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Final Voyage of the Remora

Page 56

by Richard S. Tuttle

Kalina nodded wearily and reduced the power of the spell gradually. The day's journey into the Sea of Tears had been nerve wracking after the collision with the Zaran ship, and she didn't feel safe dropping the spell altogether until she could see what was near the Remora. As the fog began to thin, she rotated around scanning the sea around the ship. When it was clear that no other ships were nearby, she dropped the spell completely.

  "That was indeed tiring," she commented. "I do not know how you can keep propelling this ship so effortlessly."

  "It is not entirely effortless," smiled Haditha, "but it is what I was born for. Sort of."

  Kalina raised an eyebrow as she studied the water witch.

  "Sort of?" echoed Kalina. "I think there is more to being a water witch than you have shared with me. Days ago you led me to believe that you have some type of magical allure that causes sailors to love you. Is that normal for all water witches?"

  "It is," Haditha answered hesitantly, "but it is not something that I care to talk about."

  "While I am hesitant to pry," offered Kalina, "I would not be telling the truth if I said that I am not curious. I have studied many kinds of magic, but I am not familiar with any passive spells that cause others to love the caster."

  "It is not a spell that needs casting," Haditha declared with a sigh. "At least not directly. Just as you can transform into an eagle, I, too, have another form, but it is one that I have no desire to ever assume again."

  "I hope I am not interrupting," Captain Gomery said as he approached the bow. "I noticed that you have let the fog dissipate. Are we on schedule?"

  "Right on schedule," answered Haditha. "We should dispatch the fairies now so that they can get a good idea of the positions of the Zaran ships. In another four hours, we will be close enough for them to start delivering the coconuts filled with flamorweed."

  "I will tell Squirt to get the fairies moving then," declared the captain.

  "I would like Bitsy to verify that Garth and his people are ready to rescue us if needed," interjected Kalina.

  "I would hope that he is ready," frowned the captain. "You have not told us where we are going after the attack."

  "Each rowboat will have a fairy to guide your men to shore," Kalina replied. "Other than that, I think it is best not to say more at this time."

  "I understand," nodded the captain. "I have worked out the details for abandoning the ship. You will be going in the boat manned by Cirris and Ecaro. The three elves will be with you."

  "What shape is the Remora in?" asked Haditha. "You did have the men check it out after the collision I hope?"

  "Of course," replied the captain. "There is a break in the hull, but not a large one. We could patch it easy enough if we still had any need for the Remora."

  "How far above the surface of the water?" asked the water witch.

  "Half a pace," frowned the captain. "We will be taking on water when we slow down, but it should hold long enough to circle around the fleet."

  "Perhaps," mused the water witch.

  Hearing no further questions, the captain turned and headed for the helm to send the fairies off on their scouting expedition. Kalina glanced questioningly at Haditha.

  "You are worried about the rip in the hull?" she asked.

  "Somewhat," nodded Haditha. "If I am correctly visualizing what you want me to do, we will have to go one and a half times around the fleet. I am assuming that we will want to end up close to land. Is that correct?"

  "That is preferable," nodded Kalina. "We will have a decent distance to row even if we launch the rowboats at the closest approach to land. We certainly don't want to have to row around the entire burning fleet."

  "Might I suggest then that two of the rowboats depart after the first half circle?" asked Haditha. "Getting twelve people and two rowboats off the ship certainly will help with the problem of water flowing into the hull."

  "I would need to hear the reports from the fairies before I would allow our warriors to leave," replied Kalina. "I will not leave just sailors on the ship who can't defend themselves."

  "Then we shall await the report of the fairies," agreed Haditha.

  As tired as Kalina was, she remained at the bow with the water witch. Captain Gomery arrived after a while with water, cheese, and stale bread. Both women had gone without food for hours, and they greedily devoured the captain's offerings. When the fairies returned, they reported that there were few men on the anchored ships. Bitsy also reported that Garth and the others were already on their way towards the coast.

  "Who is set to be in the last rowboat to leave the Remora?" Kalina asked the captain.

  "Tyroma and Loman will be manning the last rowboat," answered Captain Gomery. "Haditha, Warren and myself will be passengers."

  "Can we possibly exchange Warren for one of the Rangers?" asked Kalina. "Haditha has suggested that we let two of the rowboats go ashore after just half a revolution of the fleet. If there is not much of an armed response expected from the Zarans, I am inclined to agree with her, but I do not want the Remora totally defenseless."

  "That is an excellent idea," nodded the captain. "We have far too many people on the ship for what is required of us. The warriors were needed for any confrontation getting here, but it should only take two men to empty the barrels of flamorweed into the water. I will talk to Clint and make the arrangements."

  As the captain left the bow, Haditha turned and smiled at his retreating figure. Kalina smiled broadly but didn't say a thing.

  "Shouldn't you get some sleep, Kalina?" the water witch asked. "You surely must be tired."

  "I am weary," sighed the Knight of Alcea, "but I will remain with you until it is my turn to leave the ship. I can sleep after everyone is secure in the hideout Garth has prepared."

  "Go and rest for a while," urged Haditha. "Gomery can come up and keep me company so I don't nod off."

  Kalina grinned and nodded. "Very well then," she said. "I will send the captain up to see you."

  Kalina found the captain and sent him forward before going downstairs and collapsing on one of the bunks. She fell asleep immediately and didn't wake up for several hours. When she did finally awaken, she heard a lot of movement up on the deck. She hurried up to the deck and saw men moving barrels towards the stern. She heard the sound of flamorweed resin being poured into the sea, and she hurried towards the bow. Haditha was still steering the ship, but she was doing so with only one arm. The other arm was wrapped securely around the captain, and the two of them were talking softly. Kalina didn't want to interrupt, but she knew that she had to.

  "How is the mission going?" she asked as she approached them.

  "Very well," Captain Gomery replied. "Everything is going exceedingly well. The fairies have been delivering coconuts filled with flamorweed resin for over an hour already. The men are also dumping the resin off the stern. I truly did not think we would get this far without a major battle."

  "Our success is due to Haditha," Kalina said. "We would not be here right now without her help."

  "And I couldn't have done it without the fog," smiled the water witch. "Let's save the congratulations until we are done."

  "I will go and see to the preparations for getting the first two rowboats off," stated the captain.

  After the captain had left, Haditha turned to look at Kalina. "Where is this hideout that Garth has prepared for us?" the water witch asked.

  Kalina did not answer immediately, and Haditha continued. "I know this area of the Sea of Tears well enough," she said softly, "and while I have not been here since the Collapse, I have heard that Sirocca has been replaced by a vast desert. There is precious little else this side of Giza. Is the hideout in the desert?"

  Kalina nodded silently, not willing to discuss the actual location of Aranak to anyone.

  "As I suspected," Haditha said sadly. "I cannot accompany the rest of you. While I can survive for a time on land, my body requires water. I would not last more than a few days in a desert."

here is plenty of water stockpiled in the hideout," Kalina replied.

  "It is time for you to go," the water witch responded. "The rowboats are being lowered, and I have to slow the Remora down so that everyone can disembark safely."

  Kalina nodded and started heading aft, but her thoughts were still on the last statements of the water witch. As her brow knitted in confusion, the captain softly called her name for boarding. Cirris and Ecaro sat in the rowboat ready to row to the distant shore. Prince Rigal and the other elves were already onboard and Kalina hurried down the rope ladder and into the rowboat.

  The captain shoved the rowboat to move it away from the Remora, and a second rowboat was lowered into the water. Chanz and Alando scampered over the rail and took their place at the oars. Shawn, Max, Karl, and Warren hurried into the small vessel and the captain pushed it off as well. Clint McFarren stayed onboard the Remora with Tyroma, Loman, Haditha and the captain. Captain Gomery hurried to the bow and told Haditha that the rowboats had been deployed, and she quickly brought the Remora back up to speed.

  Tyroma raced to the stern and began dumping the contents of a barrel of flamorweed resin into the sea. Loman moved quickly to bring the next barrel to the stern, and Clint grabbed an extra quiver of arrows and positioned himself near one of the fire glue holders along the starboard rail. With half the circle complete already, Haditha sped the Remora over the calm waves to complete encirclement before anyone suspected something was amiss. Runt and Mite had accompanied the two rowboats to guide them to shore, and the other four fairies soon finished distributing the coconuts and settled at the bow of the Remora.

  "Our mission is complete," Squirt proudly announced. "The deck of every Zaran ship has been coated with the resin. What shall we do now?"

  "Well done," smiled the captain as he looked at Squirt and Peanut. "We will need one of you to guide the last rowboat, but Bitsy and Button can now return to Garth and Tedi."

  "Why waste their skills?" interrupted Haditha. "There seems to be no problem with their night vision. Why not have them observe the fleet and see if anyone becomes alarmed about us?"

  "They cannot afford to be over the fleet when it ignites," frowned the captain. "The flames would crisp their delicate wings in an eye blink."

  Squirt cringed at the image the captain's words had brought to mind, but she thought Haditha's idea had merit.

  "Perhaps Button, Peanut, and Bitsy can observe from a distance," she suggested.

  The captain nodded in agreement and three of the fairies immediately took to the night sky. Squirt remained perched on the captain's shoulder.

  "We have taken on a bit of water," Haditha commented a while later. "I can feel the sluggishness in the ship."

  "Does it make it hard on you?" the captain asked with concern.

  "No," the water witch replied, "but I am worried about the strain on the keel. I will be glad when we have completed the circle and are free to head for shore."

  Moments later a fireball erupted from the center of the Zaran fleet. A great towering tongue of flame shot skyward and illuminated the whole area. Shouts rippled across the surface of the sea as those on the Zaran ships became instantly alert.

  "Someone was playing with fire," frowned the captain. "This is going to turn nasty right quick."

  "We've been spotted!" shouted Clint. "Move farther away from the fleet."

  Haditha immediately replied to Clint's order, but the Remora was moving so quickly that she could not afford to turn abruptly. Such a violent turn would capsize the ship. Shrill whistles split the night and volleys of arrows soared towards the Remora. Most of the arrows fell far short of the Remora, but the archers on the closest ships were too close for comfort. Arrows smacked into the deck of the Remora, and Clint immediately began targeting the closest archers.

  The Ranger's aim was tried and true, and the Federation archers began to fall, but one of the Zaran arrows struck Loman. Clint could not afford to go to the aid of the seaman, so he shouted for the captain. Captain Gomery raced aft, but Loman was beyond help. The crewman had been shot in the chest and died instantly. Worse, he had dropped a barrel of flamorweed resin, and the volatile liquid was flowing across the deck of the Remora, but that fact failed to register in the captain's mind. What had distracted the captain was the sight of some of the enemy ships beginning to raise their anchors.

  "They are going to break free!" he shouted to Clint. "They are raising anchors! They are going to get away!"

  "Not while I live and breathe," the Ranger growled under his breath.

  Clint grabbed a jar of fire glue and uncapped it. He dipped an arrow into the sticky substance and fired it at the closest ship. The deck of the target ship immediately burst into flames as the fire glue impacted the resin-coated deck. Crewmen on the deck were engulfed in the roaring fire and some of them dove overboard to the safety of the water. Unfortunately for the Zarans, the water was already coated with flamorweed resin, and their bodies were the needed sparks to ignite the entire fleet.

  Clint watched with rapt fascination as flames leaped up hundreds of paces into the sky. Like the burning of a fuse, the fire spread in a circle around the fleet. Individual ships began to burst into flames with explosive force, and the burning pieces of wood and cloth quickly spread to the neighboring ships. The crackling and popping of beams split the air with thunderous roars, and the blazing inferno seemed to suck the very air away from the surface of the sea.

  "We have resin on the deck!" shouted Tyroma. "The flames are following us!"

  Clint snapped out of his trance and glanced towards the stern. The huge wall of flames was lapping at the stern of the Remora.

  "Tell Haditha we need more speed," he shouted to the captain. "Either we outrun the flames or we are going to burn like the Zarans. Tyroma, help me throw the rest of the barrels overboard."

  Captain Gomery raced forward as Tyroma and the Ranger began tossing whole barrels overboard. The barrels were still sealed so they did not ignite immediately, but as soon as the fire ate a hole through the wood, each barrel exploded in a towering blaze of fire. Up in the bow, the water witch was straining to increase the speed of the ship. The Remora rose almost out of the water as it screamed towards shore, but it also vibrated harshly as if it were breaking up.

  "She's not going to last," Haditha warned nervously. "She is coming apart."

  "Do we have any options?" asked the captain.

  Haditha glanced over her shoulder and saw the stern of the Remora on fire. The flames were dancing brightly as they devoured the resin soaked planks of the deck.

  "Not really," the water witch answered. "I am just glad that we let the others get off when they did. I had a premonition that this voyage would end in death."

  "Yet you came anyway," smiled the captain as he stepped closer and kissed the water witch's cheek. "At least we shall go together in a blaze of glory."

  "Ship!" shouted Clint.

  Haditha looked up and saw a burning ship emerge out of the ring of fire. The sails were burning, and the decks were ablaze, but the ghost ship had enough momentum to carry it into the path of the Remora. Haditha had no time to react by changing course. She wrapped her arms tightly around Captain Gomery as the Remora smashed into the burning ship.

  Clint watched the collision as if it happened in slow motion. He saw the bow of the Remora strike the burning ship and then the Remora seemed to just disintegrate. The planks blew apart as if some giant fist in the hold had smashed upward, and he felt his body flying through the air. He felt the shock of the cold water stinging his flesh as his body dove towards the bottom of the sea. He flailed his arms and legs in a desperate attempt to reverse his dive, but it didn't seem to help.

  Eventually, his descent appeared to halt, and his flailing started to propel him upward, but his lungs were bursting with the need for air. He began to feel dizzy and disoriented as he tried to surface, but eventually his head broke the surface of the water. He gasped greedily to fill his lungs before looking around.
The whole world appeared to be burning, and intense heat assaulted his face, but he could not see anything that looked remotely like the Remora. The surface of the water was cluttered with burning debris as far as he could see, and the flames lit up the night as if it were daytime. Turning away from the fire, the Ranger felt his face cool down. Far across the dark sea he could see scores of lights bobbing on the water, and he knew that ships were already on the way to investigate what had happened.

  After searching the area for any sign of his shipmates, Clint started swimming towards shore. He knew that the land was well beyond his reach, but he refused to merely wait around for the Federation ships to show up. After swimming for several minutes, he heard a familiar voice and treaded water as he looked around.

  "I have found the Ranger!" announced Squirt.

  Three other fairies soon hovered over the Ranger's head.

  "Did you find anyone else?" he asked.

  "No one alive," answered Squirt. "There are scores of bodies floating in the water, but only you survived."

  "Can you help me get to shore?" asked the Ranger.

  "None of us can levitate you over a great distance, but we can take turns," answered Squirt.

  * * *

  The sun was rising as Clint McFarren staggered into the cave hidden in the Pyres. Kalina hurried towards him with a blanket and draped it around him. She began to cast a healing spell on the Ranger to warm his body and drain the fatigue out of him.

  "Did any of the others make it?" asked Clint.

  "No," Garth replied. "Runt and Mite have been out looking, but I think we have to accept that the others perished."

  "Bitsy said that Loman was already dead?" asked Kalina.

  "He was," nodded Clint. "He took an arrow just before the whole world blew up on us. What do we do now?"

  "We wait until nightfall," answered Garth. "I already sent the others on ahead, but it is not safe to travel during the day. There is a contingent of soldiers marching towards us from Giza."

  "How large?" asked Clint as the shivers began to leave his body.

  "Over ten thousand," frowned Garth. "I do think we struck a mighty blow to the Federation last night. This will cripple their invasion plans for the foreseeable future."


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