Imperial Spain 1469-1716

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Imperial Spain 1469-1716 Page 51

by John H. Elliott

  Olivares, Conde Duque de, Gasper de Guzmán (1587–1645), favourite of Philip IV, 302, 318, 319, 323–49, 379

  Oquendo, Antonio de (1577–1640), admiral, 341

  Oropesa, Count of, Manuel Joaquín Álvarez de Toledo y Portugal (d. 1707), minister of Charles II, 363, 372, 373

  Orry, Jean (1652–1719), minister of Philip V, 375

  Ortega y Gasset, Jose (1883–1955), 386

  Osuna, Duke of, Pedro Tellez Girón (1579–1624), 325, 326

  Ottoman Empire, see Turks

  Oudegherste, Peter van, 328

  Ovando, Nicolás de (1460?-1518), Governor of Hispaniola (1502–9), 70

  Padilla, Juan de (1484)–1521), Comunero leader, 150, 154–5, 158

  Palacios Rubios, Juan López de, jurist, 84


  relations with Spanish Crown, 100–103, 227–31, 247

  taxes levied by papal concession, 103, 201, 286, 336

  Parma, see Margaret of; and Farnese, Alexander

  Patronage, see Art

  Patronato, 101–2, 174

  Paul IV, Pope, 227–8


  in Aragon, 278–9, 282

  in Castile, 117–18, 154, 189–90, 294–5

  in Catalonia, 37–8, 40, 81, 340, 344

  Peñaranda, 3rd Count of, Gaspar de Bracamonte (d. 1676), 362

  Pérez, Antonio (1540–1611),

  secretary of Philip II, 30n., 259, 261, 262, 264–8, 280–82, 329

  Pérez, Gonzalo (1500?–66), secretary of Philip II, 178, 259

  Pérez, Juan, Franciscan, warden of monastery of La Rábida, 60

  Peris, Vincenç (d. 1522), leader of Valencian Germanía, 156, 159

  Peru, 62–6, 74–5, 175–6, 183, 199, 293

  Peter III of Aragon (1276–85), 30

  Philip, Archduke, the Fair, King Philip I of Castile (1504–6), 135, 136–9

  Philip II (1556–98),

  as prince, 165, 208–9

  ideas and methods of king-ship, 170, 249–60, 273–6, 281–4;

  and Court factions, 260–61;

  and affair of Antonio Pérez, 265–7, 280–81

  and heresy, 222, 230–31, 234; and Jesuits, 247, 273

  and Turks, 231–2, 241; revolt of Granada, 238–40

  and Dutch, 232–3, 250–51, 258, 262–4, 268–9, 290

  and England, 264–5, 270, 276, 287–9, 290

  and France, 270, 289–90

  and Portuguese succession, 251, 171–5

  imperialism of, 268–70, 285, 291

  death of, 290, 301

  Philip III (1598–1621), 290, 300–301, 312, 314, 323

  Philip IV (1621–65), 323–4, 331–2, 349–50, 354, 356, 357

  Philip V (1700–46), former Duke of Anjou, 373, 374–7

  Pícaro, 246, 299, 311

  Pizarro, Francisco (1476–1541), conquistador, 63–5

  Plague, 37, 156, 298, 353, 361

  Plateresque, 127, 253

  Ponce de la Fuente, Constantino (d. 1559), canon of Seville, 225

  Poor law, 190

  Population, 24–5

  of Castile, 118, 188, 293–4, 298; of Madrid, 315; of Seville, 186;

  of Catalonia, 37, 337

  of Indies, 185, 292

  Morisco, 278, 307

  Porreño, Baltasar, (1565–1639), writer, 251

  Portocarrero, Cardinal Luis Fernández de (1635–1709), Archbishop of Toledo (1678–1709), 374


  in Middle Ages, 20, 26, 27, 42–3

  population, 25

  overseas expansion and empire, 43, 56–7, 270–71, 321, 325, 355

  trade, 182, 270–71, 355

  origins and character of union with Castile (1580), 266–7, 270–77; government under Spanish Crown, 337–8

  revolt of 1640, 346–7, 354, 356, 357

  Posts, 123

  Potosí mines, 183


  ‘price revolution’, 192–6, 312–13

  17th-century fluctuations, 333–4, 348–9, 356–7, 367, 372

  estimated cost of living, 286

  price-fixing, 118, 189, 334 see also Corn, Currency

  Priego, 1st Marquis of, Pedro de Córdoba (d. 1517), 139, 141

  Printing, 64, 215, 217, 225

  Privados, 301, 324, 350


  in Spain, 212, 225

  international, 227, 233, 277, 287–9 see also Calvinism; Heresy; Lutheranism

  Puebla, Dr Rodrigo de, ambassador to England, 132

  Pulgar, Hernando del (1430?–91), secretary and chronicler of the Catholic kings, 98, 218

  Pyrenees, Treaty of (1659), 355, 357

  Quantity theory, 191

  Quevedo y Villegas, Francisco Gómez de (1580–1645), 320, 385

  Quintana, Pedro de, Aragonese secretary of Ferdinand the Catholic, 143

  Quiroga, Gaspar de (1512–94), Cardinal, Inquisitor-General (1573), Archbishop of Toledo (1577–94), 242, 243, 262, 265

  Ramirez de Prado, Alonso, member of Council of Castile, 317–18

  Reconquista, 26–7, 31–3, 45–76, passim, 187

  Recruiting, in Castile, 119, 240, 294, 339

  in Crown of Aragon, 82, 240, 330, 332 see also Union of Arms

  Religious Orders, 154, 190, 215, 220, 247, 312

  reform of, 103–4, 243, 247, 369–70

  and mysticism, 213, 244

  friars in America, 71–2 see also Jesuits

  Remença peasants, 37–8, 40, 81

  Renaissance, see Humanism

  Requesens y Zúñiga, Luis de (1528–76), Governor-General of the Netherlands, 263, 264

  Ribadeneyra, Pedro de (1527–1611), Jesuit writer, 245, 288

  Ribagorza, Count of, Juan de Aragón (1544–73), 279

  Ribagorza, county of, 278–9

  Ribera, Juan de (1532–1611), Archbishop of Valencia, 306

  Richelieu, Cardinal (1585–1642), 334, 335, 338, 342, 346, 349

  Roads, 123

  Rocroi, battle of (1643), 350

  Rodríguez de Fonseca, Juan (1451–1524), Chaplain to Isabella and Bishop of Burgos, 174

  Rojas, Fernando de (1465?–1541), author of La Celestina, 128

  Ronquillo, Rodrigo (d. 1545), alcalde of Zamora, 158

  Rosellón, county of (Catalan: Rosselló; French: Roussillon), 41, 131, 340, 349, 355, 365

  Ruiz, Simón, (1525–97), banker, 198

  Ruiz de la Mota, Pedro (d.1522), Bishop of Badajoz and Palencia, 151

  Ryswick, Treaty of (1697), 373

  Sahagún, Fray Bernardino de (1500?–90), Franciscan missionary and historian, 72, 383

  St John of God (1485–1550), 243

  St Teresa of Ávila (1515–82), 116, 243, 247, 324, 384

  Salamanca, university of, 129, 191, 242, 246, 251, 316, 384

  Salinas, Francisco de (1514?–90), professor of music at Salamanca, 242

  Salses, siege of (1639–40), 340

  Salt, 291

  Sánchez el Brocense, Francisco (1523–1600), scholar, 242

  Santa Coloma, Count of, Dalmau de Queralt (d. 1640), Viceroy of Catalonia, 340, 343, 345

  Santa Cruz, Alonso de, cosmographer, 383

  Santa Cruz, 1st Marquis of, Álvaro de Bazán (1526–88), admiral, 287–8

  Santángel, Luis de (d. 1498), secretary of Ferdinand the Catholic, 60

  Sardinia, 27, 30, 31, 124

  Sauvage, Jean (d. 1518), Grand Chancellor of Charles V, 146

  Scholasticism, 245, 246, 368, 384

  Schomberg, Marshal, 357

  Science, 297, 342, 367–9, 372, 385

  Sebastian, King of Portugal (1557–78), 266, 270

  Secretaries, royal, 91, 178, 258–9

  Senior, Abraham, treasurer of the Hermandad, 107, 109

  Sentencia de Guadalupe (1486), 81

  Sepúlveda, Juan Ginés de (1490–1573), theologian, 73

  Servicios, 93, 145, 150–51, 202–3, 208, 285–90 see also Taxation


  in Middl
e Ages, 32, 39, 42, 57

  in 16th and 17th centuries, 186–7, 296–7, 309, 361

  and American trade, 79, 182–3, 185–8, 193–5, 231, 269, 291; decline of, 293, 307, 336, 343, 361

  heretical communities, 212, 226n.

  Sheep, 33–4, 119, 120, 188, 202 see also Wool

  Shipbuilding, 56–7, 111, 121, 187, 199

  Shipping, Spanish, 276

  Atlantic, 185–6, 194–5, 343 see also Treasure fleet

  Cantabrian, 33, 42, 121 see also Fleet

  Sicily, 168, 169, 352, 362n., 365 as possession of Crown of Aragon, 27, 30, 31, 131, 134

  Siliceo, Juan Martínez (1486–1557), Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo (1546–57), 221–2, 229

  Silk industry, 122–3, 187, 199, 202, 237, 296

  Silver, 183–6, 191–4, 291, 336, 367

  imports of, 184, 233, 269–70, 286–7, 291, 333; decline of, 322, 343

  Portuguese need of Spanish, 270–71, 273 see also Treasure fleet

  Simancas, 158, 171

  Slavery, 69–71, 73–4, 145

  Solariegos, 68

  Soto, Fray Domingo de (1494–1560), theologian, 190

  ‘Spanish Road’, 326, 341

  Spices, 27, 38, 270

  Spínola, Ambrosio (1571–1630), general, 326, 341

  Subsidies, see Servicios

  Talavera, Hermando de (1428–1507), Archbishop of Granada (1492–1507), 50–52, 103

  Tamarit, Francesc de, Catalan Diputat, 344

  ‘Tanto monta, monta tanto’, device of Catholic kings, 85

  Tasa del trigo, 118, 189, 294

  Tavera, Juan (1472–1545), Cardinal Archbishop of Toledo (1534–45), 68, 208


  in Castile, 34; under Ferdinand and Isabella, 92–3, 119; under Charles V, 145, 147, 150–51, 201–2, 208; under Philip II, 231–2, 237, 285–6; under Philip III, 303–4; under Philip IV, 327–9, 336–7; under Charles II, 356–7, 364

  in Crown of Aragon, 29, 201–2, 283, 303–4, 332–3, 337

  exemptions from, 99, 111, 115, 203–5, 286, 336

  ecclesiastical, see Church see also Alcabala; Servicios

  Tendilla, 2nd Count of, Íñigo López de Mendoza first Captain-General of Granada (1492), 50

  Tendilla, 4th Count of, see Mondéjar, 3rd Marquis

  Theologians, Juntas of, 250–51, 297

  Tithes, 99, 102–3, 118, 201

  Toledo, 147, 154, 158, 221, 296

  Toledo, Archbishop of, 99 see also Carrillo, Alfonso; González de Mendoza, Pedro; Cisneros, Francisco Jiménez de; Croy, Guil-laume de; Fonseca, Alonso; Tavera, Juan; Siliceo, Juan Martínez; Carranza, Bartolomé; Quiroga, Gaspar de

  Toledo, Francisco de (1515–82), Viceroy of Peru (1569–81), 176, 382

  Toledo, García de (1514–78), naval commander, 232

  Toledo, Juan Bautista de (d. 1567), architect, 253

  Tordesillas, Treaty of (1494), 63

  Toro, battle of (1476), 86, 100

  Towns, in Castile, 22, 26, 87, 88, 93–7, 117, 197, 294 see also Comunetos; Cortes

  in Crown of Aragon, 28, 40, 81, 156, 331

  in Indies, 60, 67–8, 174–5 see also under individual towns


  Castilian, 33–4, 120–22, 136, 187, 188, 196–8 see also Netherlands; Wool Catalan, 27, 39, 124, 332

  Portuguese, 182, 270–71, 354–5

  with New World, see Seville see also Merchants

  Trastámara, house of, 18, 19, 271

  Treasure fleet, 185–6, 188, 206, 289, 343

  loss of, 186, 335, 357 see also Silver

  Trent, Council of (1545–63), 224, 225, 238, 243–4

  Tromp, Admiral, 341

  Tunis, 53–5, 169, 241


  Charles V and, 54–5, 163, 168–9, 199 Philip II and, 55, 231–2, 239–40, 241–2 see also Islam; Moriscos

  Uceda, Duke of, Cristóbal Sandoval y Rojas (d. 1624), son of Duke of Lerma, 322, 323, 324

  Union of Arms, 330–33, 337, 340, 341

  United Provinces,

  trade with Spain and colonies, 290–92

  Twelve Years' Truce (1609–21), 290, 304, 321, 325

  war with Spain (1621–48), 341, 342, 350–51 see also Flanders; Netherlands

  Universities, 104, 128, 316, 368–9, 377

  foreign study at prohibited, 227, 234 see also Education

  Urriés, Ugo de, Aragonese secretary of Ferdinand the Catholic, 143

  Utrecht, peace settlement of (1713–14), 375

  Valdés, Alonso de (1490?–1532), humanist, and secretary of Charles V, 217, 259

  Valdés, Hernando de (1483–1568), Inquisitor-General (1547–66), 224, 226, 229, 247

  Valdés, Juan de (1500?–41), brother of Alonso de Valdés, humanist, 162, 217


  in Middle Ages, 26–7, 28, 29, 36, 42

  under Habsburgs, 303, 330, 331, 332, 370;

  Gerinanías, 156–7, 159;

  Moriscos, 305–8

  under Bourbons, 376

  Valenzuela, Fernando de (1636–89), favourite of Mariana of Austria, 365

  Valera, Diego de (1412–87?), chronicler, 86

  Valladolid, 171, 212, 294, 305 see also Cortes

  Valtelline, 325

  Vargas, Alonso de, army commander, 282

  Vasconcellos, Miguel de (d. 1640), secretary in Government of Portugal, 346

  Vázquez, Mateo (1542–91), secretary of Philip II, 250, 266, 275

  Vázquez de Arce, Rodrigo (1529–99), President of Council of Castile, 301

  Vázquez de Molina, Juan, secretary of Charles V and Philip II, 178, 237

  Velázquez, Diego Rodríguez de Silva y (1599–1660), 320, 341, 367, 385–6

  Vélez, 1st Marquis of los, Pedro Fajardo (1477?–154?), 156–7

  Vélcz, 2nd Marquis of los, Luis Fajardo (1508–74), 237, 240

  Vélez, 3rd Marquis of los, Pedro Fajardo y Córdoba (1530?-80), minister of Philip II, 262, 263, 265, 267

  Vélez, 5th Marquis of los, Pedro Fajardo Zúñiga y Requesens (d. 1647), 346, 347

  Vellón, 304, 333–4, 349, 356, 357, 367, 372

  Vergara, Juan de (1493–1557), professor of Greek at Alcalá, 217

  Viceroys, 31, 39, 83, 174–7, 352, 377

  Villafranca, 5th Marquis of, Pedro de Toledo (d. 1627), governor of Milan (1615–18), 325

  Villahermosa, Duke of, Martín de Gurrea y Aragón (1526–81), 279

  Villahermosa, Duke of, Hernando de Gurrea y Aragón (d. 1592), 282

  Villalonga, Count of, see Franqueza, Pedro

  Villanueva, Jerónimo de (d. 1653), Protonotario of Council of Aragon, 335, 344, 350

  Villars, Marquis of, French ambassador in Madrid, 366

  Villaviciosa, battle of (1665), 357

  Villena, 2nd Marquis of, Diego López Pacheco (d. 1529), patron of Illuminists, 213

  Vitoria, Francisco de (1480?–1546), Dominican theologian, 384

  Vives, Juan Luis (1492–1540), humanist, philosopher, 162, 190

  Vizcaya, 121, 188, 303–4, 336

  Wages, 196, 298

  Wales, Prince of (Charles I), 327

  Women, 309


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