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The Deviant Curse (The Braykith Series Book 1)

Page 22

by Jennifer R. Kenny

  “I refuse to go without him.” Evangeline crossed her arms and did her best to ignore the way everyone was looking at her. Viviana and Teagan were in the carriage behind them, their heads sticking out of the window in an effort to see what was happening but there was very little to witness. She was glad they stayed in their carriage. She already felt childish and didn’t need her childhood friends’ back up for this.

  “It is quite a common thing, Eva.” Baxter said and she snatched her hand out of his grip when he reached for her. Evangeline knew if he tried again then she would need to let him keep it, as was the custom in Braykith that men had more rights and sway then women but thankfully Baxter didn’t try again. “Am I such a bad replacement?” His attitude was anything but sincere.

  Evangeline looked at him finally, met his eyes and did her best to glare at the Prince and not say a word. She feared he would just meet her glare back but instead he did grow uncomfortable. Baxter blinked and looked away for a second. A small victory but one nonetheless. She knew that she would be lucky to get another victory over Baxter anytime soon. She turned her gaze back to Thomas but he did not cower. “You are to find Glais and inform him that I will not be going anywhere with his proxy.” She said the final word as if it left a bad taste in her mouth, and indeed, it did. She could not believe that Glais would be so horrible as to do this to her. “I will wait until he is free to join me, regardless of the hour.”

  Thomas believed her when she said this. His mouth opened and shut and he could only process a failing argument to present to her. He finally saluted Evangeline, turning on his heel and headed back towards the castle. Evangeline knew that her friends would want to know what was going on but she thought that she needed to stay just to keep the message clear. She could not trust the drivers of the carriage. It seemed completely possible that they would leave for the church without waiting for Glais. Staying where she was meant they would need to stand firm. She would not be taking a break and would be demanding even if this went long into the night.

  Fortunately, Evangeline did not have to wait long. Quintus arrived, marching beside his son who seemed to be struggling to keep up with his father’s long strides although Evangeline didn’t think there would be much difference. She stayed and made the men approach her, Quintus looking angrier than she had even seen him. Perhaps he was on her side after all. It was obvious that he was not pleased with Glais and she glad to see that finally someone was going to hold Glais accountable for his behaviour.

  “Evangeline, I apologise for the delay.” Quintus grabbed his son roughly by the elbow and thrust him forward. He almost fell but somehow the crowned prince didn’t drop to his knees. “Seems that our Prince is indeed available,” Glais said nothing and Evangeline was torn between feeling sorry for him and feeling this was rightly deserved. The best of the King’s men were standing by the carriages, preparing for the journey with full view of this exchange. Perhaps it will be enough to keep the gossip away from Evangeline for once. She doubted it. Somehow this would become her fault.

  “I am glad we waited then.” Evangeline flashed a brief smile to the King, silently thanking him for intervening. As much as it seemed that Thomas was capable, he would not be able to sway the future king of Braykith even if he stayed there on her behalf for all hours. Until this very moment, Evangeline wasn’t even certain if Quintus could do such things but it seemed he could. On this occasion at least.

  Glais opened the door to the carriage and held his hand out for Evangeline to take as if nothing had happened. She took his hand firmly, ignoring him when he didn’t grip her hand in return. Clearly he was upset about having to come here and Glais would not be giving Evangeline any favours. Quintus stood back just enough, watching as Evangeline and then Glais stepped into the carriage. The door closed, the King was still not satisfied. He stood by the path until it seemed that Glais was not going to make a dash for it.

  Glais wouldn’t leave the carriage now, and his father should know that. It had been an embarrassment being forced from his rooms to the transportation in the first place. To flee them now would not be worth it. He barely looked at Evangeline, although she was beautiful. That was not why he wasn’t looking at her. He felt judged, and rightly so, and it was hard to see her face contorted in whatever emotion she deemed he was worthy of.

  “You called me to action Glais.” Evangeline said from between tight lips. “This was your announcement to make, and then you attempt to publicly stand me up. To add to the insult, you send Baxter of all people as your proxy.” She shook her head, at a lost on how to best put her emotions into word. She could not understand why Glais had gone to such an effort to embarrass her. “Why didn’t you want to come?” Evangeline asked him as the carriage tossed them in their seats. Evangeline sat opposite him, no chaperone needed because everyone could see that there was no danger of anything inappropriate happening between them.

  “I am busy Evangeline.” He snapped and instantly wanted to apologise, and yet he didn’t. Instead, he sighed and looked out the window and tried his best to appear bored as they passed the walls of the castle and moved into the surrounding city. Stalls were lining the streets, small wares for sale and trade. Glais did not venture into the markets often but he knew stories and remembered times from his youth where the markets were a destination. Now they blended in with the rest of the background.

  “For you, this castle is a wonderment, and this marriage is excitement.” He paused when Evangeline huffed at his suggestion. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “You are not excited?”

  “When I first arrived I admit, I was nervous and excited about the idea of our relationship Glais, but you have been so rude that the very idea of marrying you hurts me. If I could fathom a way to ensure it would not come to pass, then I would do it.” Glais’ eyes searched her face, looking for cracks in her bravado but it seemed that she really did hate him. “Just as I am sure you would abandon this engagement if it was in your power.” She dared to finally give her honesty now that they were alone. Never had she said such things aloud but there was no way her fears could be heard by anyone outside of this carriage who might seek to use it against her. The sound of hooves hitting the ground was too loud.

  Glais was silenced by her venom, hating to hear such words directed at him and coming from her of all people. Yet he also knew that he was at fault for this reaction and he deserved it. It was what Glais wanted, even if he hated hearing it. He tried to remember that now before responding. “Correct.” Glais lied. His face not giving away any of his thoughts and Evangeline seemed convinced. He relaxed when she seemed to settle in her seat.

  Evangeline could not allow Glais to be so dismissive of her. This wedding would come to pass regardless of any desire they had for it. “Glais we need to find a place for us both to find a kind of peace.” Evangeline spoke quietly but Glais heard her.

  “I think this arrangement works just fine.” He had not worked so hard on getting her to hate him just for her to ruin it. He could not tell her the truth and so he relied on lies. It was hard enough now to allow her to drift further from him. He could not have her close and at a distance at the same time.

  “And children?” Evangeline asked without apology.

  Glais’ heart skipped a beat. “Excuse me?” he asked. He was not prepared for this topic, and he had such mixed emotions of bringing a child into this world and yet he could not stop it if it was indeed the will of Xado to make it so.

  “Children, Glais.” It was obvious to her, and it had already been the topic of so many conversations that Evangeline refused to believe that Glais had not thought about it. “An heir. What is the point of marriage and a wife that you loathe if you do not gain a son from the arrangement?”

  Glais was quiet for a moment. Of course, she was right. A son was above all else, his top priority. He needed one to ensure his own life. Without a son, the kingdom would never survive. He cleared his throat gently. “I am sure we will manage it.”

; Evangeline stared at him as the carriage started to slow, the church within easy reach now. “Well, I am glad we have had time for this conversation Glais. It is a shame that we only get to talk when you decide we need it.” The carriage had barely stopped before she slammed the door open and left the carriage alone. Glais stayed where he was, for now, watching as Viviana and Teagan rushed past his carriage to catch up with Evangeline. Evidently they meant to beg her for information about his late arrival. He couldn’t imagine that Evangeline would lie to them.

  Wincing, Glais massaged the bridge of his nose with his fingers, closing his eyes. He groaned but knew his time alone here was precious. He couldn’t stay within the carriage, as much as he wished he could. Churches made him nervous and he hoped he could avoid them at all costs but it was important that the locals see the Royals were bound by the same laws and restrictions of the people. This whole meeting was for that security. Declaring their engagement would do nothing to change their fate. No one would dare to go against it and if someone were foolish enough, their claims would never hold up under scrutiny.

  However, he had no choice now and so with a sigh Glais removed himself from the horse drawn carriage. Of course, their entrance had brought out a bit of a crowd. The horses of Braykith were always a wonder to look at even for the people who lived close to the castle walls. Glais did not need to ask them to move, or make way for him. They parted and at the end of the clearing Evangeline was waiting for him with Teagan and Viviana standing dutifully at her back.

  Emotion threatened to close his throat, but Glais swallowed it down and moved on. Coming to her side and offering her his arm as was expected. Glais could turn off his emotions once more and do as was expected of him. It would not be doing anyone any favours for him to lose all of his hard-won control now.

  Evangeline hesitated for the briefest of seconds, only long enough that perhaps her friends might notice but nothing for the locals to comment on, before she took his offered arm. She knew they had roles to play and for the best of the Kingdom, there should be no reason to believe that there was anything wrong with the upcoming wedding.

  The Priest was waiting for them. He was dressed much like Evangeline had come to expect although there were subtle differences between this Priest and the one from her own home. His robes were far more delicate to look at, runic inscriptions along the hems which were decorated with gems. It seemed odd to her that a holy man should wear such finery but Evangeline did not question it.

  Glais stood at her side, back straight as they were guided into the church proper. Sandstone bricks, a far from modest space with little space between the wooden pews. There was a corridor in the middle, and Evangeline suddenly realised this would be the place where she would marry Glais. They would only be engaged for two more months before the ceremony would need to take place. She looked up at him but he stared straight ahead. A look of pain on his face and clearly uncomfortable to even be here with her.

  Evangeline took a steadying breath and followed the dragging robes of the priest as the locals crowded in behind them to bear witness to the declaration. Should they be a regular couple, this would take place during weekly service. Since this was the future King, it seemed he was not bound by such things. The pews quickly filled and it was very obvious that anyone who was unlucky enough to be at the back of the crowd would be invited into standing room only. Evangeline had not seen so many people gathered in a single location before and it was intimidating to be standing here now, the centre of attention.

  The priest rose his hand and silence gathered over the crowd. Glais and Evangeline were left to stand, Teagan and Viviana to Evangeline’s left. “Tonight we come together to announce the intent of marriage between Glais, Prince of Braykith, and Evangeline, Lady of Crimah.”

  “Blessed be.” Came the chorus and Evangeline jumped at the sudden sound. Glais’ hand flexed around hers and she spared him a glance, confused by the expression he wore. He stood with his back too tense, his face set in what he assumed was a neutral expression but his eyes were watering. He wasn’t crying, but his eyes watered and he was blinking too often. It was almost like some kind of allergy. The building was full of flowers, and yet Evangeline felt that the explanation was far too simple. Something was going on with Glais, and she felt very responsible for his current state.

  “Should you know of any reason, by the law of Man or that of the Heavens, these two should not be wed to each other, you are to declare it.” There was a silence but Evangeline dared not think anyone would be so bold to exclaim it now. Feeling someone watching her, she turned to see Glais looking at her. Evangeline gave the subtlest of shakes of her head. She was not comfortable and she knew this marriage would be nothing like she imagined it to be but she would not be so disgraceful to beg for freedom here before the eyes and witnesses of the Gods. Xado would challenge her in this lifetime to prepare her for the next. She would follow as he commanded.

  Glais was relieved to know that Evangeline would not denounce him so publicly but how long could she remain loyal after she knew the truth about him? He shivered and took a slow breath to calm his own nerves and insecurities. There was no time to think on that now. The priest leads the gathering in a short song of prayer, Glais moving his lips, and thinking the words but he could not say them. He could not be on such holy ground and speak the words of the gospel when he was not a good man. He did not even attempt to lie to himself anymore now that he was being joined by someone so pure. His soul felt dirty, and there was little he could ever do to relieve himself of that burden. There were sacrifices to be made, and this was, unfortunately, was his own curse to bear. Just as his father before him, and his father before him. And so it had been for so long that the origins were now based in soundless myth.

  Glais followed along, and he was sure that Evangeline realised he wasn’t actually speaking. If she did notice, she didn’t say. Evangeline recited the lyrics along with everyone else since they were familiar to her. It had been part of her training in her youth to know the slightly changed melodies of the Braykith Kingdom. They followed the same belief, but how they honoured the Gods did differ. The Priest and his robes were only the beginning of those changes.

  The service came to a close, the company turning to leave and heading towards the carriages. Teagan was whispering excitedly to Viviana, but Evangeline could not focus on that now. Glais didn’t put up a fight this time and leaving the church site was far easier than their arrival. However, he said nothing, and she did not attempt conversation this time. There was nothing to be said between them, and perhaps they could, with time, come to enjoy this silence and tension. She certainly couldn’t imagine a time where it would be gone, but ignoring Glais? Evangeline believed she could do that.


  Teagan sighed, looking over the jewels that sat on the table top. “These are beautiful.” She had said the same thing over and over as if she knew no other words and this was all she would be able to repeat until the end of time.

  “Impractical.” Viviana shared her opinion although she openly admired the craftsmanship, her hand being slapped by Wick before Evangeline’s mute servant took the tiara that Viviana had been picking up. Evangeline had told Wick stories of her friends and how Viviana would occasionally borrow pieces. There would be no such thing happening here, and Wick would ensure it. These jewels had been created for Evangeline, and for her alone.

  Evangeline was wearing a dress with perhaps the biggest skirt she had seen since arriving at Braykith. She had asked when she first arrived what would she wear to the more specific events, and this was her answer. She worried that the skirt would make it impossible to walk but as always the seamstress had worked miracles and the pale gold fabric was as effortless as always.

  The bodice was covered in jewels that started by her bust and followed the natural arch of her body and along the sleeves of her arms. Formfitting from the waist up, and somehow entirely catered to her frame regardless of her irregular build, the d
ress did not seem to exaggerate her long torso but rather embrace it. Viviana and Teagan was dressed in their own dresses which were far less elaborate than Evangeline’s, however fitting for their station.

  Her friends would not be confused with those who worked within the castle. Viviana wore green, a sweetheart cut for her breasts which gave shape without being vulgar. Teagan was in purple with a simple hoop neck. Both dresses were simple skirts. The fabric left to naturally fall to the ground without the help of support.

  “Wick, are you coming?” Teagan seemed to have the same response to the girl as Evangeline first did. Determined to make her speak. Teagan would invite her into every conversation she could and yet still Wick gave them nothing. She did not shake her head or give a sign that she even heard the question. Evangeline was yet to hear her speak, and since learning her name Wick had given Evangeline no further communication.

  “Wick will have much to do here. She prefers her own company far more than anyone else.” Evangeline couldn’t need to make excuses but she knew that Teagan needed an answer, even if that answer didn’t come from the source. She was really hoping that with time Teagan would come to the same conclusion with Wick and leave her to her silence. Evangeline still struggled, though. She had been raised to be courteous to those who served the castle. Wick would need to become an exception.


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