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The Brothers of Brigadier Station

Page 8

by Sarah Williams

  "It's all good. Hop up." Darcy stood aside and loaded the luggage as she and Banjo climbed aboard.

  True to his word, Darcy took the time to point out what the buttons and switches did and how the plane worked. He even had her do some of the checks and start the engine.

  She was staggered at how complicated it all was and her respect for Darcy and his many talents increased.

  Once in the air, she watched Townsville disappear below her.

  "How's your Mum?" Meghan asked when he gave the okay for conversation.

  "She's good. Helping me out while Lachie's gone. We've also got one of Lachie's friends to help us out for the next few weeks while we vaccinate the herd."

  "Will he stay on the station somewhere?"

  "In the ringers’ quarters. There are four bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen so he can have one," Darcy explained glancing over at her. "I'm fixing up one for myself."

  "But you live in the main house." Meghan frowned.

  "You won’t want me living there when you and Lachie get married. Besides, you'll need the room when you have kids." She thought she could hear a hint of something in his voice.

  "Kids are a long way off." Meghan paused as she realised this was a topic she and Lachie still hadn't discussed. They would need an heir to the station at some point. After meeting Jamie, she knew she wanted children one day.

  "You want kids?" she asked Darcy.

  "Sure. But nieces and nephews will do me for a while." He smiled back.

  Meghan thought about all the things she and Lachie had forgotten to talk about. What would happen to Harriet? Where would the kids go to school? Would he still travel all the time?

  "So, you got a phone." Meghan changed the subject.

  "A satellite phone, like Lachie's. Made sense to have two.”

  "Next thing you'll be setting up a Facebook account. Or online dating." She laughed shakily. An image of him trolling online dating sites for a woman, made her stomach churn.

  "I don't think so." He shook his head slowly. No, Darcy would never do that. That wasn't his way. "I'll be the fun bachelor uncle to your kids. I'm happy on my own."

  Her heart sank for him. She knew what it was like to be alone and she wouldn't wish that on anyone. At least he would have his mother, Lachie and herself for company.

  "Surely if the right girl came along…" She started but stopped when her stomach churned again.

  Darcy sent her a bemused glance.

  "Jodie made a comment about Lachie being here so we could join the mile-high club." Meghan blurted out, then bit her tongue. "Sorry, too much info."

  "Ah yeah. Thanks, but I don't need to imagine my brother doing that in my plane." They both laughed and chatted about the station's irrigation system and the next campdrafting event Darcy was entering.

  The sun was setting as they approached the airstrip on Brigadier Station. Meghan looked out the window and spotted Lachie’s ute. She frowned; she hadn’t expected to see him until they had driven back to the homestead.

  Darcy landed the plane and taxied it into the hangar.

  Joey yapped as he saw his owner and Meghan descend the stairs. Lachie waited patiently next to the dog, a welcoming smile on his face.

  Banjo excitedly ran off to play with Joey and Meghan stepped into Lachie’s waiting embrace. "What are you doing here?"

  "I missed you," he whispered into her hair.

  Meghan pulled back, aware Darcy was standing next to her.

  "All good?" Lachie nodded to the airplane, but Meghan sensed he was referring to more than just the flight.

  "Yep. Everything’s fine here. I'll take Banjo home." Darcy nodded. "See you at the house."

  "Cheers." Lachie picked up Meghan’s bag and led her to his waiting ute.

  Meghan turned to watch Darcy bend down and pat the dogs.

  Lachie drove them a short distance in the dark. She couldn’t tell where they were, it was all unfamiliar with only a sliver of moonlight. He pulled up abruptly next to large gum tree.

  "Why have we stopped?"

  "You'll see." He smiled and climbed out of the car.

  Meghan followed him and watched as he spread a picnic blanket under the tree and placed a battery-operated lantern in a corner.

  "Sit down." Lachie motioned and turned off the headlights. When he returned, he sat next to her and held out his enclosed hands. "Pick one."

  "This one." She tapped his right hand. He opened it, but there was nothing there.

  "Pick the other one." He laughed.

  She touched that hand, and when he opened, she gasped at the sight of a silver ring. She picked it up and studied it next to the light. The round diamond was simple and classic.

  "It's lovely."

  "Here." Lachie took the ring and slid it on her left hand. It was a size too big, but he didn't appear to notice.

  Meghan took his face in her hands and kissed him sweetly. "Thank you."

  "You’re welcome." He smiled back.

  Absently, she rubbed the ring with her finger. Lachie shuffled closer and Meghan rested more comfortably against his solid chest. He had used aftershave. It was the same fragrance he wore in the city. It reminded her of the happy times they had spent there, just the two of them. He was different then. Or maybe she was different then. Something was different.

  He swept her hair away from her neck and kissed her nape. Usually, his touch and kisses sent her into a frenzy of desire, but this time, it seemed forced.

  "We should go. Harriet will be expecting us," she whispered into the night, expecting him to argue and continue kissing her.

  Lachie surprised her with his quick agreement. "Yeah, I’m tired. It’s been a long week." He yawned as if to prove his point.

  Without another word, they gathered up the rug and lantern and drove home.

  Darcy expected to see Meghan's face flushed and her hair messed when she returned. He pushed the thought from his mind. He had to keep reminding himself they were engaged and could do what they wanted. He opened the door and was surprised to hear their voices. They were back already.

  Harriet saw him approach "Look Darcy. Lachie just gave it to her." Harriet pointed to Meghan’s long, slender hand.

  Darcy glanced over and frowned. "Nice." A ring. It’s official now.

  He caught his mother’s eye with a questioning look. She just smiled and shook her head knowingly. Darcy strode to the fridge and pulled out a beer. He took a long drink before returning to his family.

  "I think the calves might come early this year," he said to Lachie as he took his seat at the dinner table.

  "The agistment cows too," he replied. "It's going to be a busy time."

  Harriet and Meghan sat in their assigned seats, Meghan next to Lachie and Harriet.

  "Dig in, you must be hungry." Harriet gestured to the food.

  There was roast chicken, boiled potatoes, carrots, and beans. Meghan waited while the men continued their conversation and piled their plates high with food.

  Harriet and Meghan exchanged a knowing look and smile.

  "Harriet, I don't want you to feel as though you are not welcome to stay here after the wedding," Meghan said quietly to her friend. "I'll still need your help and your company."

  Harriet grinned back. "Thank you, honey. I’ll stay as long as you want me. But I don't want to step on toes, so you kick me out at any time!"

  "Just make sure she's taught you how to make her pavlova first," Lachie said with his mouth full.

  "And her fruit cake," Darcy joined in. The boys both moaned pleasurably at the memory and rubbed their stomachs.

  Meghan laughed, "And how to care for the roses, of course."

  Harriet patted her hand affectionately. "Welcome home, Meghan."

  Chapter 9

  It was a quarter to three in the morning when Darcy opened the door to Lachie's room. He wasn't comfortable doing this, but Meghan had made him promise to get her, even if it meant waking her up. He tiptoed into the room and spied Meghan lyi
ng on her side; Lachie was sprawled on his stomach, his head turned away.

  Darcy bent down, his face close to Meghan’s. He could hear her breathing deeply and he wondered briefly what she was dreaming about. He placed his hand on her bare shoulder. Her singlet strap had fallen loose during the night.

  She was warm under his touch, despite the chilly night. He shook her gently and whispered her name.

  Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled dreamily at him. "Darcy?"

  "Shadow's in labor. She's about to have the foal."

  Meghan sat up quickly. "I'll be ready in a sec."

  Darcy waited outside her door with a torch.

  She joined him quickly in jeans and a sweater. She put on her boots and followed him to the stable.

  They leaned over the stable door, careful not to interrupt. Shadow was circling the stall, blowing heavily. Her head was downcast with concentration, her tail whipping from side to side.

  "Is she in pain? Is something wrong?" Meghan asked, although her instincts told her this was normal.

  "No. She's doing well. It won’t be long now."

  They watched the mare take a few more turns before collapsing onto the soft hay Darcy had spread out. She lay on her side, and Meghan watched in amazement as the contractions rippled over her belly.

  Meghan held her breath as amniotic fluid gushed out and two hooves, still inside the sack became visible. Meghan had seen plenty of animals give birth before. She had even studied foaling at TAFE, but she had never seen it live before.

  Tension filled the air. Shadow was pushing hard, but nothing seemed to be happening. Darcy must have sensed it too, as he pushed the door open and stepped cautiously inside.

  He felt the mare's bulging stomach. "She needs some help."

  "What can I do?" Meghan asked, wishing she had more equine training.

  "Put on some gloves." Darcy pointed to a box behind her. She rolled the long plastic gloves over her hands and up past her elbows.

  Darcy stayed at Shadow’s belly, his hands gently massaging. "Can you pull on the hooves. Wait until she starts pushing, though."

  Meghan nodded and knelt at the horse’s tail. As the contractions came, she pulled gently on the foal. Inch by inch it slipped further out. After several minutes the rest of the foal and amniotic fluid was released in a great gush.

  Darcy inspected the sack before breaking it open and releasing the still foal.

  "Let’s get out of the way." He led her back out of the stall, where she removed her gloves and washed her hands. By the time she returned, Shadow was licking her new brown foal.

  "It's so cute." They watched the foal try to stand on shaky, thin legs.

  Darcy stood next to Meghan, his hands on his waist. He still wore yesterday’s clothes and looked tired from the long night. Even as dishevelled as he was he looked handsome and proud as he gazed on the new edition.

  "Good job," she said and patted him on the back.

  He gazed down at her, his eyes bright.

  "Thank you for the help. Your vet nursing skills are coming in handy."

  She smiled, her shoulders back. She was thrilled to have been part of the event. "You obviously knew what you were doing."

  "I grew up around animals. Not much I haven’t seen." He grinned. The tension had left his body now, and he looked relaxed but tired.

  "I need a cuppa," he said as they headed back to the house. It was nearing sunrise, and there was no point going to sleep now with work to do.

  "I'll make it. You rest for a bit," Meghan said as they removed their boots at the front door.

  The house was quiet, Harriet and Lachie still asleep. Meghan made two cups of tea, remembering Darcy liked his black and sweet. She carried the cups to the veranda where he was slumped in a chair, feet stretched out his head back. His eyes were closed.

  Meghan put the cups on the table next to his chair and sat watching him doze peacefully. As the sun rose she watched the sky illuminate. Orange beams spilled over the parched, dry earth. As another sunny day began in the North Queensland outback.

  Meghan was overcome by the night’s excitement. It was wonderful to be alive and to be here on the station. She wanted life to stay just as it was, right this moment. It was absolutely perfect.

  Meghan had never ridden a motor bike, so Lachie decided it was time that changed. After breakfast, he took her for a spin around the paddock.

  She could see the appeal of the bike, after all they cost less than horses and the terrain was flat and bikes managed it perfectly. But the engine heat and exhaust fumes just didn't inspire her the way horseback riding did.

  They rounded the corner and Lachie brought the quad bike to a stop in front of the house. He waited for Meghan to dismount behind him, then swung his leg over and looked up at her.

  "Fun, huh?" he beamed.

  "Um, yeah," Meghan forced a smile. The ride on the quad bike had been mostly scary as Lachie sped along the fields and took corners too quickly in an attempt to show off. She could see why Darcy preferred his horse to these dangerous quad bikes.

  It was becoming obvious how few things they shared in common and how little they actually knew about each other. She couldn’t help but compare him to Darcy, who she had only met a few weeks ago, but already knew more about than her own fiancé. Meghan quickly brushed the thoughts from her mind and reminded herself that she loved Lachie and that was enough.

  Harriet was laying lunch out on the table when they came in. Freshly baked bacon and egg pie and salad.

  The three of them started their meals and were soon joined by Darcy.

  "How’s the foal?" Meghan asked him. She was eager to visit the newborn.

  "Good. He's got a white patch on his head, shaped like a diamond." Darcy washed his hands in the kitchen sink.

  "Is it a filly or a colt?" Harriet asked.

  "A colt." Darcy sat across from Meghan and served himself. "You get the honours of naming him."

  "Me? Why?"

  "Why not? Just pick something good. He'll be a campdrafting horse."

  Meghan thought of the newborn foal she had met during the night, but no good names came to mind. "I'll think about it."

  Darcy nodded and started to eat.

  "Oh, Dylan called from next door. He wanted to know if you were keen for a camp out at the creek tonight?" Harriet said to the men.

  "Yeah, sounds good," Lachie said.

  "Sounds like fun." Meghan smiled.

  "I might ride Jasper and meet you guys there," Darcy said.

  "Can I ride Molly then?" Meghan turned to Darcy for permission. He nodded nonchalantly.

  "Yeah, and I'll come out later with the ute." Lachie agreed. "Might as well sleep out there."

  "Don't forget the swags then."

  "And beer. I definitely can’t forget the beer!" Lachie grinned.

  "So, we'll sleep out there?" Meghan clarified.

  "Yep. It's a full moon. It'll be nice." Lachie said as he rose from the table. He kissed the top of Meghan’s head. "See you out there."

  "I'll call Maddie and let her know," Harriet said and went to make the call.

  Alone again, Darcy turned to Meghan. "You alright with that?"

  "Of course, just a little worried about snakes," she admitted.

  "We'll check the swag before you get in," Darcy smiled. "It’s okay, I won't let anything hurt you."

  Meghan's shoulder relaxed. She could trust Darcy to keep her safe.

  "We'll ride out about four. Bring a swimsuit, the river's still full enough to swim in."

  Molly cantered along the sweeping plains kicking up dust below her hooves. Under Darcy's instructions, Jasper kept a good pace with the older mare so they rode side by side.

  Meghan loved the colours of this country. The rich brown soil under the endless deep blue sky. She yearned to mix her paints and replicate the colours on canvas. Out here, under the slamming North Queensland sun, was exactly where she wanted to be. This was her home. She belonged out here in the bush. />
  Turning, she watched Darcy ride. He was more himself in the saddle than at any other time. He and Jasper had a deeper relationship than Darcy had with anyone else as though they could read each other's mind. It was as obvious now as in the campdrafting ring.

  With the sun in their eyes, they approached a cluster of eucalypt trees. Their tangy, sharp scent hung in the air. Meghan breathed it in deeply. The smell reminded her of her brief childhood days on the stud farm where she remembered climbing huge eucalypts and watching the horses roam grassy paddocks.

  A wide, deep creek emerged surrounded by rocks and grey stones. The water was green-tinged but sparkled enticingly in the sunlight.

  Darcy pulled his horse up at the water’s edge and dismounted letting Jasper drink from the creek. Meghan followed his lead.

  Parrots called to each other from the tops of the coolabah trees. The bright-coloured birds zigzagged between the branches, shaking leaves to the ground. Meghan watched their performance for a few moments before becoming aware of Darcy watching her.

  "The others should be here soon." His voice was husky. "We should get some firewood."

  Darcy was careful not to let Meghan wander from his sight as they collected sticks and dead branches. The decaying foliage was just the sort of habitat snakes would curl up and hide in. She didn't complain about the job when she came back flushed from the work, her clothes covered in leaves and debris. He had to admit that every day Meghan looked more and more like she belonged out here. He pushed these thoughts aside before they went any further. He knew he shouldn't be thinking about her at all.

  He looked up at the sound of an approaching vehicle. Dylan's ute was coming up the track. He dumped his pile of firewood at the flat site where they would camp and walked over to greet his friends. Meghan followed him.

  Dylan shook his hand and greeted him with a broad smile before turning to Meghan "It's nice to meet you. Congratulations on the engagement."

  "Thank you," Meghan replied, her face was flushed from exercise. Maddie stood next to her.


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