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Accidental Family

Page 25

by Lisa Bingham

  “I take it that you work the day shift?”

  Again, he bobbed his head.

  “Charles and I will be attending the evening Devotional.” She glanced over her shoulder. “I think it’s time we both drew solace and strength from the services. But if you’re agreeable, we’ll have dinner soon afterward.”

  The huge man seemed to melt in relief. “I would be honored, Mrs. Wanlass.” He glanced beyond her to add, “Pastor.”

  “Good. We’ll see you then.”

  Theo nodded, obviously embarrassed by the moisture that gathered in his eyes. Then he hurried to the cook shack.

  Charles caught up to where Willow stood.

  “You’re a good woman,” he said, his voice ringing with pride.

  And love.

  She linked her hand through his arm again.

  “And you’re a good man, Charles.” She looked up at him, and even in the early twilight of a Uinta evening, she could see the happiness in his expression.

  “I think we’ll have a beautiful life together.”

  He nodded. “I do believe your words will prove prophetic.”

  Then they settled into an easy walk, moving toward home.

  * * * * *

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  Dear Reader,

  I hope that you enjoyed Accidental Family, Willow and Charles’s story. The book is a special one to me since I am the mother of three adopted children. Those of us who have found our families through this route have a deep love and gratitude for the birth mothers who have entrusted us with their children. I am so indebted to Melanie, Joy, and LaToya. As an adoptive mother, I know that our Heavenly Father takes great care in guiding all those involved in arranging these special families. I know that my own three babies were all miracles on Earth.

  As a little side note, Charles’s character was loosely based on one of my own ancestors, my great-great-grandfather, James Wanlass. Much like Charles, my great-great-grandfather was an infant when he was left at the door of a foundling home wearing clothes too fine for his station. He was then given the name Wanlass because of a nearby windlass. Much like Charles, rumors surrounded his arrival—that his parents died in a carriage accident or that his mother died in childbirth and his father, a ship’s captain, left James at the orphanage, then was lost at sea. James left the orphanage as a teenager to work in the coal mines and then as an iron worker. He became a lay minister soon before emigrating from Scotland to Utah Territory where he became a farmer. It must have been thrilling for a poor orphan from Scotland to claim his own piece of land in the American West.

  I love to hear from my readers. If you’d like to get in touch with me, you can reach me at my website,, or through my social media sites on Facebook,, or on Twitter, @lbinghamauthor.

  All my best to you,


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  Husband by Arrangement

  by Angel Moore

  Chapter One

  Gran Colina, Texas

  December 1881

  Rena Livingston hung her head. She couldn’t look at Sheriff Scott Braden. Not while her father was asking him to marry her and give her unborn child a name.

  “I’d be beholden to you for the rest of my days if you do this for my Rena.” Her father’s voice wasn’t boisterous or bold like when he gave speeches as the mayor of Gran Colina. It was heavy with sorrow. And it was her fault.

  “Oscar, you know I’d do anything in the world for you. I owe you my life, but this is too much.” Rena could feel the sheriff’s eyes on her now. She saw his hand as he swept it in her direction. “Why, Rena doesn’t even like me.”

  She cringed. Scott Braden had become one of her father’s closest friends right after he’d moved to Gran Colina two years ago. She’d never forget the day they’d met. Bank robbers had burst into the Gran Colina Bank and Trust. Scott had shoved her under a desk to keep her out of harm’s way. Only she hadn’t realized what was happening. Her outburst at his actions had distracted him and nearly cost Scott his life. When he’d tried to quieten her, one of the robbers had put a pistol to his head. The man would have pulled the trigger if her father hadn’t knocked the gun away. Scott and her father had subdued the robbers in the struggle that followed. The events of that day got Scott the job as sheriff and sealed the friendship between the two men.

  But Rena always bristled in Scott’s presence. Something about the man was unsettling. It wasn’t his strong good looks. Blue eyes so clear the sky should be jealous. His full bottom lip lifted on one side as it made its way to the corner of his mouth. To some it would appear as a defect, but on Scott, it was as if he’d been created with so much perfection that the one little offset prevented him from being flawless. Those looks gave him trouble of a different kind from the single ladies in town. They were always bringing him pies or dinner, hoping to win his attention. To no avail.

  No. Her discomfort around him was relentless. If she were honest with herself, she’d admit that the times he’d suggested she should attend church with her father had made her feel judged by him. If he’d thought poorly of her character before, her situation would validate those thoughts.

  Even in her current state of humiliation, she was compelled to speak. “I told you this wouldn’t work, Papa.”

  “Be silent, Rena. You have forfeited your right to have a say in these matters.” Her father never spoke to her so harshly, but she’d broken his heart. If possible, the events of today had wounded him more than when she’d stopped attending church with him after her mother had died four years ago. She’d felt so alone without Momma. The pain she endured now was like then. Oh, how she missed the comfort and wisdom of her mother in difficult times.

  “Now, Oscar, the girl oughta have a say in her future.” Scott’s defense of her was unexpected. So much so that she lifted her face to meet his eyes. “I know you’re dealing with a serious situation, but it is Rena’s life.” She swallowed when his words made he
r want to smile in gratitude.

  But Papa was right. She had no reason to speak against anything he tried to do to help her.

  “It’s not just about her. If word of her—” her father cleared his throat “—condition gets out, there will be a scandal. The likes of which we haven’t seen in the leadership of Gran Colina since you and I worked so hard to get crime under control and make this town a safe place for people to settle.” He shook his head. “And with the election coming up in just three months, we could both lose our jobs.”

  This sentence caused Scott to drop onto the edge of the settee. He’d jumped to his feet at her father’s initial request. She could see the fight drain out of him as he considered the possibility of losing his badge.

  “I’m truly sorry, Papa.” She wouldn’t cry. Not in front of Scott.

  Her father didn’t look at her. He’d barely looked at her since she’d told him what happened. “Sorrow is good for your soul, but it won’t fix your future. We have to act now.”

  Scott turned to her. “Are you certain?”

  She couldn’t pretend she didn’t know he was asking about the child. She lowered her gaze and nodded. Nothing could force her to vocalize the truth again today. Within an hour of telling her father at breakfast, he’d summoned the sheriff and put his plan in motion. Only the plan had stalled with Scott’s resistance.

  Her father spoke again. “I’ll need your promise that you won’t share a word of what we’ve discussed. I’m not sure who I’ll find to step up at this point.” He shook his head. “If only I had more time. But there’s just no one else I’d trust to know this.”

  Rena had waited to tell her father until she was certain Eugene Rodgers wasn’t coming back. A postcard had arrived the day before. A pretty drawing of a big city in California covered one side. The other side held a bold, scribbled note. It was the only time she’d heard from him in the two months since he’d left her and Gran Colina.

  Signed on as a seaman leaving for Alaska tonight. I wish you a happy life. My short time in Gran Colina will always be a fond memory, but the world is big, and I wish to explore it.

  Her hope that he would return and make an honest woman of her was gone. It was sailing across the Pacific to places unknown.

  Scott asked, “Is there no aunt in the East or cousin in Florida to give you a home?”

  “There is not.” Rena forced the words out with torturous effort. “I’d have preferred that to imposing on you, but Papa is my only living relative.”

  “Is there no chance that the father will do his duty by you?”

  “None. He is gone forever.”

  It was clear to her now that Eugene had wanted to keep their engagement secret because he’d had no intention of marrying her. No one, not even her closest friend, had known they were seeing one another.

  He’d convinced Rena that their marriage would take place the following morning. No one would know they’d been together. His smooth words had led her foolish mind to accept and trust him.

  Oscar said, “She told me it was that wretched Rodgers fella.” He clinched his fists at his side. “He gave her his promise.”

  “Papa, don’t. If I’d lived the way you and Momma taught me—” She paused, garnering the courage to continue. “It’s my own fault.”

  Shame covered her soul. Why had she believed Eugene? How had she allowed herself to be so stupid?

  * * *

  “Eugene Rodgers?” Scott ground his teeth at the memory of the young man with slick manners. “I was glad to see him get on the train the day he left Gran Colina. I had no idea he was running from his responsibilities.” He’d disliked the man on sight. Those sly ways and pretty words could woo a woman, but Scott had been leery of him from the start. He should have paid closer attention. Maybe he could have prevented this situation if he had.

  Rena’s next words surprised him. “He didn’t know about the child.”

  “You kept it from him? A man has a right to know about his own flesh and blood. Have you written to inform him?” He would be hard-pressed to forgive such a thing if it happened to him. A child deserved a father. One to love and provide for their needs.

  “I didn’t know he was leaving. He left me no way to contact him.” She shook her head and didn’t look at him. “He left the morning after...” She choked on her words and didn’t finish.

  “Have you heard from him since he left?”

  “Only a postcard saying he won’t be back and has gone to see the world.”

  Scott wanted to find Rodgers and drag him back. He should never have left Rena like this. But a man like that would be untraceable—and unworthy of a good wife and a child.

  There were several men in Gran Colina who would be glad to take Rena on as their wife. Men who wouldn’t appreciate her stubborn ways or determined mind. And if they knew about the child, she could be treated poorly.

  No woman deserved that. Not even after so obvious a sin.

  “Rena, what do you think of your father’s proposition?” She sat with her arms crossed and her face taut. The green eyes that often held laughter and mischief were sober. Her dimples made no appearance. Not even the childlike freckles from her youth softened the sorrow in her countenance today.

  Her voice was low, but steady, as she answered. “I have presented him with an impossible situation, and he is trying to protect me. As well as everything he’s done to improve Gran Colina. If scandal breaks out now, he’ll lose the election for sure.”

  As much as he hated to admit it, she was right. “Do you wish to marry?”

  “It was my fondest wish before—” She held his gaze. He knew she chose her words with care. “I know it is best for my father and my child. And for myself. It is not how I ever intended for my life to unfold.” The straight set of her pink mouth reinforced the sincerity of her answer.

  Oscar said, “I don’t see any alternative. You are the best choice, Scott. The only choice, actually. Anyone else could use this to undermine my work as mayor. You remember how unruly Gran Colina was when you first came to town. All our work could be undone in a matter of weeks if this isn’t handled discreetly.”

  “Oscar, will you leave us to speak privately?”

  The mayor seemed to have aged overnight. He looked from Rena and back to Scott. “I’ll go out to the kitchen and make us some coffee.”

  When he left them alone in the front room, Scott turned to Rena. Her slim neck was stiff. “Are you well? You look as though you’ve lost weight.”

  “I am healthy, but food holds no appeal to me at the moment.”

  “What shall we do?”

  One eyebrow lifted. “It’s more a question of what you will do. I’m not in a position to make demands.”

  “There’s something we need to talk about before I agree to this arrangement.”

  She didn’t speak, but the widening of her eyes spoke of fear that he’d refuse her.

  “You know I’m a believer in the Lord above.”

  Rena nodded.

  “And you? I’ve seen you in services on Sundays for the last couple of months, but we’ve never talked about your beliefs.”

  “I walked away from the church and God when my mother died. I was so hurt. I wish I’d stayed there beside my father.” She wrung her hands together in her lap. “He’s a good man, but he was so lonely without Momma, and I couldn’t just accept that Momma was gone. Not after how I’d prayed for God to spare her. It was a foolish choice.”

  “Have you asked the Good Lord to forgive you?”

  She nodded. “I have.” She raised tear-filled eyes to meet his gaze. “I know there are hard days ahead for me, but I’m determined to face them with God. I made a mess of things when I didn’t heed His ways.”

  “That’s all I needed to hear. The rest isn’t mine to know. We can marry immediately if you choose.”

“Really? How can you say that’s all you need to know?”

  “Jesus does the forgiving. You’ve done me no wrong. Jesus even said for the people without sin to cast the first stone.”

  The tears dripped off her lashes, and she dashed them away with the back of her hand. “Still, I’m powerful sorry.”

  “Then the next step will be to forgive yourself. Making things right with God and living your life by the Good Book—that’s where you’ll find your hope.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I can give you and your little one my name. Only God can give you peace.”

  “What about your life? Why would you be willing to give up your future for me? Knowing what you know.”

  “My future is being the sheriff of Gran Colina. But if your father loses the mayor’s race, I’m likely to lose, too. I know I was only elected because your father told everyone he could about the bank robbery he and I thwarted. No matter how it happened, it’s who I am now.”

  “You have your homestead.”

  “Since my sister married and moved away, it’s all I can do to keep up with that and being sheriff. She cooked and cleaned. Things I don’t have the time or talent for.”

  “That doesn’t seem like a fair deal to me. You save my reputation, and all I have to do is housework. What if you meet someone and fall in love?”

  A dull ache in his chest quivered for a brief moment and stilled. “You won’t ever have to worry about me falling in love. I gave up on that notion a long time ago.”

  Two hours later, Scott stood beside Rena at the altar of Gran Colina Church. He rubbed his palm down the side of his Sunday trousers before taking Rena’s hand from Oscar. Reverend Walter Gillis began the ceremony that would take away any freedom Scott had. The reverend asked him to repeat the vows and put a ring on Rena’s finger. He pledged all his earthly possessions to her, but he had no ring. She lowered her eyes to the floor when his voice wavered as he promised to love and honor her. He would love her. Like a sister in Christ. But he’d never love any woman for himself. Not again.


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