Behind Closed Doors (Bisexual Menage Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Romance Suspense): All Four Books Bundled Value Priced!
Page 7
From the corner of my eye, Ponytail’s head jerks up and her dark eyes stab me with intensity. “You are the new tenant?” There’s an accent there…Polish?
“Yes…I moved in Saturday and you are?”
“Olga. Olga Fernetich, Three B, across from you.” Still, the stern assessing look. Olga slips her hand into the blonde’s and almost drags her out the door, the “Come Karen” just barely audible.
Yeah and nice to meet you too, Ogre. That’s my name for that bitch.
Chapter 12
The buzzing of the intercom phone interrupts my writing the next day. Shit, it’s been going well, writing like my fingers are on fire. I get up and go into the living room to see who it is. It’s probably someone who hit my button by mistake.
I pick up the phone. “Yes?”
“Delivery for Tara Jones.” A deep masculine voice informs me.
Delivery? Oh my God, it’s Blue, the twin, actually it’s more like TRIPLE teaser! “Apartment three-A, I’ll buzz you in.” I hit the buzzer and dash to the bedroom to grab my housecoat., God, my pussy is already getting wet at the thought of christening Blue.
The intercom phone rings again. “Yes?”
“It’s me again. You didn’t unlock the front door. I can’t get in.” He sounds annoyed.
Fuck him, I’M annoyed. I know I pressed the right button to let him in. I press it once more. “Did that work?”
Shit! “I’ll be right down.” I make my way to the door. Maybe the Super should be fixing things in the building instead of cattin’ around with the tenants.
The stairs are cold on my bare feet scurrying down to the front lobby. I lift the hood of the white robe to cover my head as I throw open the door and enter the foyer. A burly man in a brown uniform and coat stands waiting outside the glass door, holding a brown parcel. I open the door, sign and take the box from him, muttering thanks.
My heart is pounding when I reach the third floor and it’s not from the stairs.
FUCK! I forgot my key! Shit. I’ll have to get the Super to let me in. What if he’s not home? I stand silently, about to retrace my steps to the stairwell when a sound, kind of like the crack of a gunshot makes me stop.
There’s a sharp cry and then another banging sound. What the fuck? It’s coming from Ogre’s apartment. What the hell is she doing? I step closer to her door and cock my ear. The cries and bangs continue, a slow rhythm.
“Bad Boy!’ That was her voice.
“Yes, Mistress…punish me.” A man’s voice? I thought she was a lesbian?
Holy God, she’s beating the shit out of him from the sound of it. Why’s he taking it? She looked like she was in good shape but still, a man should be able to take her?
My mouth drops and I smile. THIS is the business she runs from home? A Dominatrix? I’ve read about them but never met one, even at some of the wild parties when modeling.
It’s quiet now. What is she doing to him? A picture of some faceless guy, his head buried between her legs pops into my mind.
The door to the stairwell opens and the Super appears. He’s wearing the knitted hat and green workpants and shirt, I first saw him in. My face is hot and my breath hitches in my throat as he walks towards me.
“Miss Jones, is there a problem?” His head is angled so that when he addresses me the good side of his face shows. He’s actually handsome in a rough sort of way. Not cute or even boy-pretty, not with the shadow of beard and strong jaw line. His dark eye is heavy lidded, slanting upward near the bridge of his nose.
I think I’m having my first taste of a hot flash as I stare once more at the floor. Here’s the guy I heard fucking my neighbor while I listened, fantasizing it was me he was doing. But of course, he wouldn’t know that. I take a breath and answer.
“I locked myself out. The button that opens the downstairs door doesn’t work, by the way. I ran down to get this parcel and forgot my key. I was just about to come down to see you.” My words are cut off, when the guy in Ogre’s apartment starts grunting. It’s not like a pig, oh no, he sounds like he’s fucking Ogre with a vengeance.
Mike and I lock eyes for a moment. He glances at Ogre’s door and the floor between his feet becomes suddenly very interesting to him. “I guess you can tell that Miss Fernetich’s business is a little unconventional. She’s a therapist of sorts.”
“A sex therapist, from the sounds of it.” I look at the door waiting for the guy to orgasm. I’m sure he’ll let us know.
“Here. I’ll let you in your apartment.” Mike steps forward, brushing his arm on mine reaching for the lock.
It’s like a spark thrown into dry kindling, except that I’m anything but dry. He’s like a triangle, broad shoulders narrowing down to an ass, that’s tight and muscular. Even the loose pants can’t disguise the swell and cup of his cheeks.
“OH FUCK ME!” Jesus, the guy in Ogre’s apartment finally came, sharing that info with the world.
Mike’s head swivels and once more we look at each other. The corner of his lip rises and I smile before looking down. Sweet mother of God, I see it--the outline of his cock. He’s aroused by what’s happening in Ogre’s apartment. If he knew what I’ve got in the box, what I’ll be doing in about ten minutes, it’d blow his mind.
He clears his throat, takes a few steps towards the stairwell and stops, still facing away. “If Miss Fernetich and her clients make too much noise and it bothers you, I’ll speak to her.”
“It’s okay.” I step to the door, about to go inside when his voice stops me.
“Can you hear the other apartments? The one upstairs?” His head is angled once more, hiding the disfigurement on his face. It’s hard to tell his expression from just one eye looking out from the edge of the hoodie.
Am I supposed to play dumb, be annoyed by his noise with Claire or calling him for plumbing repairs? I’m not going to make this easy for him.
“Oh yeah, loud and clear...” I look down, hiding a grin before I step inside and close the door. I hear his footsteps trailing away and the thud of the stairwell door.
Chapter 13
Oh my God. Now he knows that I know about him boffing the upstairs tenant. If I bug him to fix the button for the downstairs door, will he read into it? Think that I want the special treatment? Well, fantasy is one thing, reality quite another. I’ve never propositioned a guy—never had to.
If he thinks I like hearing him and Claire make out…that I’m hoping to be next in line…well it’s none of his business. I can do anything I want in the privacy of my apartment. If I get off listening to other people, even picturing myself in their scene, imagining that people are watching me…well, the only one who knows that is me.
Antonio never got that about me…that I even HAD a sex drive. That was part of the problem with him, and look how THAT ended up.
I don’t need to ask Dr. Anderson where the fantasies of submission and being watched come from. It started with the first orgasm at the hands of a man. Sweet sixteen and never been fucked. God, it still gets me hot.
Even though I’m dying to test drive ‘Blue’, I have to wait. I want to hear other people but it’s quiet. Okay, it’ll be a trip down memory lane instead; to that day in the barn.
I walk to the bedroom, place the package on my night stand and lay down on the bed. I can almost smell the fresh mown hay, feel the roughness on my young skin. It might never have happened if the guy who helped Dad with the haying didn’t get sick and Dad had to hire Steve.
Oh God Steve. I can still picture him. He was so much older than me, probably in his mid twenties, with eyes that danced, always a crooked smile on that strong jawed, whiskery face, and he liked to tease me. I’d blush and disappear for a few minutes but always come back for more.
Sunday, June 23rd was the day. I even marked it on the calendar. It was Sunday and Dad and Mom were at a church social for the afternoon. I got out of it, running to the bathroom all morning, pretending to be sick. The haying was almost done an
d Steve would only be around for another few days.
He was leaning against the fence that was attached to the barn, a corral for the mare and stud Dad wanted to breed, watching them. I’d seen this at least a hundred times before but this time it was different. I stood next to Steve, catching a whiff of his aftershave, feeling the heat from his bare muscled chest above the tight jeans.
I’d fussed with my hair, put some makeup on, even some perfume, wearing the jean skirt that Mom said I’d outgrown, bare legs sticking out like a colt’s. I tied the bottom of the plaid blouse in a knot, just like I’d seen in pin-up pictures, leaving most of the buttons un-done. For once, he didn’t tease me. Instead, when he looked at me, his face was serious, eyes wandering to my chest and back to my face.
“You looking for something Tara? Shouldn’t you be in church?” He turned away just as the horse tried to mount the mare.
I remember the neigh of the mare, the flash of the stud’s teeth biting her neck, the long cock pressing into her flank, humping until it disappeared inside her. When Steve put his arm around me and stepped back, pinning me against the rail with his body, his lips close to my ears, I thought for sure he could feel my heart pounding.
“You like watching this?” His breath was hot on my skin, his words whispered.
In front of us the horse clutched the mare’s sides, locking her body, eyes white rimmed, foam at his mouth, rutting his enormous cock into her.
“I’ve never done it…I don’t mean watching, I mean…you know…” I stammered with his pelvis hard as a rock pressed against my ass.
“Don’t you think it’s time?” His lips were on my neck, alternating kisses with sharp love bites. My knees turned to jelly, when he slipped his hand inside my shirt, played with my nipple.
He felt my body respond and led me to the hayloft, whistled when I climbed the ladder, taking his time, enjoying the view of my legs and panties. My body sunk into the fresh hay and I waited, watched him step into the mow and stand above me.
“Take your clothes off. I want to see all of you, not just your legs.” His voice was usually gentle, but this time the words rumbled from his chest, deep, like thunder.
My fingers shook undoing the knot in my blouse and the two buttons but I kept my eyes on his face, saw his gaze lower to my breasts and stay there. His hands were on his belt buckle, loosening it, un-snapping the waist and lowering the zipper.
Oh God, I wanted this. The jean skirt came off fast. My fingers hooked into the waistband of the white cotton panties, lowered them over firm, tanned legs and then off. I lay naked in the warm hay, waiting, watching him push his jeans down, the fine dark hair, a line separating the muscles of his tummy, the thick cock, pressing upward to his navel.
He set his pants aside and reached for my ankles, spreading my legs to kneel between them. It was the first time a man had ever looked at me with open lust, his eyes burning, igniting a desire deep in my body to be taken at last.
When he slid his finger along my cleft, I shivered and shied away.
“Haven’t you ever touched yourself here?” He placed his finger on my clit and stroked the tip.
“Yeah, but you touching me is different, nicer.” I reached for his cock, to feel it, wondering at the size, how would it ever fit inside me? I couldn’t even use a tampon yet.
“No. You’re not ready.” He pulled to the side, his cock now out of reach. “You’re damp but not wet enough. Lay back and I’ll teach you. I could easily fuck you and it would be over pretty quick. I’d come and if you’re lucky it wouldn’t hurt too badly.”
His finger slipped lower, teasing my opening, or what soon would be open, and back up to my clit. Oh my God, the sensation was delicious—I wanted more.
“Would you like me to kiss you there? Taste and lick you?” His eyes and smile showed that he already knew the answer, but he waited.
“Yes.” I arched my pelvis up, towards him.
“Tell me. Be dirty, say the words...what you want me to do with your pussy.”
Oh God, I didn’t know if I could…sure I knew them, had heard and even read books full of them…I ached to be touched. “Lick it. Put your tongue on me…lick, suck, kiss…anything! I need your mouth there.”
“The words, Tara. I don’t want to fuck someone who’s too prissy to say what she wants. Maybe you’re too young and we should just forget it. Save yourself for your wedding night.” He took his hand from my clit, sadness in his eyes before he turned away.
“Lick my pussy…my cunt!” The words poured out of me, desperate for him to continue.
“That’s better.” His fingers were once more on my pussy, but this time he separated my cleft, bent closer and blew softly on my clit.
Oh God, I felt so exposed and dirty wanting his mouth on me. I arched my pelvis upward, lifted my ass, until my cunt mashed into his mouth, fingers pulling his head down. He rewarded me with his tongue, soft at first, just barely touching my clit, becoming firmer, circling it…filling my body with waves of pleasure.
He drew back and shifted his body so that his hips were near my head, lying on his side, one leg bent at the knee. That hard, thick cock of his was only inches from my face, almost purple on the satin mushroom shaped head, veined and angry looking in the long shaft. Oh my God, I’d seen pictures but the size and proximity of this manly weapon took my breath away.
“Suck my cock Tara. Lick the head and underside. Take it in your mouth.” He began a fresh assault on my clit with his tongue, flicking it quickly, driving me wild.
I grasped his cock with both of my hands and leaned closer to kiss it, taste the bead of liquid oozing from the slit. A sweet saltiness was on my tongue that I spread over the head, in short strokes, licking it like an ice cream cone.
When he sucked my clit into his mouth, still flicking the sensitive tip with his tongue, waves of lustful bliss spread through me. I took the head of his cock into my mouth, pressing it with my lips, lost in the sensation flooding through me from his tongue on my clit. My hips rocked into his mouth until finally it was too much and I jerked away from him.
His mouth was off but his fingers still played in my furrow, lower pressing into me.
“Fuck Baby, you’re wet and ready for it. But first, I’m going to teach you how to suck cock.” His voice was deep and there was a smile on his face when he shifted once more, to stand in front of me. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Especially after an orgasm like that.”
My heart thundered in my chest while my legs trembled, but still I wanted more. I rose to my knees and leaned into his groin, my mouth open to take his cock inside.
His hand fisted in my hair, stopping me just short of him.
“Lick it like it’s a lollipop. Start at the base and lick to the head. Use your hands like this.” He held the shaft in his hand, rolling his wrist as he stroked along the length, tightening his fingers at each upstroke.
I grasped his cock, trying to imitate his movements, heard his breath hiss through his teeth and knew I was on the right track.
“Yeah baby…that’s it. Now your mouth.”
I glanced up, saw his eyes hooded in lust, lips slack and stuck my tongue out, rolling it from the nest of coarse hair at the base, along the ridges on the underside to the silky tip and back down, holding the thick shaft, massaging it the way he liked.
“That’s good. Now take it in your mouth, use your lips and tongue and be careful with your teeth.” His hand massaged my head while I opened my mouth for him.
Oh God, the head was big, filling me as I tried to lick him, pursing my lips tight on his cock. Slowly, I lowered, taking him deeper into me, eyes watering until I felt him against the back of my throat. Oh God, I gagged and pulled away.
“That’s okay. Breathe through your nose and relax your throat. Try it again. You were doing well, especially for your first time.” His voice was soft and encouraging.
I wiped the tear that had spilled over onto my cheek and took him into my mouth once more, trying to foc
us on my breathing. It helped because this time when the thick knob grazed the back of my throat, I didn’t gag--deeper onto him until my lips felt the tickle of his pubic hair.
“Oh yeah Tara. You’re a natural at this.” His hands on my head pulled me away from him and then back again. “Jesus Tara, your mouth feels good…almost as good as your cunt is going to feel.”
I rolled my tongue over him as he continued pumping that huge cock into my mouth, slowly at first then quickly with short thrusts. It was decadent sitting in the hay, sucking my first cock, naked and hungry for more. I licked and sucked on him like a woman starved. His hips thrust deep and I heard him gasp, felt warm liquid in my throat…the tremor in his legs, hands knotted tightly in my hair.
“Oh fuck Tara. I tried to hold off but damn girl, you’re good.” He looked down at me through eyes, laughing narrow slits and pushed my head off him.
A dribble of cum was at the corner of my mouth and looking up at him, I licked it off and grinned. “You liked that? I sucked you off good?”
He fell to his knees and took me into his arms, kissed me deeply, his hands roaming slowly over my body. When he broke the kiss, “Yeah, it was good. But we’re not done.”
We lay down, snuggling together, hands caressing and exploring. My fingers curled around his cock, now soft and moist. “It’s hard to believe how big this was, before.” I whispered into his neck, my tongue snaking out to lick his saltiness.
“Keep doing that and it’s going to be hard again. You liked sucking my cock didn’t you?” His hand drifted between my legs, finger sliding through the slipperiness to my yet to be breached opening. He pushed against the flesh until it entered. It stung, but in a good way.
“Usually, I can hold off longer, make the pleasure last all day but fuck, you’re sexy Tara.” He withdrew his finger and sat up, legs splayed on the hay. “Come on, sit on my lap. I want to look at you.”
I rose up and swung my leg over him, resting my ass on his thighs, knees bent and toes scrunching the coarse dried grass. His eyes roamed over my body while his hands lifted to my breasts, rolling the hard little nipples between his thumbs and forefingers. It was like an electrical charge shooting straight to my clit.