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Owned by the Alpha

Page 44

by Sam Crescent

  The cool shower was a soothing balm to Thea’s tired, bruised, and overheated body, but for the first time since her sister was taken while stepping out for her lunch break three days ago, Thea felt confident she would get her back. Her Tasers may have not been powered high enough to defeat Leon, but she had one sexy badass alpha on her side now. In truth, now she had an inkling of what kind of power would be needed to bring down an alpha with a Taser, she was thankful she and Teresa had not gotten that far. She shuddered to think what such voltage could have done to her sister.

  When Thea stepped out of the shower and dried herself off, she boldly put on Logan’s navy-blue t-shirt she had spotted draped over the hand towel bar. She couldn’t help the gooseflesh that broke out over her skin from his scent. His fresh musky aroma made her entire body quiver with desire. She had to hold herself steady for a moment by pressing her back against one of the tiled walls. If just the thought and smell of him could unnerve her like this, she imagined he’d destroy her if he actually touched her right now.

  When she finally regained her composure, she stepped back into the bedroom. She heard music coming from the living room—the soft notes of a song’s finale played on an acoustic guitar, and then instantly transforming into another one she recognized. She heard the opening chords of “The Sound of Silence” being strummed, and then came the most beautiful male singing voice accompanying it.

  He sang hello to darkness, his voice deep and soft. Thea put her hand to her chest, standing in awe of the sound, the actual depth of his tone surprising her.

  It never ceased to amaze her how sometimes a singing voice could be so different-sounding from a speaking one. Logan’s voice was a little deep when he spoke, the sound almost like velvet, but as he sang and the melody grew in intensity, so did his dirty bass. She remembered seeing an acoustic guitar, as well as two electric with impressive amps around his living room, but she hadn’t really taken the time to equate it with him playing the instruments with so much on her mind.

  She dropped her wet towel on the bed and walked out of the room. He sat with his back to her on the couch, a laptop open in front of him, but he had his head slightly bowed toward his guitar. She saw his shoulders lift and stiffen, becoming aware of her presence.

  “Don’t stop,” she whispered as she walked closer to him.

  She found his eyes closed when she reached the couch. It was as if the guitar were an extension of him. And the words pouring out of him came not just from his voice, she observed, but seemingly from his very soul. She could see he felt every word he was singing, holding the long notes beautifully, seamlessly, some of them with raspy gravel. Every note he played was written on his fingers and transferred into his instrument. She wanted to see what he saw in the naked light.

  Thea sat down beside him and stared at his face, marveling at the range of passionate emotions he displayed. His version of the Simon and Garfunkel song was louder, grittier, reverberating down to her own soul. She felt tears pooling in her eyes, but they stayed trapped there, much like she was currently trapped under his spell. She had never understood why women felt the need to throw bras and panties up on stage at a concert, but if she had been wearing any of those things right now, she’d definitely throw them at Logan.

  Her breath hitched as he began the last verse about people praying to neon gods. He sang even more intensely, carrying the same climactic depth throughout until the last line, holding a note with vibrato before ending just as softly as he began on the word “silence.”

  “That was so beautiful, Logan,” she whispered, surprised she was even able to string a sentence together at the moment.

  She watched him open his eyes slowly. When he turned to her, his gaze was penetrating, ensnaring her so completely she dared not turn away. His voice was gravelly when he told her, “My shirt looks really good on you.” He tried and failed to give her a cocky smile. Instead, he produced a shaky one, making her sure that he was just as affected as she was.

  While still staring at her, he began to strum a few chords, changing melodies until he was satisfied with the up-tempo rhythmic strum of the song he wanted to play—Ed Sheeren’s “Shape of You.” She felt her heart spike and short, panting breaths escaped through her lips, all the while he never broke eye contact with her.

  He got as far as singing about bed sheets before putting his guitar aside and grabbing her by the back of her neck and pulling her to him. She felt like the magnet the song sang about, instantly drawn to him.

  Their lips collided fiercely, his hands tangling in her hair and hers in his thick locks. She moved herself even closer to him to the point where she was almost sitting on his lap. He groaned in her mouth as she tugged on his hair and then he was standing, drawing her up on her feet, without breaking their kiss. He let his hands travel down her sides to her waist. Thea moaned when Logan grabbed her ass. He then lifted her to straddle his hips. She locked her ankles behind him as he carried her toward the bedroom, but they never made it that far. She bit down gently on his bottom lip as he carried her, causing him to actually let loose a growl, the sound of it sending a stab of desire to her core. He playfully nipped her back right before he pushed her up against the wall and then his hands were exploring everywhere he could reach while his hard body kept her securely pinned.

  Logan kneaded her breasts through the shirt she was wearing at the same time she fumbled with pulling up his. She wanted it off, to feel his naked skin against hers. She managed to pull it up to his chest, forcing him to break their kiss so that he could pull it up and off the rest of the way himself. As soon as he was free of his shirt, their mouths collided again. He kissed her hard, their tongues warring, exploring, and finding a rhythm.

  “Get this off,” he breathed against her lips as his hand snaked under her shirt, “or I’ll fucking rip it off.”

  Thea tried to comply, but with her back pressed firmly against the wall and Logan pressed against her front, she had very little room to maneuver. A tearing sound told her not to even bother. Pieces of her shirt began to fall away until she was completely bare, her body set on fire with how much she wanted him. He pulled back a little to gaze at her, and he grunted appreciatively. She stared at his mouth as he bit his lip and smiled slyly. She lost all sense when he licked his lips. Then she fisted his hair with one hand and grabbed the back of his neck with the other, pulling him back toward her for another impassioned frenzy of a kiss.

  Her moans and his grunts sounded throughout the room continually as they devoured each other. He bit her top lip first, then her bottom, before moving to gently kiss her bruised cheek. With both hands, he cupped her ass firmly, leaving them there as he continued to trail quick open-mouthed kisses to her other cheek, down to her jaw, neck, and stopping at her breasts. He sucked one turgid peak hard into his mouth, making her moan loudly.

  “Ah, fuck!” she groaned, when he slid one of his hands around to her front and thrust a finger into her wet, needy channel.

  That seemed to be the last shred of patience for them both. She reached between them and began to undo his belt, and he withdrew his finger to help her along. His jeans fell around his ankles and Thea grabbed a firm hold around his impressive length. Pre-cum glistened on the thick mushroomed head, and this time it was she who licked her lips.

  With a growl, Logan removed her hand from his cock and replaced it with his own, positioning it at her entrance. In one swift move, he impaled her to the hilt, stilling once fully inside. They stared at one another as he began to move, thrusting long and hard. She kissed him then, while her hands tangled in his hair.

  “Oh, God,” she said in between kisses. “I fucking”—kiss—“love”—kiss—“the way”—kiss—“you feel.”

  “Good,” he said as he buried his face into the crook of her neck, “because I plan on fucking you all night. You feel amazing.” He nipped her neck. “I fucking love your tight little pussy.”

  His words sounded dirty and lovely at the same time, inflaming her libido a
nd need to come. She returned his bite to her neck with her own, never before having the desire to bite someone. She kissed and bit different spots, again and again as he pounded up into her, her back bumping the wall. “More, Logan. Harder.” It was as if she couldn’t get enough.

  Their mouths collided again, teeth clashing. He fisted her hair at the base of her neck and the slight bite of pain felt amazing, making her moan into his mouth. And then she was coming, screaming his name, her orgasm hitting her with the force of a freight train. Spasms rocked her body, making her shake in his arms. Through her haze of immense pleasure, she heard him calling out her name, filling her, grateful for being on the pill so that she could feel him spill inside of her.

  He broke apart their kiss to look at her while he remained inside of her and she widened her eyes at the feral look she saw on his face. His blue eyes practically glowed, his canines were elongated, his nostrils flared, and deep, harsh breaths escaped him.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered, his voice sounding garbled, barely human. “I want to…” He closed his eyes and shut his mouth, flinching as if the move caused him physical pain.

  Afraid to move, Thea kept very still, but she became concerned when she saw blood trickle out of the corner of his mouth. “Logan,” she breathed. “Are you okay?”

  “You’re mine,” he declared, once again sounding more animal than himself.

  “Yes,” she whispered. She couldn’t deny that anymore. He was right, that though she felt their connection differently, and not by scent as he did, she felt it, too, nonetheless.

  His eyes were pleading. “I want to bite you. Mark and claim you.” He closed his mouth and again she saw more blood trickle out of his mouth. “I’m trying … will wait until you let me.”

  She reached out slowly and placed her hand against his cheek. He was hurting himself so that he wouldn’t lose control and bite her. “Do it, Logan,” she said with a quiver in her voice. Then more assertively, she added, “I won’t be able to walk away from you after tonight. I’m yours.”

  Without another word, he sunk his teeth into the fleshy part between her neck and shoulder. Thea tilted her head back and let out a sound that was a mixture of both pleasure and pain. She felt an invisible tether to him snapping into place as he sucked on her blood, binding her to him. She already knew she would not be able to transform into a wolf from his bite, but they would forever be connected now. She’d feel him even when they were not in the same room, sense him when he was near, and claiming bite or not, she’d never want any other but him.

  When he was done, he licked her puncture marks to seal them and hugged her close, his body shaking slightly. “You own me, Thea,” he said against her neck.

  Chapter Six

  Logan couldn’t pinpoint how they got there. He was on the floor, his back against the couch, the coffee table pushed further out, enough for him to stretch out his long legs, and Thea was on top and in between his legs, her head resting on his chest. She must have fallen asleep again, he thought as he played with her hair. It had been hours since he claimed his mate, hours of making love to her over and over again, dozing off in between. He had tried to convince her to go to sleep in the bedroom where she would be more comfortable, but she refused to leave his side. He was selfish just enough to be grateful she decided to stay near him instead. He would have happily joined her in bed, but he was afraid that having his mate snuggled in his arms in his big comfy bed would have completely knocked him out when he needed to periodically keep watch on the surveillance.

  Thea gazed up at him then with her sleepy eyes and a small goofy smile. “What time is it?”

  “About four AM.” He reached out and poked one of her dimples. “These are just way too cute. I’m going to have to find a name for each of them.”

  She buried her face into his chest and laughed. When their eyes met again, he saw a wicked gleam in her eyes right before she planted a sweet kiss on his chest, and then another, and another in a different spot. She lifted herself up on her knees as she kissed down to his stomach, arching her back just a little. He knew exactly where she was heading, but his little minx sure took her time getting there, teasing him as she kissed and licked a path down to his cock. She’d glance up at him every so often, watching him watching her. She looked so fucking hot, so much so that if he didn’t want to feel her lips around his dick so badly, he’d flip her over right then and there and fuck her into oblivion.

  “Ah! Shit.” She had caught him unawares. Just when he had thought she would continue to tease, Thea popped him in her mouth and sucked him hard, hollowing out her cheeks. He let out a harsh breath when she grabbed him by the base and squeezed, meanwhile her tongue was doing circles around the head before sucking him again. She took him deeper, and then added a twist to the root of him as she went back up.

  She played him masterfully slow, quickly becoming attuned to what drove him wild. He brought his legs up closer to him and spread them apart wider to give her more room. His balls grew tighter when she sucked him down again and moaned around his cock. Nothing about this, about them, was perfunctory. He could smell how turned on she was by giving him pleasure and he had to thank whatever fates deemed him worthy of having her as a mate, because they fit so perfectly together, so naturally.

  “Oh, fuck, honey, I’m gonna come.”

  “Oh, yeah?” she asked, briefly popping him out, her voice all breathy. She put him right back in and moaned around him again, never breaking eye contact.

  He groaned loudly and then called out her name along with some complimentary expletives about how good her lips looked around his cock, and then he came. He felt his orgasm everywhere, from the crown of his head to the tips of his toes. The tingling sensation ripped through him as she swallowed everything he gave her.

  When he was done, he pulled her up to him and kissed her hard on the mouth, tasting her and himself. Despite being sated for the moment, he felt crazed, lustful for more of her, so he agilely flipped her on her back, spread her legs apart wide, and pulled her closer to him. He dove right into her center and devoured her pussy like a starving man. “You fucking taste like honey,” he murmured against her lips. She smelled amazing, too, sweet, and a little musky from their joining.

  Logan also learned quickly how to play her, licking her lips, then in between them, and in and around her center. He teased her clit with just the tip of his tongue, before laving it completely and then sucking on it. He found a rhythm that made her moan and pant heavily, hitting her sweet spots, and then breaking for the tease to prolong her pleasure. She moved her head from side to side, her hands squeezing her breasts, and seconds later, her hips bucked, her legs tightened, and she came in his mouth while screaming his name and moaning her release.

  He lay down on top of her, his cock growing painfully hard again, and he plunged inside, slowly this time. He entwined his hands with hers, stretching them out over her head, staring into her eyes as he unhurriedly rocked back and forth.

  Logan marveled at how different his life had become in just a day. His mundane existence now had more purpose in the form of a mate to love and cherish. Already he was quickly falling for her, and by the way she was gazing at him, flushed, wearing a lazy smile as they both took and gave their pleasure, he became sure the feeling was mutual.

  They both came, in sync, not for the first time that night, a blinding intensity despite the slowness. He kissed her softly until their spasms had subsided and then he sat up leaning against the couch again, pulling her with him to straddle his lap.

  They sat holding each other for a while before Thea pulled back and spoke. “Can you show me what you look like?” she asked. “I want to see your wolf.”

  Logan suddenly felt giddy that his mate wanted to see his wolf. He could feel his animal giddy with anticipation, too. “You won’t be afraid?”

  She shook her head vehemently. “I’m not afraid of you. And I’ve seen my sister’s wolf many times. She’s beautiful.”

nodded and Thea sat back on her haunches just far enough away to give him room to transform. He cracked his neck from side to side, maneuvered his body to where he was on all fours, and let his bones and sinuous muscles grow, crack, and contort seamlessly into his sandy-colored wolf. She never flinched or looked away as he transformed.

  “Wow,” she breathed. Thea moved in closer to him. “You’re gigantic!” She giggled.

  He made a chuffing sound in lieu of laughter, quickly becoming accustomed to and loving her bluntness. Then she threw her arms around him. “My wolf,” she said.

  Only yours, he would have said to her now if he was in his human form.

  His computer pinged, ending their moment. Logan quickly shifted into his human form and went over to his laptop. “Shit,” he said.

  “What’s wrong?” Thea asked, panic rising in her voice.

  “They’re moving her tomorrow. We gotta go. Now!”

  Chapter Seven

  Logan found himself speeding down a highway again, with Thea securely behind him. His guy at the upstate site informed him that Leon was tipped off about Logan’s involvement. The two wolves whose throats he had ripped out were probably a good convincing factor. Leon was running scared now and back to Greece from what Logan’s contact had told him. Logan needed to intercept them before they left, and with such short notice, and some of his other men too far away at the other sites, he’d be facing fifteen men and an alpha, with Thea and her toys, his shifter contact already waiting at the site, and possibly Teresa if she wasn’t badly injured.

  He hated the thought of killing so many shifters, especially since they’d be virtually no threat once he took Leon out, but he’d do it if it came down to protecting his woman and her sister. He steeled himself for the possibility of not having a choice.

  “What the fuck?” Logan said when he pulled up next to a familiar Ducati about a half mile away from the site. “Son of a bitch.”


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