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Her Master's Kiss (Erotic Romance)

Page 3

by Vivien Sparx

  “Very well,” she said. She reached impulsively behind her and unfastened her bra. Her breasts fell free. She threw the bra on the doorstep right at Stefan’s feet.

  “You’re right. I am an object. Nothing but an object for you to touch and look at and use. That’s what I paid to learn. That’s what you want. So that’s what you will get!”

  She sauntered defiantly to the letterbox, each step like she was walking on a catwalk. She stepped with her head held high and her shoulders back. When she reached the letterbox she parted her legs and bent provocatively at the waist, feeling Stefan’s hungry eyes on her. Then she turned and walked slowly back to the door. Her nipples were hard, and a fire of erotic heat blazed low in her belly.

  “There is no mail,” she said.

  Stefan smiled. “You interest me, Renee,” he said, and the comment was so unexpected, she was glued to the spot for a moment. “You have a child-like innocence, and yet there is something below the surface that is more resilient and brash. Kept under control, they are admirable qualities.”

  He stepped aside and Renee walked past him through the front door.

  Renee waited while Stefan closed the door. He turned to her, his eyes dark. “How do you feel now?”

  “Angry,” Renee said. She was shivering with small tremors of adrenalin and arousal. His comment a moment ago about keeping her admirable qualities under control was forgotten in an instant.


  “Mad as hell, actually.”

  “What happened to humiliated?”

  She turned on him. “What happened to respect? You made a fool of me.”

  “No!” Stefan snapped hotly. “You felt like a fool because you could not disconnect your mind. You looked like a sex goddess.”

  Renee opened her mouth to shout back and suddenly stopped, Stefan’s words registering in her mind. The shock of it drove away her rage and filled her with sudden confusion. “Then… then why are you treating me like this?”

  “Like what?”

  “Like a child.”

  “Because you continue to act like one,” Stefan said.

  “But you talk about the submissive being powerful, and how strong the submissive must be… and then you have me perform like that…? I don’t understand!”

  “Because you don’t learn,” Stefan said harshly. “All that we have covered tonight was also discussed last night… and when we first met. And yet still you refuse to understand your role. You act like a child and so I treat you as one. When you begin to act like a woman, and when you accept your role and behave accordingly, I will treat you as such.”

  Renee blinked. Suddenly she felt lost.

  “Do not turn your anger on me,” Stefan warned. “The fault here is yours. I will not lower myself to your level. I am waiting for you to rise to the challenge… to immerse yourself in what you wish to become. You let yourself down.”

  She started to cry. She didn’t mean to. She didn’t expect to; it just happened. She stood in the foyer, in just her panties, and she cried while Stefan watched her.

  “I’m sorry,” Renee said between sobs. “You’re right. It’s me I’m angry with. Me! I’m angry because I’m failing. I know I am… and I can’t afford to fail. I just can’t.”

  Stefan looked at her for a long time before speaking.

  “Put your clothes on,” he said derisively, “and go home. I told you that you were unprepared for the challenges. Our session is ended for tonight. Frankly, I’m too disappointed in you to continue.”

  Day Four.

  “Submissives must learn that they are responsible for their master’s happiness and pleasure.”

  When the clock chimed 7pm, Stefan opened the door, silently enraged that Renee would dare be late again.

  But she wasn’t late. She was waiting for him, submissively kneeling on the doorstep.

  “How long have you been here?” he asked gruffly.

  “Fifteen minutes – master.”

  “Come inside,” he said. “Go down to the punishment room and wait for me.”

  When Stefan entered the downstairs room, Renee was standing by the wall, wearing a brand new red corset and red panties. Stefan’s eyes roamed over her lithe young body.

  “Better,” he said with gruff approval. “And it is good that you have stripped. It shows me that you are prepared and willing,” he nodded. “You please me.”

  Renee’s head was bowed respectfully, but those three simple words made her heart sing and gave her hope. She smiled inwardly. There was something incredibly satisfying in pleasing this man. It was something primitive; something instinctive that came from deep within her. She didn’t know if it was because she was so attracted to him physically, or because she was responding to the man himself.

  “Thank you, master.”

  Stefan ran his hand over the silky fabric of the corset. “I like the cut of this lingerie too. I like how it presents your breasts to me. You have chosen well.”

  Renee shuddered, the heat of Stefan’s fingertips like a fiery brand on her skin.

  “I have been busy since you sent me away last night,” she said softly.

  “So it appears,” Stefan said guardedly. “But pretty lingerie does not make you a worthy submissive…”

  Renee nodded. “I understand, master. But I have done more than buy the clothes you ordered.”

  “Is that so? Then perhaps you would like to explain.”

  Renee lifted her head and smiled hopefully at Stefan. “I have done a lot of thinking.”


  “About everything. About everything you have said to me. About everything I wanted to achieve. I haven’t slept. I’ve been so torn between who I am, and what you are teaching me to become. I… I don’t know that I have completely grasped all you have told me, but I do know that I understand it more.”

  “Enough to continue?”

  “More than enough.”

  “Enough to be obedient?”


  “Regardless of my command?”


  Stefan considered her expression carefully. He could see the transformation in her eyes.

  “Enough to accept discipline?”


  “Including the whip?”

  “Of course.”

  “And tell me again why you have come back tonight.”

  “To learn to become a skilled submissive who is able to please her master’s every desire?”

  “You mean your boyfriend?”

  “I mean you. You are training me. I must serve and please you until my training is complete. Then I will try to win back James.”

  Stefan frowned. “I no longer doubt your willingness,” he said carefully, “but I wonder now about your intentions. This boyfriend of yours. Tell me more about him.”

  Renee balked for the slightest fraction of a second only. “What would you wish to know?”

  “What does he do for a living?”

  “He works with a mining company. He is away sometimes for several weeks, and then home for a few days.”

  “And how did your relationship end?”


  Stefan smiled grimly. “More information.”

  “It ended with him storming from our bed one night,” Renee said. “He told me I was not pleasing him. He said I wasn’t a very good lover.”

  “He said that?”

  “Well… yes. In a fashion.” She sighed. “No… he didn’t. He actually looked me in the eye and told me I was the most boring, useless sexual partner he had ever slept with. He told me he felt like he had to do all the work in our relationship, and that I no longer aroused him. That’s what he said.”

  “And then he just left?”

  “Yes. He said we needed time apart. He wanted to think about whether we should continue. That’s when I saw your advertisement and decided I needed to do something to save what we had.”

  “And when did this happen?”

  “Three weeks ago.”

  “And you haven’t heard from him since?”

  “No… but he is probably working away again at the moment.”

  “And do you love him?”

  Renee recoiled in a small shock, as though she had walked into an invisible wall. “I… I think so,” she said slowly. “I’m not sure I know what real love is. I haven’t had many lovers…” she looked away shyly.

  Stefan’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully for a moment, and then his expression changed completely.

  “Very well,” he announced. “It is time to begin.”

  Renee bowed her head again. There was an undeniable small thrill of arousal seeping through her body. She felt it every time Stefan looked at her in a certain way, and every time he moved close to her. Now it was beginning to slowly uncoil once more, seeping warm and molten deep inside her.

  “Tonight you will learn the two basic positions that all slaves must know,” Stefan said. “Often your master will simply command you into position One or Two. You must adopt these positions instantly.”

  Renee nodded her understanding, keeping her eyes on the ground before her.

  “Position One,” Stefan said. “Get down on your knees and clasp your hands behind your back.”

  Renee dropped to the ground immediately.

  “Now part your knees. Wider. A little wider…. Yes. Like that.”

  Renee’s knees were about eighteen inches apart.

  “Straighten your back and keep your hands clasped behind you. Then open your mouth.”

  Renee did as she was instructed. Her mouth formed a wide-open oval of red lipstick.

  Stefan crouched beside her and lifted her chin until they were looking at each other.

  “This position is so that your master can step up to you and place his hardness into your mouth. Do you understand that?”

  Renee could only nod.

  “In adopting this position, you are making an invitation of your mouth to your master. You are welcoming him to pleasure himself. So therefore you must adjust the height you kneel at, depending on how tall your master is. You will learn this quickly. It may be that you need to kneel back on your haunches to lower yourself a little…”

  Renee nodded again.

  Stefan stood beside her and she could see the sudden bulge of his own arousal in his trousers.

  “For me, because I am tall, you would remain straight-backed,” Stefan said. He positioned himself directly in front of Renee and stepped forward until the swell in his trousers was pressed against her wide-open mouth. Renee’s heart leaped into her throat. The tendrils of heat uncoiling low in her abdomen suddenly whiplashed.

  Stefan stood, rubbing himself against her open mouth for several seconds. “You must remain compliant and willing at all times in this position,” he said, his voice suddenly thicker than she remembered it. “As I lace my hands into your hair and hold tight to the back of your head, it is to give me deeper access to your mouth. When I do this, it is critical that you remain relaxed. You cannot pull away. You cannot resist. I assure you, you will not suffocate or choke…”

  Renee groaned. She felt Stefan’s strong hands in her hair and her eyes began to water. A flood of damp desire seeped between her spread thighs.

  And then Stefan was backing away, his breathing a little rough, his eyes a little wide, his expression a little flustered.

  Renee stayed in position, but there was a pleading expression in her eyes.

  Stefan took a deep breath and forced himself to scowl.

  “Yes, that is good,” he said. “Remember this is called Position One. At anytime you hear the command, you will assume this exact position. Understand?”

  “Yes,” Renee said, relaxing her posture a little and swallowing hard. Her mouth felt dry.

  “Position Two begins in the same way,” Stefan explained. “On your knees, and remember to keep them separated. But in this position you are to lean forward and rest your head on the floor, whilst keeping your hands clasped behind your back,” he said. “Do it.”

  Renee bent forward at the waist until her forehead rested on the carpet.

  “Turn your cheek,” Stefan said.

  Renee rested her cheek on the ground and kept her hands linked behind her back. She was instantly aware of how open and vulnerable the position left her.

  Stefan stepped behind her. “In this position, you are making your body available to your master in the most accessible way,” Stefan noted. “With your legs apart as they are, your master need only pull aside your panties and kneel between your legs to take you.”

  Renee closed her eyes, knowing that Stefan was close behind her. She wondered if he could sense her arousal; if he was aware of the slick dampness that must surely be soaking her panties.

  She heard him moving, and then she realized he was on his knees behind her, pressing himself hard against her open body.

  “In this position, your master can hold your hips, or reach forward and grasp your hands,” Stefan demonstrated. He gripped her wrists and pulled her head off the ground until she felt the small strain in her arms. “Again, here you are open and available to me,” he said. “This gives your master total control of your body, and the ability to use you in many ways until he takes his pleasure. Understand?”

  “Yes,” Renee said softly. Her voice in her own ears sounded shaky and tremulous.

  “This is Position Two. Upon command, no matter where you are or what you are doing, you will immediately put yourself in this position and wait for your master.”

  “I understand,” Renee said.

  Stefan got to his feet and ordered Renee to stand. She rose uncertainly, and stood with her legs apart instinctively.

  “If you can remember those two positions you will go a long way to pleasing your master. Remember that your obedience, and your willingness to obey instantly will be critical to your success as a submissive. The one thing that annoys a master more than anything else is if his submissive questions his instruction… or if the submissive hesitates to obey any command,” he said. “There must always be a bond of absolute trust between master and slave. Once broken it can never be fully restored. This bond relies on the master always being respectful of his slaves limits, and the slave always believing that her master’s instructions are either for his own pleasure or, at least, not given to place the slave in danger or in harm’s way. Any master that abuses a willing slave’s trust is a fool. And any slave who questions a master’s orders is unprepared, or untrained to fulfill the role.”

  Renee paid attention. She nodded.

  “That is not to say that a good master will not test and stretch a slave’s limits,” Stefan smiled sexily. “Submission is, in essence, an opportunity for the person to learn about themselves, and to challenge their levels of obedience and acceptance. A good master will always seek ways to stretch a slave’s endurance, or limits, because it keeps the relationship fresh. Each new measure of effort is an indication of the relationship’s growing bonds of strength. Do you understand this, Renee?”

  “Yes. Yes, I do.”

  “The slave and master relationship is very much like the military,” Stefan offered. “Discipline in the military is strict. When an officer issues an order, the soldier is drilled and trained to respond – without question. If, at any time, an officer’s order is disobeyed or disputed, the result can be mutiny, and the entire structure breaks down.”

  Although her eyes were lowered, Renee watched Stefan covertly. Not for the first time she found her mind filling with unbidden erotic images of them entwined. The deep, steady sound of his voice was incredibly sexual and hypnotic.

  “Very well,” Stefan said at last. “Your efforts tonight have pleased me greatly, Renee. Your change in attitude and your enthusiasm is a credit to you.”

  “Thank you, master,” Renee glowed in his praise.

  “I think you deserve a surprise.”

  Renee looked up in bewilderment to see Stefan fetching a chair. He set
the chair just a few feet in front of where Renee stood and sat down.

  “I am aware the last few days have been testing for you,” Stefan said. “And I am aware that you have fought your own struggles to adjust.” He paused for a moment. “I am also aware that our training sessions have caused you intense arousal, Renee. Forcing yourself to deny your own urges has its limits, and because of your efforts tonight, it is time you were rewarded.”

  Stefan crossed his legs and sat back in the chair. He dangled an arm lazily over the backrest and studied Renee’s face intently. “I want you to put your hand down inside your panties and pleasure yourself while I watch.”

  A rapid confusion of mixed emotions flashed in Renee’s eyes. She was so incredibly aroused! She had been in a constant state of need for several days. But to touch herself?

  While he sat and watched…?

  Her thoughts scrambled in her mind for just a second, and then her training, and a sudden sense of detachment overcame her. It was as if she were outside her own body, watching on.


  Her hand eased slowly down her abdomen and slipped under the waistline of her panties. She clenched her teeth and closed her eyes. Her fingers crawled towards the flickering heat between her parted legs.

  “Not like that,” Stefan said softly. “I want you to open your eyes and look at me while you touch yourself. And I want you to tell me everything you do, and every sensation you feel.”

  Renee exhaled and licked her lips.

  “Tell me,” he urged. “Tell me everything, Renee.”

  “I’m… my… fingers. They’re just touching… exploring lightly. I can feel my… nub. It’s… um… raised. Swollen. I can feel the heat lower down but I don’t want to touch there yet. I want to draw out these first moments…”

  “And what do you feel?”

  “Aroused. Very. Um…I feel like I’m swaying. Teetering. Maybe like I’m beginning to float…”

  “And in your mind? Tell me your fantasies.”

  “Images everywhere,” Renee confessed. “They’re cramming into my mind and I can’t control them. Images of you… undressed. Others of me on my knees before you. So many.... but…. but the one that comes back again and again is of you and me on a bed covered in red satin sheets…”


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