy beams at me, her too white teeth glistening while Albert considers.

  With a tight breath, he closes his eyes and tightens his lips into a thin line. “Who will stand for her? Guide her?” he asks, turning to face the audience.

  Noah stands without pause. “I stand for her. I will guide her. I take responsibility.”

  All three of the leaders on the stage with me nod their approval. “And who seconds?” Lucy’s calm voice rings out across the silent ballroom. The ballroom continues to remain silent. No one else will speak for me. Why would they? I am nothing. Useless. A broken toy with sharp edges, too dangerous to leave out because it’s likely someone will get hurt.

  Albert looks … pleased? Is that the word? Satisfied? And here I’d thought that he was the one on my side. Lucy and Daya exchange a look of mild disappointment. With a light shrug of her shoulders, Daya shakes her head. “Ok, then. If no one will second, then we’ll have to decide on judgement.” She takes a deep breath and I think my heart stops, so afraid of what she might say next.

  “Wait!” A gravelly voice echoes throughout the ballroom and another rustle of movement ripples through those gathered as they spin in their seats. My heart might have stopped just a moment ago but now it’s beating hard enough for me to hear. I know that voice. That voice that’s so deep and strong, rough and beast like. I know what it sounds like when my ear is pressed to its owner’s chest. I know what it sounds like when it’s taunting me over video games. I know what it sounds like when the owner is talking with his mouth full.

  It’s Luke. The guy I almost love, the guy I trusted for the last several weeks, the guy who only started hanging out with me because of the power I could bring him.

  “I second.” Luke unfolds himself from his chair, a lone man standing in front of a sea of upturned faces. “Give her to Noah, as long as he promises to care for her as if his life depends on it.” Luke faces Noah’s general direction. “Because it does.”

  And apparently, that decides it. I’m ushered off the stage, rough hands grasping my arms and moving almost too quickly for me to keep up. I’m not sure why they’re being so forceful with me. Am I still captive?

  The tiger roars and paces and bares her teeth before fading away, her tail swishing as she watches me. There’s a surge of conversation as those gathered finally speak. Luke’s calling my name over and over and over and he’s so frantic, I want to get to him but the guards are pulling me in the wrong direction. I fight and I thrash, trying to find him, trying to see him but the more I fight, the tighter the hands on my arms get and the harder they drag me away.

  “Luke!” In my moment of need, all I want is him. Maybe it’s because he’s calling for me, maybe because I have a spell on me to make me feel that way, maybe it’s because I’m out of control, being forcibly removed from the room before I can speak to him, whatever the reason, I want his arms around me, I want to feel safe buried against his powerful chest.

  Just as we get to the door, he bursts through the throngs of people. “Wait goddamn it!” And for some reason the guards obey. We draw to a stop and turn and face Luke but they don’t let go of my arms.

  I want him to race up to me and wrap me up and tell me it’s going to be ok. Promise me that he’ll find a way to take care of me. He doesn’t do that. He stands a few feet away from me, his arms crossed over his chest. “I’m sorry,” is all he says. I guess I should have known better. I’ve been alone in this the whole time anyway.

  I have nothing to say, or too many things to say, so I just say nothing at all. Noah plows through the crowd and comes to stand beside me. I don’t know what it is about him, but his proximity does make me feel better. Maybe I’m not so alone after all.

  Luke closes his eyes and shakes his head. When he opens them, they glow faintly red and I make a tiny little choking sound before I gain control of myself. “You take care of her,” Luke says to Noah, his eyes slowly returning to normal. “Understand?”

  “She’ll be better cared for than she has in all her life.” Noah places a hand on the small of my back and I kinda just want to melt into him. The kindness in his voice, the strength I feel in his touch, it’s everything I need right now. He turns to the men who are bruising my arms. “We have a car waiting outside. I’ll take her from here.”

  I totally don’t expect the guards to listen, but they do. My arms throb, reminding me exactly where they had their hands on me. I rub them and kind of sag into Noah who spares Luke one last look before escorting me out of the ballroom and then out of the hotel. Our car is waiting by the door and we manage to get in without any trouble despite the looks we’re getting from all the gathered witches, vampires, and shifters.

  As soon as the doors close and we’re hidden behind the darkly tinted windows, I rest my head on Noah’s shoulders and let out a shuddering sigh. I’m not ready to speak and he seems to get that. Or maybe he just has nothing to say. I’m not sure.

  He does wrap an arm around me and that feels good.

  So this is what it’s come to. I’m Zoe Tate, and I’m a witch. When I speak bad things happen. Maybe good things, too, but I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. I’m apparently very powerful and useful, but not worth enough for anyone to care about. At least not the people I’ve let myself care about. I snuggle deeper into Noah’s shoulder as we turn a corner and Windsor Manor looms in front of us, visible through the front window. He pulls me even closer, runs a hand through my hair and kisses the top of my head.

  “I’ve got you, Zoe. I know exactly what you are and exactly how to help. Trust me and everything’s going to be ok.”

  I pull out of his arms so I can look him in the eyes and I don’t know how and I don’t know why, but I completely believe him.


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  As always, thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to read!

  Books by R. M. Webb

  Witches and Warlocks series:





  Whisper – coming soon!

  Immortal Memories series:



  Reclaimed – coming soon!

  Also in the Immortal Memories Universe:

  Til Death

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21




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