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Fiancée For Sale

Page 15

by Lila Kane



  “Whatever you want to know, I’ll tell you.”





  iv gave me some pictures and a video,” Brianna says.

  “Did you look at them?”

  “No. I want the truth from you.”

  Michael nods and leans back in his chair, keeping his eyes on mine the entire time he explains the situation with Chet. How Chet threatened to make my life worse if he told me the truth about the visit and what was really on the video. It’s a shock to me. Deb told me I needed to see it, but by that point, I’d decided I needed to hear it from Michael.

  What he’s saying is crazy, but I don’t doubt he’s telling the truth.

  “I…” I consider my words before answer. “I believe you.”

  “I’m telling you the truth,” he says. “And from here on out, I’m an open book.”

  The words hit me right in the heart. From here on out. Like he believes there will be more after this. But he can’t be thinking anything more, can he? Just friends, right? Because he already told me we aren’t right for each other.

  I lean back in my seat. “Okay,” I whisper. “That’s all I needed to know.”

  He angles his head. “What?”

  “I appreciate you trying to look out for me with Chet. That was a very…noble thing to do.” Something someone who truly cares about you might try to do. And it gives me some of the closure I need.

  It doesn’t take away the pain of him not sharing the same feelings I do, but it helps clear up the rest. And it shows me what a good guy Michael is.

  “I’m sorry, then,” I say. “I should have believed you and trusted you about Chet. You were trying to look out for me, and I couldn’t see that because…because I was hurt about everything else. So, thanks. And, again, I’m sorry.”

  I struggle with everything else I want to say, but tell myself to let it go. Michael has told me how he feels, and I don’t want to hash it out again. I want to respect his feelings, and I don’t want to ruin things between us. I don’t want to leave hating him or him hating me.

  “So, I…” I shift in my seat, and then stand. “I can be in touch about the job? Is that okay? Or would it be better to just—to take a break for a while?”

  His mouth opens, like he’s not sure what to say.

  I shake my head. “Sorry. That’s a lot of pressure. I’ll go. And—and if I hear from you, then we can figure it out. And if not, I promise I won’t hold it against you.”

  I turn to the door, but before I can blink, Michael is in front of me. “Brianna.”

  My breath catches. “What?”

  “That’s it? You just wanted to know about Chet and that’s it?”

  “Well, yeah. I mean…” What am I supposed to say? He’s staring at me with those intense blue eyes, smelling so good, standing so close. What I want to say is I love you, but I know I shouldn’t. It’ll just make this harder.

  “What about the rest?” he asks. “What about us?”

  Why’s he doing this? Maybe he needs closure as much as I do?

  “I…I just don’t want to—to make this harder for you. I know how you feel. That—that you don’t think you’re the right person for me.” I lower my chin, trying not to cry. “I’m trying to accept that. To—to respect your decision.”

  “It’s not my decision. It’s a fact.” He lifts my chin. “It’s not what I want. It’s what’s right for you.”

  I nearly break at his touch. God, I’ve dreamed of this every night. But, still…it’s not right. We’re not on the same page.

  “I know that you cared for me,” I say. “Truly. But if you don’t want to be with me—”

  “I want to,” Michael says. “I don’t want to be with anyone else. I want you.”


  “I said I’m not right for you because I can’t give you what you want.”

  “Kids?” I choke on a painful laugh. “You think that’s all I want? Of course I want a family. But first comes a man I’m in love with. And then—then we figure it out together. I can adopt kids, I can—”

  He doesn’t let me finish, just leans in and kisses me long and hard. My whole body responds to it, leaning into him, wanting to shut out the rest of the world and feel.

  I pull back, though. “Michael. This—I can’t just—”

  “No, wait. Hold on. Don’t say anything yet, please. I’m trying to fix this—and trying to say what I should have said last time we talked. Or the time before. I’m trying to be open and make this right.”

  I release a breath, aware that his hands are still on my arms. “I’m listening.”

  “Just two things,” he says, then lowers his gaze. “The first one is hard…it’s not something I’ve ever told another woman because I’ve never been at the point where it mattered. But with you, it matters. Even though we’re not there yet—and we may never be there—I still want you to know even though it seems like Liv might have already told you. I can’t have kids.”

  I touch his cheek, bringing his eyes back up.

  “I was sick when I was a kid and…it’s a long story,” he says, “but I can’t have kids. And, like I said, maybe we won’t ever get to that point, but that’s why I didn’t think we could be together.”

  “I understand.” I rub his cheek, loving the way he leans into my palm. “And it’s not a make it or break it kind of thing for me. It’s a partnership and we’ll figure it out together. When I’m with the person I love, we can have kids, adopt them, get artificially inseminated—whatever—as long as we figure it out together.”

  “Which brings me to the other thing,” Michael says.

  “What other thing?”

  “I love you.” He takes my hand and squeezes it. “I couldn’t say the words before because I didn’t think we had a chance together, but now that everything else is out there…I love you, Brianna.”

  I wait a long moment, savoring the words. Watching as his face grows worried again. “I love you, too. I—”

  He stops me with another kiss, making me laugh. “Please, please don’t take it back. I couldn’t stand it. I love you, Brianna, and if you love me, too, I want to make this work.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on tight. “God, Michael…is this real?”

  “Completely real. I can put it in writing if you need me to.”

  “No.” I pull back. “No more contracts. Just us. Let’s figure this out together.”

  He kisses me again. “I agree. No contracts. Just us.”

  I kiss him again, and it’s the lightest I’ve felt in a long time. Just me and Michael.







  ’m exhausted,” I say, pulling off one stiletto.

  Michael steps from the closet in his bedroom and smiles at me. He crouches down to remove my other shoe. “What can I do?”

  I glance down, so much love in my heart for him I can hardly stand it. “Nothing. You did so much tonight—the whole event…”

  He’d helped organize the opening of my new office. Finally, my own company. It had happened so fast, but business boomed and suddenly, I needed employees. A place to run my business.

  We’d spent the entire evening dressed to the nines and enjoying ourselves with friends and family.

  He caresses my calf, rubbing the tired muscles. “It was a good night.”

  I nod, suddenly emotional. “It was. It’s…Michael, please stand up.”

  He gets to his feet and wraps his arms around me. “What is it, sweetheart?”

  “I’m…” I fan my hand in front of my face, but it still doesn’t stop the tears. “I’m happy.”


  “Yes.” More tears slip out. “Everyone was there and your family—they make me f
eel like I belong.”

  He brushes his thumbs on my tears to clear them from my cheeks. “Don’t cry. There’ll be a lot more years like this. I promise.”

  I lift my chin to kiss him. “Really?”

  “As many as you want. Just say the word.”

  My stomach flutters. “I want forever. With you.”

  He grins, as if he wasn’t expecting anything less. “Then let’s do it.”

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a velvet box. “Brianna…”

  I cover my mouth with my hands, completely caught off guard. “Oh my God.”

  “Don’t cover your face, sweetheart,” Michael says, smiling. He sinks to his knees again while my heart bursts. “I’m trying to ask you to marry me.”

  I drop my hands, letting him take one. He gives it a squeeze and then looks up at me. “Brianna.”


  “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes. Yes, yes!” I let him put the ring on my finger and then try to drag him up.

  With a laugh, Michael gets to his feet and wraps his arms around me. “I was worried.”

  “Why? I love you so much.”

  He kisses me and nods. “I know. I really do. Are you sure this is okay, though? Kids—”

  “It’s perfect. I’m right where I want to be.”

  His eyes lock on mine. “You are?”

  “Yes. I’m going to marry you and we’re going to adopt a thousand kids and be happy.”

  He laughs. “Maybe not a thousand.”

  “No, not a thousand. But as many as we want. Really, Michael. I wouldn’t have this any other way.”

  He kisses me again and all I can feel is love for the man who has completely changed my life and given me a family.

  For a free bonus chapter to see what happens next in Michael and Brianna’s story, sign up for Lila’s newsletter HERE. You’ll also receive periodic news about her releases and have the chance to read new books before they’re available to the public.

  For quick, steamy reads, pick up one of Lila’s short stories. Here’s a free one just to say thanks for reading:


  Brett knows me better than anyone else. After all, he’s practically family. He’s been friends with my older brothers since high school. But we’re not kids anymore and Brett doesn’t look at me like he used to. In fact, Brett hardly looks at me at all. I was beginning to think he hated me. Until we get snowed in at my family’s cabin. Until we get a fire going and it’s just the two of us.


  Brett used to know me as a friend, but he’s about to get to know me intimately…inside and out.



  I barely made it.

  By the time I reached the cabin, the world was lost in a sea of white. I knew we were expecting a storm this weekend, but it wasn’t supposed to be a blizzard. And it wasn’t supposed to get bad until the middle of the night, not by dinner.

  I hauled my bag inside and dumped it on the floor in the foyer, and then breathed in deep. There were worse places to spend a week in a blizzard. The only thing I worried about was if the rest of the family would make it.

  Both my brothers were supposed to come, and they were planning on bringing along Brett. My breath shuddered out. Brett. Family friend and long-time crush.

  Who was I kidding? He wasn’t a simple crush. I’d known Brett since we were kids. He used to pull my hair and tease me. Then in high school he acted like an older brother and screened all the guys I dated. And now?

  Now he just avoided me.

  I peered out the window with a frown. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to make it. As much as I wanted Brett here, part of me never wanted to see him again. Every time I tried to tell him how I felt, he had something to do. Somewhere to be. Someone else to talk to.

  I don’t know what I’d done to offend him, but it had to have been something.

  When my phone rang and I saw my brother’s number, I answered right away. “Hey, Jeff.”

  “Where are you?”

  “At the cabin.”

  “Damn. You bring provisions?” he asked.

  I walked to the kitchen. “The fridge was stocked a few days ago, but I still brought some snacks. Why? I thought you were bringing stuff.”

  “Yeah, I was. But not anymore. Didn’t you hear? They closed the highway.”

  Outside the window, the snow was so thick I couldn’t even see the road. “Wait—you’re not coming?”


  “But…what about Drew? He and Brett were supposed to come, too.”

  “Drew had to run into work. He was supposed to come with me.”

  My stomach clenched. “And Brett?”

  “He left an hour ago—should be there soon.”

  Fuck. Maybe the road was closed before he got past. Not that I wanted to be stuck at the cabin all alone for a few days—or until the blizzard passed—but it’d be way less awkward. I could read a book. Drink some wine. Pine over Brett…

  “This sucks,” I said, opening the refrigerator. Might as well check out the rations.

  Jeff laughed. “Hopefully it’s only until tomorrow night. The snow’s supposed to slow down and we’ll head up then.”

  A day alone with Brett was bound to feel like a month, but again…wine. Reading. I could even pop in a movie and lose myself in that. Brett could fend for himself.

  “Let me know when you’re on your way,” I said.

  Jeff promised to call me tomorrow, and hung up. At least the fridge was stocked. I grinned at the wine rack. That was stocked, too, which meant Brett wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.

  I pulled down a bottle and opened it before grabbing my phone and attaching it to the wireless speaker on the counter. Music would pass the time. Later I’d start a fire and decide what to do next.

  By the time I’d had almost an entire glass, I’d almost forgotten I was up here alone. I dawned my slippers and spun in the kitchen, dancing to 90s hip hop with my glass in hand. When the chorus started, I sang at the top of my lungs, pulling off some pretty stellar dance moves.

  I downed the rest of my wine, spun in the other direction, and froze.

  I choked on the lyrics of the song when I saw Brett standing at the edge of the kitchen.

  To my dismay, he started clapping.

  “Oh, God…I didn’t know you were here.”

  He pulled off his cap, ruffling his hair, and dusted the floor with snow. My throat dried. Damn, he looked good. He always looked good. I squeezed my thighs together at the ache that bloomed. “I’m here.”

  I swallowed and set my glass aside, suddenly nervous. “I’m the only one here.”

  “Jeff called. I’m sure they’ll make it up tomorrow.” His gaze dropped to my slippers, and I swear the corner of his mouth quirked. Then he turned abruptly. “I have more stuff in the car.”

  Before I could say anything, he vanished.

  Damn it. What was his problem?

  I walked to the window and watched him making his way to his car. I could barely see him by the time he reached it. Shit. It was only getting worse. Which meant I should probably get the box I brought as well—just in case I needed M&M’s in the middle of the night.

  Tugging on my cap, jacket, and boots, I huffed out my irritation. Brett was just going to have to deal with me because it wasn’t like I was going anywhere. I yanked open the front door and trudged down the steps as he was coming up.

  “Wait—Evie.” He held a box in his arms but turned back. “Where are you going?”

  “I have stuff.”

  I didn’t stop, just hiked through a couple of feet of snow to reach my car. There was so much snow on it, the trunk wouldn’t open. Then I realized I hadn’t brought my gloves.


  I watched Brett vanish inside the house, then reappear. Instead of going for his truck, he headed in my direction.

  Ignoring him, I swiped at the snow, trying to knock as much off as I c
ould to open the trunk.

  “You’re not wearing gloves,” he said.

  “Thanks for pointing that out.”

  I hated the snark in my voice, but I was tired of his attitude. There was a time I would have died and gone to heaven knowing I would have been alone with him for a whole day. And night. Maybe longer. But now…

  Brett jerked the trunk open and I reached for the box at the same time he did.

  “I’ve got it,” I said.

  “Get inside. You’re not wearing gloves.”

  My mouth dropped open. “You’re not my boss. I—”

  He tugged the box, and I tugged back. His eyes met mine in challenge. But when I tugged again and a whole pile of snow slid from the side of the trunk onto my arms, I gasp and released the box, falling on my ass in a snowbank.

  Brett spun around, abandoning the box. “Evie.”

  “Why did you do that?” I pulled my hands from the snow. They already ached from the cold.

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  And maybe it was because I was a little tipsy. Or a little frustrated. Or just because I wanted to see him in the snow, too. But when he reached down for me, I jerked his hand and made him stumble into the snow as well.

  “Ha!” I rose onto my knees with a triumphant laugh. “Now you know how it feels. You—”

  The snowball got me right in the face. I gasped and then reached for him, knocking him back into the snow. But this time he took me with him. I landed on top of him.

  My breath rushed out and my hands pressed against his chest. My lips were inches from his, and our eyes locked. His fingers found my waist, squeezing through my jacket.

  “Brett,” I murmured.

  All my anger was lost in that moment. For once, he wasn’t turning away, wasn’t glaring at me. He was looking straight into my eyes with something like surprise.

  I opened my mouth to say something else, but he sat up abruptly, nearly knocking me back in the snow. He hauled me to my feet without warning and then grabbed the box from my trunk.

  Before I could say anything, he strode through the snow and to the stairs, looking like it took no effort at all. Stung by his actions, I slammed the trunk shut and hurried after him.


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