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Daddy Wolves: Silver Wolves MC Box Set

Page 13

by Sky Winters

  Rather than commenting on them, she continued to make her way forward. Stopping in front of him to kiss his bare pecs before following the lines that traced wildly across his body. He drew in his breath, enjoying the way her soft lips felt on his tough skin. She was in no hurry as she wound her way about them.

  He leaned his head back, just enjoying what she was doing, getting completely lost in her touch. His cock throbbed against his zipper, eager to get out. She pressed her lithe body against his, rising upward to kiss his lips fiercely. Her hand drifting downward to his belt, unbuckling it and unzipping his jeans to push them downward. They slipped down along his hips, taking his underwear with them so that he was exposed to her, his hard cock springing to life against her stomach.

  “Someone is very excited,” she laughed, reaching down to wrap her head around his girth and stroking him softly as she returned to their kiss. Their tongues tangled lazily against one another as he grew even harder in her hand. Her strokes were quickly pushing him to the edge. It had been so long, and he wanted her so much.

  “I want to fuck you,” he told her, pulling away.

  “Then take what you want,” she said boldly, locking eyes with him as she spoke.

  Grant didn’t wait for further instruction, reaching out to pull her soft cotton dress over her head, but she stopped him. Instead she placed his hands on either side of the bodice and smiled.

  “Rip it off and fuck me.”

  The sound of the thin material shredding in his powerful hands could be heard all along the path to the falls and echoing against the rocks below, as well as the trees along one side. He pushed what was left of it off to either side, revealing her bare breasts and smoothly shaved pussy. Already he could see beads of wetness clinging to her thighs as he moved in to kiss her again while pushing off his boots and the jeans that were now down around his knees. Their naked skin stuck together in the heat of the summer day as they continued to kiss.

  Grant pulled away from her mouth and began raining kisses across her shoulders and along her upper chest before settling in to suckle at each of her protruding nipples. They were sweet pink buds that seemed to beg for his attention. He was only too happy to accommodate, biting them gently as she moaned approvingly.

  His hand drifted downward across her stomach, finding its way to her throbbing pink nub between her legs and massaging it with his fingers. She was wrapped around him now, his head buried in her chest as he continued to suck and bite at her nipples, while she pushed harder against his teasing of her tight pink folds, now dripping with anticipation.

  “Your so deliciously wet. I want to taste you so badly.”

  She stepped away from him and walked over to a nearby rock formation that sat to one side of the path. He watched as she lay across it, spreading herself open to him as she lay at an angle, awaiting his next move. Grant crossed the path and got down on his knees, positioning himself at her center before plunging his tongue inside her as she grasped the sides of the rock and arched her back to meet his exploration.

  He was so hard he felt like he might explode, but he held back, continuing to tease her clit and pussy walls with his tongue, lips and fingers. He watched her face, blissful against the summer sun, as he grew more and more aggressive with his fingers, bending them slightly to massage the inner walls of her pussy until she was bucking wildly against him, eventually seizing with a powerful orgasm that was accompanied by a loud scream of pleasure. He didn’t let up, continuing his torment as she shrieked and begged beneath him.

  “Yes, Grant. Please . . .,” she moaned as he brought her to several more orgasms before finally pulling her hips forward and flipping her onto her stomach.

  He positioned himself behind her and pulled her legs further apart, slowly slipping the heavy head of his thick cock into her center. She let out a loud gasp as he filled her with every inch he had to offer and knotted inside her, pushing in and out as she gasped and pleaded for more.

  “Harder, fuck me. Fuck meeee,” she cried, and he was more than happy to give her what she wanted, slamming into her forcefully until he felt like he might be getting close. He slowed, taking his time to slowly dip in and out of her wetness, teasing her as she begged him to speed up again.

  When he felt he could no longer hold back, he did just that, pushing into her until he hit bottom and she cried out in pain. Still, she didn’t ask him to stop. Grant began slamming into her deeply, grinding his hips forward and around with each stroke until he knew there was no more holding back. Her body shook again with her own release as he shoved into her one last time, filling her with every ounce of his cock as it spilled its load inside.

  They lay there against the rock for a moment before pulling apart. It was only then that Grant discovered they had an audience. He looked up to find Saul and several of the Dire Wolves watching.

  “That looked like a helluva lot of fun, defiling a Silver Wolf bitch. Is it our turn now?” Haskins snarled.

  Elizabeth tried to cover up her nakedness behind him as he blocked their view the best he could. She finally skirted behind the large rock, cowering there as he faced off against their unwanted guests.

  “Touch her and she’ll be the last woman you ever lay hands on,” Grant replied.

  “Is that so? Now, why would that be? I thought you were on our side, so why would you care if we have ourselves a bit of fun with a Lowery? You aren’t getting soft on them over there are you, Grant?” Saul asked.

  “What? No. Of course not. She doesn’t mean shit to me, just a piece of ass. Maybe I just don’t like to share.”

  “Maybe you don’t have a choice.”

  “She came here with me willingly. She wanted me to fuck her. I won’t stand by and allow her to be raped by someone she doesn’t want.”

  He heard Elizabeth gasp behind him and it cut him to the bone, but this was the only way he could protect her.

  “You won’t stand by? You think you are any match for the two of us?”

  “Let’s do it then,” Grant replied, quickly shifting into wolf form and charging them as they shifted. Elizabeth screamed behind them as she ran for her ripped dress and wrapped it around her, quickly darting off into the woods in the direction of the highway and the car, hopefully.

  Grant fought the best he could with them, but they were too much. He was outnumbered, and they were stronger somehow. They didn’t look nearly as powerful in human form, but they were both huge wolves and each blow by one of their claws felt devastating in a way he couldn’t fathom. He suddenly found himself heaved upward, clenched in the substantial jaws of Haskins and then he was falling, falling, falling - down toward the falls as his body sailed over the cliff nearby.

  His last thoughts were of Elizabeth, praying she had made it to the car and gotten out of there before they came for her. What would become of her now? It pained him to know that even if she survived, she would only know what she heard him tell them, not the truth. She would never know that he was falling in love with her.

  He awoke from the dream in a cold sweat, disoriented and with a heavy heart. It was a horrible thought and it had been too close to the truth, but there was something else. A memory that was buried deep and that he couldn’t quite reach. Was it about the Dire Wolves? Elizabeth? Or something about falling maybe?

  Chapter 10

  “What if I came to visit you today?”

  Grant blinked down at the text from Elizabeth and considered it. It was more than he could have hoped for, but was it too soon? He didn’t want to rush anything and frighten her away. Plus, with the heated dream last night, he was deeply concerned about his own self control. Still, if he refused her, she might not ask again.

  “Sure. Do you have the address?”

  “The one on your library card?”

  Grant smiled that she remembered his address from just the quick glance she’d had at it the first time they met at the coffee shop. She had been interested in him from the very beginning or she wouldn’t have given it a second l
ook before handing it back to him.

  “You remember that? :P Yes. That one.”

  “Three. Okay?”

  “Great. See you at three then.”

  He put the phone down and looked around. The cabin looked the part. It was intended to do so, after all. The collection of art here was the reason Saul had asked its owner to allow him to use it for these purposes. While Saul had not wanted the full details of how Grant intended to get into the Silver Wolves, he had helped him with the details that would be necessary to work it out. Grant had taken care of the rest through his own contacts.

  His phone buzzed, and he picked it up to find a message from her.

  “I got freed up early. Are you at home? Okay if I come early?”

  “Yes,” he replied simply.

  By the time she arrived, he felt more than just a hint of excitement and cautioned himself to settle down. It was ridiculous how she made him feel. Surely, he was beyond puppy love. Yes, of course he was. This was nothing more than lust, plain and simple. He kept telling himself that until she arrived at his door and sent him for yet another loop.

  Grant opened the door to find her standing there is a blue wrap around dress that showed off every curve and turned her blue eyes into beacons of desire. Even with her coat pulled over it, he could see how well it fit. Once she stepped in and removed the coat, he could see even more how it seemed molded onto her.

  “You found it okay?”


  “Where is your car?” Grant asked, peering out the door before closing it behind her and taking her coat from her.

  His eyes roamed down the backside of her frame, lingering on her long legs visible beneath the little more than thigh length dress. What had she had in mind coming here dressed like that?

  “A friend from school dropped me off,” she replied.

  “School?” he asked.

  “Yes. I started art classes today. I’m supposed to be in one right now.”

  “You are blowing off your first day of class?”

  “No. The professor blew it off. We went in and he had just left a student teacher with a syllabus and a list of supplies to buy. We each were given one and sent back out until next week.”

  “I’m surprised you were allowed out without your bodyguards,” he told her, which was the truth for a change.

  “I know. It was a hard fight, but I insisted that I be allowed to go to school like a normal human being.”

  “I’m sure your mother didn’t like the idea.”

  “She didn’t, but she wasn’t as livid about it as my father. He is hopelessly overprotective.”

  “I can’t blame him. Especially when you leave the house looking like that. I mean, wow!”

  “You like it then?”

  “It’s perfect on you, right down to the color. It isn’t a bit much for a first day of art class?”

  “Probably, but I also had my student ID made and wanted to look nice for that.”

  “I’d say that you were successful. Extremely successful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. But hey, look at me with you just standing here at the front door. Come on in and have a seat. I’m guessing I don’t have much time with you before you have to run off again.”

  “You guess right. You must think I’m such a kid with my parents keeping such a tight leash on me.”

  “I don’t think you are a kid at all, Elizabeth. You’re a beautiful young woman.”

  “I don’t feel that way. I feel like a kid being driven to school and picked up, always surrounded by big, burly guys that act as if I’m still twelve.”

  “I thought a friend dropped you off from school?”

  “She did, but Mom took me to school and will be there when she thinks classes are out to pick me up. I just got a girl in my class to drop me here on her way home. I’ll just jump a taxi back in a bit.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’ll take you back when you are ready to go.”

  They had slowly migrated to the sofa, where she had a seat on one end. Grant offered her something to drink and fetched her the bottle of water she asked for, along with one for himself.

  “You have some lovely art in the house,” she remarked, taking a sip from the blue glass container.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. You came here to see art. My bad. Come on and I’ll take you on a quick tour.”

  Elizabeth followed him around the house as he gave her the background on each painting on the wall. He had been given the information to study when he had taken over the cabin and made sure he seemed well familiar with each one and the painter that created it. It seemed to be working, as Elizabeth marveled at each piece appreciatively.

  “Impressive. I don’t know much of anything about art beyond how to create it myself. I’ve a lot to learn. My mother, she knows a lot. She would love this stuff. It’s a shame I can’t even tell her about it.”

  “Why can’t you?” he asked.

  Grant knew the answer, but it would be odd if he never questioned why her parents were so overprotective. It only made good sense for him to at least ask, even if she declined to answer. To his surprise, she didn’t. It only showed that he really was gaining her trust and that was a good thing.

  “My father is the VP of the Silver Wolves. Not too long ago, we were attacked by another bike club, the Dire Wolves. So, now no one goes anywhere alone. If my father would have had his way, one of those no neck dudes from the coffee shop would have sat on either side of me during my classes,” she laughed.

  “Attacked? You mean like all of you? Physically?”

  “Yeah, exactly. I can’t say too much, but we knew they were coming. We weren’t sure when, but we had been preparing. Ya know? Anyway, they attacked our clubhouse and we barely got out.”

  “That’s crazy. Was anyone seriously hurt?”

  She hesitated. Grant knew she would draw the line at telling him about the ones that were killed, but he had to ask her just what anyone would. He waited for her answer.

  “I got a bit of a scratch down my arm. Didn’t even need stitches though, just bled a bit.”

  “That’s pretty wild. I’m glad it wasn’t worse for you.”

  Grant remembered her creeping back into the house. This was his chance to offer up the information that would do him in later if her father was the first to tell her. Hopefully, she wouldn’t be put off by it, but it would seem odd for him not to have said something when she found out the truth about him and she would have to at some point, hopefully soon.

  “Yeah,” she said, taking a sip of her water and looking away for a moment.

  “Elizabeth, I have to tell you something. It might make things easier for you to open up to me.”

  She looked back at him, her eyebrows pushed together as if to ask him a question without any words. He continued before she said anything further.

  “I know about the Silver Wolves and the Dire Wolves. I’ve met your father before.”

  “What? What do you mean?” she asked, obviously still not sure if he was telling her he knew they were shifters.

  “When I came here from back east, I tried to join the Silver Wolves.”

  Her eyebrows unscrewed and shot up in surprise. She looked as if she wasn’t sure if she should remain still or bolt up and run. He reached for her hand, slowly, as if she were a timid animal that might be spooked by any sudden movements. He could feel her pulse speed up. Was it out of fear or excitement created by his touch?

  “Your father turned me down.”

  “If you didn’t join the Silver Wolves, then you joined the . . .,” her voice trailed off.

  “No. No, I didn’t. I knew all about both clubs when I came here, and I wanted nothing to do with the Dire Wolves. They are bad news.”

  “So, you have no pack? You’re a lone wolf? Are you afraid?”

  “Afraid? Hardly. I’m an alpha wolf who lost his pack, but it makes me no less a warrior than I’ve ever been.”

  “I didn’t mean to imp
ly that you were somehow weak, but even with us, there are so many of them and so few of us.”

  “I know. That is why I wanted to join you rather than them. I guess I’m a sucker for an underdog.”

  “I see.”

  Grant could see that she was bothered by the news, but she wasn’t going to make a big deal out of it while she was stranded here alone with him in his cabin.

  “Perhaps I shouldn’t have told you or maybe I should have told you from the beginning. I’m no threat to you or your pack,” he lied.

  “I just don’t know what to think. You don’t seem like you mean any harm, but Aspen would have a fit if he knew I was talking to a shifter outside our pack, Dire Wolf or not.”

  “Well, I’ll leave it up to you if you want to tell him. There is no reason though that you and I can’t be friends. At least, not for me. It’s nice to be able to talk to someone, honestly. That’s the only thing about being a lone wolf. It doesn’t give you a very large support network.”

  “What happened to your pack?”

  “That is a much longer story than I think you have time for today, but let’s just say they were in a similar situation as your pack. Our numbers were greatly reduced by a disease and someone picked off the last of the ones that remained while they were weak. I barely got away to heal from the injuries.”


  “Yes. I have quite a few scars.”

  “I guess we both have scars then. I have a few myself.”

  “From the Dire Wolves attack? Thought it was just the one?”

  “From them, yes. The others are, well, from before.” A barely audible alarm went off on her phone and she silenced it before looking back at him again. “I’ve got to get going. Do you really not mind driving me?”

  “Not at all. I’ll get the keys to the car. No way are you hopping on the back of the bike in that dress.”

  “Thanks,” she replied, standing and smoothing down her dress as she let go of his hand. He had hardly realized it was still holding on to hers.


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