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Shiftr_Swipe Left for Love_Frankie

Page 10

by Ariana Hawkes

  “So this idea of yours…we’ll spend two weeks together. What if we find out we’re not compatible at the end of that time ?”

  “It’ll hurt like hell.” She stroked his face. “But I’m willing to take that risk. Because I think you’re worth it. And because the potential upside outweighs the potential downside .”

  There was a spark in his eyes. She grinned. She’d thought her last comment would be the kicker, that he wouldn’t be able to fault the logic of it .

  “You’re so right, Selma,” he said, and he swept her into his arms. “The chance of being with you is worth any potential downside .”

  Then he drew back and kissed her, those lips she never thought she’d taste again crushing on her own .


  H is heart jumping, Frankie watched Selma walk back to her office, carrying the bunch of flowers. She was stronger than he was, he realized. So tiny and feminine, her soft curves encased in a sexy pink pleated skirt and blue-and-white striped sweater, but she had guts and was willing to risk her heart for him, even though she’d been hurt so recently .

  He liked the idea of these two weeks, and he was determined it was going to work out. Mate , his bear purred. He wouldn’t let her go without a fight this time. He was going to be the best bear he could be. He drove back to her place as fast as he dared. She’d said she would try to take some time off work so they could spend as much time together as possible, and he wanted to get the gazebo finished fast. It was nearly done. He’d been working on the ornamental carvings all of the previous day while trying, unsuccessfully, to put her out of his mind. He’d nailed them in this morning, and they looked pretty good. All that remained was to add the roof, which would be made from metal tiles, and to weather-proof all the wood .

  He worked fast all afternoon, the thought of seeing Selma filling him with energy .

  When he heard the creak of the garden gate handle being turned, adrenaline prickled in his chest. He dropped his tools and ran to meet her. Her smile was like a sunburst, but there were dark smudges beneath her eyes. He took her into his arms right away, knowing something had hurt her. “What is it, baby?” he murmured against her hair as he stroked her back .

  “Oh, nothing. People at work think I’m crazy. After I admitted to everyone what I’d done during afternoon break, there was a lot of whispering, and Joan Simmons was kind of mean. I overheard her saying she should’ve guessed I was paying you to be my boyfriend. It was the only way someone like me could get a guy like you. I hate her .”

  “What?” Clasping her shoulders, he drew back and gazed into her eyes. “You’re beautiful, Selma. Why would she say that ?”

  She shrugged. “Because she’s a skinny bitch. She gives me and Luciana dirty looks when we order dessert in the canteen and always talks loudly about ‘the hidden calories in things’ when we’re nearby. She was so shocked when I brought you to the engagement party her eyes almost fell out of her head. Then when she found out you weren’t my real boyfriend, she had such a self-satisfied look on her face .”

  Frankie ground his teeth together. How could anyone hurt his girl? She was perfect, her curves so lovely and sexy. His bear wanted to go sniff out this Joan Simmons and give her a fright she was never going to forget. Maybe he’d do that later. But making Selma feel better was more important right now. He embraced her again. “You’re perfect the way you are. If your miserable colleague wants to buy into all that crap the media’s peddling, that’s her problem. She’s probably at home weighing herself and eating lentils. At the same time .”

  Selma laughed. “Are you sure you like my curves ?”

  A muted growl escaped his lips. “Have I not given you that impression already ?”

  “Yes, but—” Her eyes were wide, full of vulnerability. “I don’t know.” She shook her head. “You’re just so muscular and perfect. Even when Joan thought you were my boyfriend, I heard her saying you’d dump me when you found a skinnier model .”

  This time, he couldn’t restrain his bear’s growl. “Listen to me—shifters prefer curves, it’s a well-known fact. You won’t find a single member of my clan mated to a skinny-minny. You’ll find out for yourself when I introduce you to everyone. “Now, I’m going to show you exactly how much I love your curves.” He lifted her so her legs wrapped around his hips, and with a rumble of barely contained desire, he brought her into the house and carried her up the stairs .

  Hours later, they lay on her bed naked, the curtains open and moonlight streaming across their bodies. She’d been shy to leave the curtains open while they mated, but he insisted, desperate to feast his eyes on every inch of her. And the more worked up he got her, the less she cared about him seeing her. He’d made her come with his tongue, then they’d mated twice, and now they were lounging on the bed, waiting for their pizza delivery to arrive. Selma looked even more beautiful post orgasm, her eyes and cheeks glowing and her lips redder than ever .

  Did you manage to take some time off work?” he asked her .

  Her eyes glistened. “Yes! Turns out I’ve been working so hard I’m due six days off. I can’t start until Thursday though, as my boss needs to cover my shifts .”

  He stroked her hair. “That’s not such a bad thing. It should give me time to finish the gazebo, so we can spend a little time sitting in it before it gets too cold out there .”

  “I’d like that,” she said, snuggling into the crook of his arm. “It’ll be real special sitting there, knowing you’ve made it with your own hands .”

  The doorbell went, and she skipped out of bed, pulled on a bathrobe, and collected the pizza. She brought it back upstairs and they ate lounging on the bed .

  As she reached for a slice, her bathrobe fell open a little, revealing a flash of her cleavage, and despite all the sex they’d had, he felt himself hardening again. He swore by the time the two weeks were up, he was going to make her understand she was the sexiest woman in the universe .


  Fourteen days later

  S elma sat in the gazebo, wrapped in her favorite woven wool blanket, holding a mug of pumpkin spice cocoa in both hands. There was a real nip in the air now, but she was determined to enjoy the gazebo for as long as possible. Frankie had done a fantastic job with it. The cherry wood had been varnished, bringing out its rich hue, all the carving was beautifully intricate, and the roof tiles had a matte bronze finish that looked very elegant .

  Frankie was due to arrive any moment, once he’d finished his job across town, and her stomach was flipping non stop at the thought of seeing him. Today was the end of the fourteen days. And while neither of them had mentioned it to the other, she was certain it had been playing on both their minds .

  The last two weeks had been idyllic, the best two weeks of her life. They’d spent every moment of their time together, apart from when she had to go to work. Frankie had even taken time off his job so he didn’t have to work during her days off. They stayed at her place for a couple of nights, but then spent most of their time at his cabin. And once she’d been introduced to the whole clan and their mates, she felt like she never wanted to leave. He’d even taken her to the lake, his bear carrying her on his big broad back, and he hugged her tight when they climbed into the limpid water so she wouldn’t feel the cold. He’d also taken his bike to a workshop and had a double seat fitted because she’d mentioned that she’d always wanted to ride on a motorcycle, and they’d spent the second weekend touring around the nearby towns .

  He’d been the perfect boyfriend—kind, caring, lots of fun, and full of compliments—and she fell for him harder every day that passed. She hoped so bad he felt the same way about her. Everything he did and said, every gesture he made, indicated that he did. But she worried, a lot, that he was still caught up with his anxieties about his past. And that was why she wouldn’t pressure him to have a relationship with her. If he said he wanted to be with her, she’d be the happiest woman alive. If he said no, her heart would break in two. But she’d respect his wishes

  Her phone beeped with an incoming message. Her nerves were on such high alert she jumped, sloshing some of her drink onto the blanket. It was from Frankie :

  Hey, baby. I’m really sorry, but I’m not going to make it today. Something’s come up with my father, some kind of violent episode, but I’m not clear on what’s happened. I need to head over there and find out what’s going on. I’ll speak to you tomorrow. Kisses, Frankie xxx

  She let a long breath out, absorbed the news, then replied :

  I’m sorry to hear this, Frankie! I hope everything turns out ok, and it’s not too stressful for you. No worries about tonight – I’ll speak to you tomorrow. xxx

  She went inside to wash the cocoa stain off the blanket. Poor Frankie. The timing couldn’t have been worse though, and there was a little bit of her that wondered if he was running away from the whole situation .

  “Don’t jump to conclusions,” she muttered to herself. It was a nice message, and he didn’t lie about things, ever .

  She needed to focus on that and make sure she was in good shape for Emily’s wedding tomorrow. Hopefully, everything would work out with his dad and he’d be there, too. Although she’d had to prepare plenty of things for the wedding since she was one of Emily’s bridesmaids, she hadn’t said much to Frankie about it, scared it would jinx their agreement .

  T he next day, Selma woke up early and gathered the things she needed for the day. It had been lonely going to bed in her quiet house last night. It was the first time she’d slept alone for two weeks, and the bed had seemed huge without Frankie’s big, reassuring presence next to her. Well, you might have to get used to this again , she told herself as she munched through a bowl of cereal. She shook her head, determined to dispel the dark thought. Today was all about Emily and Dave, and hopefully Frankie would come. If he didn’t, well, she’d have to deal with that when it arose .

  She’d slept with her hair in rollers last night so she took them out, then carefully pinned her waves. Then she put on jeans and a button-down shirt that could be easily removed without messing up her hair, grabbed her bag, and drove over to her sister’s place .

  E mily was full of nerves when Selma arrived. Her bump had grown more than she’d expected in the last few days, and she was anxious about her dress being too tight. Selma threw herself into the situation, getting the dressmaker to come over and do a last-minute fix while keeping her mom calm and making sure that all four bridesmaids’ hair and makeup were done on time. Emily had chosen nice dresses with nipped-in waists and loose skirts that suited the body shape of each of the four women, while the forest green chiffon went amazingly well with everyone’s coloring .

  At last they were ready, and as they drove to the church, Selma realized she’d been so busy she hadn’t had time to worry about Frankie. But as they pulled up at the old, brownstone chapel and she saw all the happy couples and the guys looking so nice in their tuxes, she felt a pang, wishing badly that Frankie was there by her side. She pulled out her phone and looked at it for the hundredth time. Still nothing from him .

  Her mom grabbed her shoulder and she jumped. So far, her mom had been mercifully quiet about the fact she hadn’t brought a plus one, but surely it was just a matter of time. “Go sit in the front row, Mom. I’ll be outside with Emily,” she said .

  “Okay, dear,” her mom said. “He’ll be here, don’t you worry.” And she went off, looking like a bumblebee in a yellow jacket, black skirt, and a hat with a yellow crown and a huge black brim .

  Selma watched her go, surprised at her mom’s perceptiveness. This wasn’t like her. She gathered with the other bridesmaids, watching the guests filter into the church. Her stomach knotted at the sight of every tall man, then dropped again as she realized that, of course, it wasn’t him. No man was as tall and well-built as Frankie .

  At last, everyone was inside, the ushers checked that the bride and groom were ready, and the organ started up. Selma swallowed down her disappointment. It was her sister’s day now, and she was going to enjoy it .

  The church’s big, double doors swung open, and Emily turned and looked at her, her eyes big and nervous. Selma squeezed her sister’s shoulder, and they began to walk into the church .

  As they reached the front where Dave was waiting, Selma saw so much love shining in his eyes for her sister, her heart lifted with happiness they’d found each other. She, her dad, and the other bridesmaids shuffled into the first two rows of pews, and the priest began the service .

  “We are gathered here today…” he began, and an arm slid around Selma’s waist. She clapped her hand over her mouth to stifle a squeak of surprise, and at the same time, a deep, spicy, woodsy scent filled her nostrils. She turned her head to find Frankie had slipped into the other end of the pew and was sitting right beside her, his sea-blue eyes filled with emotion. He leaned close and pressed his lips to her ear. “I love you, my beautiful mate. And I’m sorry I got held up,” he whispered, his voice rough and growly .

  She gave a grin of pure delight and snuggled into him .

  The rest of the service was a beautiful blur of happiness, having her mate’s arms around her while watching her lovely sister getting married to the father of her child .

  “How’s your dad?” she asked once they were outside the church, throwing confetti .

  “He’s…okay. Heavily sedated at the moment. He attacked one of the nurses at the hospital and ripped him up pretty bad .”

  “God, I’m sorry .”

  Frankie shrugged. “It’s been complicated. But let’s not think about it now. I got back here in time, and that’s what matters .”

  “You did,” she said. He held her gaze for a long time, looking at her very seriously. Then he lifted her hand and kissed it .

  The wedding reception was being held in a big heated marquee adjoining Dave’s parents’ house. There was Champagne, a sit-down dinner, and then it was time for the traditional speeches. Frankie stayed by her side all afternoon, his arm around her waist. Does this mean he’s mine? she wondered, not quite able to believe it .

  Her dad got to his feet and grabbed the microphone, clearing his throat. “I’m very happy to be here today as the father of the bride, my lovely daughter, Emily. But before I tell you all about that, I have someone who wants to say a few words first .”

  Suddenly, Frankie was no longer beside her, but was striding between the tables and taking the microphone from her dad’s outstretched hand .

  Selma frowned in confusion .

  “Thank you so much to Emily and Dave for their very generous suggestion that I should speak to you all now,” Frankie began. “I’m not usually one for public speeches, actually. But because it’s so important that Selma knows how special she is to me, this was the only way to say what I’m about to say.” Then he turned, so he was looking directly at her. “Selma, I love you more than I can tell you. You’re the most beautiful, amazing, kind-hearted and lovely woman in the world, and I can’t imagine my life without you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” A collective gasp went around the room, and tears sprang to Selma’s eyes .

  She got to her feet and ran to him, almost blinded by tears .

  “Yes, yes I will Frankie!” she said and flung her arms around him as the room erupted in cheers .

  Frankie took her hand and they slipped back into their seats, arms wrapped around each other. She gazed at him, full of questions. “I thought shifters…you know…mated?” she whispered as her dad launched into his speech .

  “We do,” he said, his voice throaty with emotion, “but I wanted everyone here to know how I feel about you. Your family, friends, workmates, everyone .”

  “Oh, Frankie,” she whispered and kissed him again. She understood. Somewhere in the room, Joan Simmons would be sitting, eaten up with bitterness and envy .

  And she had Frankie, her mate. Forever .

  “D o we get married first or mated?” she asked once the speeches were over and everyone was heading to th
e dancefloor .

  “Well,” Frankie said, running a finger along the nape of her neck. “Strictly speaking, we’re already mated. It happened two days ago in my cabin .”

  Her thoughts went back to that night. They’d been outside by the fire, lying snuggled in blankets. They’d started kissing, and he’d pulled her back against his chest, yanked her jeans and panties down and entered her. It had been hot and wild and unexpected. And there was that moment, right after she came, when he’d pushed deep inside her and his teeth as sharp as an animal’s had sunk into the back of her neck. There’d been no blood, but her skin wouldn’t quit tingling. And, now that she thought of it, the scar was tingling now under his touch. She gasped. “You marked me !”

  He gave a throaty chuckle. “I didn’t plan it, honestly. But it was the right time. I knew you were mine, and I never wanted to be apart from you again .”

  She fingered the tingling spot and couldn’t stop smiling. “It’s a good job I still want to be with you, Frankie Whitlock,” she said .

  “And look.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and tapped the screen. She looked at it. It was the Shiftr app. And at the side of her profile photo was a little green badge that read 97% . She threw him a questioning glance .

  “So, I redid my profile,” he said casually. “Turns out I answered some of the questions in a hurry all those months ago .”

  She shook her head. “Well, I don’t know whether to be happy or kill you right now .”

  He kissed her and grinned, pressing his forehead against hers. “Be happy, baby, because you said exactly the right thing to me. I had to discover my feelings for you by myself so I could finally be free from the things that have controlled me for so long .”

  “Okay, you’re forgiven. But only because I love you .”


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