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Home With You

Page 24

by Everhart, Allie

  "Holy shit," I say, kneeling down to him. "What happened?"

  "He came up to me, shoved a knife in me, and ran off. I didn't even know the guy."

  "Levi, you need an ambulance. Where's your phone?"

  One of Levi's nightly customers bought him a phone so he could reach him whenever he needed 'attention' his wife wasn't giving him. The guy is loaded and is always buying Levi stuff. I can't believe his wife doesn't have a clue this is going on.

  "He took it," Levi says. "The guy ran off with it." He rolls on his side. "Fuck, it hurts."

  "I'm going to get you help, okay? Just stay here." I stand up, then jerk back as someone grabs my hair.

  "You call and you'll end up just like him," a man's voice says.

  I turn my head to look at the guy but can't. He's gripping my hair so tight I can't move my head.

  "Okay, I won't. I won't call. Just leave me alone."

  He yanks on my hair as he backs us up next to the dumpster so people from the street can't see us. He lets go of my hair and turns me around, shoving me against the brick wall.

  "No fucking way," he says when he sees me.

  My heart pounds, fear and shock hitting me all at once.

  It's him. It's Rob.

  My mind races as I try to figure out what to do. Physical strength won't get me out of this. I have to get in his head. Play to his ego. And never show fear.

  I hate this man, but I know him. I know how he thinks. And I can use that as a weapon against him.

  Rob doesn't like to be surprised. He likes to know what's going to happen so he can react accordingly and keep control. Right now, he's expecting me to scream, cry, and try to fight him—all things I want to do but can't. I have to remain calm and keep him guessing if I want to survive this.

  I lock eyes with him and force myself to relax, which isn't easy when his hand's around my throat and I'm pinned against the wall. One wrong move and he'll snap my neck.

  "Hey, baby," I say, smiling at him. "How you been?"

  As expected, he looks surprised. "You on something?"

  "Not at all. Why do you ask?"

  "I need help!" Levi yells.

  "Shut the fuck up!" Rob yells back, then he smiles at me. "I'm going to kill you, bitch. For real this time."

  "But then we can't be together." Keeping my eyes on his, I slowly raise my hand to his waist. He doesn't stop me so I trail it up his chest. "Don't you miss me, babe? You used to love me. Don't you still love me?"

  He cocks his head, studying me like he's trying to figure me out. Like he thinks I might really want him back. That's his ego reacting. I'm getting to him. I just need to keep going.

  "I still dream about you every night," I say, undoing the top button of his shirt. "About us. Wishing we could be together again."

  His eyes bounce all over my face. He can't figure out what's happening. There's a part of him that truly does want me back, and that part of him is confusing the part of him that wants to kill me right now.

  He blinks a few times and shakes his head. "You're lying. You fucking hate me. You were going to leave me."

  "But I didn't. I couldn't. Because I love you, Rob. I could never leave you."

  "Help!" Levi yells but his voice is getting weaker. "Help me!"

  "Shut up!" Rob snaps.

  I look into his eyes."Take me back with you, baby. We could start again. It'd be even better than before."

  "Please," Levi moans. "Someone help me!"

  "Fuck!" Rob drops his hold on me and storms toward Levi. "I told you to shut the fuck up!"

  Grabbing my knife from my jacket, I race up behind Rob and stab the side of his neck.

  "What the—" He whips around, the knife sticking out of his neck. "You little bitch!" He stumbles toward me, then falls to his knees, his eyes fluttering as he collapses to the ground.

  "Do it again!" Levi yells, his eyes wide, voice panicked. "Kill him!"

  "I think he might already be dead," I say, watching the blood pour from him.

  "He ain't dead. He passed out. Get the fucking knife and do it again!"

  Rob's face-down on the pavement, his body limp, his eyes shut.

  "Hurry up!" Levi yells. "Do it!"

  I kneel down next to Rob. I cringe as I slowly pull the knife out of his neck.

  "What's going on?" I hear someone say.

  Turning back, I see a guy coming toward me. He's a short pudgy guy wearing jeans and red hoodie. He looks down at Levi and Rob on the ground, both bleeding. Then he looks at me, holding a bloody knife. Shit, this doesn't look good.

  "He attacked me," I say, backing away from Rob. "I swear, I'm not lying."

  "It's true!" Levi says. "He said he was going to kill her."

  "And what happened to you?" the guy asks Levi.

  "Some guy stabbed me. Don't just stand there! Get your fucking phone out and call the police! And a fucking ambulance!"

  The guy gets his phone out as he slowly backs away from us. He looks scared to death. I'd be scared too if I walked down an alley and saw two guys on the ground bleeding and a girl holding a bloody knife.

  "Okay, I called them," the guy says. “I’m getting out of here."

  "Wait!" I yell at him. "Could you call someone else?" I give him Miles' number and tell him what to say. "Thank you!" I yell as the guy runs off.

  "This is some messed up shit," Levi says.

  I carefully walk around Rob over to Levi, crouching down next to him. "What can I do? Anything?"

  He holds up the hand that's not clutching his side. I take it and hold it.

  "It's going to be okay, Levi."

  He squeezes my hand. "I know I pretend I don't like you, but I do, girl. I always have."

  "I know," I say, smiling at him.

  He closes his eyes. "What's taking so long?"

  "They'll be here. Just a few more minutes."

  I keep hold of his hand as my eyes remain on Rob. Blood's still pouring from his neck but I don't think he's dead. I think he just fainted from the loss of blood.

  "Raine!" Miles appears, sprinting through the parking lot to the alley. "What the hell happened?"

  I give him a brief recap, still holding Levi's hand because he won't let go.

  Police sirens wail in the distance.

  "Miles, what do I do? What do I tell the police? My hands were all over the knife."

  "Let me handle it, unless you don't me to be your lawyer."

  "You're the only lawyer I want." I lean over and kiss him.

  "You two are disgusting," Levi mutters.

  The police arrive, along with the ambulance. Levi and Rob are taken to the hospital, leaving Miles and I behind to explain what happened. The police make us go to the station for more questioning where I tell them even more, including my history with Rob. I'd never planned to tell the police that, fearing Rob would come after me, but this is my chance to take him down and hopefully get him locked up for a long time, assuming he survives.

  As I'm talking, the officer gives me no clues as to whether he believes me or not. Even though I tell them how Rob tried to kill me last year, that scene in the alley could look like I was trying to get revenge. Like I was trying to kill him.

  Hours later, I'm convinced they're going to charge me for something and lock me up in jail but then an officer comes in and tells us the cameras in the alley back up my story. I'm so relieved I almost get up and hug the officer, but instead I hug Miles. Next they tell us they caught the guy who stabbed Levi. He was seen on the camera and they found him on a corner downtown, getting ready to cross the street.

  "So we're free to go?" I ask the officer.

  "Not yet. If you don't mind, we'd like to ask you about another case."

  "She's been questioned enough," Miles says, getting up from the table. "Raine, let's go."

  "Wait. What's this about?" I ask the officer.

  "A young girl recently overdosed and died on prescription pain meds that she illegally obtained. Her parents say she got them from an ol
der man she was having relations with. We believe that man might be Mr. Marchisis. Given your history with him, we want to ask—"

  "Yes," I say. "I'll answer your questions.

  "Raine," Miles says. "You don't have to do this."

  "I want to," I say.

  "I'll be right back." The officer leaves.

  "Raine, why are you doing this?" Miles asks. "You already told them everything you know. Let's just get out of here."

  I turn to him. "Miles, why did you go into law?"

  "To help people."

  "Exactly. So if that girl's parents asked you to represent them in a case against a drug dealer, would you do it?"

  He nods. "Got it." He leans over and kisses me. "I knew you were the right girl for me. I knew the moment we met."

  The officer comes back in and sets a photo in front of me. "Ever seen this girl?"

  I instantly recognize her. It's the girl who came to the house that day, looking for Rob. The one who slashed my hand and took pills from Rob's suit jacket.

  "Yeah. I met her last year. She came to Rob's house." I explain the story.

  "And you haven't seen her since that day?" the officer asks.


  He nods. "She passed away a couple weeks ago. We've been looking for her dealer ever since. Sounds like we may have just found him. Are you willing to testify against him?"

  I glance at Miles. He doesn't say anything. He's letting me decide.

  "Yes. I'll do it."

  The officer nods and jots something down.

  "Were they really, um, dating?" I ask. "That girl and Rob?"

  "Her texts make it appear so. We'll find out for sure when we run some tests."

  "What tests?"

  "She was pregnant. We think it was his. If it was, we just added statutory rape to Mr. Marchisis' charges."

  "How old was she?" I ask.

  "Sixteen. Damn shame. She had a lot going for her. Good student. Head cheerleader. Star of her soccer team. Then some man comes along and ruins her life."

  He almost ruined mine too. But he didn't. He tried, but he didn't succeed. I have a second chance. That girl didn't. And because of that, I'm not going to spend another second feeling sorry for myself. No more waiting to get my life on track. I have a second chance and I'm not going to waste it.

  Miles and I go back to his apartment. When I get in the door, I stand there, suddenly realizing what just happened. It didn't seem real until just now.

  "Come here." Miles pulls me farther into the room and into his arms. "You did great today. Why don't you go take a long hot shower and then we'll go get something to eat."

  "I'm not hungry." My head falls on his shoulder. "I'm so tired."

  "You want go up and sleep?"

  "I can't. Every time I close my eyes I see Rob there with that look on his face. The same look he had that day he tried to kill me."

  "He's never going to hurt you again. He has multiple charges against him. He'll be locked up for a long time."

  "But he has money. He'll hire the best lawyers. They'll find a way to get him free."

  "Not if there's enough evidence against him." Miles looks me in the eye. "No matter what happens, he's not getting near you. Never again. For now, let's try not to guess what's going to happen."

  I nod. "I'm going to take a shower."

  The hot water feels good, but it doesn't feel hot enough to wash away Rob's touch on my skin. I used to think I loved him and now he repulses me. How could I have been that wrong about someone?

  "Raine, you okay in there?" Miles asks as he knocks on the bathroom door. I've been in the shower forever and am just now toweling off.

  "I'm fine." I open the door and see he's changed out of his suit, wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

  "You want to shower?" I ask.

  "I will later. We need to get going."

  "Miles, I don't want to go anywhere. I'm tired and I just want to—actually I don't know what I want to do. I'm still worked up from what happened. I can't seem to relax."

  "That's why we're going. You'll feel better when we get there."

  "What are you talking about? Where are we going?"

  He smiles. "To see Gladys."

  I smile back. "Really? You called Zoe?"

  "I told her what happened. Well, not everything, but she knows the basics. She invited us to dinner. But we need to get going if we're going to make it there in time."

  "I'll go get dressed." I dart past him, then turn back and hug him. "Thank you."

  "For what?"

  "Everything. I know I always fight you when you try to help me but I'm starting to see that I can't do it all on my own. Thanks for not giving up on me."

  "I never will." He kisses me. "I love you."

  "I love you too. I'll be right back." I race upstairs and get dressed, then meet him by the door.

  A half hour later, we arrive at Zoe's. Her house is small and old but she keeps it nice. She decorates with antiques and quilts and uses old wooden crates to store the girls' toys. Zoe seems young and hip. I didn't think she'd decorate that way, but it's perfect for Gladys. She loves that stuff. She used to tell me about all the antiques she had when she had a house.

  "Hey, Gladys," I say when I see her.

  "Oh, how I've missed you." She hugs me really tight, then hugs Miles. "Hello Miles."

  "Hi. Good to see you again."

  Gladys looks even better than the last time I saw her, and she's wearing new clothes.

  "I like your sweater," I tell her. It's a pink cardigan she has buttoned to the top and her pants are brown polyester.

  "It's from the ladies at the church," she says. "They gave me a whole closet full of things."

  "That's nice."

  Zoe appears. "Welcome." She points to the man coming up beside her. "This is my husband, John."

  We do the hand shakes and introductions, then Zoe leads us to the dining room. The girls are already there, but they jump off their chairs and run up to me.

  "Hi Gladys' friend," the little one says.

  "Her name is Raine," Gladys says. "Remember when I told you about her?"

  "She said you're really smart and really pretty," the older girl says.

  "That's nice," I say, smiling at Gladys.

  "And true," Miles says, pulling my chair out for me.

  "Why are you named after rain?" the little one asks.

  "I don't know. My parents never told me."

  She wrinkles her face up like she's thinking really hard. "Maybe it was raining when the stork brought you."

  I laugh. "Yeah, maybe."

  "Girls, sit down," Zoe says. "It's time for dinner."

  The girls talk a lot during dinner. Most of what they say doesn't make sense but it's funny and keeps my mind off what happened today. And it's good to see Gladys, and see how much she loves her new home.

  I love Gladys but I no longer have to worry about her. I can worry about myself now, and what I need to do to get my life back.

  "What'd you think?" Miles asks on the drive home. "I thought she looked really happy."

  "I did too. She loves those little girls. And her room is perfect. It looks like Gladys decorated it herself. She really fits in well there."

  "You know I was thinking...I could try to get out of my lease so we could move out of downtown. Or maybe we move out of Denver. Start somewhere new."

  "What about your job?"

  "I've been looking for something else. I can't stay there. I hate every minute I'm there."

  "I think we should stay where we're at for now. I'm not ready to leave Gladys."

  "We could still get out of downtown. It's a constant reminder of your old life. You might feel better being somewhere else."

  "I'm okay living there for now." I look over at him. "Why are we even talking about this? I thought our living arrangement was just temporary."

  "Are you saying you want to move out?"

  "No, but I still don't like living at a place that's only yours. It's too m
uch like Rob and me, where he owned everything and I had nothing. I know you wouldn't take off like he did but—"

  "I'll add your name to the lease."

  "You would?"

  "Absolutely. What else do you need to feel better about being there?"

  "I want to pay part of the rent, but it'll have to be after I get a job."

  "Okay. What else?"

  "That's it," I say as he pulls into his parking spot.

  "That was easy." He leans over and kisses me. "I have one condition before I agree to this."


  "That you stop calling it my place. It's our place now. It's your home."

  Home. I have a home. Not a tent. Not a sleeping bag. A real home, with walls and lights and heat and food in the fridge. But even better than all that, I have Miles.


  Six Months Later

  "Is it ever going to stop snowing?" I ask, looking out at the giant flakes swirling in the wind.

  "I hope not," Miles says, pulling me against his chest.

  "Aren't you tired of it? It's spring. It's not supposed to be snowing anymore."

  "Yeah, but when it snows like this, we get to spend the day snuggling in front of the fire and watching movies."

  "I DO like that." I turn toward him and kiss him, sliding my leg over his on the couch. It's Saturday and we've been lying here for hours while the snow piles up outside.

  We moved to a new apartment in January. Miles was right. I didn't like being downtown, constantly reminded of my life on the streets. I was trying to move on and living there was making that hard to do. So we moved to the suburbs. It's an older apartment so it looks a little dated but it feels cozier than our previous place that was so open and had all those windows. This one has separate rooms and a living room with a gas fireplace, which we use all the time.

  Miles quit his job at the law firm and has a new one working for a non-profit. It doesn't pay much but he likes it much better than his old job. He said he'll stay there for maybe a year, then find something else. He's still figuring out what he wants to do.

  I found a job at a nursing home working in the kitchen. At first I did dishes but now I do prep work and serve. I like working there. All the old ladies remind me of Gladys. They're really sweet and they're always making me stuff, like knitted scarves or potholders.


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